After recruiting Cai Linger into the Martial Arts Mansion as a mentor.

It didn't take long for Genichi to get excited and decide to go to Dandofu to take a class.

After entering the small world last time, there should be an open class a week later, but Genichi felt that few people listened, so he simply entered the small world. After coming out, the open class had already passed, and Genichi didn't care.

He didn't even know that there were a few people who fled because of him and felt extremely lost.

Lost with them, there is also the friend of the woman among the three. She originally learned that Genichi was actually that mysterious big chance, and she was shocked.

According to her understanding, this Genichi has never been heard of in Dan Dao before, and must be a new mentor.

At the same time, there was also a Genichi from the Martial Arts House, and among the many tutors, the one with the least number of tutors was willing to follow.

At this age, anyone's first reaction is this Genichi, who must have come in through the back door to be gilded.

But the three people's alchemy skills have improved, which is true!

Moreover, the identity of the dual tutors of Zhongsheng College has also been speculated by her.

Being able to serve in Zhongsheng College is enough to make people proud!

Not to mention being a dual tutor!

No one who goes through the back door can get such an honor!

If this Pill Dao Mansion Genichi is also a Martial Dao Mansion instructor, I'm afraid everyone will look down on him!

She was sure in her heart that three days after she heard the news, she rushed into the Caozhi Academy on time, but she looked at the other three in dismay.

"Can this public class be missed?"

She was a little shocked.

But the three of them already had experience, and one of the boys waved his hand and told her to go back.

"Mysterious Master is like this, the class is by heart, it's all by chance, the dean won't care about him, let's go, let's go."

She heard the words and thought silently. No tutor has ever done so freely, and the dean didn't care. Looking at it this way, hearing a class from Genichi, is it really a chance?

Genichi's Dan Dao class, what is the secret, she has to listen to it!

She was a bit stubborn by nature, and since she had decided to take Genichi's class, she would come on time every week after that.

But Genichi didn't come back at all in the small world, and after coming back, it was as if he had forgotten, and he rarely went to the Caozhi School, so that the four of them almost felt resentment.

This week, the four of them came together on an appointment. Originally, they didn't have any expectations. After passing through the Caozhi Academy, they just glanced at them casually.

"Huh, someone?"

The four of them glanced at random, but their bodies were shocked.

There are indeed two people in the Caozhi Academy!

One of them was a beautiful girl in a red robe, which no one had ever seen before, so it must be a freshman specially recruited by some mentor.

As for the other white-clothed, handsome man, he is obviously the Genichi mentor who the four of them have been waiting for till now!

The four of them hurried in, took their seats, spread out their notes, and listened carefully.

The red-robed girl glanced at them, and there was a hint of confusion in her eyes.

She is naturally Cai Linger.

What she wondered was how many people came to Genichi's public class?

With her ability as a fourth-grade alchemist, she was able to absorb a lot of knowledge from Genichi's alchemy, and gained a lot of insights. With the ability of the fifth-grade alchemist association president, she was ashamed of Genichi.

Are the people in this alchemy mansion blind?

There were only four people to listen to the class, and one of the girls had a look of disbelief that she wanted to explore.

Cai Linger shook her head, glanced at Genichi with a faint smile, and sighed in her heart.

If no one comes to the lecture, they will regret it after a few years!

To be able to take Genichi's class should be the opportunity of the entire Dan Daofu. The opportunity is in front of them, and if they can't grasp it, who can blame?

When the time was almost up, Genichi got up and started lecturing.

Cai Linger was well prepared, and she even saw Genichi concocting alchemy, so she quickly entered the state, and the other three were well aware of the difference in Genichi, and quickly immersed in it, leaving only the woman behind...

She fell into shock.

The knowledge of alchemy described by Genichi is wild and unconstrained, and it is profoundly different from the mainstream alchemy skills. The strange thing is that it is simple and easy to understand.

But these alchemy methods have never been used by anyone?

Can it really work?

After one class, Genichi left with a contented Cai Linger, and the other three woke up reluctantly.

The remaining woman who came to investigate turned back with a questioning expression on her face.

In her notes, she recorded a lot of unheard of alchemy knowledge.

Three days later, everyone in the Dan Dao Mansion was surprised to find that the three people who had been improving their Dan Dao level had actually improved again after a few weeks of silence!

In addition to this, there is another woman, who has been messing with the three of them in recent weeks, and has also gotten a big boost at this time!

Dan Daofu was in an uproar.

Another week later, Genichi brought Cai Linger back to Caozhi Academy. This time, in addition to the four, there were many more students who were interested in exploring. They were shocked when they saw Genichi standing in the position of the instructor. .

These people originally wanted to follow the four of them to explore the secret of their soaring alchemy skills.

I didn't come to listen to such a young teacher's lecture. Today, there is still an open class by Ren's teacher!

A few people left immediately, but some people's eyes flickered, and they chose to stay.

At the end of the class, everyone left with different expressions.

Three days later, news came out one after another that their alchemy skills had improved a lot!

Dan Daofu shakes!

This time, Caozhi Academy finally became famous in the alchemy mansion. Everyone knows that the new tutor Genichi teaches different alchemy knowledge. If you can listen to his class and combine the mainstream alchemy skills, everyone's alchemy The level will definitely improve!

This week, Caozhi Academy was crowded with people, and the threshold was broken. Genichi smiled lightly and went to class as usual. Everyone was so fascinated by it that he wished the time would pass a little slower.

A week passed quickly, the next class came, everyone tasted the sweetness, went straight to the grass chia school, and waited for a long time, but Genichi did not appear.

It was only after everyone inquired that they found out that the mysterious master had already taken his disciples on a journey.

Some students who had just returned from the outside world when they heard the news, immediately beat their chests and sighed.

Once there was a great opportunity before them, they didn't cherish it, if God gave them another chance...

Genichi took his six disciples out for a trip, and he didn't care about the uproar in the Dan Dao Mansion.

At present, what he values ​​most is the competition between the freshmen one year later and the competition between the five major colleges in Nanzhou.

And practicing martial arts, behind closed doors, can't make any achievements. If you want to make a difference, you must travel all over the place to hone an invincible Taoism!

Genichi has high hopes for them.

Let's start with the tour.

A year later, he was a disciple of Genichi, destined to stir up the situation in Nanzhou!

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