Evolution from scratch with added points

Chapter 257 0256 Live Broadcast Is It Quick to Make Money?

Chen Jue's words were an act of 100 million, which really shocked Zhou Guoxian and Tan Xingke to the ground.

After all, the salary income of police officers can only be considered in the middle and lower reaches among many government agencies.

Because the police profession is inherently based on justice, and they do hard work. The main thing they earn is honor. In terms of income, the income is not as good as that of tobacco and oil companies, which are rich in land and oil.

Especially for police officers from poor counties like Tan Xingke, whose position has reached the level of captain of a county's anti-narcotics team, their annual income, including provident fund benefits and other benefits, is only a little over 100,000.

Regardless of their status as police officers, the two people sitting here are also ordinary people.

Except that you may have heard on TV or in the news that a certain rich man spent hundreds of millions when investing somewhere, or that when he solved a major case, he could get up to 100 million in the amount involved, I have never heard of such a thing in daily life. Big arms.

"It's billions and billions to open your mouth and shut up. There aren't that many Happy Beans in Labor Landlord!" Tan Xingke couldn't help complaining in his heart.

He knew that Chen Jue, a big internet celebrity, was very rich, but he really didn't expect to be able to spend so much money.

Of course, after hearing that Chen Jue was going to donate 100 million as event funds and bonuses, Zhou Guoxian also changed his previous calmness. While pulling Chen Jue's reserved warmth, he also asked him many specific details involved in the case.

After all, such a high reward amount, and it is also a transnational kidnapping and detention case, are extremely rare in the entire public security system.

It is estimated that only the case in which the son of the richest Chinese man Li Zhaigua was kidnapped by gangsters and the price was HK$1 billion can be compared with this case.

Of course, the reason why Chen Jue opened his mouth so widely was because of his desire to save his father.

Chen Hongmin has been missing for so many years and been imprisoned in the basement for so long. His physical condition as shown in the video is very bad.

If Chen Hongmin still had the labor force, his kidnappers would not push him out for blackmail.

As for money, for Chen Jue, it is something that he will not take with him in life or death, as long as it is used in the right way.

Moreover, he now has a cash flow of more than 30 million yuan, and Qianhe's stocks can be pledged for cash, so he can collect as much as 200 million to 300 million yuan in a short period of time.

The purpose of spending 100 million to save his father is also to hope that Zhou Guoxian can promote the case as soon as possible.

Everyone was sweating profusely after the dinner. After Zhou Guoxian returned, he immediately reported Chen Jue's donation of 100 million to the provincial department.

This really shocked the entire provincial government!

Affected by the epidemic, the economic situation has been under great pressure in recent years, and all units have been living on a tight budget.

Especially Qingshui Yamen like the Public Security Bureau, most of their income comes from financial allocations, unlike in the past when they investigated gambling and smuggling cases and had some additional income from confiscation.

That thing has been turned over to the state treasury now. Anyone who dares to do any tricks in it will have their skin peeled off.

In this context, the public security department is also under great pressure.

Suddenly receiving a large amount of donations, the provincial office was as moist as a rainstorm on a dry road, not to mention how moist it was.

So the next morning Chen Jue met several public security leaders at the provincial office. Everyone was very interested in a positive patriot like him.

Several leaders have even watched videos of his unique skills and praised him for his "large scale" and "strength".

Chen Jue was also happy when he heard this. He had already donated 100 million. How could it not be a big deal?

These days, everyone is living behind closed doors and keeping their wallets tightly shut.

Some leading local companies are unable to donate even a few million dollars throughout the year, and they are so aggressive in plundering the land.

Suddenly someone can come up with 100 million, it's like the God of Wealth has arrived.

So after discussing the specific donation matters, Chen Jue immediately transferred the initial 30 million to the public account of the provincial department in the name of "punishing evil and promoting good".

As soon as the money arrived, several leaders urged Zhou Guoxian to quickly organize manpower to handle the case. They also told him earnestly that he must save the patriot's father and not dampen the enthusiasm of the patriot.

This conversation really impressed Chen Juexiu and made him understand the lethality of money.

The so-called "money can communicate with gods" is probably like this.

Even countries are fighting over money, let alone ordinary people like them.

With the 30 million to clear the way for the first move, and the 70 million reward after solving the case, the subsequent situation is like the old investors going to Big A. Everything that can be seen in the eyes is a green light.

First, Zhou Guoxian mobilized several capable policemen and sent them to Ruicheng to understand the situation of Chen Hongmin's overseas trip.

Afterwards, several comrades from the Internet Police came to Chen Jue and asked him to hand over the email and the video link on the dark web to them, including the blackmail letter.

It seems that technical means are being used to track the approximate IP addresses and scope of activities of this group of criminals.

Chen Jue didn't understand these methods of handling cases, but he felt a little unclear, so he cooperated throughout the process and handed over all the information and evidence that should be handed over.

After that, he stayed in the provincial capital for two days to finalize some details with Zhou Guoxian.

According to the other party, this kind of cross-border case is more time-consuming to handle, and the domestic situation is easier to investigate. If it is quick, all the clues can be gathered in about a week.

But once you go abroad and have to communicate with foreign police departments, all the time is wasted.

After all, foreigners are notoriously efficient at doing things.

So Zhou Guoxian gave Chen Jue a suggestion, asking him to prepare early and prepare more foreign exchange. Whether it is euros or US dollars, as long as he has money, he can mobilize his enthusiasm wherever he goes.

Chen Jue thought it made sense when he heard it. Compared to domestic people who are reserved and tactful, foreigners are more concerned with money when doing things.

After all, Western Europe is a capitalist society where interests are above all else.

However, after donating 35 million in a row, Chen Jue's cash flow has dried up a bit.

After the New Year, I had a lot of things to do. I came to Yunzhai to support teaching and purchased a bunch of exercise equipment, which unknowingly emptied my wallet.

I went to the backstage of [Brother Unique Skills] and looked at his income from recent videos. He currently only has an accumulation of over one million.

This amount of money can be spent freely at home, but after exchanging foreign currency abroad, there won't be much left.

As for the 300,000 US dollars seized from drug dealers in the previous box, that was black money that could not be used randomly for the time being.

So Chen Jue thought about it and contacted his cousin Wu Lingling directly to ask about the stock pledge.

"Brother-in-law, are you short of money?"

"The recent stock price trend of Qianhe is very good. When the next bull market comes, there will definitely be a big market. It will be a big loss to cash out now." Wu Lingling advised on the phone.

Since its IPO, Qianhe’s stock price has fluctuated below 60 yuan.

A new industry leader can stabilize this stock price. Anyone who understands stock trading knows that this company has great potential.

You must know that the bear market has been in power in the past few years, and the capital market is waiting and watching.

If there is a bull market and mass speculation in the stock market begins, similar to what happened in 2015, Qianhe's share price is likely to double or triple. If we rush to cash out now, we will most likely lose hundreds of millions in the future.

As for how to cash out the original stocks that have not yet reached the lifting period, Chen Jue probably has some understanding.

Pledged stocks require discounted interest payments just like mortgage loans. The best way is to let Qianhe repurchase the millions of shares in his hands at market prices.

However, compared to cashing out stocks, Wu Lingling also gave Chen Jue a better proposal.

That is to let him do a live broadcast.

After all, last year’s unique live broadcast at Wulin Plaza in Hangzhou, the gift rewards alone reached more than 50 million.

After the fermentation of the Spring Festival, [Brother Unique Skills]’s influence has risen from the top ten Internet celebrities of the year to the top of the year.

Now that the fans' stickiness and influence are there, the rest depends on whether Chen Jue is willing to make this quick money.

"Is live broadcasting fast and profitable?"

Chen Jue was a little moved when he heard this.

But he was so exhausted mentally and physically by his father's case that he really couldn't think of anything big.

So as soon as his mind changed, Chen Jue asked Qianhe Company to contact the Gold Museum in Jindu. He planned to perform a live performance of catching gold bricks.

After all, the last time the gold brick came out of the hole was done by the mask brother who was jokingly called by netizens. What does it have to do with his unique skill brother? (End of chapter)

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