Boom, boom, boom!

Jumping between the towering trees, Ye Wushuang's figure moved forward as fast as a locust.

It was now midnight of the next day, and Ye Wushuang felt a little tired after running around for a long time.

But his bright red eyes were still scanning the surroundings sharply.


Not knowing how far he walked, Ye Wushuang finally slowed down and rested on a piece of grass.

According to his calculations and Ouyang's explanation, he has now traveled thousands of miles and has entered the core part of the entire forbidden area.

But from beginning to end, although the insects encountered were powerful, they did not have the slightest ability to resurrect Tan Xi.

The feeling of going from hope to despair almost defeated the man

"Is it really just a legend?"

With a wry smile on his face, Ye Wushuang closed his eyes silently.

But at this moment, a weak and sudden sound came into his mind.


Standing up suddenly, Ye Wushuang looked at the mountains in the distance in surprise.

There was a slight candlelight swaying there, and the voice just now sounded like a person talking to himself.

A trace of vigilance arose in his heart. Feeling, but driven by curiosity, Ye Wushuang still carried Tanxi on his back and walked towards the light cautiously

"Is there someone outside? Who?"

Just a few dozen meters away from the house, before Ye Wushuang could take another look, the heavy wooden door was pushed open.

An old woman in her sixties walked out.

The old woman looked very old. , hair is gray, and the whole face is wrinkled by layers of wrinkles. It is obvious that he has lost his appearance due to old age. In the

Gu Clan's forbidden land, late at night, the old man lives alone...

I really can't figure out the strange scenes. Ye Wushuang, at this moment I just want to stay away from this place and whispered

"Sorry, I was just passing by, no offense intended."

"Young people, you should take good care of your body. Don't wait until you are old to regret your journey. Let's talk about it tomorrow. If you don't mind, come and stay in a humble house for a night."

A kind smile appeared on his face, and the old woman's contagious words actually made Ye Wushuang feel relieved.

By some strange coincidence, he actually followed the old woman in.

"Have you always lived here alone?"

When he came into the house and saw the only stove, wooden comb and two beds, Ye Wushuang asked lightly.

"There used to be a village here, but it was in the mountains after all. No one wanted to stay here, so they all moved away slowly."

"I had a son who also wanted to go out and have a career at that time, so we, the old couple, were left behind."

"Later, my wife died, and I was the only one left. I have lived here for who knows how many years. Okay, the bed is almost made."

Although the old woman was speaking, her hands did not move at all. In just a few minutes, she had already tidied up the place for Yiye Wushuang.

"Ouch, look at my memory. You must be thirsty after running all this way. I’ll get you a glass of water quickly."

"No, no, sorry for your trouble."

Although he was wary, Ye Wushuang had already let down his guard unknowingly.

Perhaps even he himself was not aware of this.

Ye Wushuang put Tanxi on the bed behind him and was forced to drink by the old woman. He drank a glass of water and ate some fruits and vegetables from the mountains.

Just when he stood up and planned to rest for a while, an inexplicable sense of crisis came over him, making all the hairs on his body stand up.



Suddenly he saw a bug at the foot of the bed. The instinct he developed in the forest made him subconsciously release a burst of mysterious energy.

But when he raised his head, his eyes widened in surprise.

"Why? Why? I kindly provided you with shelter and food, why did you kill me?"

At this moment, the head has been separated from the body. He lay on the ground with the old woman's head and looked at Ye Wushuang in surprise.

"I...I didn't, I just wanted to kill a bug!"

"You, you outsiders deserve to die.……"

With only these last words left, the old woman no longer has any chance of living.

Looking at the corpse in front of him, Ye Wushuang felt as if a heavy hammer had been struck directly into his mind.

At this moment, he finally noticed something strange.

From the moment he approached, it seemed that he had been led into this room without even realizing it.

And you have to know that he has been carrying Tan Xi behind him. From a normal perspective, seeing such a person carrying such a person behind him and being unconscious at the same time, he should ask a few questions.

But from beginning to end, the old woman seemed to have never seen Tanxi and never mentioned it.

We must leave here immediately!

He couldn't figure out what was going on. Ye Wushuang just wanted to hold Tan Xi and quickly leave this place that made him feel a sense of crisis.

But the next second, the whole world was as if the lights were turned off, and it was instantly dark.

Without any precaution, Ye Wushuang fell directly to the ground.

By the time he opened his eyes again, it was already light outside.

"Where is this... right! Tanxi!"

Hurrying up from the ground, Ye Wushuang realized that the small courtyard where he worked had disappeared long ago, and Tan Xi was lying next to him just now.


After cleaning up the dust on Tan Xi's body and fixing it to his back, Ye Wushuang continued to move forward, the vigilance in his heart rising to the highest level.

He really didn't understand what kind of power could make him unconscious without any defense, and he still couldn't figure out why the old woman appeared yesterday.

If she wanted to kill herself, she had enough time this night.

But unfortunately, he didn't suffer any harm.

That kind of unrealistic, purposeless, and teasing feeling made her even more unable to adapt.

The sky is getting brighter.

Although he knew that this place might be very dangerous, it was for Tanxi after all, so Ye Wushuang suppressed the feeling of retreat and continued to move forward.

It's been another half day. Adding up the distance traveled over the past few days, Ye Wushuang has walked nearly 2,000 miles.

According to his estimation, he has now reached the deepest part of the entire forbidden area, and is not far from the Gu clan's base camp.

"Is there really no way at all?"

The more he thought about it, the more frustrated he became. Ye Wushuang felt his steps slow down, and the fatigue in his body kept hitting his mind.

But at this moment, a voice in the distance made Ye Wushuang's whole body almost... solidification

"Young man, why did you leave without saying hello? I also prepared a meal for you!"

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