Chapter 593 Healing Technique 1

The treatment of cordyceps is very simple. It only requires thirteen steps, and it can be soaked for a while according to the fixed method.

It may be difficult for a true beginner to remember all the steps, but for Lu Sheng, with his extremely powerful weapon master soul, facing this small problem is almost easier than breathing.

Turgeon only told him once, and he remembered it thoroughly. However, in order not to stand out, he asked Turgeon three more times and asked Turgeon to demonstrate it once before he started to do it himself.

deal with.

After dealing with a Cordyceps plant on the spot, Tu Jin was quite surprised and nodded with satisfaction.

"It's okay to process these medicinal materials within two days? All of them must be of at least this quality." He pointed at the finished product that Lu Shengcai had made.

"No problem." Lu Sheng nodded.

It happened that he needed some time to explore the surrounding environment.

Three days is enough.

Turgeon ordered the people behind him to turn around and leave. Lu Sheng was left alone in the house to deal with the cordyceps.

From morning to noon, the fat girl named Fan Yan brought food in. After Lu Sheng quickly finished the food, he continued to deal with the Cordyceps albicans unhurriedly.

In the past, when he was practicing martial arts, he had handled a lot of medicinal materials, and this process was simply trivial.

Slowly at night, despite Lu Sheng's procrastination, all the Cordyceps alba was finished.

He had slowed down as much as possible, but the result was still far beyond expectations.

In the evening, Tu Jin went out to buy things and came back. When he opened the material room, he saw that the cordyceps in the entire room had been neatly and cleanly treated. Each one is packed in a small wooden box and processed according to his requirements. The quality of each one is almost the same.

"Did you do all this?" Tu Jin stood at the door and stared at Lu Sheng intently.

"Well, do the results of today's whole day still meet the requirements?" Lu Sheng asked easily.

Turgeon glanced at him, was silent for a while, and then slowly spoke out.


"Then, can I be your assistant?" Lu Sheng asked with a smile.

Turgeon thought for a moment. "Can you make a simple medicine?"

"know a little."

"Okay, starting tomorrow, help me make medicine." After saying that, he turned and left the room.

Lu Sheng smiled, this was a good start.

Early the next morning, Turgeon seemed quite relaxed, dragging a cart of herbs and going out. His routine was to go out in the morning and come back at night.

Lu Sheng also got several tasks of boiling medicine, which was very easy for him. With the power of his soul, it is not easy to sense the level and heat of the medicinal soup.

After solving the task, he began to explore and wander around the cabin.

This Libra City has a strong suppression power on the soul induction. The soul at the level of his soldier can only spread to dozens of meters around at most. It is conceivable that for ordinary monks, it would be extremely difficult for their souls to leave their bodies.

But this is enough for Lu Shengshi.

He quickly found out where this place was.

The place where Turgeon's hut is located is called Net Dragon Point. It is said that someone has caught a dragon with a divine net when eating here.

Because the terrain here is like a sharp angle, some people call it Netlong Point.

The surrounding terrain is remote, and there is only one sect in the west, called Chiyun Sect. It's the closest martial arts sect here.

The existence of this Libra City was also found out by Lu Sheng.

The so-called Libra City is actually a huge force formed by a group of businessmen gathered together and a group of ascetic monks.

Businessmen believe in absolute fairness, while ascetics believe in absolute justice.

The two sides complemented each other and created a relatively fair environment, thus attracting more and more casual cultivators to join in disguise. The descendants and nephews of the casual cultivators have thrived here.

Hundreds of thousands of years later, it gradually evolved into an independent small world.

Lu Sheng learned from the old people living nearby that in fact, the truly noble people in Libra City were the people living in the main city. Except for the main city, the people in the four major districts were actually inferior people. It is a vulnerable existence that provides various service resources to the people of the main city.

Here, the jade certificate of identity is the most critical thing. Without this, it would be difficult to move forward.

From the people around him, Lu Sheng also saw their desire and yearning for the main city.

But to become a resident of the main city, the level of contribution required is terrifyingly high. In other words, only by becoming a practitioner and participating in the conquest battle to the outer star field, can you get a lot of contribution points.

After roughly understanding it, Lu Sheng helped Tuki process the medicinal materials and brew the medicine. Everything was fine and everything went well.

At this moment, a letter was sent from a distance, which immediately made Tujin helpless.

The letter was addressed to his daughter and eldest apprentice.

His eldest disciple, Decheng, invited Fengfeng to join the Red Cloud Sect. Now that the red gold fish monster is plundering, Chiyunmen needs to recruit disciples in time to fight against the red gold fish monster's tide.

The two were afraid that Turgeon would not allow them to leave, so they secretly left a letter and ran away. When Tu Jin found out, he was almost so angry that he couldn't eat for two days.

Fortunately, with Deyun's help and Lu Sheng's persuasion, he was able to calm down a little.

But no matter what, the originally lively wooden house courtyard suddenly became deserted.

As the days passed, Lu Sheng also got the identity certificate that Tu Jin applied for him. However, in order to obtain temporary residency, more contribution points are needed.

He scored a total of thirteen points, all from processing medicinal materials. It was given to him by Turgeon.

I can live here for more than a month at 13 o'clock.

Of course, during these free time, while Lu Sheng worked as his assistant, he began to slowly learn about Tu Jin's daily treatment of various diseases and organs.

The excellence of schema therapy was quickly revealed to him.

This set of healing techniques that have been passed down for a long time has two major characteristics.

One is the three limits of Tujin Shen Dao’s secret skills.

Second, it specializes in organ transplantation and treatment.

Combined with the unique unique practice method of schema therapy.

Practitioners can develop the best special energy to assist healing techniques. This energy is not aggressive, and its therapeutic effect is similar to other techniques with therapeutic effects.

After Lu Sheng understood the main system of the schema, he immediately understood that this would most likely be a good supplement and help to his martial arts system.

This is the key to his willingness to stay here patiently.

He searched the cabin inside and out. In Turgeon's absence, Lu Sheng still couldn't find the core technique here. He tried psychological guidance therapy, but it didn't work, so he gave up the idea of ​​getting the technique and leaving.

Unfortunately, he was interested in schema therapy and had to be willing to teach it. With nothing to do, Lu Sheng had been waiting for an opportunity.

Time passed slowly, and more than a month passed in the blink of an eye.

Turgeon was extremely depressed.

All I have learned is that in this era, there are no people who are willing to learn. This is simply the greatest irony of his schema therapy.

The powerful healing skills he had always been proud of seemed to have become a backward remnant of the times in this era.

He was sitting in the lobby of the wooden house, holding a cigarette rod at an angle in his hand, smoking tobacco in one puff after another.

Deyun was handling a pot of viscous potion with red bubbles on his right hand.

Lu Yue was on his left hand, handling a pile of extremely delicate red sandalwood leaves.

"I need you to help me deal with a troublesome thing today. Do you remember the Xiaoyunyuan method I talked about yesterday?" Tujin sighed and asked aloud.

"I remember." "I don't remember."

Lu Yue and Deyun's two completely opposite answers made Tu Jin helplessly rub his eyes.

Originally he could tolerate Deyun's clumsiness, but since Lu Yue became his assistant, beauty comes from contrast, and he felt more and more that Deyun was stupid.

Recently, because he had to deal with a very important wild medicinal plant, he needed two assistants with higher literacy and skills, so he handed over a simple skill in schema therapy to the two of them.

But unfortunately, Deyun is still extremely stupid, while Lu Yue is far smarter than imagined.

Tu Jin began to consider whether Lu Yue should also be listed as the target of his inheritance of healing skills.

He actually openly recruited disciples from nearby areas who were willing to come and learn healing techniques, but unfortunately, no one was willing.

Not to mention that practicing schema therapy is extremely difficult, it requires a lot of repeated practice to master the most basic techniques.

Even if you learn it, with the same time and energy, the rewards you get are far less than learning martial arts.

Several young people have been fooled. They have been practicing for two years, but in the end, their healing skills have not reached the first level.

People of the same age who went to martial arts sects could already crack stone monuments and go out to accept bounty missions to support their families.

And in order to practice healing techniques, they had to spend a lot of ice money.

This is simply a trap!

Since then, no one has taken the initiative to learn healing techniques. In the end, even Turgeon's own eldest apprentice and daughter were unwilling.

So now his main consideration is not the question of whether to teach it or not, but the question of whether people are willing to do it.

Sighing, Tujin glanced at Lu Yue.

‘Let’s go back and ask tentatively. Today’s young people are all too impetuous. What’s wrong with therapy? Healing the dying and healing the wounded, that’s how my wife was saved back then’

"By the way, sir, Xiao Yunyuan's method seems to be mainly aimed at the medicinal materials in the meat mushroom. It can only be used on meat mushrooms that are less than a thousand years old at best. No matter how high it is, it won't work. I saw it recorded in the medicine book you recommended to me last time. That material is yours," Lu Sheng reminded in a low voice.

"Oh? And this?" Even Turgeon himself didn't notice this. During this time, he was busy with various things and almost lost his head.

When Lu Sheng reminded me, I was suddenly shocked and thought about it quickly. Sure enough.

"That's true!" Turgeon stood up and took a few steps back and forth.

"Thank you for your timely reminder. Xiao Yunyuan's method cannot be used anymore, as it will affect the efficacy of the finished product."

Lu Sheng's reminder seemed to make him make up his mind.

Tu Jin looked at Lu Sheng and suddenly thought of a way. Regardless of whether this kid wanted it or not, he had to learn healing techniques from him.

He holds the boy's right to extend his residence in Libra City. If he doesn't want to, don't give him an extension.

Thinking of this, Turgeon suddenly felt comfortable, maybe this trip would really work.

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