Chapter 650 Enlightenment 2

"Have you found out the source?" Osiris asked thoughtfully.

"I don't know. It is said that the first member of the Silver Hand was Jillian, the leader of ghosts. The rest can't be found." The woman replied in a low voice.

"What a terrifying power. Osiris looked at the painting placed on the ground quietly. There were still many blank spaces that were not filled in.

But these blanks cannot be simply filled in. Instead, they need to follow certain rules to make the entire wheel form a complete cycle.

"Have you tried it?" Osiris asked suddenly.

The woman with long platinum hair paused and hesitated.

"I tried. I made up a little bit, but overall it's still too little. If it's you."

"I won't fill it in. This is obviously a huge conspiracy. Although I don't know what the purpose of the person behind it is. But, I won't do what he wants." Osiris said calmly.

"Yes." The woman bowed her head in response.


The world of mind.

Lu Sheng slowly landed on the gravel and bricks on the ground.

The entire mental world has expanded countless times compared to the previous one.

With a gentle wave of his hand, a red circle suddenly appeared in front of Lu Sheng. There were only three silver emblems on the wheel, which looked like three entangled dark red snakes with long tails.

This is the brilliant disk he condensed through the Dongyuan Qiu Dew Fertilization Technique. It is the number of perception rules specifically used to embody the entire mental world.

The three silver emblems above represent the three rules of the mental world that have truly completely operated.

These are also the three rules that Lu Sheng integrated into the world of mind after enlightenment.

‘Poison, Yin Fire, Xuan Shui. ’

The three kinds of emblems represent the three powers Lu Sheng masters, his own poisonous body, the Yin Fire source power he masters, as well as his understanding and understanding of the mysterious water in the water flow.

"The world of the mind is more about absorbing the souls of living beings. It is half virtual and half real. It is not a truly complete world." Lu Sheng realized in his heart, "Nine different emblems must be needed to construct the most basic world circulation system. .Although I have many rules, there are only three types that can truly condense the emblem."

This time, he established the Silver Hand organization and used the spiritual silk as a reward to strengthen the physique of his painters.

When your body is strong, your spirit will be strong. The artist's energy and energy will be extremely abundant, his inspiration will be greatly increased, and his painting hand will be more stable. Naturally, the strength has been greatly improved.

Lu Sheng then added the poison unique to his body and injected it into the painter's body through the spiritual silk, thus achieving the effect of absolute control.

There are so many types of toxins in the body. Although most of them cannot be used due to different world rules, a small part can still be used universally.

Lu Shengli used this small part to carefully create some mixed poison as a means to control the strong.

The Silver Hand has the magical means to rapidly increase its strength, as well as strict poison control. Naturally, it is unstoppable, twisting the power of all the painters into one rope.

"This time, I will turn the energy structure of the mental world into a magic painting and release it. I hope someone can help me complete a more perfect circulation system. It will serve as the foundation of the future mental world."

The key for Lu Sheng to release the magic painting was to use the help of others to help him improve the basic construction of the mental world.

In the method of repairing the magic painting, he gave dozens of different rules that he had mastered.

These rules are transformed into different colors and line patterns, allowing artists to use them as tools to fill in the gaps.

He hopes to get a more perfect combination. Deep Blue's combination actually has only one direction, and that is to follow the existing combination to deduce and improve it.

But this will limit his future direction.

"I hope I can achieve something." Lu Sheng waved his hand again, the disk disappeared, and threads representing rules emerged in the air. Since the first holy king used this trick last time, he has been thinking about it. Now Finally, this move was re-enacted.

After all, this is not a complicated technique.

First, there are black lines representing demonic energy, large and large pieces floating in the air. However, these tacit lines are only numerous in number and not thorough in nature, so they are not displayed on the fascia.

Next are the light green lines of Yin Fire, the flesh-colored lines representing hard work, the black and blue lines representing Xuan Shui, etc.

"Anyway, let's thoroughly incorporate the rules of medical skills into Hui Pan first." Lu Sheng's heart moved slightly.

"Dark blue."

The light blue interface pops up instantly.

"Just start with schema therapy."

Lu Sheng sat cross-legged in the air, slowly closed his eyes, and began to meditate. He did not use his divine power to force the deduction, but first tried to do it independently.

Hui Pan needs a total of nine rules to reach the standard. Now there are only three, and there are six more. After the divine power is transferred, there will still be places that need to be used.

Although more than five million units are enough, Lu Sheng is not sure how many more units will be needed in the future.

Half of it was spent on the last promotion.

The purpose of his coming to this world this time is to spend a lot of time in enlightenment and practice.

The flow rate of time in this world is one-fourth of that of the demon world. In addition, the mind world also has the effect of slowing down the flow of time.

When the two are superimposed, the time difference quickly reaches an extremely exaggerated level.

In the world of painters, time flies by like a shuttle.

In the blink of an eye, more than five years have passed.

The power of the Silver Hand spreads throughout the world, becoming the largest dark force opposing the Eye of God.

They control unparalleled financial power and have extremely terrifying influence at the national level.

Their power is pervasive, ranging from princes and nobles to ordinary people. The Silver Hand's network can truly be regarded as a dragnet.

The Eye of God even has a slight disadvantage in the overall situation of confrontation with it. Even so, they felt that the Silver Hand still had some strength left in their fight against them.

In five years, Lu Sheng quickly grew from an ordinary little kid going to school to a young and strong young adult.

In the name of going to college, he completely left Zhuo Siqing and truly lived in the dark, controlling the Hand of Silver.

On the surface, everyone thinks that the Silver Hand is controlled by its five palace painters.

But in fact, Lu Sheng is the mastermind behind everything.

Palace-level painter is an honorific title for a powerful peak painter who has mastered the soul and heart of painting.

The works painted by such painters can easily arouse people's hearts, arouse emotions, and arouse the five senses.

Achieve a powerful effect that resembles the real thing.

And the power of the palace-level painter who was strengthened by Lu Sheng with the spirit-stimulating thread increased several times.

Among them, Jillian, the strongest ghost leader, even faced off against the contemporary Eye of God in a previous head-to-head confrontation, but only fell slightly short.

At the top level, the Silver Hand is still inferior to the God's Eye, but at the middle level, it far exceeds the strength of the God's Eye.

Lu Sheng's spirit-stimulating threads were scattered as if they didn't cost money. Hundreds of thousands of them were scattered, and hundreds of thousands of painters were created.

Most of the hundreds of thousands of mid-level painters have mastered the painting soul, and the soul has been trained to the level of being infinitely close to the level of a military master.

They are the true backbone of the Silver Hand.

In the past five years, Lu Sheng has used these painters to hold competitions one after another.

Throw out all the problems you face and leave them to the painters to deduce them.

The powerful imagination and construction ability of countless painters helped Lu Sheng quickly complete the desolate mental world.

The nine cornerstone rules are naturally the most important, but comprehensively filling all aspects of the rules is what Lu Sheng wants to accomplish.

Using the paintings of these painters, he can absorb from others their perceptions and understanding of nature and rules as quickly as possible.

Following the same rules, after the theme is released, the painters can continuously collect styles from various angles and depths, think deeply, comprehend, and burst out inspiration.

In just five years, Lu Sheng had only three rules that reached a level close to the condensed emblem.

But five years later, he had at least hundreds of rules, all of which were close to condensing emblems.

This is the joint effort of countless painters.

None of these painters can cultivate their physical bodies, so they focus all their energy on training their souls. This is completely equivalent to countless super-weakened Deep Blues for free, or a huge think tank.

Lu Sheng originally thought that time would pass by peacefully. He continued to understand the rules, and Silver Hand and Eye of God continued to hold various competitions.

But a phone call from his father, Zhuo Siqing, completely broke this peaceful and leisurely pace of life.

After receiving the call, Lu Sheng quickly rushed back to his hometown to cope with the sudden changes that would follow.


On the sofa in the spacious living room, opposite Zhuo Siqing, sat a strong old man with white hair and a cane.

The old man's face was 70% similar to Zhuo Siqing's. He was basically like the aging version of Zhuo Siqing.

The two were also surrounded by four or five burly men in sunglasses wearing black tactical vests with bulging bags on their waists and backs. They all seemed to be the old man's bodyguards.

"Zhuo Siqing. Now that things have happened, do you still want to run away?" The old man stared sharply at his gloomy son on the sofa.

"You have been running away for so many years. Do you think you can live freely and care about nothing if you leave the family's sphere of influence?"

"Or do you think that by hiding your name with that bastard, you can avoid the family's long-standing responsibilities and blood ties?!"

"Dream!" The old man's voice was sonorous and powerful. It made the whole living room buzz.

"Then what do you want us to do?" Zhuo Siqing has never been so serious and gloomy as now.

He has always been optimistic and has no formal attitude. He is always laughing and playing tricks on others. Wherever others are most ashamed, he likes to draw that place the most.

Therefore, although his painting skills are indeed good, he has never been able to break through even the district level.

The old man looked at Zhuo Siqing and his tone slowly softened.

"Your eldest brother has passed away. Come back. I need you. The family needs you."

"I still have Xiaoyu"

"Where is Xixi? Isn't she your daughter?" the old man said coldly again. "When you were dissatisfied with the marriage your family arranged for you and left, have you ever thought about how the orphans and widows you left behind would live?

You are quite happy with the bastard alone. What about your daughter? I have been without a father since I was a child, and have been criticized by other families.”

"That's enough!" Zhuo Siqing roared loudly. "Xiaoyu is my son, I will not give up on him! If I want to go back, he must go back too!"

The old man was silent for a moment.

"If you insist, fine, I promise you.

However, Zhuo Zhenyu must give up all inheritance rights of my Zhuo family. You can treat him as your son, but the legal relationship with the Zhuo family must be severed! "

"Otherwise, you know my methods. I will make life difficult for you and your son. I have many methods.

Moreover, he was just a bastard, no one would know even if he died in a corner somewhere. "

Zhuo Siqing lowered his head and closed his eyes, and wiped his face with his hands.

"Okay. I promise you. Xiaoyu will not have anything to do with the Zhuo family, but he will always be my son."

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