Chapter 526 Time 2

"Master Yin Ji?" Lu Sheng waved Lu Fengchou away with his palm, and pointed with his backhand at the right fist thrown by Hu Jin behind him.

Bang bang! Two white ripples exploded, and the two of them were blown away at the same time.

"Of course I have admired my name for a long time, Yindu Yinji Soldier Master, but as the Holy Master of Qianyang Sect, if you use Yinji to suppress me, where will you put my sect leader, Aurora Soldier Master?" Lu Sheng said with a smile.

"Your core methods are blood control, huge strength, and holy fire. The fused divine weapons are only at the Jade Star level, and there is no hope of divine wisdom in the future. It's really a pity and sad." Lu Sheng changed the topic and said, "After practicing one level, you will be defeated. Have you ever been willing to be restricted by mere divine weapons?"

"Why did Sect Master Lu say this? Those who can fuse divine wisdom and divine weapons are all geniuses with deepened luck and profound backgrounds. Yes, based on the material of Sect Master Lu, the divine weapons that were originally fused must have a limited level and restrictions. Growth. So you are unwilling to do so?" Hu Jinfei retreated to the ground and stabilized his body. "Why don't you join me in Yindu. Although the Qianyang Sect is strong, it is much weaker than the royal family in Yindu. Yindu has two divine masters of divine wisdom sitting in charge, and several divine weapons of divine wisdom. Considering the age of the sect leader, he is still very young. It’s too late to destroy the divine weapons and rebuild a divine wisdom.”

"Yindu has divine weapons of wisdom and wisdom? It sounds like there are many more?" Lu Sheng's eyes lit up, thoughtfully.

"Of course, the Yinji Weapon Master travels across the heavens and has extraordinary strength, so his harvest is naturally much greater than that of the three sects. What's more, the three sects only have two war masters, and the divine wisdom weapons they collect have to be divided among the three sects. . You are not as good as my royal family." Seeing Lu Sheng's loosened tone, Hu Jin immediately perked up and quickened his expectations.

When the three of them fought, they were actually filled with horror, and the more they fought, the colder they became.

Lu Sheng stopped the three of them by himself. They had been fighting for so long and still managed to do so with ease. It was obvious that he still had some energy left.

If you say this strength is divine wisdom, no one will believe it.

If Dong Lu Sheng can be persuaded to join the royal family, it will definitely be a huge help to the current chaotic Yin City and the battle for unification.

For a while, the movements of the three people's hands gradually slowed down.

Lu Sheng immediately felt something different when he stood in the middle, but he didn't take it seriously. Instead, the corner of his mouth curled up into a slight smile.

He also knew almost all the ways and means of the three of them. It's time to end this farce.

"Yindu, I will go. But not now. Okay, the game is over."

"What do you mean?" Delin instinctively felt something was wrong, and he took a step back and his voice quickly became colder.

Not only him, Hu Jin also took back the jade ring and suspended it beside him.

Lu Fengqiu's sword shook, and a circle of white-gold flames flew out around him.

"It means you are useless." Lu Sheng threw away the fragments of the long knife in his hand, turned around and walked away.

The three of them looked at each other, not understanding what was going on.

But soon, Delin understood what Lu Sheng meant.

With a bang, the knife in his hand fell to the ground involuntarily, and a feeling of extreme sleepiness and fatigue surged into his heart. A terrifying, tearing pain came from the depths of his soul, but it was unable to withstand the sleepiness that was so deep that he couldn't resist it.

Before going to sleep, he also saw Hu Jin and Lu Fengchou falling to the ground with their eyes blank as he did.

I don't know when my vision turned slightly green.

The air seemed to be filled with a touch of green, and a light green breeze blew by.

"Greenery??" Suddenly Delin seemed to understand something.

How can the wind be green?

He finally knew why he had palpitations in the first place and wanted to run away.

It turns out that the outcome has been decided from the very beginning. This source of power hidden in the wind is difficult to detect at all.

"It's really ugly." Perhaps dying in the hands of the Holy Lord of Divine Wisdom who has mastered the source of power is not too shameful.

Lu Sheng walked out of the forest, and a large amount of green powder behind him gathered into a huge ball of yin fire, and three Jade Star Divine Weapons flew out from behind.

Yin Huo put down the magic weapon, dispersed himself into powder, melted into Lu Sheng's back and disappeared.

"This is my source of core method." Lu Sheng held Zhuo Yuhuan in his hand, looked at it carefully, then put it to his mouth and bit it gently.

The extremely hard divine weapon was like a crispy biscuit under his fangs, chipping away with just one bite.

None of the three divine weapons can be kept. As the divine weapon of the royal family, it will definitely have a name and surname outside, and its reputation is not small.

The current Yuan Mo Sect cannot compete with the royal family.

The loss of the three Holy Lords was also a great damage to the royal family.

"It's ridiculous. Twelve years from now there will be a great catastrophe, but a group of people are only busy fighting for power and profit." Lu Sheng's face showed a hint of sarcasm.

Now that the military leader has not come out, Shen Hui is the strongest in the world, and he is afraid that someone will come and cause trouble for him.

The death of the three holy masters here at the same time can be regarded as a serious warning to certain forces. Their claws are stretched out on his head. Since he is not afraid of death, then he will take his life to fill it.

In today's troubled times, blindly giving in and keeping a low profile will not gain the attention of outsiders. Only by showing one's fangs can people be feared, feared and respected.

Lu Ran, the master and the servant, were running very fast.

Tall trees and low shrubs continued to retreat rapidly around them.

Suddenly Lu Ran stopped suddenly, his body went from extremely fast to extremely slow in an instant, and stopped in place.

"What's wrong, miss?" Ding Wusheng asked hurriedly.

"I'm grateful for this trip." Lu Ran's face was cold and expressionless, but the trace of anxiety that had been hidden in his eyes finally dissipated at this time.

She already knew what was happening behind her.

"Miss, you mean...?" Ding Wusheng was not a fool, so he immediately understood the reason why the lower realm stopped. His face became slightly excited.

"Let's go. There's still a long road ahead. Qiuyue County Yuan Mo Sect. I underestimated it." Lu Ran turned around and continued to move forward. But his steps were much lighter than before.

When Ding Wusheng saw this, he was also extremely happy and quickly followed.


The three holy masters of the royal family mysteriously disappeared in the realm of Qianyang Sect, and the Great Yin was shaken.

The place where the Holy Lord disappeared left a wide range of traces of the fight, and it was suspected that there were beings at the Holy Lord level fighting each other.

A series of signs indicate that these three worshipers are in danger.

But the royal family was still unwilling to give in, and the big families behind them were not willing to give in either. They sent people to search carefully, but unfortunately, even the body could not be found.

The leader of the Jiguang Army sent a special letter to ask Lu Sheng about this matter. Lu Sheng pushed him away. After all, he was currently recuperating from an injury. With his strength, which he had just been promoted to, it was impossible for him to achieve the feat of one-on-three.

Therefore, after discovering traces that were suspected to be similar to demonic energy, the royal family characterized the matter as a raid by the demon lord.

Lu Sheng was also suddenly pushed to a prominent position at the forefront of the storm. The Holy Lord of Shenhui of the royal family secretly put pressure on Yuanmo Sect to find clues, but Qianyang Sect was not to be outdone. The Aurora Soldiers sent the Holy Lord of Shenhui level to ascend. Come again, sit in all directions and suppress all forces.

"Please." Lu Sheng pointed at the white jade teacup in front of him. There is slightly turbulent green tea inside. This tea is very strange. If you leave it in place, it will form a vortex and rotate on its own without moving it. The direction of rotation is clockwise.

"Fellow Taoist Lu Sheng, I haven't seen you for a long time. You look even better than before." Taoist Tongsheng smiled and took a sip of tea, enjoying the fragrance of the tea leaves in his mouth.

"It seems that Fellow Taoist Tongsheng has found the direction for the future?" Lu Sheng raised his eyebrows.

The two of them were sitting in the Demon Palace of Yuan Mo Sect. As the Tongsheng Holy Lord who had given Lu Sheng a lot of help in the past, Yuan Mo Sect was unanimously welcomed by everyone.

Lu Sheng even made a special trip to treat Tong Sheng with the best Jiuxuan tea in his collection.

"It's difficult." Tong Sheng shook his head slightly, "When we reach a state like ours, what we are looking for is to improve the control of the compatibility with the source power. There are countless source powers in the world, and different source powers require different conditions. Just find this condition, It will take a lot of time." He looked up at Lu Sheng and suddenly laughed, "It seems that fellow Taoist Lu Sheng has found the path he wants to take?"

"Maybe, it's too early to say this now." Lu Sheng smiled and changed the subject.

After the two chatted about the recent situation for a while, Lu Sheng asked a few common sense questions and received satisfactory answers from Tong Sheng, before sending him to the arranged residence to stay and rest.

After all, Tong Sheng came here with great fanfare just to support him. He must do his best to entertain people both in public and in private.

After seeing Tong Sheng off, Lu Sheng soon welcomed his second distinguished guest.

Standing in the study room, he picked up the platinum greeting card on the table.

There is a line of words written vertically on it: The Three Yuan Nine Pagodas, the Supreme Saint of Heaven and Earth, the Secret Evil Spirit King, and the Holy Son of the Third Saint King - His Highness Li Shunxi worships the sect.

Just this invitation and the fluctuating runes engraved on it made Lu Sheng moved. This invitation was already equivalent to half a golden leaf magic weapon. The methods of the Three Saint Sects were indeed mysterious and powerful.

Speaking of which, there were some nasty conflicts between him and the Three Saints Sect. This time Li Shunxi came to represent the Three Saints Sect, maybe he was supporting him in an upright way.

After adjusting his clothes, Lu Sheng strode out of the study and walked towards the main hall of the Demon Palace.

As the representative of the Three Saints Sect, when Li Shunxi came this time, he first had to put aside his personal friendship and formally receive the Three Saints Sect and his entourage.

This is etiquette.

Passing through large sections of palace corridors, the main hall door opened. Li Shunxi was dressed in white clothes, wearing a white jade gold crown, and four precious pearls hanging on his chest. Behind him were beautiful maids, military guards, scholars, eunuchs, and two The powerful old man, who looked very imposing at first glance, defended him from the left to the right.

As soon as Lu Sheng entered the hall, he smelled a faint scent of incense, which was obviously brought from Li Shunxi.

He glanced at the two old men. They were both top masters in military command. They were also overlords in some small places, but here they were just serving as Li Shunxi's followers.

Seeing Lu Sheng come in, Li Shunxi's originally forced smile suddenly turned to surprise, and he quickly stood up.

"Brother Lu! Here, here!" He quickly waved from Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng walked over and got closer and smelled the aroma of the boy getting stronger. Moreover, there seemed to be powder on his face and neck, which had a makeup-like effect, making him look more like a pretty boy.

"Long time no see. How are you, Brother Lu?" Li Shunxi looked extremely reserved. He obviously wanted to say hello in a relaxed manner, but the large group of people around him made him feel on pins and needles. Every move he made had to maintain the integrity of Feng Yi, the Son of the Holy Son. .

"Everything is fine." Lu Sheng nodded. Being able to clearly stand up and support him at this time, based on this alone, his efforts to save Li Shunxi all these years were not in vain.

Li Shunxi grimaced. "To be honest, Brother Lu, I'm going to pass this time." There were coughs coming from nearby.

He immediately paused and said helplessly.

"This Holy Son came here specifically to deliver an invitation to Brother Lu."

He took out an exquisite invitation from the woman beside him.

The material is the same as the previous greeting card, and the aura fluctuations are also quite extraordinary.

Lu Sheng opened it at random and looked strange.

"Are you getting engaged? You even have a daughter?"

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