On the tenth day of September, it has not yet dawned.

North Sea Islands, a fishing village.

The fishermen, as usual, got up early, packed their things, and prepared to go out to sea to fish together.

However, when they came to the beach, they were stunned to find that the vast North Sea they were familiar with had disappeared without a trace!


It's as if something has been forcibly put together, a green mountain range, a red scorched earth, and a ruined building... Messy and intricate in front of them!

What about the North Sea???

What about such a large stretch of the North Sea???

Suddenly, a fisherman seemed to think of something and raised his head to look at the sky!

Sure enough, in his stunned gaze, what he could see was that the vast North Sea they were familiar with was hanging upside down in the sky, the waves were rolling and surging, and even their fishing boats could be clearly visible!

Heaven and earth have been turned upside down!!

The space of the Kyushu continent and the world on the other side of the sky were blended together and distorted!!


September 13, in the evening.

Without the slightest warning!!

A red streamer suddenly broke through the void and fell from the sky!!

Straight to the ground!

One of the Eight Great Immortal Gates, it is located on the Lost Soul Mountain Villa in Xitu!!

The huge tremor tore the earth apart, and the entire Western Earth Continent fell into panic!

The next day, daylight.

When people rushed to the Soul Villa, they were shocked to find that the Soul Villa was only a piece of desolation, and it was tragically destroyed!!

And on this.

The other major immortal sects and holy places all remained silent...

It's like I'm afraid of something.


September XIV.

Over the continent of Kyushu!

In the frightened eyes of countless people, the canopy, which was originally full of dense cracks, suddenly collapsed!!

A huge pitch-black hole came into everyone's eyes!!

It is like a black hole, a deep hole, as if it can attract people's hearts, and just by looking at it, people will feel a tightness in their chests and a feeling of suffocation!!


A terrifying coercion poured out of the hole and frantically poured into the Kyushu Continent!!

Let everyone in the Kyushu continent feel that their bodies have become extremely heavy!!

Some ordinary people were even pressed to the ground and couldn't get up at all!!

Followed by!

A huge pillar of light burst out of the hole and fell on the Kyushu continent, turning into a huge bridge!!

And on top of the bridge!

Slowly emerging is a huge golden palace!!

A loud and deafening thick male voice resounded throughout the Kyushu continent:

"My sect is the Great Zhou Divine Dynasty, the supreme immortal palace !!"

"I learned today that you and the Barbarian Nether Realm were unexpectedly connected to my Great Zhou Divine Dynasty!"

"There is no class in this education, and the heart of all races is enlightened. My sect couldn't bear it, and decided to come to this realm to educate you and other barbarians, and should make an oath that as long as you summarize the supreme immortal palace of our sect, the supreme immortal palace of my sect can teach you the supreme magic !!"

As soon as the voice fell!

Kyushu was in an uproar!!


It's not just this Supreme Asgard!

Since then, several extraterrestrial forces have descended on different places on the Kyushu continent!!

So far!

The human race of the outer world has officially descended!!

Moreover, they brought a new cultivation technique and a new culture shock!!

This is the beginning of the convergence of two worlds!

It's a game-changer!

It's a ...


As for the Kyushu Continent, the eight immortal gates and the three holy places in the mainland?

Except for the Lost Soul Villa, which was destroyed, the other major immortal gates and holy places were still extremely weird, and they chose to be silent...

This made countless local cultivators in the Kyushu Continent express their doubts and incomprehensions, and they were full of unwillingness!


Only the high-level leaders of the Eight Great Immortal Sects and the Three Holy Lands knew that this was an extremely helpless thing!

It's not that they don't want to take a stand against these extraterrestrial forces, but because they can't do it at all!!

That day!

The power of the Shenqiao Realm of the major sects, after entering the Ghost Gate, they all returned with serious injuries!!

The forces of the other world are far more powerful than they imagined, and they can only give in for the time being, keep their heads in obscurity, buy time, and wait for the turning point...

Then, blow the horn of the counterattack!!

Of course!

This does not mean that the immortal gate of the Kyushu Continent has done nothing!!

In order to fight, those few Extraterrestrial Sects that descended on the Kyushu Continent!

The Eight Great Immortal Gates and the Three Holy Lands soon publicly announced that they would open the mountain gates and accept disciples!!

The battle of forces has begun!!


Of course!

That's all off topic for now.

In the past few days, a series of major events have occurred in the Kyushu mainland.

Qin Feng!

Finally arrived in Dongyue Shenzhou and came to the Nanshi Kingdom where the Lieyang Academy Palace was located!!

I have to say!

It is worthy of being one of the eight immortal gates, the country where the Lieyang School Palace is located, Qin Feng has just stepped into the Nanshi Kingdom, and a Confucian bookish breath is suddenly rushing to his face!!

In the prosperous streets and towns, among the people who come and go, you can see Confucian scholars everywhere, raising their hands and saluting, talking and laughing.

The fragrance of ink fills the air, and in the schools everywhere, the sound of children reading aloud keeps coming out!

It seems that he has not been affected by the abnormal changes outside that day at all!

The whole Nanshi country is peaceful!!

And the outside world, the panicked, chaotic Kyushu countries, showing a stark contrast.

"It seems that this Burning Sun Academy Palace is much more powerful than I imagined. "

Qin Feng narrowed his eyes.

Raising his head, he looked with interest at the black and white school palace standing in the distance of the Nanshi Kingdom, on the continuous mountain peaks!!

Peace comes at a price.

And the name of this price is called - strength!!

On this turbulent Kyushu continent, if Nanshi can still maintain a peaceful place, this Lieyang Academy Palace must have a strong strength that is enough to stabilize the hearts of the people of Nanshi!!

Qin Feng raised a hint of interest.

And then.

Only then did he move in the direction of the Lieyang Academy.



What surprised Qin Feng was a little!

When he came to the mountain gate of the Lieyang Academy, long before him, the outside of the gate of the Lieyang Academy Palace was already crowded with people, and it was very crowded!!


The eyes of these people are full of enthusiasm and excitement!!

"Don't cut the queue randomly, go to the back and queue up, I've been waiting for most of the day!"

Qin Feng was just about to pass through the crowd, but a person suddenly stopped him very dissatisfied, and reprimanded him angrily.

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