The divine thought swept away, and the result of the feedback surprised Chen Bo a little.

In a small restaurant below, six people gathered.

Next to the restaurant, there is also a large commercial car parked, with a lot of scratches, dirt on the body, and a flat tire.

Of the six, five were young people, three men and two women, with proud expressions.

A middle-aged man, silent, sitting in a corner, seems to be a driver, porter and other characters.

Five youths, gathered together, spoke with an attitude of impatience and contempt:

“It seems that we are lucky, the cult organization of the Tianli Sect is going to hold some bullshit ceremony tomorrow.”

“It’s just that we don’t have to work hard to find someone, go straight up, take away the treasure, and complete the task.”

“Yes, in front of everyone’s eyes, just let them see how vulnerable their sect leader is.”

A young man at the head with a calm demeanor frowned at the moment

“We’d better not underestimate the enemy.”

“This Heavenly Doctrine, I inquired a little, there are thousands of transcendent beings, it is simply terrifying!”

“What about a large number of people, but it’s just rubbish.”

A young woman with purple hair snorted coldly and said with disdain

“A group of fools who worship evil gods and trade their lives for strength.”

“Even if we are surrounded, the five of us working together are enough to kill the encirclement, and in the face of absolute strength, it is useless to have many people.”

Chen Bo’s divine incarnation walked beside them.

He noticed that these men were also wearing close-fitting special combat uniforms under their clothing.

This kind of combat uniform, which should be made of special materials, has amazing elasticity, defense, and ductility, and seems to strengthen extraordinary abilities.

“It seems that these people are not small, each of them is a second-order, and they are still so young.”

“Nine times out of ten, it is the upper level of the Spirit Machinery Bureau, and the people sent are sent…”

Chen Bo thought thoughtfully.

These five people should be elite transcendent people sent by first-tier coastal cities.

As soon as the reiki revival began, the state was the first to notice.

Then began to cultivate transcendent beings on a large scale, spread low-level inheritances, and absorb law-abiding awakened people.

There is no doubt that first-tier cities and provincial capitals with developed economies and large populations are the regions with the strongest official power.

“Soon, the large-scale cultivation of transcendent people will be effective.”

“At that time, it will be easy to fight the organized and unorganized.”

This is also the reason why Chen Bo judged that this chaotic situation would not last long.

At most, in a few months, the state will have enough strength to stabilize the situation.

He is running out of time.

“Gone, nothing to see.”

Chen Bo’s divine incarnation shook his head and teleported away from the place.

This team, although strong, wants to destroy the sacrificial ceremony and snatch the fifth-order treasures.

That can only be described in four words-

Wish for the moon!


Shannan, North District,

Here, there was a mad rat plague, killing thousands of people, and hundreds of thousands of people fled here.

Now, after the large-scale transformation of the Tianli Sect, the North District has changed greatly.

Many new buildings have been erected.

The most conspicuous are one east and one west, two giant buildings——

The new headquarters of the Tenri Church, the Tenri Cathedral.

There is also the Supreme Sanctuary, the Great Shrine, which is dedicated to the Lord of Heaven.

The cathedral covers dozens of acres, huge and incredible, and in the most case, large enough to accommodate 100,000 people.

The Great Temple is even more magnificent, with the highest dome being three hundred meters high.

This is a miraculous building.

You know, some churches in the West, even tens of hundreds of years to build, but the scale is not even one-tenth of the Tianli Cathedral.

This is the power of the transcendent.

In the Heavenly Theory Sect, there are more than a thousand transcendent people who have cultivated the flesh and blood gathering technique.

They are infinitely powerful, agile, flexible, and obedient to commands, and can accomplish many miraculous architectural techniques that ordinary people simply cannot accomplish.

Therefore, in just one month, the North District has been turned upside down.

Especially after the second round of expansion, the transformation of the northern district has accelerated by more than ten times.

The center of the New North District, connecting the Great Shrine and the Tianli Cathedral, is the “Grace Square”.


Hundreds of thousands of people poured into the square of God’s Grace.

The vast majority of these people are believers in the Lord of God.

Chen Bo did not expect that the belief in the Lord of Heaven had even begun to spread widely among the citizens of Shannan.

But it’s actually normal.

First, the 20,000 peripheral members also believe in the rule of heaven.

They also have families, they have relatives, and when they return home, they will spread their faith spontaneously.

Second, people who have three strengths and two weaknesses are afraid and uneasy, and they always like to ask God to worship Buddha.

And the Lord of Heavenly Reason, compared to the illusory gods, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, is real.

The miracles of the past can enable people to achieve extraordinary powers, so that many people choose to believe in Him sincerely.

This is also why Zhang Weilong, Li Xiao and others attach so much importance to the sacrificial ceremony.

After all, hundreds of thousands of people gathered, and one carelessness is a huge disaster.

“That’s the Great Temple, it’s so magnificent.”

“Tianli Cathedral, it’s really big, I’ve never seen such a big building in my life.”

“I heard that this was all created in just one month.”

“What a miracle.”

Hundreds of thousands of people, the noise of the noise, can not be suppressed.

Nine o’clock in the morning.

“Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!” ……

The sound of heavy metal chimes echoed, suppressing the noisy sound in the square.

One hundred and eight statues, tens of thousands of pounds of chimes, were struck by the Tianli Sect, and the sound overwhelmed everything.


A thick voice resounded in all directions from the door of the Great Temple.

It was Zhang Weilong’s voice.

Only he can make a sound with his organs, overwhelm the thunder, so that hundreds of thousands of people can hear it clearly.

“Fellow believers, fellow Catholics.”

“Today, we are pregnant…”

Zhang Weilong, start a short speech.

The great shrine has a high dome and a high foundation, and there are three hundred and sixty-five stairs in front of the door.

Therefore, Zhang Weilong stood in front of the gate of the Great God Temple, just overlooking everyone.

All the people, when they raised their heads, could see him.

Of course, most people can only see a small black spot.

Fortunately, the Tianli Sect has long been preparing around, and many giant LCD screens are broadcast in real time.


Zhang Weilong wore a gorgeous robe intertwined with black and white, and wore a triple crown on his head, majestic and solemn.

Two minutes later.

He looked around, looking at the sea of people suppressed by the black, and his heart was full of pride!

“Now, I announce that the festival is official…”

But he was only halfway through his words.

An incomparably heavy, metal-like sound suddenly came from the sky, unexpectedly suppressing his voice like angry thunder:

“Slow down!”

PSA: More yet, I owe a more, hehe (*^▽^*)

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