Extraordinary Bloodline Integration

Vol 2 Chapter 291: Elemental Invocation (×) Innate Qiankun Gong・Shaking Earth (√)


The element level is only one level, so it is destined that the range of [Strike Hurricane] will not be too far, but Mo Cheng does not need such a high range, the terrifying wind is enough to achieve the result he wants.

(Strike Hurricane: Release a fast-moving hurricane, roll up the enemy units on the path, make them float helplessly in the air for a period of time, and then fall to the ground and die.

The maximum distance depends on the level of the thunder element. The blowing time depends on the ice elemental level. Landing damage depends on the level of the thunder element.

Dispel Type: Weak Dispel. )

"Claw of Tonarus, Tornado, this skill has different names."

"But my favorite is to call it..."

"The wind is breaking the ground!"

The use of skills is flexible and changeable, and the mystery is in one mind. Naturally, there are not so many rules and regulations.

Just like [Strike Hurricane], throwing it directly and blowing people away is the serious [Strike Hurricane], which rolls up directly around the body and smashes the enemy into pieces with the power of electric light poisonous dragon drill, which can also be called It's called "The Wind Breaks the Ground".

It can even be rotated in the palm of the hand, creating infinite suction to attract the enemy, it is not impossible to call it [Bloodthirsty Sealing Demon Slash].

For [Foreign Land] players, using skills flexibly is a compulsory course for getting rid of novices.

It's just that Mo Cheng silently looked at the environment where he caused a mess in a radius of ten miles, and the aftermath even spread ten miles away to cause a major impact. This is the result of his efforts to concentrate his power in one point without causing the power to leak out.

"Magic is really scary, or is it that [heroes] should have the power now that they have fully replenished the supplicant's power?"

Completing all the skills of a hero can be enhanced. Before today, Mo Cheng could only feel it faintly, but until he used the power belonging to the "Prayer" to destroy the enemy, Mo Cheng could feel that this power was several levels higher than the limit he expected .

Even the [Strike Hurricane] skill is not the most lethal among the ten skills contained in [Elemental Invocation].

Slowly clenching the fist of his right hand, Mo Cheng could feel at this moment that he already had enough power in his hand, a power that could threaten the survival of a city.

Whether it is to use a hurricane to blow up everything in the city, or to use a meteorite to destroy a city, for him it is a question of "whether you want to" rather than "can you".

"With the destructive power of mages, it's no wonder that mages in the perennial professional list have never dropped t1."

Mo Cheng finally understood why the majority of mage players in [Foreign Land], although more than 80% of mages fell into the level of money resources and had to become legal workers.

But those legal players who don't have to worry about money and resources really develop their destructive power to the limit.

Among the many professions in [Foreign Land], the destructive power and environmental interference of mages are more than ten times stronger than those of warriors.

It's not that Mo Cheng has never seen the destructive power of a magician, but seeing or even facing it in person is far inferior to his own power to transform the terrain.

He closed his eyes and felt silently. He had completed the three achievements on Sunset Mountain, but it hadn't entered the settlement time yet. Because he is still in [combat state], all settlements will be completed after the battle is over.

The reason why he didn't leave the battle is very simple, that is, his summoned Talion Empire Legion is still fighting, so Mo Cheng is also considered to be in a fighting state.

"Next, let's try to use the combat state to delay the task settlement. Will you be rewarded for completing additional tasks before the settlement?"

Regarding his own system, Mo Cheng is distressed to some extent, because there is no specific manual for this thing.

There are functions, and now they can be regarded as a variety of functions. Without an instruction manual, exploring the operation rules bit by bit will undoubtedly become a troublesome and difficult job.

It is absolutely impossible not to explore. So far, the system is his biggest and most effective trump card and backing. Only by knowing its operating rules and where are its limits can Mo Cheng better prepare for his future.

Even if you are holding a gun, you have to figure out the applicable bullets for this gun, the environment in which it is used, and how to maintain it.

Closing his eyes, Mo Cheng [saw] through the secret induction with the Talion Imperial Army.

On the plain, Margaret commanded the golden skeleton to methodically surround a werewolf covered in poisonous abscesses, with upright legs, and three heads on its shoulders.

Every roar of the wolf king can spread curses and plagues, and every swing of his claws is accompanied by terrifying toxins. Even if he is bitten by it, he will become a new plague werewolf within a few seconds.

Regardless of the species of the bitten hapless creature, the power of the Red Mist curse will twist and mutate him into a half-wolf, half-human monster full of festering festering ulcers.

But the ability of the plague wolf king Gangrada is completely meaningless to a group of skeletons.

The subjects cursed by the Wraith Emperor cannot accept the curse of others again, and how can the dead soldiers be afraid of the plague?

Another team composed of strong men from the seventh step is strangling Gonradda's guards to prevent Gonradha's subordinates from rushing into the killing circle of the Talion Imperial Army.

With Margaret as the main force, and with the assistance of Commanders Windisa and Brady, more than 10,000 golden skeletons from the Talion Empire Army surrounded Gangrada. Margaret adopted the safest method, Hold back the wolf king Gangrada, and wait for another team to come back and kill the owner of the Gale Plains together.

The golden skeletons are really strong enough~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Their defense and blood bars are enough to withstand a heavy blow from the plague wolf king Gangrada. If Gonradha didn't have a certain kill that would kill most of the golden skulls in an instant, then it would take tens of thousands of heavy blows to pierce through these golden shields before it could injure humans.

Under the leadership of five honored skeletons, all the golden skeletons used their lives to block the fatal blow to humans.

"Gonrada is tired."

Margaret's cold voice sounded, "Let the other team deal with the werewolf guards as soon as possible. We must completely kill Gangrada before the sun goes down, and then support Mo Cheng."

At this time, the sacrificial skeleton who had been following Margaret raised his head, as if communicating with someone, then walked up to Margaret, gesticulating with his hands.

That was the semaphore that the sacrificial skeleton learned when he was cooperating with the human legion. On the way here, he did not know why he also got himself two flags for issuing orders.

Seeing the sacrificial skeleton gesturing abruptly in front of her, Margaret was taken aback for a moment, then frowned at the meaning expressed by the sacrificial skeleton.

"Five minutes countdown, siege, siege, ultra-long-range strike?"

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