Ex-wife becomes creditor after divorce Season 2

Chapter 275 The Chaotic Eighth District

If we talk about chaos in Binhai, then it means chaos in the upper class circles, chaos in the company, chaos in the government offices, chaos among the young masters, and chaos among the ladies.

But the eighth district is really, really chaotic.

Tu Xiao's divestment made the originally lively Eighth District quiet. Many KTVs closed down, and the people who were responsible for ensuring the safety of the venues also left. Some bosses who relied on them for survival had no choice but to hire others.

Song Qian's death also left his speeding gang without a leader, like a group of mad dogs without an owner, and these mad dogs were still young and not old enough to look after homes and homes.

Motorcycles roared past with people on the streets of District 8. The people sitting in the back seats held smoke bombs of various colors in their hands. The entire street was surrounded by messy smoke and the noisy sound of motorcycles.

The owner of a KTV sat in front of the store, looking at the motorcycles passing on the street, and sighed helplessly.

"At that time, Tu Xiao collected some protection money from us, and I always felt that the money was spent unjustly. Every time I tried to find ways to pay less. Now it's better. My little sister doesn't come to work anymore. She said she was worried that she would be raped in the street. XXOO, don’t talk about little sister, I’m afraid these brats will tie me up when I walk at night.”

The waiter next to the boss sighed.

"The Eighth District is not the Eighth District it used to be! I really hope that Boss Tu will suddenly come and restore the Eighth District to its previous appearance."

When the boss and the waiter sighed, a commotion broke out at the door of the bar opposite. The security guard of the bar and several young people with tattoos of dragons and phoenixes pushed and shoved them to the middle of the road. The owner of the bar was not very old, about thirty-six or seventeen years old. , stood at the door with his hands in his pockets and shouted angrily.

"You really think District 8 is where you bastards go to fool around? Get out of District 8."

Wearing shorts, a pink coat, white dyed hair and beanie sunglasses, the young man stood slightly, took off his sunglasses and looked at the boss at the door, curling his lips.

"Eighth District? You thought this was the Eighth District when Tu Xiao was here? There is no master here now. Whoever has the most people and whoever has the strongest fist is the master of the Eighth District. Come on! Call everyone over here. Let me see him. I don’t want this bar to open.”

The young man yelled at the door, and his friends beside him took out their mobile phones. Within a few minutes, a group of scoundrels on motorcycles gathered at the door of the bar and screamed strangely. The young man in flashy clothes pointed at the door of the bar. At the door, he raised his head and shouted.

"Smash it for me!"

The bar owner shouted to the security guards and retreated to the bar, then took out his mobile phone to make a call.

"Brother Dog, some of the bastards are already here."

Guan Junbiao squatted with his head raised, and behind him was a woman holding a broom and clasping her waist with both hands and an angry face. Guan Dagou turned his head and pointed at the woman's cell phone. The woman suddenly became stingy and whispered.

"I'll put out the bath water for you, and I'll put the beer in the town for you!"

The big dog made an OK gesture, and then whispered into the phone.

"I mean, tell these bastards to have a date in District 8 tomorrow night at eight o'clock, and promise to give them the bar if you lose."

"Dog brother··"

"What nonsense are you talking about? Send your head over in a moment and let them prescribe it for you, or I will prescribe it for your whole family. You can choose for yourself."

Guan Dagou hung up the phone and walked into the bathroom, took off his clothes and lay in the bathtub. His wife, who was still angry just now, squatted aside and wiped Guan Dagou's back and whispered.

"Xiao Qian is tired, you are a few years older than Xiao Qian, but don't expect everything from Xiao Qian! When I picked you up today, Xiao Qian's face looked sallow."

Guan Junbiao snorted and then said.

"You finally said something that can make me happy. Why don't you cook some vegetables for me?"

"It's still hot. I know you're willing to eat the leftovers, so I'll prepare some cold dishes for you to go with your wine."

Maybe this is what a man dreams of a wife who knows how to rub your back when you're tired, and knows how to cook for you when you're hungry, as long as you don't need her to worry about other things.

The big dog walked out of the bathroom and sat at the dining table. The dog's wife poured a glass of beer and a bowl of dumplings. The big dog frowned while holding the phone.

"You guys, stop yelling. After the fight in front of the bar is over, you can find a few strangers and smash up any shop in the eighth district. They smashed up any fruit stall, and you opened your mouth and cursed the owner or me. It's causing a lot of trouble. The louder the noise, the better. As long as anyone passes by District 8, you point at them, curse them, threaten them, intimidate them! Then go in and squat for three to five months."

"I know, Brother Dog."

After hanging up the phone, the dumplings were already in his mouth. Guan Junbiao frowned and looked at his wife in front of him, and then made another call.

"Call me now to report that there are people in the Eighth District who are getting into fights. After this matter is resolved, I will call you and report that there are people in the Eighth District who are drunk and causing trouble!"

"Okay dog ​​brother!"

Another dumpling was stuffed into his mouth, and the big dog dialed the third number. After the call was connected, he laughed loudly.

"Principal Li, we haven't contacted each other for a long time. I heard that your school has a school bus that is idle. Can you borrow it for me to use? I will buy some new ones for you in a few days!"

District 8 was in chaos. Dozens of people were fighting at the door of the bar. When Uncle Hat arrived, the scene was in chaos. Everyone was brought back to the station, but these brats were still young and had no teeth. As for Chang Qi, they still have the main responsibility.

Before the Shi Bureau could finish dealing with the matter at hand, the report call came again, and there was trouble again in the Eighth District.

Du Kang, who was sleeping, was woken up by a phone call and personally led the team to District 8. Looking at the lit trash cans on the street and the messy ground, Uncle Hat had a heated argument with these drunken young people. Du Kang waved an order. Take everyone back!

As soon as I arrived at the station, the report call came again.

A scrapped school bus spontaneously ignited in an accident on the street in the Eighth District.

This matter was not trivial. Du Kang called Li Shaoqi. He already had some insufficient people on his side.

At three o'clock in the morning, Li Shaoqi and Du Kang arrived in District 8. Looking at the chaotic streets, Li Shaoqi's eyes were red.

One thing after another!

One thing after another!

He clearly knew that Tu Xiao and Han Qian were causing trouble here.

Tu Xiao stood on the top floor of a hotel, looking at Li Shaoqi and Du Kang appearing on the street, and waved to the younger brother behind him.

"Tell those brats left by Song Qian to ride motorcycles and set off fireworks now! Leader Li has come to District 8, how can we not welcome him?"

Li Shaoqi looked at the eighth district in front of him. He didn't know how to describe the chaos in this place.

Bastards riding motorcycles and setting off smoke bombs and fireworks.

A wall with these words spray-painted on it.

Find the burning trash can.

There were people drinking beer in the barbed wire fenced-in area, and none of these guys were afraid of getting caught.

How long can it be locked up? It only lasts for three years at most, and it’s almost all my own people, so I won’t feel lonely!

Li Shaoqi snatched the trumpet from Du Kang's hand and roared angrily.

"Stop it all! I'm Li Shaoqi, and I'm telling you to get it out of here and restore District 8 to how it was before."

The chaos stopped, and a minute later there were cheers. No one cared what Li Shaoqi said.

After being ignored again and again, Li Shaoqi's expression turned ferocious and he roared again.

"Do you insist that I arrest you all? I will let you all go!"

After the roar, Li Shaoqi found that the road was quiet. The scoundrels on motorcycles got off the road and stood on the roadside. The smokers also threw away the cigarette butts in their hands. The drunkards also straightened their waists. Seeing this, Li Shaoqi relaxed. After a breath, he sneered.

"After all, they are just some unruly people."

After he finished speaking, several figures walked past Li Shaoqi. The oldest was only twenty-three or four years old, and the youngest was only about ten years old.

Four kids?

Appearing in the chaotic Eighth District at this time?

Tu Kun was shaking a bunch of gold necklaces in his hand, muttering softly.

"Why did District 8 become so ugly?"

Li Duole chuckled.

"Your father and my father have withdrawn. Who else will you be pampering in District 8? The two newcomers?"

Li Jiawei said seriously.

"When a wolf pack loses its alpha wolf, it becomes chaotic. Everyone wants to be the alpha wolf. This kind of fight often lasts for a long time. If you sneak out Beibei, my uncle will beat you."

"My uncle can't bear to beat him! This is District 8."

At this time, Tu Kun reached out and grabbed the collar of an alcoholic and frowned.

"Drink your mother's wine! Get out of here, one by one. It's annoying to see you."

"Yes! Miss! Miss, let's leave now."

Some people dared to scold Tu Xiao behind his back, but no one dared to scold Tu Kun in front of his face.

Li Jiawei, who had already walked away, turned his head to look at Li Shaoqi, narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"Leader Li is really hands-on. If you like it, I will make District 8 more lively!"

After saying this, he put his arm around Tu Kun's shoulders, Li Jiawei lit a cigarette, then took out three or four wads of cash in his arms and threw them into the air with a wave of his hand, laughing loudly.

"The carnival cannot end! The blood needs to boil! All the expenses tonight will be paid for by Young Master Li! Music and dancing will continue. Leader Li and Du Tou must feel the enthusiasm of our Eighth District!"

After the words fell, everyone walked towards Du Kang and Li Shaoqi.

They are both surrounded!

On the top floor of the hotel, Tu Xiao looked at his daughter and son-in-law walking away, turned around and threw a cigar to the guy on the sofa, frowning.

"Zheng Jing, what you do is a road of no return."

Zheng Jing, who was wearing a black sportswear with a mask and a sports cap, said with an indifferent expression.

"They deserve to die! I will blame Du Kang for my aunt's death. I know that all the news about my aunt was given to Zhou Le by Du Kang!"

Tu Xiao said lightly.

"What do you want?"

"Guns, bombs and a building that can be blown up at any time!"

Tu Xiao snapped his fingers, Cuicui put a box of cash on the table, and whispered

"Guns and cash, bombs take some time."

Zheng Jing opened the box and looked at the neatly arranged cash inside, laughing to himself.

"I have never seen such money, Tu Xiao! You said that I have worked hard for so many years. Why? Just because I let my aunt die? If I, Zheng Jing, were Feng Lun, who would dare to touch my family? Bombs can't I need you, I can do it myself! Where is the building?"

Tu Xiao stamped his feet.

"How is this hotel? Why don't you tell Qian'er?"

Zheng Jing shook his head.

"If you don't tell me, he will stop me! Let me tell you something else. Han Qian is not the only one who lost the files in the bureau. A very important file was lost a few years ago. These people died in the Haihai Hotel. People were still alive at that time, and I left!”

Zheng Jing carried the box and left, passing by Li Shaoqi and Du Kang, but these two people had no intention of paying attention to this at this time.

In the car, Li Shaoqi's face turned green with anger and he gritted his teeth.

"Damn, damn, damn! What does the reconstruction of Binhai have to do with me? What does it have to do with me whether the shops in District 8 make money or not? They deserve to starve to death. Such poor people are just wasting resources when they live. I came to Binhai to be gold-plated, and I am not The Bodhisattva in the temple, you Du Kang are not the bastard in the wishing pool!"

Du Kang looked at Li Shaoqi in astonishment!

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