Chapter 615 Disciple 1

Although they were just asking, most people's expressions changed slightly as soon as they heard the word "red moon".

Not easy to mess with, cruel, cunning, and powerful, these are the descriptions and impressions of Hong Yue.

Every Red Moon disciple is synonymous with danger, deception, and bad intentions.

In order to seize resources and interests, they can use any means and methods.

Although he heard all kinds of negative things along the way, Lu Sheng at least got some additional new information.

That is, the Red Moon disciples all seem to pursue one goal - eternal burning.

This was mentioned by a very old man who had one of his eyes replaced with a dark gold dragon eye while he and Lu Sheng were waiting for the teleportation formation.

"The origin of the Red Moon Disciples is the Red Moon Master. The Red Moon Master came from a mysterious place.

Just like him, there seems to be a similar group of forces in countless universes, and they all pursue eternal burning. "The old man slowly narrated, "I have searched through countless documents, and I roughly understand the hidden meaning of eternal burning.

What can burn forever? Unleash light and power? "

"That is eternal life. Life is burning. If it burns forever, it means eternal life. Eternal life. This is what they are pursuing."

"Eternal Life."

Lu Sheng murmured as he recalled the old man's words from before. When the white light of the teleportation array dimmed, he was already standing in front of a huge red palace, stopping to look inside.

The red palace can be seen from left to right at a glance. The entire palace is bare without any decorative patterns.

It's like red stone pillars hundreds of meters high, tightly packed side by side, like red pipe organs.

Straight, hard, bright red.

The entire palace stood quietly in front of Lu Sheng's eyes.

The surrounding air was filled with blazing high temperatures, at least over fifty degrees, and the dry heat was boiling, pulling out transparent twisted vortices one after another in the air.

"Is there no one here?" Lu Sheng was a little confused. Logically speaking, the Red Moon disciples were the largest force in the entire Libra City. As the Red Moon Master's recruitment point for disciples, there would be no movement at all.

He hesitated, guessing that he couldn't find a way in and out.

Looking back at the teleportation array, Lu Sheng quickly found a small red mark on it.

A red moon sign. There is also a word engraved in the middle of the crescent moon - turn.

Lu Sheng thought for a while, stretched out his hand and tapped the mark lightly.

The mark visibly lit up for a moment, then went out again.

"Are there any new people here? It's not time to officially recruit disciples. The specific time is three o'clock in the afternoon." A cold and emotionless male voice came from the mark.

"Three o'clock in the afternoon? Got it." Lu Sheng nodded slightly.

"If you want to join sincerely, prepare 10,000 ice coins and be prepared to sacrifice your life." The voice continued.

"Understood." Lu Sheng responded.

The sound slowly disappeared.

Lu Sheng stood there for a while, then walked out of the teleportation array and simply sat down in the open space beside him.

In addition to the red palace, there is a dense gray stone forest surrounding it as far as the eye can see.

The sky is gray, the earth is gray, there are no insects or birds chirping, it seems that everything is dead silent.

After sitting cross-legged for a while, monks would teleport here unexpectedly from time to time, but they would soon teleport away again.

There is nothing here, and the teleportation array is free, so few people are willing to stay here and wait.

Time passed slowly, and gradually, one or two people with extraordinary temperament were teleported here. Like Lu Sheng, they found an empty place to wait.

Lu Sheng didn't look at anyone else, he just looked at his nose and heart, focusing on himself.

Waited for about more than an hour.

Suddenly a subtle hissing sound spread, and in front of the smooth stone pillars of the red palace, a black dot slowly appeared, and then suddenly opened.

Chi! !

The space was torn open, revealing gray cracks that were more than three meters high.

A gray, rough and thick animal claw protruded from the crack. The animal claw was similar to the front paw of a monitor lizard. It only had four fingers with webs of flesh between the fingers. The skin was rough and full of wrinkles, making it look tough, thick and powerful.


The beast's claw landed firmly on the ground, followed by the second and third claws.

A total of six claws crawled out slowly, and a huge gray monitor lizard over five meters tall appeared in front of everyone.

At this time, with Lu Sheng in front of the teleportation array, there were already more than a dozen strangers waiting.

Some seemed to recognize this gray monitor lizard and quickly stood up and bowed respectfully.

Some stared at the other person warily, waiting for him to reveal his identity.

Lu Sheng, on the other hand, sat quietly and motionless.

The monitor lizard vomited out its gray-red core, and its pair of narrow eyes showed a trace of cruelty and violence.

"This is the Black Death Star No. 311 in the Red Moon Galaxy. There are five hundred recruitment points in total. You are really lucky to be assigned to me."

His voice was slightly hoarse, like two female voices with different tones speaking together. One is turned up, one is turned down.

More than a dozen people immediately understood the identity of the giant lizard. Those who were sitting down stood up one after another, staring at him seriously. Waiting for his next post.

The giant lizard smiled, showing an extremely complex mocking expression.

"In Hongyue, there has never been anyone with high or low birth status."

He dragged his huge body calmly and lightly, slowly walking around the crowd, and his huge paws made no sound when stepping on the ground.

Its long and thick tail slightly bends and sways in the direction. Like a powerful hunter about to pounce on his prey.

"As long as you have money! As long as you can make a big enough contribution to me, Hong Yue!" The giant lizard said loudly, "Then no matter what your strength, origin, or race, you can join Hong Yue and get the teachings from the Master. .”

"The great red moon shines on us. Under this pure moonlight, all of us, all living creatures, are equal! We are all brothers and sisters! We are all bathed in the same moonlight!" The monitor lizard gradually looked up enthusiastically. The head growled.

"Okay, everything that needs to be said has been said. Whatever you have decided, come here and pay the money, and then submit your life span. Whatever you look at, if it is right, just give it to me, the great Lord Sifuin." The monitor lizard opened his mouth. It was a strong wind that blew out, causing several people on the side of the teleportation array to almost lose their balance.

Lu Sheng glanced slightly at those people. There were two people over there who were just ordinary people. At most, they only had a little bit of spiritual cultivation, which was probably due to taking drugs.

"How can we ensure that after paying the money and life span, we will truly join the Red Moon?" asked a very old man with deformed and swollen legs.

"I'll give you this." The giant lizard Sipher was too tall, revealing a meniscus-shaped stitched wound on his chest.

The wound was still shining with tiny bits of blood, and it was surrounded by black silk threads.

"This is the biggest symbol of the disciples of the Red Moon, the seed of the Red River. Okay, registration begins now!"

The monitor lizard opened its mouth, curled its tongue, and spit out a pile of pale silver scrolls from its mouth and threw them on the ground.

"If you think carefully, pick up the scroll and sign your name and fingerprints. The contract will be automatically established."

Immediately, two people came forward, picked up the scroll, unfolded it and looked at it carefully.

Lu Sheng also stepped forward to pick up a scroll, opened it and glanced at it. The content was the same as what the giant lizard had said before, and there was no trickery involved.

He quickly pressed his fingerprints and wrote his real name - Lu Yue - directly on the scroll with his fingertips.

The scroll didn't respond.

Lu Sheng frowned, then changed to Lu Sheng, still no response.

In desperation, he still wrote Lu Sheng in an upright manner, and then erased everything in front of it.

The scroll suddenly burst into flames, turning into black ash and disappearing in an instant.

The moment the scroll finished burning, his eyes were also dazzled. The surrounding environment changed drastically in an instant.

Just now, he was in front of the giant lizard and next to the teleportation array. The next second, he arrived in a gray-black passage with a curved end.

Lu Sheng glanced back. Behind him was darkness and nothing. Ahead is an endless deep passage.

The walls and the ground were shining with metallic luster, and the soul was scattered, but it was still impossible to detect anything.

Lu Sheng frowned. Ever since he came to Libra City, relying solely on primitive soul detection could no longer meet his daily investigation needs.

There are too many various means to defend against the original state of the soul.

"Welcome to Lecture Road." In the passage, an iron man made of black metal slowly rose from the ground.

"Next, I will plant the seeds of the Red River for you and teach you the Red Moon method. If you are confident, you can choose to resist by yourself and pass the teaching of the Red Moon method." Iron Man said coldly, "Of course, force The process of resistance was extremely painful and even faced the threat of death.”

"However, under the light of the great red moon, I have recently been refining magic weapons and lacked some rare materials. If you can sponsor me with 10,000 ice coins, it will not be a problem." Iron Man immediately reminded in a gentle tone. road.

"No problem!" Lu Sheng had more than 100,000 yuan in ice money, which he had collected from patients with chronic diseases. This was the critical moment to use it.

He took a step forward and handed an ice coin sign engraved with jade-white flowers to the other party.

This is the ice money flower card, one piece represents the amount of 10,000.

As soon as Iron Man took the sign, his expression suddenly became softer.

"What a generous brother. Hongyue likes generous brothers and sisters like you."

"Come on, choose the part where you want to implant the Red River Seed. No matter where it is, don't worry, the level of 10,000 is completely painless. In addition, you don't have to listen to the Red Moon method at all!

Just wait for the notice from Red River Seed in two days and go meet Master Red Moon. ” Iron Man quickly became enthusiastic.

The Red Moon method is actually a torture method similar to testing mental willpower. It contains many relevant disciplinary regulations for Red Moon disciples.

But Lu Sheng spent money, and these so-called sect rules and disciplines don't matter. In Hongyue, if you have money, you are a boss, and if you don't have money, you are hell.

Soon Lu Sheng fully realized this.

The lectures were easy, and Iron Man even took him to visit other newcomers who were undergoing tests to teach the Dharma.

Seeing those newcomers in so much pain, Tie Ren even asked Lu Sheng to try and adjust the intensity and frequency of these newcomers' lectures with his own hands.

Seeing those newcomers suffering under Lu Sheng's control, Lu Sheng fully realized what it meant to be rich.

This stark contrast also made him understand why the Red Moon disciples focused on money.

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