Chapter nine hundred and ninety-fifth continues the myth of invincibility, the end of the invincible giant

Jiang Chen turned his head to look at Xiaoxi, and told Xiyan about what happened in the ancient town. Although it has passed, Jiang Chen’s morality has improved, but there are still wrinkles between his brows, which shows how much this matter has to Jiang Chen. Xi Yanyu was also very angry after knowing it. She was also a woman, so she could only be spoiled like this, and she had to be made into a cauldron. Seeing the little girl’s eyebrows, Xi Yanyu felt even more distressed, and hugged Xiaoxi in her arms. , Immortal Palace even knows how serious such consequences are. It’s not good for anyone to provoke, but it has to provoke the only existence in the nine heavens and ten places, the wrath of the Immortal Emperor, when it sweeps everything, suppresses all directions, and bans it for ten thousand years.

In the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, after the strong man in Asgard has finished his rhythm, it is still as calm as before, and all living beings are practicing as before.

It has been a long time since there was no news about Jiang Chen. Today, in the nine heavens and ten places, I still remember Jiang Chen all the time. The power of belief in Jiang Chen has become stronger and stronger in the era, but Jiang Chen is not at the top of the mountain. I feel that the sacred mountain is isolated from the world, and the connection between the nine heavens and the ten earths deep in the starry sky is very thin.

As for the giants of the long river, they thought that Jiang Chen had not patrolled the long river of time for a long time, and everyone thought that Jiang Chen had been caught by some secret realms, which made those existences a little relieved, thinking that they had a chance to breathe and could survive. .

Disciple Xiao Yan and disciple Tang Shan led the people of the Immortal Palace to welcome “His Majesty’s return”. “The two got down on one knee, and Jiang Chen asked for peace.

“Pingshen” Xiyan and Jiang Xiaoyan and Tangshan helped them up, and you also got up consciously when playing in Asgard. Jiang Chen sat on his emperor climb, and let Xiyan and the two sit beside them, holding the palms of the two of them.

On this day, when many living beings were practicing on the school grounds in front of their sect, they could feel the vastness of Emperor Wei Zhenyu from a distance.

In the beginning, some creatures couldn’t help but hurriedly hang out for it, but more creatures knelt down and shouted: “Your Majesty is eternal and invincible forever.

Although the monks near the mountain all know that almost all of the monks from Asgard came here, in a short period of time, the monks of Asgard built a fortress in the sky, and the fortress was composed of countless fine parts.

From the parts to the construction of the fort, the process was really shocking. The monks saw with their own eyes that the metal parts were dislocated and a fort was built. The whole process was very mysterious.

The fortresses fell to the ground in a scattered pattern, and I saw a big empty hook in the middle. There was a unique imperial city in the middle of the sky. There were invincible gods guarding the space, as if this was Nine Heavens Ten The most invincible guardian of the earth, I just don’t know that there is a person waiting here.

He murmured: “Actually, there are ordinary people who can come back alive from the sacred mountain. “For a while, all the monks around the sacred mountain were shocked, and they couldn’t help but take a breath of air. This is incredible—”


“This, this is an ancient miracle, this, this ordinary person can come back alive from the sacred mountain, is it really on the sacred mountain?” Some creatures couldn’t help but be astonished.

For the monks of the sects around the sacred mountain, this is simply unbelievable and impossible. Even their elders and sect masters cannot climb the sacred mountain, and they say they cannot come back alive from the sacred mountain, but Jiang Chen, as a Ordinary people came from the top of the mountain, and only Jiang Chen continued to write endless myths and legends.

“Welcome, Jiang Chen ushered in the gap and came back from the sacred mountain–” For a while, the news of Jiang Chen’s return from the sacred mountain swept the entire nine days and ten places like a storm.

What, we’re here, Jiang Chen is rhyming again” Hearing such a news, not only the giants in the restricted area of ​​life, but even the invincibles of the long river are shocked, they all know what the mountain means, and also That is to say, the opportunity of the top of the mountain has been obtained by Jiang Chen, so the vision of the magic flame and the Buddha’s light is born.

They all thought that Jiang Chen’s back was in a secret realm, and it was best that one had fallen. After such a long time, Jiang Chen actually came back, which is simply unbelievable.

“This, this, is this the miracle of the Era?” Even if the time giants heard the news (good), their hearts could not help but be shocked. They have come here before, no matter how invincible they are, bringing There are many natal real tools, and there are supreme treasures to help, but they can’t hold on halfway up the mountain, and they return to the foot of the mountain step by step.

These things that their once invincible generation could not do, were actually done by an ordinary person, and I couldn’t help feeling that Jiang Chen was invincible for eternity. Jiang Chen is like a new star. If you cherish your life, then unpack yourself to escape this era and avoid being liquidated by Jiang Chen.

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