Very strange.

Logically speaking, the system should trigger the task.

For example, the Chimera Ant subjugation mission.

Without tasks.

The choice faced by Rocky was.

Do you want to take the initiative to eliminate the chimera ants? Although the fire spirit swallowed Zazan's soul, it did increase his strength a lot.

But it would be better if it can trigger tasks.

But the system doesn't give him a task. If he starts to get rid of the chimera ants now, will he miss the chimera ant subjugation mission that may appear in the future?

And the reason why he brought Bakuer and others back.

It was to confirm the time from the mouths of these people.

Rocky can remember the general plot.

But I don’t know the specific time.

The plot of when the chimera ants appeared and when Bakuer discovered the chimera ants will not change at all. Rocky also needs to confirm some information personally before he can judge the plot that has reached that stage.

Chapter 329 Restless Chimera Ants

"Contact with Zazan is broken!"

In the ant nest.

Peggy, the leader of the Owl Division, stood on a raised stone on the ground.

He said to the leaders of the Chimera Ant Masters surrounding him.

Peggy's tone was serious.

But the Chimera Ant division leaders didn't take it seriously.

"Why did Zazan lose contact? Did he discover any relatively remote human gathering place?"

Peggy glanced at the division commander who spoke, "No!"

He closed his eyes "Zazan should be dead!"


All division commander movements stopped.

Zazan, who is at the level of division commander.

How could he die? Corudo looked at Peggy, "Is the news true?"

"One hundred percent true."

Peggy said with certainty.

"No way! What kind of creature can kill Zazan?"

"Among the creatures found around us, there shouldn't be any that can threaten us!"

Some of the other chimera ant division leaders didn't believe it.

Among the creatures they have discovered, none can pose a threat to them.

Even ordinary soldiers' combat effectiveness is no weaker than any known creature.

What's more, ordinary ant soldiers have a legion commander above them, and above the legion commander is Zazan, who is at the division commander level.

Peggy looked at everyone.

He was well aware of the surprise of the other division commanders.

He was also shocked when he heard the news.

"What kind of creature killed Zazan? Such a threat must be eliminated, otherwise it will threaten the queen's safety."

Korudo stood up immediately and said.

Corudo was more concerned about the queen's integrity than the news of the division leader's death.

Peggy glanced at him "It was a human who killed Zazan."


"How can it be"

"Humans are pitifully weak. Even my weakest soldiers can kill a large group of humans."

"It's just a human being. It's impossible to kill Zazan."

It’s just another creature.

But it's human beings.

The chimera ants simply did not believe that such a fragile creature could kill Zazan, who was at the level of a division leader.

"Okay, everyone, please be quiet."

Korudo raised his hand to calm the noisy division commanders.

"Peggy, what's going on? We have encountered many such people, but their power is weak and pitiful. How come this time?"

Peggy's eyes swept over all the group leaders.

"He is the king of mankind!"

Peggy lowered her head, "The last news from Zazan is that the king of mankind has appeared."

"After that, her contact was completely cut off."

King of mankind! These four words silenced the other division leaders.

If he was the king of mankind, then it wouldn't be so strange if Zazan died.

king! From Chimera Ant's understanding, only the strongest individual within a species can be called a king.

Humans are indeed weak.

But the king of mankind is different


"The King of Humanity, is he very strong?"

"Did Zazan... tell me how strong the king of mankind is?"

Peggy shook her head and said, "Zazan only had time to send back this sentence, and then the contact was interrupted."

Wait for Peggy to finish speaking.

The other division commanders were stunned.

Only one sentence came back! ! ! Even a division commander like Zazan only had time to send back a sentence when facing the king of mankind.

There's not even a chance to send back any more information! There is only one possibility for this situation.

Zazan just saw the other party.

Just got killed.

They can't even delay the fight or test the opponent's strength! All division commanders were silent.

Such news made all the division commanders start to feel uneasy.

This time it's not...a matter of how many people should be captured and handed over to the Queen.

But an existential crisis.

The king of mankind has appeared.

And he also instantly killed division leaders like Zazan.

If you can instantly kill Zazan, you can also instantly kill other division leaders present.

He didn't speak to anyone.

Corudo looked at Peggy, "Zazan may indeed die in the hands of the human king, but she may not be killed instantly."

The other division commanders looked at Korudo.

"Perhaps it's just because the battle location is too far away that Zazan can't deliver the news back immediately."

"After a battle, Zazan knew that he was no match, so it was possible that he chose to find a way to pass the news back."

Peggy nodded, "Indeed, just when I heard the words "King of Humanity", I subconsciously thought that the other party's power was too powerful."

"Human beings are very weak. Even the king of humans should not be that strong."

After saying this, the expressions of the other division commanders finally returned to normal.

"So what do we do now"

A division commander asked.

Korudo thought for a while, "It's better to deal with the queen's food today. As for the human king, Peggy and I will discuss it again and decide on the response method before informing you."

Wait until the other division commanders leave.

Corudo and Peggy were talking while walking.

"Corudo, what if the king of mankind is really stronger than all the division leaders?"

Korudo stopped and said, "Even if the king of mankind is really stronger than all the division leaders, we will not give in easily and concentrate all our fighting forces."

"The human king must also be dealt with, and we must protect the safety of the queen."

After speaking, Corudo rolled his eyes and thought for a while.

"Recently, I have heard other division commanders say that there are a very small number of human beings that emit powerful life energy."

"At first I just thought it was a rare species."

"But now that I think about it carefully, maybe these humans who exude powerful life energy may be the fighting troops of the human king."

Chapter 330 Heading to the Ant Nest

"When did you enter?"

"A few days ago!"

"When was that creature discovered?"

"Yesterday, I found traces of those creatures, and I followed the traces to look for them."

Bakura sat opposite Rocky, holding his hands tightly.

From time to time, he moved his eyes to look at Rocky secretly.

"Then we encountered these monsters today."

"Several other groups of hunters that I have been in contact with have also lost news."

"That's when I realized something was wrong."

"But by the time I reacted, it was too late."

Bakuo seemed a little remorseful as he recalled the death of his companion.

"I was attacked by monsters later. Several of my companions were killed instantly. In the end, only the four of us were left to escape."

"On the way to escape, another companion died, leaving only the three of us."

After listening to Baku'er talk about his experiences in the past few days.

Rocky also asked him in detail what the names of the other hunters were.

Does the association know about this?

It was finally confirmed that one of the hunters known to Baku was.

There were no names familiar to Rocky.

And whether the association is aware of regional events.

It's hard to say for Baku, other hunters must be trying to inform the association.

He had no chance to contact the Hunter Association anyway.

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