Evolution from scratch with added points

Chapter 228 0227 Lift your skull!

There is an old saying: If you are not afraid of thieves, you are afraid of being missed by thieves.

After learning from the two Ma Zai that the physical images of himself and Wu Fang had been passed on to drug gangs, Chen Jue now had some concerns and worries even if he believed in the security situation in China.

After all, Yunzhai is located in a remote area, unlike big cities where there are sky eyes, police stations, and police booths everywhere. The nearest town is more than 20 minutes away on a mountain road.

If something really happened, it would be the kind that would cause Tiantian to be ineffective and the earth to be incompetent.

Therefore, in order to ensure the safety of himself and his girlfriend, Chen Jue got excited and planned to take a risk and go out of the country to deal with this group of people directly from the source.

"The bandits can go, and I can go too."

Chanting the eternal sayings of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty Liu Che, Chen Jue returned to his hometown school first.

Wu Fang was currently busy grading homework and revising courseware in the temporary tent, while chatting with Principal Chu over the brazier.

"Fangfang! I'm going out later, and I'll probably be back later." Chen Jue poked his head into the tent to inform him, and then hurried back to the dormitory with brisk steps.

"Brother Jue, you have to pay attention to your safety!" Wu Fang shouted like a virtuous wife.

I haven't seen Chen Jue's shadow since dinner, so I thought he had gone for a walk to eat, so I didn't ask any more questions.

After all, they had been living together for a while, and Wu Fang was quite familiar with her boyfriend's lifestyle.

In Wu Fang's eyes, Chen Jue is a sports enthusiast, a martial arts enthusiast, and a super otaku.

Whenever I have free time, I am exercising and practicing, and occasionally I will go online to listen to online classes to learn and progress.

Unlike those men on the Internet who hold their mobile phones to watch videos, play games, chat with pretty girls, and moan and complain about life all day long.

With such a boyfriend by her side, Wu Fang felt at ease. She never guessed that her boyfriend was going to go out and do something big that night.

Back in the dormitory, Chen Jue began to make preparations.

First, he took out his rarely used secondary phone from his bag.

I bought this phone mainly for punching in and taking attendance at work. I kept it at the company and asked my apprentice to click on it to avoid being deducted for being late.

Occasionally, when Chen Jue has nothing to do, he will download a bunch of messy software to find license plates and read teachers.

After dating my girlfriend, I no longer use these license plate apps, but I have kept them and haven’t deleted them.

I swiped back and forth several times like some circumvention software, but I didn’t expect that it would come in handy right now!

Clicking on an unlimited traffic membership with a 168 charge, Chen Jue went outside and downloaded Google Navigation.

If you want to go out to find someone, you must have offline navigation.

After leaving the country, domestic phone cards will lose signal.

Although domestic navigation software also has offline world maps, they are generally aimed at popular tourist attractions and cannot accurately reach the countryside of the Emerald Country.

I spent some time downloading Google Navigation and searched for the village "Kaili". I found that it was 23 kilometers away from Yunzhai in a straight line.

“It’s not enough to ask Baidu about internal matters, and it’s not enough to ask Google about foreign matters.”

"Nothing wrong!"

Chen Jue grinned. This was taught by a teacher when he was in college.

After fixing the navigation, Chen Jue put on his sportswear, got on the bow and arrow, packed a satchel, and put a bottle of nitrogen pump, Red Bull, and a few Snickers bars in the bag for emergencies.

After going downstairs, I saw that there was still chatter in the tent. It was estimated that my girlfriend and Principal Chu would be busy until after 9 o'clock before returning to the room to rest.

Chen Jue quietly walked to the backyard of the school and picked up the heavy drone.

Then he stepped vigorously, kicked his legs and hooked the wall with one hand, and quickly climbed out of the 3-meter-high backyard fence.

After that, we walked all the way on the mountain road in Yunzhai Village. I had jogged with a 50 kilogram load in Jiang University before, so it was no longer a problem to carry a drone weighing dozens of kilograms.

When I got to the open flat land at the back of the mountain, I looked at the lights of the school playground and visually checked that the distance was at least 1 kilometer away.

"You should be able to hear no more noise!"

Chen Jue muttered before starting the drone.

Taking advantage of the night, hanging under the drone, using his night vision ability to identify the direction, he controlled the remote control with one hand and flew all the way to the border line at high speed.

Above the head is a bright moon with clouds and mist, and below are mountains and dense forests without any lights or people.

Flying at such a high altitude, Chen Jue felt excited.

The only shortcoming was that it was windy at high altitudes, and the temperature had not yet warmed up in early spring. The cold wind made Chen Jue shiver.

Fortunately, the ability to actively control body temperature has been initially stimulated before. As soon as the pores are closed subconsciously to trap the heat, the body begins to feel slightly hot to dissipate the chill.

I just didn’t expect that after flying for a while, a prompt popped up on the panel:



[Stimulated by the low-temperature environment, the blood circulation in your body accelerates, the body's heat-generating function is operating efficiently, and the cold resistance is improved. 】

[Physique attribute +0.01]


"Cold tolerance?"

"I had similar low temperature stimulation when I went on a night trip to the Dulong River before."

"It seems that if you want to brush attributes efficiently, you have to start with environmental factors." Chen Jue thought to himself, temporarily closing the panel and planning to go back and study it carefully.

Driven by the heavy drone, Chen Jue's flying speed reached 50 kilometers per hour.

The border line is more than ten kilometers away, and it took him seven or eight minutes to get there.

Without the assistance of a drone, it would take an hour to hike through the inaccessible forest below.

Of course, drones are not omnipotent.

Domestic drones produced by regular manufacturers like this have a limited range and cannot fly across the border illegally. Once they touch the border, they will automatically trigger an alarm and return.

Seeing this, Chen Jue had no choice but to find a slightly open and flat grassland in the forest below and rappel down.

He stopped the drone first, and then put the remote control into his bag.

I took out a pack of Snickers and took a few bites to replenish the heat lost while flying in the sky, and then started exploring along the due west direction.

Since there were no magic tools like a hatchet or an engineering shovel, Chen Jue used his hands to pick out any weeds or branches he encountered.

The Perfect Level [Dragon Iron Sand Palm] came in handy at this time.

It doesn't matter if the tough skin of your hands encounters those sharp thatches and thorny thorns, just push them away.

After walking more than a hundred meters, Chen Jue found an old cement boundary marker in a pile of weeds, painted with red letters on a white background.

"China, 1960."

"Good guy! It's been more than sixty years." Chen Jue read the numbers above.

The border between China and the Emerald Kingdom is 2,186 kilometers long. Except for a few customs clearance ports where barbed wire fences and personnel are stationed, most of the other places use boundary markers like this to locate and demarcate the border.

When Chen Jue saw this, he immediately took out his mobile phone and took a photo of the boundary monument, which was a small souvenir.

After taking the commemorative photos, I jumped over the boundary marker and stepped into the Emerald Kingdom.

"I am now traveling abroad!"

"It's not easy!" Chen Jue sighed in his heart.

He was originally a miserable white-collar worker with few steel coins in his pocket. He was almost 30 years old and had never even obtained a passport to go abroad.

I didn't expect that after activating the panel, I would have the opportunity to travel abroad at the drop of a hat.

Even though he was traveling illegally and was a complete illegal transit agent, it was still better than sitting in an office in confusion before!

After crossing the border, Chen Jue could only rely on offline navigation to determine his location because his mobile phone had no communication service.

I used Google Navigation to locate my destination and found that the remaining 8 kilometers were all mountains and forests like before, with no open and flat land at all.

Fortunately, it is still early spring, and many wild animals have not yet awakened from hibernation. When entering the mountains and forests or passing through the grasslands, I did not encounter any venomous snakes or beasts. I heard the sound of birds chirping and flapping their wings overhead, and there were not many mosquitoes.

Relying on his night vision and offline navigation, Chen Jue finally arrived at the outskirts of Kaili Village after spending more than 20 minutes walking through mountains and forests.

"This place is so backward! There isn't even a decent concrete road."

"The hardware aspect is indeed not as good as in China."

Chen Jue stood on a low slope and looked around at the environment of Kaili Village.

There are only dozens of households in the entire village. There is a solid red mud road leading into the village. Although there are electric wires, there are not many households in the village with lights on.

The navigation shows that this place is already in Kachin State, one of the seven federal districts in the northern part of the Emerald Kingdom. However, it is located in a remote area. The nearest town, Gawang, is at least fifty kilometers away.

"It is inconvenient to enter such a remote mountain village. If Brother Bao is a gang member and commits crimes, he will definitely prepare a car if he needs to buy supplies." Chen Jue thought to himself.

Relying on his strong eyesight, he scanned from house to house. There was no car in the whole village, but he saw old-fashioned motorcycles parked outside a few of the slightly newer houses.

"You don't have a car?"

"Did you move somewhere?"

Chen Jue frowned and murmured in his mind, then hurriedly walked into the village.

First, I went to check out the situation outside those "big families". There were lights on in the houses, and several villagers were watching TV in the room, chattering in Burmese that Chen Jue couldn't understand.

I looked through the window and looked at the TVs. They were all very old big-head TVs. Unlike domestic large LCD color TVs that are no longer on the market, buying a TV is cheaper than a mobile phone.

"Not these families."

After Chen Jue visited these households, he visited the remaining houses one by one.

Finally, the clue was discovered outside a three-story brick building in the corner of the village.

This is the only house in Kaili Village that has an Internet cable. However, the room is pitch black, and the red mud outside is covered with footprints, cigarette butts, and wheel marks.

After hearing carefully that there was no breathing in the room, Chen Jue boldly climbed to the balcony on the third floor, forcibly unscrewed the door handle on the roof and slipped in.

The house has been completely emptied, leaving only some old tables, chairs, benches and beds.

There was no accumulation of dust on the table, and there were some fresh cigarette butts scattered everywhere. It looked like they had just moved out not long ago.

"His grandma's!"

"A trip in vain!"

Chen Jue searched around to no avail, cursed a little and found a chair to sit down on.

I spent a lot of effort to jump across the border, but I didn't expect that this group of people would run away early.

But after thinking about it again, Chen Jue felt relieved again.

After all, they are a group of desperadoes who keep their heads in their waistbands all day long. Their anti-reconnaissance consciousness must be stronger than ordinary people.

As soon as something happened at Hou Youzhi's place yesterday, this group of people probably ran away overnight after receiving the news.

In addition, Chen Jue was unfamiliar with the place in Jade Country, so finding someone without a specific address was no different from finding a needle in a haystack.

So after resting in the room for a while, Chen Jue climbed down from the stairs and planned to go back first and think of a solution.

But when he saw the wheel marks in front of the door and the red dirt road spreading out of the village, Chen Jue's eyes suddenly lit up!

"Brother Bao said in the voicemail that he will continue to send fans to Ma Zai in a few days."

"It seems that this group of people will not give up this smuggling route in Gong County easily."

"80% still around here!"

Before Chen Juelai came, he had checked a lot of information about the Jade Country and knew that the economy here was backward and the per capita GDP was less than one thousand US dollars.

In rural areas where we can't even build cement roads, there are definitely very few families who can buy a car.

So I followed the wheel marks on the red soil road to the outside of the village.

This group of people brought a lot of things with them when they moved. The car was heavily loaded, and the tire tracks of the wheels on the red dirt road were very clear and obvious.

In addition, the width of car tires is different from that of motorcycle tires, so it is easy to distinguish them by comparison.

Following the direction of the car's wheel tracks, Chen Jue first used offline navigation to locate several villages near the border.

While running, I stared at the wheel tracks on the red dirt road, and finally spent almost an hour jogging on more than 20 kilometers of mountainous dirt roads.

First, three villages were excluded, and finally the same wheel prints of the same model were found on the road into the village called "Senran" according to the location.

"found it!"

Chen Jue looked happy when he saw this.

He is now traveling lightly, with the bow, arrows and small bag carrying a total weight of less than 6 kilograms.

He has long been accustomed to jogging with 40 kilograms of weight in his warm-up. Carrying this 6 kilograms of small objects for 20 kilometers is not very physically demanding.

This long run didn’t even trigger a second breath!

Fortunately, jogging such a long distance is not without rewards. In addition to discovering the whereabouts of this group of people, the panel also unexpectedly gained 0.01 free attributes.

Taking advantage of the night to rest in the woods outside Senran Village, Chen Jue drank a nitrogen pump and poured a bottle of Red Bull into his mouth to replenish his energy.

When the BUFFs on the panel started to stack up, he quietly walked into the village and started observing.

The village is not big, with only about thirty households. The houses are sparsely located in the terraces of the mountains. Each house is not adjacent to each other but is separated by dozens of meters.

Since the white pickup truck was the only vehicle in the village, it looked extremely out of place parked at the door of a village house in the corner.

Moreover, the door of this house was open, and several adults were setting up a stove at the door, eating barbecue, drinking three or five bottles, and chatting loudly.

"Brother Bao, you eat chicken wings, the chicken wings are ready."

"Come on, brothers!"

"This is the last case of beer. Once I finish it, I have to go to town to buy it tomorrow."

"Heipi, you go for a drive tomorrow."

"Okay Brother Bao!"

Chen Juemao relied on his newly adapted hearing to identify his position in the terraced fields.

After hearing these few sentences in Mandarin, Chen Jue immediately determined that this group of people was the group of drug dealers he wanted to find.

Because the official pronunciation of the Emerald Country is Burmese, only a very small number of Chinese can speak less fluent Mandarin.

Moreover, Brother Bao also spoke up during the conversation, and the tone of the other party was exactly the same as the tones of the voices Chen Jue heard from Brother Long's cell phone.

"There were four breathing sounds in total."

"There are three outside the house and one inside the house." Chen Jue thought to himself.

Hearing the faint sound of breathing from more than a hundred meters away was already the current limit of his hearing.

Fortunately, after confirming the number of people, Chen Jue's restless heart slowly began to calm down.

He did not fire his bow directly, but continued to advance in the terraced fields.

When Chen Jue moved to a distance of fifty meters, he stopped, raised his head and took a look, carefully looking up and down at the three guys sitting eating barbecue outside the door.

Except for the fat middle-aged man named Brother Bao, whose waist was bulging like a pistol, the other two young men showed no signs of carrying guns.

It is estimated that because they are used to staying in these remote rural areas, this group of people's awareness of prevention is relatively lax.

"It's almost time to take action!" Chen Jue's eyes flashed coldly.

Such careful and careful detection of target information is a hundred times more powerful than the ancient scouting methods of marching on the battlefield!

If the car overturned like this, then Chen Jue might as well find a cesspool and choke himself to death.

So under the cover of night, Chen Jue squatted in the terraced fields, firing his bow and stringing his string.

The bowstring vibrated with a bang, and two black carbon steel arrows pierced the night.

The three people who were drinking and chatting at the door of the house were disturbed by the sound of firewood popping in the stove and did not hear the movement dozens of meters away at all.

I just wanted to raise bottles and clink glasses and go away to relieve the pressure and enhance the relationship.

The two young men next to Brother Bao were quietly and directly hit by black arrows.

With a "pop" sound, blood and brains splattered everywhere.

A 200 pound stiff bow is no joke!

Being shot in the head at such a close distance, the Tianling Cap was blown away by the impact of the arrow!

The sight of that scene would probably leave a lasting psychological shadow on ordinary people.



Although Brother Bao is a desperate fanboy, he has also seen the chopping of hands and feet in the circle.

But when he saw the skulls of the two younger brothers being opened and their heads smashed at such a close distance, he was frightened out of his wits!

He screamed twice in his throat and fell backwards along with the stool. He was peeing and trying to crawl back into the house.

When human beings encounter danger in a dark environment, their refractive nature begins to trouble them, and they instinctively seek refuge in brightly lit areas in order to seek a sense of security.

But before he could climb over the threshold, two more black arrows shot through the air.

One arrow hit his left hand, and another nailed his left leg. The powerful arrow's penetrating power directly penetrated both his arms and legs!


At this time, a boy who was preparing ingredients in the room heard the noise and hurriedly ran out of the room, shouting: "Brother Bao! What happened?"

The man was about to see what was going on outside the house, but as soon as he reached the threshold, a short sword dart shot from the darkness pierced his temple. With the same "pop", blood spattered all over the ground and he fell to the ground. After struggling for a few times, there was no movement.


Seeing the three boys die suddenly in just a few seconds, Brother Bao, who was shot through his hands and feet, howled in pain on the ground while his other hand reached for the pistol at his waist due to his survival instinct.

But before he had time to draw his gun, a figure in sportswear had already rushed over from the terraces outside the house.

He reached the distance of 50 meters in a few seconds, pounced and grabbed him directly on Brother Bao's back, twisted his right arm, and then dragged him into the house like a dead dog.

"You are the only one who wants to take revenge on me?"

"Are you still in the mood to have a barbecue here?"

"Now Barbie is Qing!" (End of chapter)

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