Chapter 603 Ignition 1

A pile of fallen leaves fell from the top of the bobcat's head and covered the body. The green leaves were particularly dazzling with the red blood of the bobcat.

Lu Sheng put away his rabbit paws and walked over with a calm expression.

"Meat is poisonous. Eating meat is an extremely cruel method. Think about it, aren't there many things in plants that can replace meat? For example, mushrooms? For example, fruits? Beans?"

Ciel recovered from the shock, but his face was confused.

When Lu Sheng saw this, he roughly knew what level his knowledge level was, so he didn't say more.

"Let's go, take me to see the rabbit tribe behind you." He said calmly.

"Yes!" Charles was excited and quickly answered loudly.

He took Lu Sheng and Qian Ya together and hurried towards the depths of the forest. After walking in for about twenty minutes, the leaves of the surrounding trees gradually changed from emerald green to dark red.

Soon, Ciel stopped in front of an empty cave.

Gu Gu! !

he shouted.

After waiting for a while, a response came out immediately.


Ciel quickly responded a few more times. Then he turned around and faced Lu Sheng respectfully.

"Dear sage, this is the headquarters of our White Rabbit Clan."

Soon after his words fell, many white rabbits jumped out of the cave, and there were also a few gray rabbits and spotted rabbits among them.

A large group of rabbits looked curiously at Lu Sheng, who was standing on two legs. In the dark cave, the red eyes of the rabbits reflected light slightly, looking like many gems in the night.

One of them, an old rabbit with wrinkled fur and somewhat gray eyes, stood at the front, looking at Lu Sheng and then at Ciel with a confused expression, as if waiting for an explanation from him.

"This is Sage Road!" Charles also began to introduce the old rabbit among the group of rabbits.

"The sage killed Gray Stone and a lynx in the wild forest, and gave me sacred teachings." Ciel said loudly and solemnly.


"Grey stone? That poisonous snake??"

The rabbits suddenly became excited. Surprised eyes kept falling on Lu Sheng.

"Char, are you eating too much grass and making yourself stupid? Our rabbit killed Gray Stone? We also killed the lynx? You should make up a better excuse." A female rabbit stood up and said helplessly. .

"Misha, I'm not making this up! I saw the Sage beating the lynx to death in front of me with my own eyes!" Ciel was slightly excited.

"With your own eyes?" the old rabbit at the front said.

"Yes! It's true! It's absolutely true, the lynx's body is still where it was!" Charles quickly explained.

The old rabbit nodded slightly. He believed that Ciel would not lie, but the greater possibility was that Ciel might also have been deceived.

"Let's go take a look? Just take a look from a distance." Old Rabbit said calmly.

Lu Sheng ignored the argument between them. It didn't matter to him whether he believed it or not. If things didn't go well here, he would go find other ethnic groups.

Although he is a rabbit tribe, it does not mean that he must be limited to conquering rabbits.

Although these rabbits must have their own support for being able to live here for so long, these are not important to Lu Sheng.

He watched as the group of rabbits continued to debate whether to accept him as an outsider. I gradually became a little impatient.

Ciel explained repeatedly, but no one was willing to believe him. Some rabbits even began to doubt Ciel, suspecting that he was conspiring with Lu Sheng to plot against the intelligent rabbit race.

This made Ciel's eyes even redder.

"Okay Ciel."

Lu Sheng finally stopped him.

"They are not willing to accept teachings, so be it. They are not the only rabbits in the forest, and fate does not only favor the rabbits."

He turned and walked away. Rabbits are timid, and people like Ciel are simply heretics. It is natural for the rest of the rabbit clan to behave this way.

Charles was arguing with the elders when he suddenly heard Lu Sheng's words behind him. He was startled. He turned around and saw that Lu Sheng had left a short distance away and was about to disappear into the bushes.

He hesitated for a moment, but still couldn't suppress a certain expectation and desire in his heart. He gritted his teeth and turned around to chase Lu Sheng.

"Char! Charles, are you back!?" The female rabbit shouted from behind.

Charles turned a deaf ear. Although he had only seen Lu Sheng for a short time, he believed that this was the hope of the Rabbit Clan and the sage of the Rabbit Clan! It's dawn!

He has always been bold, and this time is no exception!

Xia Er followed Lu Sheng and Qian Ya and ran a long distance before stopping.

"Why are you following me?" Lu Sheng asked strangely.

"Sage, didn't you come here specifically to bring enlightenment to our rabbit tribe?" Ciel thought for a while and then asked about his confusion.

"Wrong." Lu Sheng shook his head. "What I bring is the revelation to this forest."

Charlotte suddenly realized something.

The next time, he followed Lu Sheng and found an abandoned tree hole to live in.

Incisor is in charge of the nest, Xiaer is in charge of guarding, and Lu Sheng continues to eat grass when he is hungry and also when he is thirsty.

He has now mastered the first level of the Black Dragon Heart-Destroying Technique and has gained a lot of food. He needed far more food than before, and the surrounding lawn was gnawed clean by him in a few days.

Soon the surrounding leaves were rotten and became more and more bare. The vegetation could no longer meet Lu Sheng's needs.

Until the third day after leaving the rabbit clan.

Lu Shenglian stood in front of the window in the tree hole. This window was specially opened by him for ventilation. In addition, he also stipulated where the two rabbits must poop and urinate, so as not to be overwhelmed by the smell of rabbit urine.

"The body has almost adapted. It's time to take the next step." At this time, his body had completely adapted to the first level of the Black Dragon Heart-Destroying Technique. You can start to advance to the next level.

At this time, Charles was on guard outside, and Qianya was sleeping in a grass nest not far away.

‘Dark blue. ’

Lu Sheng recited the modifier silently again, and the light blue interface appeared in front of him.

‘Black Dragon Heart-Destroying Technique: The first level, (Characteristics: basic strength increased by one level, basic explosive power increased by one level. Basic energy and blood increased by one level)’

Lu Sheng quickly clicked the modify button and focused his attention.

"Promote the Black Dragon Heart-Destroying Technique to the second level."

Once again, the box blurred, and Lu Sheng quickly felt that his size began to expand again.

A large amount of warmth spread and boiled around his body, and his fur began to grow longer and glossier.

The body that was originally the size of a palm has slightly become the size of two palms.

This time the improvement was rapid.

The warm current only lasted for a short while and then ended. The box also quickly became clear.

Lu Sheng glanced at the box again.

‘Black Dragon Heart-Destroying Technique: Second level, (Characteristics: basic strength increased by two levels, basic explosive power increased by two levels, basic energy and blood increased by two levels.)’


Lu Sheng waved his hand casually to test his speed.

The gray rabbit paw was in mid-air for only a moment before leaving a clear trace. On the inner wall of the tree hole in front of him, a claw mark several centimeters deep was clearly visible.

"There is no obstacle, and the strength is much greater than before." Lu Sheng was quite satisfied. This time his body seemed to have adapted a lot. Maybe it was the first time to improve, and the rabbit's physique still needed to be modified in martial arts. That's why it took so long.

This time it was much faster.

Lu Sheng also guessed that perhaps when he was improving for the first time, the modifier needed to modify the Black Dragon Heart-Destroying Technique, a martial art for humans, into a martial art for rabbits, so it took a long time.

But this time it was different.

"Since you can bear it, then raise it to another level."

Just do it if you think of it.

He quickly concentrated his attention and began to improve his skills again, but it only took a moment. The Black Dragon's Heart-Destroying Technique has finally been promoted to the third level.

‘Black Dragon Heart-Destroying Technique: The third level, (Characteristics: basic strength increased by three levels, basic explosive power increased by three levels, basic vitality increased by three levels.)’

After reaching the third level, Lu Sheng vaguely felt that he seemed to have a deeper understanding of the laws and nature of Qi and blood in this world.

After all, the modifier is also using its own soul calculation to improve martial arts. At every step of improvement, he can clearly understand the process.

This is to use his knowledge and experience to practice.

After reaching the third level of the Black Dragon Heart-Destroying Technique, Lu Sheng clearly felt that the rules here were slightly less suppressive to the body.

"After this period of time, it seems that Yang Yuan can be used, as well as transplantation. This purely surgical technology still requires more dissection of biological structures to adapt.

In addition, the spirit-stimulating silk also belongs to the qi and blood branch, and can also be used a little bit. This is good news. It just so happens that there is not enough vegetation to eat. "

Qi and blood are the lowest power in all worlds, but because they are the lowest and shallowest, they have the greatest adaptability.

Many rules of the Way of Qi and Blood can be used in many worlds. On the contrary, it is a highly specialized top skill with extremely poor adaptability and requires a lot of time to correct.

The third level of martial arts realm allowed Lu Sheng to expand to three times its original size.

At this time he was already as big as a kitten.

But its power is already twice as strong as that of the original lynx.

With such strength, coupled with Lu Sheng's own level of fighting experience, he was almost invincible in this forest.

Therefore, Lu Sheng also quickly started his plan.

Ouch! ~~!

The ear-piercing howls of wolves echoed through the forest one after another, spreading continuously.

Lu Sheng slowly woke up from his trance. He was sitting cross-legged on the branch of a big tree, quietly waiting for the movement below.

Xiaer and Qianya didn't follow them. Their strength was too weak and it would be useless to follow them. Lu Sheng planned to deal with it independently this time.

In the dark forest, rabbits' eyes should not be able to see anything originally. Rabbits' eyesight is actually very poor. They are born with farsightedness, and they cannot see three-dimensional images. They see things as flat surfaces.

This is because their eye fields do not cross. This also results in them not being able to visually assess distances.

Of course, these are meaningless to Lu Sheng. The huge qi and blood are rolling in his body, causing his body's ability to adapt to the environment to be extremely strong at this time. The nearsightedness and flatness of his eyes are all due to the surge of qi and blood. improvement correction.

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