And the people below who were about to make a move against Lin Xuan were also stunned in place in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, a feeling of fear spread in their hearts!


They swallowed a mouthful of spit fiercely, if even the three princes were not able to kill Lin Xuan, then what were they?


The next moment, the terrifying coercion that had been when Lin Xuan had just descended here earlier descended on them again.

Let their hearts be oppressed like they are placed in hell!

Lin Xuan must have used some kind of Demon Dao Technique, this Demon Dao Secret Method should only be able to make him resist once, and after this time, he will no longer be able to stop it!

One of the princes roared.

The three of them were talented, such a powerful three prince realm moves, they didn’t even touch the corners of Lin Xuan’s clothes, he didn’t believe this fact, so he decided that Lin Xuan must have used the Magic Dao Secret Method to achieve such an effect.

“That’s right, exactly!”

“Lin Xuan, he must have used the Demon Dao Secret Method to resist the past, but as far as I know, after the Demon Dao Secret Method is cast once, the caster’s body will become quite weak!

The three of you said a word, and quickly analyzed the reason why Lin Xuan was not injured.

And these words were like giving a reassuring pill to these people below the princely realm, making their complexions settle down a little.

“Yes, it must be so!”

“Unexpectedly, Lin Xuan himself also practiced the Demon Dao Exercises, and now it seems that Ye Hao’s Demon Dao Exercises are likely to be taught by Lin Xuan!”

“No wonder, no wonder that Ye Hao said that Ye Hao had been abolished before he was expelled from the Ye Country, how could he cultivate, I said that after he entered the Divine Heavenly Sect, how he made rapid progress, it turned out that there was a master who cultivated the Demon Dao!”


Lin Xuan listened to their words, and couldn’t help but sneer in his heart, these people’s cultivation is not good, but this spiritual victory method is a pure fire.

“This demon thief is already at the end of the road, you follow me to curse the devil!”


These people in front of them shouted loudly again, and the spiritual power in their hands was also suddenly condensed, and they were extremely excited.

“Burning wild!”

“Heavenly Tiger Saber!”

“Broken Star Seal!”

The three of them, with all their spiritual power, wanted to release this move again.


However, before their spiritual power burst out, Lin Xuan groaned softly, and his palm was slightly raised again.

“Prisoner Heavenly Palm!!”

After a sound, the entire void around them seemed to turn into an endless cage, binding them to it.

Streaming down!!

I saw that after the spiritual techniques released by the three of them appeared, the pictographic existence of these three princely realm spiritual techniques, like the fierce tiger embodied by the Heavenly Tiger Knife, was trembling violently at this moment!

And the illusory stars that shattered the star mark were also shaking violently in the void!


In addition to the continuous trembling of those spiritual powers, everyone actually felt that those spiritual powers, in fear, were actually bowing towards the terrifying aura that descended on Lin Xuan! ! !

“What’s going on?!”

They were horrified in their hearts, such a situation was simply unheard of for them!!


A moment later, everyone saw that the spiritual power, after the “fear”, slowly dissipated!!


The horror of this scene in their hearts was beyond words, and the power of the three princes had not yet been fully released, and it “took the initiative” to dissipate in front of Lin Xuan!

Soon, the three princes understood what was going on.

They looked at the spiritual technique that they had just released in front of them, it was already empty, and a breath rushed up in their throats, making them not know what to do!


Immediately, Lin Xuan’s “Prisoner Heavenly Palm” had already descended here, and a huge spiritual power cage locked them alive!

And there was an indescribable breath that covered their hearts.

“Waste… It’s a barren breath!!”

They were horrified in their mouths, this breath gave them the feeling that a barren place was in front of their eyes, this barren land, just like this prison cage that locked them! Imagine, even if a prince realm powerhouse, in a desolate place where there is not even spiritual energy, how can he survive?


Immediately afterwards, they heard the sound of cage tightening, ringing in their ears, and with each sound of this sound, the desolation that appeared in their hearts seemed to shrink innumerably!



This voice sounded faster and faster in their ears, and even if the three of them were princely realms, at this moment, they felt a little breathless.

Even they didn’t even notice that the pupils of the three of them were gradually getting bigger!

Their eyes looked motionless at the scene in front of them, not because they didn’t want to blink, but because every cell in their bodies was covered with desolate fear, and they didn’t dare!

“Put… Let me go…”

“Please… Beg…… Beg…… You!”

A sound that seemed to be strangled to the limit exhaled hoarsely in their throats.

He already understood at this moment that Lin Xuan in front of him, in front of them, was like pigs and dogs!

They were affected by the desolate aura of this prisoner’s heavenly palm spreading to every angle of their bodies, and even the strong will to survive, they could reluctantly say that in the cage, they were inferior to two ordinary people who had not cultivated, as if they had a body of strength.

But this plea for mercy had no effect, and a few clicks sounded again.

That invisible spiritual power cage had completely ended their lives!


The entire prison cage of the Heavenly Palm burst in the space along with those three princes, just like that Gongsun Wan, their bodies turned into a rain of blood flying in the sky!

“Don’t you want to see the Demon Dao?

At the last moment of their consciousness, they only heard Lin Xuan’s voice enter their ears!

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