Eye of Destiny

Chapter 572: Chloe Biss

With the full support of the mayor, Senio, Wang Chu's missionary activities in Bolognese City went smoothly.

The gangsters in Bolleni City were wiped out one by one by Wang Chu, and all the wealth of those gangsters was pocketed. Wang Chu, the channel through which gangsters make money, is also unceremoniously firmly in his hands.

Cultivating talents, developing believers, and establishing your own armed forces all require money. Those poor people and refugees are all poor, and Wang Chu can only attack those gangsters.

The refugee camps and slums have become Wang Chu's missionary holy places, and more than 90% of the people have become believers in the God of Destiny. They go to pray every day and contribute their faith.

Wang Chu mobilized the power of the law of destiny a little bit, combined with his holy eye of luck, selected some very outstanding talents, and made the Church of the God of Destiny develop rapidly and vigorously.

A month later, a car stopped in front of a solemn and solemn church, and Senio got out of the car.

"The development speed of the Church of God of Destiny is really amazing!"

Senio looked at the solemn and solemn church, a strange light flashed in his eyes, and walked straight into the cathedral.

In a cathedral, a nun with blond hair, blue eyes, **** and plump body, exquisite facial features, and a trace of holiness is leading more than two hundred devout believers in prayer.

Wang Chu sat on the side, quietly admiring the scene.

The blond and blue-eyed and extremely beautiful nun was none other than Valentina, the thief girl caught by Wang Chu that day. She was already extremely beautiful, but she knew that it was a sin to be beautiful in the slums, so she devoted herself to disguising herself and dressing herself up as a dirty boy.

After joining the Church of God of Destiny, Valentina studied hard, and quickly transformed, becoming beautiful and temperamental, and showing her outstanding abilities.

The encounter between Wang Chu and Valentina at the beginning was not an ordinary encounter, but he used the power of the law of fate to make him meet Valentina.

Wang Chu just wanted to meet a beautiful woman with outstanding abilities in that slum, use the power of the law of fate a little bit to interfere with fate, and met Valentina. This is the horror of the law of destiny, which makes chance become inevitable. ,

There are lovers, and then there are thousands of miles. A thousand-mile horse often exists, but Bole does not. In fact, there are many talents hidden in that ghostly place like the slums. Wang Chu used the power of the law of destiny to discover them, which made the development of the Church of the God of Destiny so terrifying.

Senio came over and said, "Archbishop Yang Ping, the time we agreed on has arrived! Please come with me!"

"Okay! Let's go!"

Wang Chu got up and smiled slightly, followed Seinio and strode outside.

The limousine stopped in front of a luxurious manor in the city of Bolognese, and Wang Chu and his party stepped into the manor.

"Mayor Senio, is this the Archbishop Yangping?"

A maid dressed in maid clothes, about thirty-three or four years old, tall and sexy, with a few freckles on her face, but still very beautiful, a cold-tempered maid came over and said.

A dozen battle maids wearing maid uniforms and carrying guns, exuding a fierce aura followed behind her.

Mayor Senio said: "That's right, Head Maid Weina! This one is Archbishop Yang Ping!"

Wei Na said coldly: "Archbishop Yang Ping, Mayor Senio, please come with me!"

Wang Chu and Seinio followed Wei Na to the inside of the manor.

After passing through the exquisite corridors, a garden full of various flowers appeared in front of Wang Chu's eyes. In the center of the garden, there was a woman in a snow-white dress with blond hair and blue eyes, and her skin was as clear as snow, just like in a fairy tale. The peerless beauty who stepped out of the ordinary beauty was sitting on a wheelchair, holding a book and reading quietly.

In the garden full of flowers, that peerless beauty is like the most beautiful flower, completely covering up the beauty of the rest of the flowers.

The peerless beauty smiled slightly and said, "Hello, Archbishop Yang Ping, I am Chloe Biss, the first princess of the Sakya Republic. It's a pleasure to meet you!"

There was a flash of light in Wang Chu's eyes, and he smiled slightly: "It's a pleasure to meet you! Princess Chloe Biss!"

Chloebis is a legend of the Sakya Republic. She has been gifted and extremely smart since she was a child, and she has finished college at the age of fourteen.

The crown prince of the Saren Empire, Chloe Biss, fell in love with her at first sight, so she took the initiative to send someone to propose marriage, and made a marriage contract with her. The formal wedding will be held when she is sixteen years old.

However, when Chloe Biss was fifteen years old, she was involved in a car accident and her legs were forced to be amputated. Her status also plummeted, and the prince of the Saren Empire also voluntarily repented of the marriage and rejected her engagement.

Chloe Biss was not discouraged, and spent ten years working hard, and finally became the first princess of the Sakya Republic. Besides her, the sons and daughters of His Majesty the King of the Sakya Republic all died inexplicably in the past ten years, and several concubines also died.

His Majesty the King of the Sakya Republic has already fallen on a hospital bed ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ lingering for a year or two at most. Chloe Biss is the next queen of the Sakya Republic.

Chloe Biss said: "Senio, step back first!"


Senio saluted Chloe Piss respectfully, and then withdrew.

"Archbishop Yang Ping, please use divine magic to heal my legs!"

Chloe Biss lifted off the long snow-white dress at once, revealing her legs that had been amputated from the base of her thighs, her beautiful eyes flashed with anticipation and longing.

"Okay! Great God of Destiny, please grant me a miracle of magic! Great recovery!"

Wang Chu had a sacred face, with five fingers one at a time, a brilliant divine light burst out from his right hand, and landed on the root of Chloe Biss' right thigh.

Under the radiance of the incomparably bright divine light, the muscles of Chloe Biss's right leg began to squirm and regenerate rapidly.

Bones and flesh and blood are rapidly regenerating at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Chloe Biss gritted her silver teeth, endured the pain, and watched her right leg regenerate, her beautiful eyes were full of excitement and joy: "It's regenerated, my right leg has finally regenerated!"

After dozens of breaths, a snow-white and perfect right leg appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

After the right leg was regenerated, the divine light disappeared instantly.

"Huh? Archbishop, where's my left leg? Why didn't my left leg regenerate? Where's my left leg!"

As soon as the sacred light disappeared, Chloe Biss's pretty face changed, and the original calmness disappeared completely, and she asked anxiously.

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