"Let's go faster, all the answers should be found at Qingyun Gate."Ye Wushuang said, his pace speeding up unknowingly.

The last section of the road was extremely smooth. There were fewer and fewer corpses, and you could easily find wild fruits and so on.

"Sure enough, now that we are closer to Qingyun Gate, we are safer. Lin Qing sighed.

When they reached the top of the mountain, a dilapidated house appeared in front of them.

The house was very large, about seven or eight hundred square meters. But the bricks and tiles used to build the house were very old, and there was a lot of moss growing on them. , it can be seen that it was built a long time ago.

The strangest thing is that the door of the house is wide open, and there is no fear of anyone entering.

The two looked at each other and walked into the house. After walking for a few minutes, a man in a gray robe appeared in front of them. The man was sweeping the floor.

When he noticed the arrival of the two people, Hui Pao was not surprised. He just turned around lightly, as if everything was expected.

This made Ye Wushuang stunned for a moment, and after a moment he took the initiative to introduce:"Hello , I’m Ye Wushuang, this is my junior sister Lin Qing"

"Hello, I am unintentional."Wuxin said simply.

The person in front of him looked like he had no desires and no demands. It was really difficult for Ye Wushuang to associate him with the Eagle Gang.

"We'd like to inquire about something."Ye Wushuang said.

Wuxin continued to sweep the floor, and then said after a moment:"Qingyun Sect is not concerned with mundane matters. If you insist on asking, you have to defeat me first.

Since there was no room for negotiation, Ye Wushuang could only say:"That's offending.""

As soon as the words fell, Ye Wushuang flew straight towards Wu Xin. Wu Xin still held the broom in his hand, but he just ducked sideways and blocked Ye Wushuang with one hand. The movement was very light, but it easily neutralized all his strength.

This move , isn't it the one used by the old man Shanye at the conference?

Ye Wushuang thought to himself: I really didn't come to the wrong place.

At this moment, he just wanted to compete with Wu Xin, and Ye Wushuang did not use other moves and imitated his appearance. , turning all the strength into softness, it looks calm on the surface, but it has the power to swallow up all things.

"How did you do this? Wu Xin's eyes were filled with surprise, and he couldn't help but glance at Ye Wushuang.

Ye Wushuang smiled calmly:"I learned it.""

"Who did you learn it from?"My unintentional curiosity was also aroused.

"I'll tell you when you beat me."Ye Wushuang said, taking this opportunity, hooked Wu Xin's arm, and suddenly

"ah!"Wuxin screamed in pain, and his brows knitted together.

Now was a good opportunity. Ye Wushuang directly raised Wuxin high above his head and threw it upwards. He also took the opportunity to jump up, and slapped the person in front of him with his palms like dough..

After a greeting, Wu Xin fell to the ground. He only felt that his whole body had been relaxed and he had no strength at all.

"Does this count as me winning?"Ye Wushuang asked, still feeling somewhat guilty. If he hadn't taken advantage of Wuxin to shake Shen just now, he wouldn't have been able to complete this series of attacks. Wuxin sighed.

After all, he was still willing to admit defeat, and just said:"Well, you go in. Bar."

Ye Wushuang hooked his hand at Lin Qing, gesturing for her to follow him.

The two of them took a few steps forward, and suddenly remembered something. Ye Wushuang stopped, turned around and said,"My master is Nu Hai."

Hearing those two familiar words, Wu Xin had an indescribable emotion in his eyes. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes:"It turns out that he is the disciple of Senior Brother Nu Hai. I wonder how Brother Nuhai is doing lately?"

"Master passed away because of the Black Hawk Gang."Ye Wushuang said this specifically.

Sure enough, the emotions in Wu Xin's eyes were more complicated, and there was a hint of regret.

After confirming again, Ye Wushuang accelerated his steps.

Finally, he came to the inner room, and before he entered, he smelled a smell The smell of sandalwood. It's light and lingering, not too strong, but it has a calming effect.

"Are you Nu Hai’s disciple?"An old voice came.

Ye Wushuang walked in and saw an old man with white hair sitting in the middle. His beard was also white, but there were not many wrinkles on his face. He was wearing plain white clothes. There is an aura of detachment.

On both sides of the two people, there are five people standing on each side. The age range is a bit large. The youngest should be about ten years old, and the oldest is probably fifty years old.

"Yes. May I ask if I should be respectfully called Yiyi Shizu?"Ye Wushuang asked politely.

The old man waved his hands and said:"The Nu Hai has left the master a long time ago. I am not your master. If you want, you can call me Shi Changmen."

"Shi Changmen, we came here this time because we want to ask about something."Ye Wushuang didn't want to waste time and went straight to the topic.

As soon as he finished speaking, Shi Changmen looked a little sleepy and rubbed his eyes:"If you have anything else to say, I'll go and squint for a while now."

After saying that, Shi Changmen walked away directly.

Ye Wushuang was completely stunned.

"So what do we do now?"Lin Qing tugged on Ye Wushuang's sleeves and asked in a low voice.

Fortunately, the ten-year-old apprentice seemed to see what they were thinking and came over on his own initiative:"You two, let me take you to have a rest."

"OK, thank you."Finally not so embarrassed, Ye Wushuang felt a little happy in his heart.

In this way, the young apprentice led the two of them around in a big circle, and finally went to the room where they just entered.

"This is it. You two can pack up and settle in. I will bring all the food for you later. After saying that, the young apprentice nodded and prepared to leave.

"By the way, what should I call you? Ye Wushuang asked quickly

"stars."The young apprentice replied

"Then thank you little brother Xingchen."Ye Wushuang said politely.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the two opened the door, a musty smell came out, and there was a layer of dust so big that they couldn't open their eyes.

Both of them couldn't help but cover their mouths and noses. Their hands kept fanning.

When they felt better, they opened all the windows again, hoping that the sunlight would make the place feel better.

"Isn't this Qingyunmen's hospitality way too bad?" Lin Qing couldn't help but muttered.

Ye Wushuang looked at it calmly:"They don't welcome others to live in the first place. They just have fun without kicking us out now."

Lin Qing thought about it, and that was indeed the case, so she didn't say anything anymore.

The two of them spent almost a time cleaning up the incense sticks, and finally finished cleaning up the inside. They got a lot of things that were not there and threw them outside. It looked pretty good inside. Clean.

Xingchen also came over at this time, holding a quilt in his hand, and put some dry food on the quilt

"You two take it and use it. Xingchen handed the thing to Ye Wu's hands,"You need to go to the backyard to get the water to drink. There is a wooden bucket next to the wellhead. You can just take it and use it." these rubbish……"

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