Evolution from scratch with added points

Chapter 72 0072 Degenerated Muscles

Maybe it's the teaching atmosphere at top universities that is 100 times better than the junior college Chen Jue studied in before.

In the first zoology and experimental course, Chen Jue listened with great interest and did not feel sleepy at all.

Not only did he learn about the true origin of mankind, but he also gained more than 300 points of proficiency in concealed weapon throwing. Even his strength attribute increased by 0.01 by pinching the power weapon.

Looking at the [Strength] attribute that had risen to 0.98, Chen Jue began to look forward to the change when this last three-dimensional attribute reached 1 hour.

"Take time to practice the muscle strength of your legs and core in the afternoon and evening, and let's practice it today." Chen Jue thought to himself, resisting the method of using free attribute points to improve, and followed the freshmen who were leaving the field one after another. The big classroom.

Lunch continued in the cafeteria, and when 1:30 pm arrived, Chen Jue appeared on time in the [Human Anatomy] class of the clinical medicine major.

This time it is a small class teaching, and the teachers and the freshmen have become familiar with each other for more than 2 months.

When Chen Jue's unfamiliar face appeared, the female teacher on the podium still stared at him for a while: "This classmate, you are not in our class, are you?"

"Teacher, I am the new auditor!" Chen Jue found a seat in the back row and said hello to the female teacher on the stage.


The female teacher was slightly startled, then checked the class list on the intranet, and sure enough, at the bottom, there was a mark for Chen Jue to join the class.

"Then please pay attention to classroom discipline and set your mobile phone to silent so as not to affect other students."

The female teacher emphasized this. After counting the number of people when the bell rang, she opened the courseware, took the microphone and said, "In this class, we will continue to talk about gross anatomy."

"We learned from previous courses that human anatomy is divided into two categories. One is gross anatomy that can be observed with the naked eye, and the other is microscopic anatomy that requires the use of a microscope."

"Then this lesson will start with muscles."

A human anatomy diagram appeared on the projection board during the conversation, with everything from bones to muscles to special joints marked one by one.

“Muscles are our primary source of physiological strength, or what we call strength.”

"When the muscle group receives the electromyographic signal from the brain, muscle contraction occurs, and then through the leverage and synergy of the bones and joints, it produces what we call force."

"Muscle tissue is mainly composed of muscle cells, which can be divided into three categories: smooth muscle, skeletal muscle and cardiac muscle according to structure and function."

"Skeletal muscle is the most abundant muscle in our body, with a total of 639 skeletal muscles attached to the surface of 206 bones in the human body."

As the female teacher explained, she marked the areas where these muscles were located on the human anatomy diagram.

“Are muscles the source of strength?”

"If you say so, the [Strength Attribute] value on the panel corresponds to these three major types of muscles?" Chen Jue's heart moved and he quickly took notes.

At this time, the female teacher focused on circling the 639 skeletal muscles and a muscle group on the wrist and forearm, and continued: "Actually, the value of 639 is an approximate value determined based on early anatomy."

"After new research in recent years, some skeletal muscles of the human body have actually changed."

"Like this palmaris longus muscle, which is the strip-shaped muscle that bulges out in the wrist when our fingers are pinched with the palm facing up, about 13% of human beings have been degenerated."

When the female teacher said this, the students in the class all tested themselves.

Sure enough, several students exclaimed and were surprised to find that the palmaris longus muscle on their hands was indeed not visible.

"I'll wipe it! I don't have these muscles!"

"Is this a mutation?"

"Teacher Liu! What will be the impact of not having this palmaris longus muscle?" The students were talking about it.

Chen Jue also took the test. Two bulging muscles could be clearly seen on his wrists, and they were more obvious than those of the classmates next to him!

"Students who don't have palmaris longus don't have to worry too much. The lack of palmaris longus does not actually affect our lives. It can even be said to be an evolution."

"Because modern people basically don't use it very much. Its main function is to bend the wrist, which will affect our climbing movements. Only primates like monkeys and orangutans use it frequently when climbing trees." Female. The teacher smiled and comforted him a few words, and the noise in the class calmed down.

As for Chen Jue, he stared at the two thick palmaris longus muscles for a moment: "It turns out that the [climbing] skill relies on them!"

"Degeneration? Isn't that similar to the tail vertebrae?"

This seemingly useless and unpopular knowledge is very useful to Chen Jue, a cheater who has recently been improving his skill proficiency.

I focused on jotting down the knowledge about palmaris longus in my notebook, and then continued to listen with my ears perked up.

"In addition to the palmaris longus muscle, there is also the auriculomotor muscle in the area like our ears, which is also a degenerated muscle."

"Auricular muscles include supraauricular muscles, preauricular muscles and postauricular muscles. We usually see cats, dogs, monkeys and other animals moving their ears. They rely on this muscle to rotate their ears freely so that they can collect information in one direction. sound."

"Only 2% of us humans can move our ears. This is a relatively common atavism." The female teacher pointed to her ears again. Her ears could actually rotate slightly according to her gestures. .

Seeing this scene, the students shouted: "Awesome! Teacher Liu can use the ear magic skill!"

"It feels a bit like Tutu with Big Ears!"

"I'm done! My palmaris longus muscle is gone, and I can't even move my ears. I'm really a loser." Some students tried a few times, but their ears didn't respond at all.

At this time, Chen Jue, who was sitting in the back row, raised his hand high. He happened to be disturbed by the sound of doing business next door last night and fantasized about closing his ears.

After seeing that Teacher Liu's ears could move, he quickly had an idea and asked, "Teacher, can this moving ear muscle be acquired through acquired training?"

Teacher Liu gave Chen Jue a thoughtful look and nodded: "You can do it through acquired practice! Students who are not naturally able to move their ears can try to open their eyes wide and raise their eyebrows as high as possible. Or do some large-scale facial muscle movements, which can activate part of the ear muscles."

"Then practice it repeatedly to stimulate the ear muscles for a long time, so that part of the degraded muscle function will be reawakened."

As soon as these words came out, the whole class started to wink and wink. Some of the cows even made weird faces and laughed when they looked at the female teacher on the podium.

"It feels like I have mastered another piece of useless knowledge!"

"Who said it's useless? I want to learn Tutu's ear-moving magic!"

"Moving the ears does not enhance hearing. No wonder only 2% of humans can move."

"The wrinkles on my forehead have appeared after practicing too much! Can I trap mosquitoes to death in the future?" The students started joking, and the atmosphere in the class was very good.

Chen Jue also tried it a few times and found that raising his eyebrows would indeed pull some of the ear muscles, but the effect was not obvious and very weak.

I don’t know when I will be able to make my ears move if I keep practicing like this.

Then I remembered the [Eye Exercises] I had been doing before. The muscles near the eye sockets, like the ears, also lacked exercise. Only when they are rubbed and pressed with both hands can they have a stimulating effect.

Chen Jue raised his hand and tried to massage the three auricular muscles in the ear area, as well as all the parts that could be touched on the ear, and tried a few times with his eyes open and his eyebrows raised.

Gradually, the cold ears began to feel slightly hot, as if they were drunk and flushed.

This is a sign that the blood flow in the ear area begins to increase and the blood is concentrated under the skin.

Unexpectedly, after rubbing like this for about 10 minutes, a new prompt popped up on the panel:



[After completing an effective ear stimulation exercise, your degenerated ear motor muscles will begin to respond weakly, the metabolism of the ear will speed up, and your hearing will be extremely weakly improved. 】

[Activate skill: ear health exercises]


"The skill is released!"

"Same as eye exercises?"

"Ears can also be massaged and trained!" Chen Jue looked surprised.

I had been struggling to find a way to train my ears before, but I didn't expect that the problem was solved on the first day of class at Jiangsu University.

As long as it can be burned into skills, Chen Jue will have the confidence to slowly improve this part of the human body's functions.

While listening to the lecture, I took notes and freed up one hand to do ear health exercises for my ears.

Chen Jue found that when he was practicing darts and concealed weapons, he practiced with both hands at the same time, which played a very important role at this time.

Due to the improvement in the flexibility of his left hand, he can now hold a pen and write with both hands, but the handwriting on his left hand is still a little sloppy and needs more practice.

"Lin Ling said before that left-handers can be trained the day after tomorrow."

"I am ambidextrous, a bit like Zhou Botong fighting each other." Chen Jue felt happy in his heart.

However, the efficiency of the newly recorded [Ear Health Exercise] is very slow. It often takes 10 minutes for the proficiency +1 prompt to pop up. As for the [Physique] attribute, there is no movement at all.

According to Chen Jue's speculation, it should be that his massage techniques are not good enough and he does not have a thorough understanding of the muscles, blood vessels, and acupuncture points in the ear area.

When I practiced [Eye Exercises] before, I followed the video tutorials of the founder, Director Liu, which had detailed acupoint distribution maps and massage technique guidance, so I got started quickly and improved efficiency.

However, this [ear health exercise] was randomly experimented by Chen Jue himself. A lot of wasted work should have been produced during the massage, which led to such low efficiency.

"Sure enough, knowledge is the most precious wealth of mankind. We must continue to study in depth!" Chen Jue thought to himself, and the time of a class passed quickly.

First update~

If the cough is not cured yet, the amount of updates will not be guaranteed.

You can code as much as you can. In the last book, I was caught and criticized by the boss for writing too many bad checks. It really ruined my character (face covering)

I have to learn from this painful experience and code it first. Then I will make a monthly summary after it is released and report the number of updates every 30 days.

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