Chapter 518 Small Town 4

Lu Sheng watched quietly for a while.

"Asang, what are you doing here?" Suddenly Rody's voice sounded behind him.

The sound was so sudden that even Lu Sheng himself didn't notice it.

He was startled, and turned around to see Rody reaching out and patting his shoulder.

"I saw something was going on in this classroom, so I came over to take a look." Lu Sheng replied casually, pointing to the classroom in front of him.

But as soon as he finished speaking, he looked back and saw that the classroom in front of him was dark and empty. There was no little boy, no TV, and even the neat and worn-out tables and chairs were scattered on the ground. The ground was covered with a thick layer of black ash.

Rody looked at the situation inside suspiciously. "Are you sure you saw it? Little boy?" He didn't believe that his son would see it wrong. A master who practices the Jelello sword technique will never have problems with his eyesight.

"I'm sure." Lu Sheng nodded. He pointed to the desks and chairs in the classroom. "And in the scene I saw just now, these tables and chairs were also in good condition and neat."

Rody's face became solemn and thoughtful.

"Let's go and make the raft first." He patted Lu Sheng on the shoulder.

Lu Sheng nodded.

He seems to understand the key to this small town. Perhaps the key point is exactly this small building and this school.

"It's impossible that Roddy chose this place by chance in the first place."

Lu Sheng took one last look at the classroom. Then he followed Rody to the second floor.

There was a classroom on the second floor, and a group of people gathered together. When they saw Roddy Lu Sheng coming back, Fran, who was dozing, stood up quickly.

Meira's eyes immediately focused on Lu Sheng. There was another thin man who also looked at Lu Sheng.

Obviously everyone knows about Lu Sheng's previous glorious record.

"The wood has been brought. We have to work together to tie up the raft and leave as quickly as possible." Essinro reminded.

"I'm responsible for the security." Lu Sheng raised his hand and said.

“Where can I find thick rope?”

"I found some in a drawer at school. They look very sturdy." Fran shouted.

Then a group of people quickly started to act. The wood was arranged neatly one by one, and the convex places were trimmed with a knife. Fortunately, the surface of the wood was quite rotten and could be easily chipped away.

While they were tying the raft, Lu Sheng began to wander around the small building again.

From the fourth floor to the third floor.

And from the third floor to the second floor.

After going down to the first floor and walking around the cafeteria and bathhouse, Lu Sheng finally returned to the teaching area.

The wind kept pouring in through the broken windows, and there were strange whistling sounds everywhere in the small building.


Lu Sheng pushed open a classroom door, and thick black ash fell from the top of the door frame. Fortunately, he took a step and didn't hit him on the head.

The classroom was very empty, with black chalk on the walls with random and unexplained patterns, rotten wood fragments of desks and chairs on the floor, and a crumbling gray podium still standing in front of the blackboard.

"I have a strange feeling that I didn't have when I came here just now." Lu Sheng narrowed his eyes and walked slowly into the door.

The wind was blowing loudly, causing the classroom door to slowly close.

Lu Sheng walked to the middle of the classroom and looked around.


Suddenly a crisp sound came from outside the classroom. He looked up suddenly following the sound.


I don’t know when, but a large group of people stood outside the classroom window.

These people were all dressed as teachers and students. Their faces were green and pale, and their eyes were all staring at Lu Sheng. Quiet and eerie.

Lu Sheng blinked, and the outside of the classroom suddenly returned to darkness with no one around.


Another small sound came from behind.

Lu Sheng turned around and saw a long-haired woman with her hair hanging down, covering her face, standing on the podium.

The woman's black hair was like a waterfall, long and dense. She stood in front of the podium with her hands hanging down, as if she was looking at Lu Sheng through her hair.

"What do you want to express? There are so many people?" Lu Sheng's face was expressionless.

The vision blurred, and the long-haired woman disappeared, as if it was just an illusion from the beginning.

But he knows very well that he has the blessing of the body in his heart. As a demon, he is a top expert in the soul. It is absolutely impossible for anyone to let him fall into hallucinations without realizing it.

Standing in the classroom and walking around.

Lu Sheng still found nothing.

"Istandine! Istandine! Shivrey, Kaman!"

Suddenly, bursts of neat and loud shouts came from the window. There seemed to be a lot of angry men shouting together.

Lu Sheng immediately rushed to the window and looked out. Before he could reach the halfway point, his feet suddenly became empty.

Bang! ! !

His eyes flashed, he was not in a classroom, he was simply lying on his back in a deep dark trap.


Lu Sheng straightened up, feeling a little hazy in his head, and touched the ground beside him.

The cold ground was surrounded by small, sharp objects. He stretched out his hand and touched it, and it turned out to be sharp thorns.

With the moonlight shining down from above his head, he could clearly see what was going on around him.

Sharp metal spikes like a forest stood densely around him.

Lu Sheng stood up slowly. Under him was a large spike trap that was crushed by him.

"Well, there is such a way to play? This method is not an illusion, so what is it?" He suddenly became interested.

Apparently he fell into a trap just now, but because his body was too strong, he smashed the trap forcefully.

He groped around, trying to see if he could find any clues here.

But to his disappointment, there was nothing else in the trap except a few corpses that were almost rotting into ashes.

Lu Sheng grabbed a spike with one hand and continued to step on it.

Bang! !

He jumped up like a rocket and was about to jump out of the trap.


A spiked iron ball with a diameter of more than one meter crashed over from the right side.

boom! !

The iron ball was knocked away by Lu Sheng's slap, rolled far away and hit the wall with a muffled sound.

Lu Sheng also used the reaction force to land lightly on the side of the trap.

Only then did he notice that he was no longer in the classroom just now, but in a room similar to a secret room.

The secret room was completely dark, with an empty window above the head, and only one door directly in front of the four walls.

There was a little boy standing at the door, looking in the shadow of the moonlight.

As if he noticed that he was discovered by Lu Sheng, the little boy turned around and ran away.

Lu Sheng hurriedly caught up.

After rushing out of the gate, there was actually a bottomless, dark cliff crack outside.

Lu Sheng was about to stop when suddenly a huge force came from behind, pushing him to take a hard step forward.


With nowhere to rely on, Lu Sheng fell weightless.

The stone walls of the cliff passed in front of me at high speed, the whistling of the wind filled my ears, and the cold and biting air kept pouring in through the gap in my collar.

I don’t know how many meters it fell.

Bang! ! !

Finally, Lu Sheng's body fell hard to the bottom and hit a hard boulder.

The stone suddenly cracked as if it had been hit by a huge force, and the pieces rolled to the side.

Lu Sheng rolled over. A normal person would have been crushed to pieces by the cliff, but he fell down without any damage.

Getting up from the ground, Lu Sheng looked up and saw that there was nothing on the cliff. He had no idea where he fell from just now.

"This place." Lu Sheng looked around, but he had no idea what terrain he was on.

Behind him is a vast expanse of endless gray ocean, and the only land is the cliff in front of him.

The biting cold wind howled everywhere.

"We have to go back first." He looked around, grabbed the stone protrusions of the cliff in front of him with both hands, and began to climb up quickly.

After a few minutes, Lu Sheng stood on the top of the cliff again, and then he saw a wooden door facing him on the cliff.

The wooden door was open, and the faint scene revealed inside was clearly the classroom he was in just now.

Quickly walking to the classroom door, Lu Sheng became cautious this time, standing at the door and staring inside carefully.

"You are all people who have been favored by God. You are all qualified people. The ceremony is to increase your glory and is the key to letting you ascend to heaven after death." A gentle and kind female voice came from the classroom.

"All you need to do is make a slight cut on your neck. Don't be afraid. Just like sleeping, this is the contribution we should make to God."

"Children, come here, have you seen the idol? Look at its hands, look at its eyes, look at its Ryan!! What are your eyes looking at!?"

The gentle female voice suddenly became sharp and high-pitched.

"Damn Ryan, you dare to disrespect God, come here! Gouge out his eyes!"

"No!! I don't dare anymore! Madam, I don't dare anymore!!" The little boy's cry was accompanied by the frightened gasps of other children, until it ended abruptly with a sharp scream.

Lu Sheng's eyes flashed again, and he was back in the original classroom.

The little boy with black hair was standing directly in front of him, not far away.


The classroom suddenly burst into flames inside and outside. The fire appeared out of thin air and ignited the entire first floor of the small building.

Lu Sheng even heard the footsteps of Roddy and others exclaiming as they came downstairs.

But he ignored it. Instead, he still stood quietly and looked at the little boy opposite.

The fire flew, igniting his trousers and shoes, and began to burn his legs. Soon Lu Sheng's whole body was on fire and he completely turned into a man on fire.

"Hawa. Ital. Mien" the boy slowly opened his mouth, speaking in an unknown language.

Following the voice's words, he slowly approached step by step and walked up to Lu Sheng.

He raised his right hand, and his fingers turned into five sharp black spikes.

Chi! ! !

In an instant, the spikes stabbed Lu Sheng's chest hard. The sharp tip trembled violently, and there were countless tiny black spots faintly flowing and changing.

The air was trembling, and the surrounding flames seemed to be afraid, retreating and scattering under the attack of the sharp spikes.

A huge, fuzzy, ferocious black shadow appeared behind the little boy. Following his movements, he thrust forward violently.

Bang! !

The sharp thorns stamped onto Lu Sheng's chest.

No progress whatsoever.

The boy raised his head in shock, only to see Pyro's eyes looking down at him.

"Poor child, you don't understand what power is."

Bang! ! ! !

With a loud noise, the boy's chest collapsed, and his petite body flew out like a cannonball, crashing through the wall, flying out of the school, hitting several houses, and finally fell into a pile of black garbage-like waste, rolling around. Deep ravines were carved into the ground.

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