Zhuge Xuan is the guardian of the orphan Zhuge Liang, or to use the words of A Liang's classmates, his uncle. But he's not even a real uncle, but a cousin. In the Zhuge family with branches and leaves, such a cousin can't count in two palms.

In 187 AD, Dong Zhuo was still alive and hijacking the little emperor; Yuan Shao forcibly supported Liu Yu and failed; Sun Jian died in battle, and Yuan Shu became emperor; at the same time, the "Qingzhou Agreement" was signed and entered into force.

In such a turbulent year, it is a very inconspicuous thing for a small Taishan County to die of a disease. But for the Zhuge Liang brothers who have lost their mother, it is no less than the sky is falling.

The uncle Xuan, who was originally an official in Liu Biao's office in Jingzhou, abandoned his great future and his old boss, and returned to Yangdu all the way to take care of their children without fathers and mothers.

This uncle not only has a mysterious name, but also works very mysteriously.

Now, this mysterious uncle is under house arrest in a dungeon in Kaiyang City. Langya used to be a feudal kingdom, and in the palace built by the Liu family's King Langya, there was a huge underground prison cell, which has now been reopened and put into use.

To be honest, when Zhuge Xuan was forced into the dungeon by the blade of the black armored warrior, he was really surprised. After all, as a native of Langya, he didn't even know that there was actually such a place in Kaiyang City that appeared in mysterious stories.

Cao's spy is very powerful.

We Xuzhou might have leaked like a sieve long ago.

In this way, Zhuge Xuan lived here. In all fairness, the treatment was better than he imagined, the food was not sour, the bedding was not smelly, he could go to the ground to flush the toilet twice a day, and he could write letters to his family asking for clothes. Even the lighting is not good, and there is only a pitiful little skylight cast from a high place; and after the snow and rain, the prison cell is inevitably damp, and no amount of charcoal pots can be used to bake it.

Zhuge Xuan lives next door, is Mi Zhu, the head of the Mi family. That's right, Liu Bei's good friend, the one Tao Qian saved with his life. At the beginning, Cao Cao asked Tao Qian to exchange Mi Zhu's head for peace. Now that Tao Qian is dead, Mi Zhu is still alive, which is somewhat ironic.

"I am locked up with the repeat offender Mi Zhu." This realization made Zhuge Xuan panic a little, but then he noticed that the next door to him was the famous person Zhang Zhao. This is the master who disdains Tao Qian's official seal. Looking at it again, it seems that people from all the big clans have come in.

Therefore, the nature of this prison is blurred again.

"I was going to die." After crying "Master" for a few days, Mi Zhu said to the inmates, "The Qing is self-clearing, I have never seen Liu Bei. The middle of the city was torn apart, and the servants, clerks, and shopkeepers interrogated them one by one, but nothing means nothing. In the end, the family paid half of the land deed to redeem me, and I was moved here."

Mi Zhu's experience has no reference value, because Liu Bei was implicated, he is the only one in Xuzhou.

Others have been detained for concealing their household registration and land, tax evasion and evasion, or family members who did not obey the call. In the words of a baby-faced prison officer, they are either "economic prisoners" or "political prisoners", so they need to eat and drink well and not be punished.

Aristocratic family bosses who are about to be forced out of rheumatism by the damp straw: ...you can go.

In the beginning, everyone gathered together every day to scold Cao Cao, but the baby face in charge of the prison was completely unmoved, and even happily took a pen to record. Zhuge Xuan was curious and borrowed it to take a look. Good guy, they are learning Xuzhou dialect.

Zhuge Xuan was speechless for a while: "The lord was insulted, did you not express it?"

Babyface: "Rage in words is useless. I shut you up, it is useful."

The prison was silent for a while, and then someone said, "People like you shouldn't be just a jailer."

The baby face smiled and showed white teeth: "My surname is Ji, and my name is Ji He. You may hear it in the future, forget it, you will not hear my name after you go out. ."

Unlike the usual jailers, Ji He likes to joke. He never looked like he was knowledgeable, but he understood no matter how unfamiliar allusions the "political prisoners" used.

When it comes to the festivals, Ji He brings a big food box in and divides the food, or a piece of pork, a sugar cake, or a pot of dumplings.

As Ji He said, verbal violence is useless here, even physical violence is useless. The reason why jail is jail is that the most essential punishment is to lose freedom. thing.

Some people gradually compromised, or handed over part of the land, or let the children of the family go to the school to study. Then they left one by one.

Whenever there is an order to release, Ji He will open the prison door with a relaxed pace. The guards brought hot water and handkerchiefs for the prisoners to wipe themselves off, followed by a new set of clean and dry clothes. After the prisoner was dressed in new clothes, Ji Hehui bowed solemnly to him and said, "I wish you a long and healthy life, and I hope you and I will never see each other again in this life."

He is serious about expressing kindness as an interesting soul buried in the dark.

As time passed, Ji He became more and more respected, and more and more people were released. In the end, even Mi Zhu left. In the entire dungeon, there were only two cellmates, Zhuge Xuan and Zhang Zhao.

"Captain Ji, you are the famous spy department." Zhang Zhao suddenly asked when he was delivering breakfast one day.

Ji He did not stop for a moment while taking the steamed buns. "Guess what," he said with a smile.

"Ah, I thought you knew it." Ji He pushed the plate with thick noodles, steamed buns and soy milk into Zhuge Xuan's cell from the delivery port. "Both of them were stopped on the way to flee south with their families."

Zhang Zhao did not move the food in front of him. "Zhao never cooperated with the enemy, but he just felt that Xuzhou was in turmoil and wanted to go to the south to survive. The same goes for Brother Zhuge."

Ji He hugged his chest and leaned on a sturdy pillar: "I follow orders to do things, let the two eat and sleep well, and fall in love with our spacious Langya underground palace, that's my mission. ."

He put on an expression of "I'm just talking nonsense with my eyes open".

Zhang Zhao, Zhuge Xuan:…

After a few days, it rained again. This time the spring rain was extraordinarily long. Coupled with the rise in temperature, the entire dungeon smelled of actinomycetes. Zhang Zhao finally couldn't help throwing the bowl: "Is General Ji going to grow old with the two of us here?"

Ji He pinched his nose and said with a horse-drawn carriage in his mouth: "I have no choice but to. You say that I am a good young man, if it is not for my bad brother, why would I come to this dark place? To be a servant cleaning debris in the dungeon? Oh my god~ You have no eyes~ Send a Zhang Zhao~ Throw my bowl~"

"Damn brother! You said you were an orphan the day before yesterday!" Zhang Zhao, a civilized man, cursed.

Ji·xiong· and Mr. Zhang, who ignored the runaway, still held a pillar and sang a sad song, the Xuzhou dialect went around sentence by sentence, with a general magical nature.

At this moment, a girl in a blue spy uniform came in and gave Ji and a wax pill. Master Ji stopped the performance within a second, he sat in front of the table, then the oil lamp melted the wax pill and took out the note inside.

As she read, Ji He's expression became more and more solemn. This made Zhang Zhao and Zhuge Xuan nervous.

Laughing and scolding on weekdays returns to laughing and scolding, because they know Ji He cannot hurt them; but now? He is the legendary spy who knows everything and kills everything, not a really stupid Lotte youth.

Ji He stood up, his hard-soled boots stepped on the metal nails on the ground, making a heart-pounding thump. One click, two clicks, the footsteps finally stopped at the door of Zhuge Xuan's cell.

"I just received the news. Your nephew Zhuge Liang, asks Cao Zi to be his teacher."

Lightning flashed across the sky, and even the dark dungeon was illuminated by it for a moment. Zhuge Xuan's face turned pale at the moment when the lightning flashed.

"Boom." The thunder sounded outside, and it seemed distant and untouchable through the thick wall tiles and mud. It was raining heavily again, and there was a rustling sound on the ceiling.

"Brother Zhuge." Zhang Zhao eagerly grabbed the railing and tried to stick his head out to see the scene of Zhuge Xuan's cell.

"Cao Zi said that she can only accept the child after asking the elders' attitude."

"I..." Zhuge Xuan spoke with difficulty, his voice so dry that he could not say a second word.

"Except for the unfortunate death of the late emperor, Cao Zi has not accepted any disciples. I think you know what that means."

It means stepping into the center of Cao Wei's political group, which means that the rise of Zhuge's family, which he had planned but could not achieve, will be at your fingertips, and it means that all half-hearted attempts will be strictly prohibited, which means that in order to To avoid suspicion, his uncle's political career must be terminated early.

His connections with Liu Biao will not be available. Everything he invested in the Zhuge Brothers would come to nothing.

Family direction, personal future, all in one thought.

Reject? Can you refuse?

"My nephew, Zhuge Jin, went to Jiangdong to join Liu Xun two years ago." He said slowly, "I will write to him to come back."

When he said so, Ji He knew he understood.

"Brother Zhuge." Zhang Zhao sighed, not knowing what he was bemoaning.

Ji He stood upright and bowed to Zhuge Xuan with messy hair and heavy sweat. "You are the kind of big man worth admiring." He is willing to sacrifice himself for the future of the family. It is precisely because of people like Zhuge Xuan that there will be the rise of large and small families, and the so-called "dragons", "tigers", and "dogs" [1] have bloomed in history.

The author has something to say: Note [1]: The dragon of Zhuge's family is Zhuge Liang, the prime minister of the state of Shu; the tiger is Zhuge Jin, the minister of the state of Wu; the dog is Zhuge Dan, serving the state of Wei.

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