Evolution from scratch with added points

Chapter 213 0212 Market Bully


"Actually, the attributes have exploded?"

Chen Jue didn't have time to observe the intensive screen prompts on the panel, because at this time, he had just landed on the beach and was wearing underpants.

Being blown by the river wind at night, my whole body shivered violently.

But what Chen Jue didn't expect was that he could feel an icy chill when he first landed.

When I subconsciously used Ming Jin and Dan Jin to stimulate goosebumps all over my body, most of the biting chill was gone.

At this moment, it was like his skin was covered with a layer of transparent tights that locked in the loss of heat!

In addition, the heat production function in his body was fully activated, and a stream of heat spurted out from his breath. Chen Jue could clearly feel that his body temperature had increased sharply by the riverside in the dark night.

You must know that humans are endothermic animals, and the normal body temperature of ordinary humans is generally maintained between 36 and 37°C.

Even the rectal and ear temperatures, which have relatively high temperatures, can only be maintained at 37.7°C at most when there is no fever or fever.

But now, Chen Jue could clearly feel that the hot breath in his mouth and nose definitely exceeded 40℃!

The feeling of accelerating heat production allowed him to resist the near-zero temperature at night even without the need for cold protection and insulation from clothing.

"It's amazing!"

“Evolution from warm-blooded animals to actively controlled ectotherm?”

"Then I won't be able to freely adjust my body temperature and the generation and dissipation of heat in my body in the future?" Chen Jue was a little surprised.

He had just started this new physical change, and he hadn't figured out the trick yet.

Now that the majestic heat in his body has not dissipated and his physical strength is still retained, Chen Jue hurriedly climbed up the steep rock wall to the shore.

Then he stepped on the old iron rope with his bare feet and borrowed the [Walk Rope] skill to stride to the bus shelter.

First, I wiped my body with the handkerchief prepared in the car to remove the water stains, and then put on clothes to prevent excessive heat loss and hypothermia.

Because the water on the body surface will quickly take away the heat in the body when it evaporates, which is why the swimming team members will not feel cold in the water, but will feel the body is cold only after getting out of the water.

Taking advantage of the temporary BUFF attribute on the panel that had not faded yet, Chen Jue arrived on the other side of the river again and relied on a hemp rope wooden hook and a winch on the other side to pull up the steel cable on the rocky beach and fix it.

When the winch reached its limit and the steel cable fell to the river surface and was perfectly parallel to the old cable, Chen Jue tried to walk a few more times on the new steel cable.

After confirming that there was no problem with Xinsuo, he breathed a sigh of relief: "Finally done!"

This nearly half-hour of intensive work really took a lot of effort from him.

Before entering the dormitory of Yunzhai Township School, Chen Jue unexpectedly felt a little tired. His muscles were sore and his steps were a little sloppy.

You know, with his current physical reserves, he never felt tired even when he climbed the Hangzhou Gate Building before.

One can imagine the cost of fighting nature!

It feels great, but the physical exertion is several times that of daily training.

As soon as he stepped into the dormitory, Chen Jue felt that the tension he had been clenching his teeth to hold on suddenly relaxed.

As soon as he released this breath, the closed pores all over his body also relaxed, and the heat in his body leaked out crazily along with the sweat stains. As soon as he took off his coat, visible white steam rose from his whole body.

"Brother Jue! You're so hot!" Wu Fang was also surprised when she saw this, thinking that Chen Jue caught a cold and had a fever due to the cold wind outside.

If you get even slightly closer, you can feel an amazing heat coming to your face, like a roasting fire.

"I'm fine, it's just that exercise consumes a lot of energy."

Chen Jue waved his hand and briefly explained how he had set up the new steel cable.

Then Wu Fang was asked to quickly boil some boiled water and take out a box of electrolyte granules brought from Hangzhou to brew it.

After drinking a large can of electrolyte water and eating a few high-calorie Snickers bars to replenish his body, Chen Jue felt a little better.

The panel also popped up a prompt at this time:



[When you complete a large-scale exercise that exceeds your limits in a special environment, your digestion and absorption function will be slightly enhanced during the high-load operation of nutrients, water transport, and energy metabolism. 】

[Physique attribute +0.01]



[Friendly reminder: Your body is in a state of high fatigue and your body functions have declined. Please rest and adjust appropriately. 】

[Temporary attribute-0.30]


As several prompts flashed by and the temporary enhanced status BUFF faded away, Chen Jue felt unusually mentally exhausted.

How to describe this feeling?

Anyway, compared to the time I went to the ski resort with Teacher Wu, I felt tired after not leaving the villa door for several days, as if my body had been completely hollowed out.

In Chen Jue's view, although the body's lost water and metabolic energy are slightly replenished by eating and drinking water, the human body is not a machine made of metal after all, nor is it a cold value like a panel. It is impossible to maintain high intensity all the time. In operation.

So after taking a short rest, Chen Jue went to the bathroom and took a hot shower to get rid of the chill brought by the cold river water.

After going to bed and saying good night to Wu Fang, she immediately fell asleep.

After a silent night, I woke up the next day and the negative BUFF of [High Fatigue] on the panel had been reduced to [Mild Fatigue].

Thanks to high-quality sleep, most of the greatly attenuated three-dimensional attributes have been corrected.

Chen Jue had previously experienced a similar negative state when he was exercising at Jiangda University. At that time, he relied on Tianyu's masseur to stretch and shave his fascia, and it took him a few days to fully recover.

Now that the [Physique] attribute has increased, Chen Jue's recovery ability has also been greatly enhanced compared to before.

Even if you don't have a professional massage, you can calm down within a few days by relying on your own adjustments.

However, because the fighting wave was too fierce last night, Chen Jue didn't try to practice any [rope walking] and [Longmen Iron Skill] this morning.

Instead, I took advantage of the rising sun to get an eye and ear massage in the school playground.

Afterwards, we ate some hot rice noodles and bait together with the construction workers at work.

After learning that the new steel cable across the river had been built, village chief Hou Linzhong came to express his gratitude.

Because the old iron rope has been built for many years, it has been rusted and cracked in many places over time. If it is not replaced, it will easily cause safety hazards.

Fortunately, now, with the new steel cable, the villagers in Yunzhai will no longer be as worried as before when they cross the river.

The only thing that puzzled Hou Linzhong was that no one saw the new steel cable when it was installed yesterday.

It's as if it suddenly grew out of the ground overnight!

After all, it is related to the travel safety of the Yunzhai villagers. In the past, when encountering such large projects involving crossing the river, the young and old men in the village would definitely go to the riverside to watch.

For example, during the construction of electric wire towers and mobile base stations, almost people from the whole township came to the riverside to watch.

However, the appearance of this new steel cable was a little too quiet. No one saw its shadow all day yesterday.

It wasn't until early this morning when some villagers went to the river to sell some local products in the county town that they suddenly discovered a new iron rope sprouting next to it.

So this villager took a photo and posted the news to the WeChat groups of each village, and several villages exploded!

After asking around, I found out that it was the pair of new support teachers from the rural school who had been arranged to work together again.

So in addition to the head of Yunzhai Village, village cadres from several nearby villages came to thank him, and some village elders who were agile and had some prestige in the village also came to visit.

They were either carrying some cured pork ribs, pickled ham, or some freshly picked vegetables and fruits from the field. Even if it didn't work, they would scatter some cigarette seeds for Chen Jue. In short, no one came empty-handed.

If Chen Jue's panel had the attribute "Reputation", after such a wave of operations, his popularity in Yunzhai Township would have reached the highest level of "Admiration".

He carelessly accepted the villagers' thanks and received a bunch of specialty gifts.

When the sun rose, Chen Jue took Wu Fang and the three primary school students who stood out in the preliminary examination to cross the river.

The township school has been busy with renovations these days. The students studied in temporary tents and did a small test at the same time.

After learning that the top three students in the exam could go to the county fair with Teacher Fangfang, the students were extremely active and prepared for several days.

When the final results came out, two little boys named Xiaohai and Mouse and a fifth-grade girl named Luo Feifei had the best results.

"Teacher Fangfang, I brought 10 yuan!"

"I want to treat you and Teacher Chen Jue to eat marshmallows!"

"I also brought money, grandma gave me 50 yuan..." Three students sat in the back row and chattered non-stop.

Children at this age are the most lively and active. After getting their quota for the fair, the three of them were so excited that they didn't sleep well all night.

Just like the elementary school students in the city who were extremely excited when they learned that they were going to have a spring outing the next day.

In addition to these three people, there are many elderly people and children waiting for the arrival of local buses at the bus shelter on the other side of the river.

In a remote mountainous area like Gong County, catching a big market is extremely important.

Farmers have to buy seedlings, seeds, and pesticides, while children follow their elders to play and gain knowledge.

There are also some home-grown local products that are sold in the market, which is also the only income for many elderly villagers throughout the year.

As for the two naughty boys Xiaohai and Mouse, they even shouted loudly to greet their classmates before following the teacher into the luxury car.

That kind of arrogant energy really made Chen Jue and Wu Fang laugh.

"These two villains are so disgusting, they actually tricked you!"

Chen Jue shook his head and chuckled, stepped on the accelerator and officially set off.

On the contrary, the older Luo Feifei sat in the back seat and kept quiet throughout the whole process, and was much more sensible than the other two.

Wu Fang also liked this little girl with big eyes, because she was the only one who got full marks in this test. So on the way, I even took a piece of chocolate from the armrest box to reward the other party.

The black SUV ran in the mountainous area for more than half an hour and finally arrived at Cikai Town in Gong County.

This is the most populous town in the county, with more than 20 ethnic minorities such as Dulong, Nu, Lisu, and Yi living together.

As soon as Chen Juegang parked the car, he saw rows of large red festive tents on an open flat land outside the town. Mobile vendors and mountain villagers who came to the market could be seen everywhere.

The only thing that somewhat spoiled the atmosphere was the shabby DJ loudspeakers and the hawking sounds from the electronic loudspeakers.

However, most rural markets have this kind of atmosphere. Although they are a bit rustic, they are extremely convenient and practical.

As soon as the sound was heard, people from all over the country gathered in a crowd.

Clothes, shoes, kitchen knives, iron pots, cockroach poison, rat poison, etc. were sold, as well as some street snacks that Chen Jue had never seen before.

Wu Fang was not in a hurry to take the students in for a stroll. Instead, she made a phone call before getting off the bus and contacted several supporting teachers who were traveling with her.

This time, more than a dozen people were sent from Hangzhou to Gong County to help. Wu Fang met a few friends who they chatted with during the training. After teaching on weekdays, they would communicate in private to exchange their experience of providing assistance.

So taking advantage of this big gathering, several volunteer teachers proposed to meet up in the communication group.

After waiting for a few minutes, we met at the entrance of the town.

The two female teachers who had a good chat with Wu Fang, one named Jiang Liyan and the other named Cao Zhi, were both young and beautiful in their 20s.

Although they had gone through a lot of hardships when they came to teach, they had not yet fully integrated into the high-altitude life in Gong County. Therefore, the skin color of the three girls appeared to be fairer. Putting them together for a stop at the market was indeed eye-catching.

In addition, there was a male teacher accompanying him named Gu Yixian, who was also a young man in his twenties.

"Fangfang, is this your boyfriend?"

"So handsome!"

As soon as they met, they introduced themselves.

After learning that Chen Jue was actually Wu Fang's boyfriend, Jiang Liyan and Cao Zhi instantly became obsessed with gossip.

In the eyes of young female teachers like them, being able to travel thousands of miles with their girlfriends to teach in the countryside is definitely the most romantic thing in their careers.

Only the male teacher named Gu Yixian had a strange look in his eyes when he saw Chen Jue's tall, handsome and sunny appearance.

Because during the intensive training in Hangzhou, Gu Yixian was very attracted to Wu Fang, who had an outstanding appearance and figure.

Even when allocating assistance areas, he even put some thought into assigning himself and Wu Fang to the same township at the same time for teaching.

The purpose is to be able to walk around more in private during leisure time and promote feelings.

The idea is that those who are closer to the water will get the moon first!

After all, a young girl in her twenties comes to work in an unfamiliar place like the mountainous area of ​​Gong County, and it is easy for her to develop romantic relationships with strangers of the opposite sex at work.

I just didn't expect that this teacher Wu Fang, who was the most popular among the entire teaching team for her good looks and figure, would suddenly show up with a tall and handsome boyfriend. There was no news about this before.

So after Gu Yixian saw Chen Jue appear, his mentality immediately became unbearable.

However, in front of everyone, Gu Yixian acted very politely.

After saying hello to Chen Jue and getting acquainted with him, he joined the group visiting the store, intending to take this opportunity to get to know this "love rival" who suddenly appeared.

Several supporting teachers and their outstanding students lined up and squeezed into the crowd going to the market.

We were talking and laughing on the way, talking about our experiences in mountains and villages and the situation of local schools. During this period, they also spent their own money to treat the students to eat at roadside stalls and buy some small toys.

The students had a great time, and the three female teachers also bought some small accessories from ethnic minorities along the way and kept taking photos to enhance their relationship, just like going shopping with besties.

After visiting most of the market, the students were either holding candied haws of apples or colorful marshmallows and grilled sausages.

Elementary school students basically have no resistance to these roadside snacks. No matter how much pocket money they have in their pockets, they have to hand it over when encountering such a situation.

Chen Jue was not empty-handed as he walked along the way. He picked out a few handicrafts and woven fabrics made from horns at the stalls of several ethnic minority elders, intending to take them back and put them in the new villa to make ornaments or pendants.

As the team slowly moved forward, when they reached the end of the market, they saw several vendors setting up display boards for balloons and playing ring games everywhere.

As soon as the students saw these mini-games in the market, they immediately couldn’t walk!

While clamoring to play, he took out the crumpled pocket money in his pocket and asked the boss to buy a ring.

10 yuan for 5 plastic rings is very affordable, and the gameplay is also very simple. Just stand behind a marked line and throw it away. As long as the toys and ornaments on the ground are caught in the set, you can take it away immediately.

Almost every morning market has similar stall-setting games.

In recent years, new ways of playing online have evolved and iterated. The more exciting ones include prizes such as roping goose and sheep.

The big market here in Gongxian County doesn't have a big goose set, and the floor is full of exquisite small porcelain and toy racing cars.

A group of students gathered around and lassoed several times, but none of them hit the mark.

Because the plastic ferrule bounces back hard after landing.

In addition to good luck, if the plastic ring accidentally bounces onto another ornament after landing, there is a chance to catch one.

"Students, this loop is very difficult."

"Would you like to play balloon play next door?"

"You, Mr. Gu, studied abroad before and practiced shooting. You can ask him to help you win some toys back." Jiang Liyan hurriedly suggested when she saw this.

They all come from a volunteer teaching training class, and everyone has a thorough knowledge of their resumes.

After seeing that the boss had set up obstacles in the ring game, the two teachers suggested playing something else.

After all, if you continue to play, you will be giving money to the boss, so why not change to a small game that you can win.

Gu Yixian was in high spirits after hearing this. He started from the end of the mall as a light bulb and walked all the way to the end. This time he finally had a chance to show off!

Unexpectedly, he had just picked up the plastic toy gun at the next stall and tried it out, and was planning to show off his marksmanship in front of Teacher Wu Fang, whom he admired.

The children's enthusiastic applause and cheers erupted from the ring trapping stall nearby.

I saw Chen Jue holding a handful of green plastic circles in his hand. With a slight shake of his hand, the green circles rotated in the air and hit one of the panda-shaped porcelain dolls with an extremely clever placement.

Before it was over after hitting one, it flew out in another circle and hung on the big robot at the far end.

I bought five circles for 10 yuan, and if I scattered them all, none of them would be empty.

This scene not only made Gu Yixian dumbfounded, but also the students Xiaohai, Shushu, Luo Feifei and others who came with him were extremely excited and completely exploded next to the trap stall.

"Teacher Chen is so amazing!"

"Teacher, help me put on that cartoon doll!"

"Teacher, I want that Ultraman Tiga!"


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