Fantasy: I’m really not an unparalleled expert

Chapter 754 Teaching Chaos (Part 2)

Li Fan taught them one by one, Nan Feng, Zi Ling, Long Zixuan and Lu Rang have all obtained the corresponding chaos methods.

Li Fan then looked at Qingchen and thought for a moment. Qingchen had almost swept the floor, and it was time to learn something else.

But what the monk learned, seems that there is another book in the system.

"This book "Eleven Zen" is given to you."

Li Fan handed Qingchen a book.

This book "Eleven Zen" contains eleven short stories, which Li Fan would read as a story when he was bored.

Qingchen got "Eleven Zen", but a look of shock suddenly flashed in his eyes.

The eleven Zen are the true method of the supreme Brahma.

Including debate Zen, closed-mouth Zen, future Zen, past Zen, etc., a total of eleven types.

Debate Zen can transform everything through conversation.

If you keep your mouth shut and remain silent, it is unfathomable!

Future Zen, know the future with a snap of your fingers!

"Eleven Zen, this is the most profound method of Brahma!"

Qingchen couldn't help but speak solemnly.

Zen Buddhism is originally the most mysterious and profound method in the Brahma Path. It also pays the most attention to nature and can reach the end of the Brahma Path the fastest.

However, the more advanced this method is, the easier it is for practitioners to go astray and go astray without realizing it.

But Li Fan asked Qingchen to sweep the ground in the small courtyard for four or five years.

Being with spiders and sleeping with ants allowed him to temper his mind amidst such ordinary and trivial matters.

When the mind is perfected, the Zen method will also be perfected!

"If you know how to attack and defend, you can study the Five Music Scores. You can learn this book slowly."

Li Fan gave Jiang Li a copy of "The Five Scores of Chess".

There are five major chess chapters in "Wu Pu".

The spectrum of rotten subjects, the spectrum of grass and trees, the spectrum of vomiting blood, the spectrum of women, and the spectrum of blood and tears.

Every chess game is a level of avenue.

When Jiang Li saw the "vomiting blood spectrum" and "vegetation spectrum", he felt vaguely familiar.

Among them, the vomiting blood score made him feel as if it was made by his own hand, while the grass tree score was similar to the black and white chess skills.

As for the others, they are unfamiliar.

"These five scores are left by the five great chess masters in history. Although they have not reached the ultimate level of chess, if they can learn it, they can be called everyone."

Li Fan spoke calmly.

Hearing this, Jiang Li understood instantly.

What the master gave me was the supreme method left behind by all the top players who have embarked on the chess path throughout the ages.

Among them are his own, black and white, and those of several peerless figures whose names are unknown.

"Thank you Master!"

Jiang Li was extremely excited.

The big black dog was on the other side. The dog's eyes became more serious and said:

"Has the master observed all the dharma and all the ways in all eternity?"

Chess, painting, piano... all the famous articles and unique skills of each avenue, the master actually collected them all.

It felt that breaking a dog's head was unimaginable, what a feat it would be.

Wu Dade was also enthusiastic at this moment. He hurriedly stepped forward and said:

"Master, what about me?"

"Can I learn something new?"

His eyes were full of passion.

Li Fanbujin glanced at the big black dog on one side, nodded and said:

"Well, raising a dog...does well."

"It seems that your talent in this area is still good."

"Here, "Three Birds and Five Animals" is given to you."

Three poultry and five livestock, that is, the method of raising the three poultry, chickens, ducks, and geese, as well as the five livestocks, pigs, cows, sheep, horses, and dogs.

The "Native Dog Breeding" and "Postpartum Care of Sows" previously studied by Wu Dade are, in a sense, just branches of this "Three Birds and Five Livestock".

Wu Dade was stunned when he got "Three Birds and Five Animals".

The three birds and five animals... are also a body training method!

However, this body-training method is really, really abnormal.

Being bitten by a dog is just the beginning.

If you want to develop the strongest body, you need to be burned by the true fire of the phoenix, be frozen like a chalk jackdaw for eternity, and be pecked by the ancient sky-devouring geese...

In short, in addition to being bitten by dogs, he will also be trampled by horses, rammed by cattle, and stabbed by sheep horns...

Wu Dade looked a little stupid.

A big black dog, he felt, was cruel enough. He had already suffered all kinds of hardships and suffered all kinds of pain.

Unexpectedly, hard times are still to come? ?

That's too much.

"Wow, my beloved, you should be happy. These creatures are terrifying beings that have never been seen in ancient times. The master has collected them all with the power of the heaven and the earth and prepared them for you. Aren't you happy?"

The big black dog, however, was gloating about his misfortune.

Wu Dade's face turned dark, but after thinking about it, he gritted his teeth and fought hard.

"No pain No gain!"

He turned around and looked towards the chickens.

Burned by the true fire of the phoenix!

He touched it quietly.

Then, a certain native chicken flapped its wings casually.

Wu Dade suddenly felt that there seemed to be some invisible firepower surrounding him.

"I don't feel it..."

Wu Dade muttered.

As soon as he finished speaking, an invisible flame suddenly fell on Wu Dade's mouth.

Wu Dade's eyes immediately went straight, he stretched his legs and stared, then he lay down flat, his whole body twitching slightly.

He wanted to say, Sister Phoenix, I was wrong...

However, he couldn't say it at all. The fire was so real that it numbed his mouth and began to spread throughout his body.

Wu Dade turned back pitifully and glanced at the big black dog.

That means, dead dog, come and save me, otherwise I will be dead.

But at the same time, the chicken that flapped its wings just now also glanced at the big black dog.

The big black dog suddenly became furious and said hurriedly:

"Wow...sister, please take your time and play with me. This person is rough-skinned and thick-bodied, so he can ravage you at will!"

After saying that, it slipped behind the peach tree!

When Wu Dade saw this, his eyes looked filled with sadness, anger and aggrievement.

He wanted to say, damn dog, you betrayed your teammates! !

At this moment, Li Fan was already teaching Lin Jiuzheng the new Heavenly Master Taoism.

When Tianshi Dao enters the realm of chaos, it is no longer just limited to talismans.

The so-called Kanyu can exhaust the power of the four universes and eight wastelands.

The so-called fortune telling can be traced throughout the past and present.

The so-called longevity means that your life span can exceed that of heaven and earth, and your life can be as long as that of chaos!

Xinning got a thick stack of books.

Stacked together, they are as tall as her.

From the history of the Spring and Autumn Period to Chu Ci and Han Fu, from Si Liu parallel prose to Sui and Tang Dynasty verses, from Song Ci and Yuan music to universal novels...

Xin Ning felt a little dazed for a moment. There was a trace of uncertainty in her big eyes, and she said weakly:

"Big brother... Do I have to learn all of these?"

Li Fan nodded and said:

"Well... come on, after reading this, you can naturally become a great person."

He is quite looking forward to it. Xin Ning has been trained like this since he was a child. In the future, he will not only be everyone, but also a great writer.

Xin Ning suddenly felt a little upset. She suddenly remembered that when she left the Yangjian, she left a lot of homework for Tian Ling'er...

It’s true, heaven is so good at reincarnation, who will be spared by heaven? ?

She silently opened the book, but when she opened the first "Spring and Autumn", she was shocked.

"The birth of white mist originates from the tide changes in the Black Sea."

"The tides collide, white mist occasionally appears, and creatures are born..."

"When the tide goes down, the white mist will dissipate and turn into gray mist..."

She blinked her big eyes, what was written in this book?

Is it the history of the origin of everything in the world?

She put down the Spring and Autumn Period in her hand and read other books.

"The Classic of Mountains and Seas" records the various terrifying beasts in the world throughout the ages, as well as their abilities, weaknesses, etc.

"Huainanzi", also known as "Huainan Honglie", records the history of the creation of many ancient beings in the ancient times. The book describes their ways in detail.

"Chu Ci" records the rise and fall of the ancient witch clan, as well as many rituals and spells unique to the witch clan.

She took a breath of air instantly.

She looked at her elder brother and subconsciously understood something.

What the eldest brother gave me... was all the history and all the knowledge in the entire history of the world.

Those strong men who once amazed the years but finally fell into silence.

Tribes that were once extremely prosperous but eventually returned to dust.

Those avenues that once shone for eternity but finally disappeared in the dark night...

She suddenly felt an unprecedented heaviness.

What the eldest brother gave me was a special and heavy gift.

"Thank you, big brother... Xin Ning will definitely read them all and memorize them all!"

She has made up her mind to keep these forgotten histories in mind.

When Li Fan heard this, he was startled.

It’s okay to read them all. Do you know them by heart? ? ?

Although these classics are the best works in the history of literature, and regular reading can cultivate the body and mind, but memorizing them... is not necessary? ?

He couldn't help but glance at Xin Ning with a complicated expression. This child has had great ambitions since he was a child!

Better than myself!

"come on."

He couldn't help but speak.

Xin Ning nodded vigorously.

Li Fan gave Gong Ya a "Tea Classic" and a "Kitchen Classic"!

Gong Ya was very happy. The Tea Book is the supreme mental method for cultivating the Tao of Chaos, and the Cooking Book is a collection of great skills!

Only Su Baiqian was not in a hurry. Her practice was completely different from others.

The "Disease Classic" and "Medicine Classic" that Li Fan taught her before can still be used.

"Senior sisters and brothers have all made breakthroughs..."

Su Baiqian looked at her senior sisters and brothers, thought about it, and said:

"Well, let me make some medicine for myself tomorrow and catch up with them."

She is very calm. After mastering medicine, if she just wants to upgrade... it will be easy for her.

It may not be difficult to become the highest level person in Wuhuang Realm in a short period of time.

But she no longer values ​​the level of cultivation so much.

No matter how strong you are... you will be poisoned to death!

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