"Aunt Manami, let me ask you seriously, Yan Ye's father... what is his real name?"

"He...his real name..." Manami opened her mouth, her beautiful face became miserable and helpless

"I don't know either. In fact, even when he and I officially divorced some time ago, I didn't know his real name..."

The corners of Mu Feng's eyes tugged, and he sighed faintly.

Well, basically you can stone hammer.

There is a high probability that Yan Ye's father is a mixed race, and he may also be a high-level mixed race with a high concentration of blood.

Although there are some cases of high concentration of intergenerational genetic blood in such things as mixed races, in most cases, the blood is gradually weakened due to intermarriage with ordinary people.

Because of their respective blood sorrows, most of the mixed-races are internal intermarriages. The hybrids and mixed-races combine, and the offspring they give birth to are basically mixed-races. Bloodline concentration becomes higher.

It is extremely difficult for a hybrid to mate with a normal person to give birth to offspring, because there is indeed a certain degree of reproductive isolation between the two parties-but as long as it is a child of a hybrid, the probability of having dragon's blood is extremely high.

Just like Chu Zihang's father, Chu Tianjiao, and his normal mother, Chu Zihang, who was born from the union of the two, is undoubtedly an example of extremely high blood concentration, perfectly inheriting his father's dragon blood.

According to the hybrids, if they can naturally combine with ordinary people and give birth to hybrids with dragon blood offspring, the blood concentration must be A-level and above.

Mu Feng doesn't know how to measure the level of mixed races, but if this is in Neon, combined with the plot of the third part of Dragon Race, the Eight Snake Qi Families have advanced blood and can move freely-there are probably not many inside the Eight Families. indivual.

In other words, Yan Ye's father is very likely to be a big shot in the Sheqi Ba family, and at the very least a senior cadre.

This is definitely good news.

Although I don't know the reason why Aunt Manami and his husband divorced, but as the saying goes, a tiger's poison does not eat its children, and his father is a high-level executive of the Sheqi Bajia, at least he doesn't have to worry about retaliation afterwards.

"Yan Ye... In this case, you can stay at my house temporarily for a few days."

Mu Feng pondered for a moment, and said seriously

"Ah good."

Yan Ye's cheeks flushed, and he lowered his head and agreed in a low voice.

"I need to conduct a certain degree of examination and testing on your body. If you are really of mixed race...the procedures will be very complicated."

Mu Feng's eyes sparkled with a desire called thirst for knowledge. He was very curious and looked forward to what kind of knowledge Dragon Blood... would bring him.

"Cough, cough, cough." Manami coughed twice to signal Mu Feng to look at her as a mother. She paused, looked at her shy daughter, and sighed.

"Forget it, it's up to you. Yan Ye, I will ask you to take leave from the school... Be careful."

"Mom, I'm going to live with my big brother too!" Gui Xin raised her little hand and said excitedly

"I also want big brother to check my body to see if I am also a superpower."

It seems that she seems to have misunderstood something, but hybrids and superpowers are almost the same. Mu Feng sighed, and rubbed Gui Xin's little head viciously

"Brother and sister are not going to play, it is a very serious matter. Xin, if you want to know if you are a superpower, you have to wait a little longer."

Unless it was a mixed race with an unbelievably high concentration of blood, or a special case like Lu Mingfei, even Chu Zihang didn't show any blood sorrow when he was a child.

In fact, Mu Feng has always sneered at this kind of psychological problem that sounds very artistic. If you are autistic, you should be autistic.

"Auntie Manami, please come to the room with me, I will put a layer of insurance on you, if it is the worst accident, I can also help you and your heart as soon as possible."

Mu Feng said to Manami seriously, the mature beautiful woman nodded hesitantly and followed Mu Feng into the room.

After a while, there was a reverie panting sound from the room, and about three minutes later, the blushing Manami walked out with her head down without saying a word

"Big brother... what are you doing?"

Gui Xin looked at the two people with erratic eyes, touched her chin, and said in disappointment.

"Only three minutes..."

"It's impolite, what are you talking about!" The angry Manami gave her daughter a slap in the face, but she still didn't dare to look up at Mufeng, her heart was beating too fast

Mu Feng didn't do anything in the room just now, but planted a spiritual seed of himself in Manami's consciousness. Just like the spiritual seeds planted in Xiaosaki's mind, it is used to protect the other party when necessary.

It's just that Mu Feng also discovered that it seems that when spiritual seeds are implanted in people's brains, a certain sense of spiritual communication will be achieved... Coupled with his powerful spiritual power, it's like NT opening a chat room to invade other people's brains, It will have a certain impact on the other party's spirit.

"Mu Jun... Where is Mr. Yoshida now?"

Yan Ye's eyes drifted away from his mother and Mu Feng for a moment, and he suddenly said,

"Little Saki..." Mu Feng pondered for a moment, then said softly

"Probably venting my desire."


The four walls of the classroom were covered with scarlet flesh.

The sharp claws tore apart tough flesh, and the tentacles covered with eyeballs and sharp teeth were as terrifying as a monster coming out of a nightmare, and the one dancing in this sea of ​​flesh and blood was undoubtedly a monster.

The green bearded lizard knight was covered in meat paste, and the armor that was originally full of metal texture seemed to have changed an art style.

The sharp claws tore apart the flesh, and the fist smashed the bones. It was not so much a battle as a duel between meat grinders.


Wu Mi seems to have completely lost his human form, or in other words, he just changed back to his original posture.

For a monster like him, the human form itself is just a maintained mimicry, and those hearts and brains are just the result of body adjustments while maintaining the human form.

Wu Mi's essence can be said to be a puddle of mud. After countless acts of cannibalism, his body has 'evolved' to a shape more suitable for predation.

"Look at you now, you look like a drowning pig!"

Xiaosaki tore a thick tentacle in front of her into pieces, looked at the inhuman Wu Mi, and laughed nervously

At this moment, what she felt was not the pleasure of revenge, but the comfort of releasing her nature and releasing all taboos.

To be honest, there is actually not much hatred between her and Wu Mi. She was saddened by her mother's death, but her hatred for Wu Mi, who had never seen the mastermind behind the scenes, was not as strong as she imagined.

Maybe she is a ruthless person, maybe because her relationship with her mother is not very good, and the cruelty and killing are so miserable, she feels more the joy of endless release of violence.

"Gulu Gulu, Gulu Gulu!"

The only answer for Xiaosaki is Wu Mi's sharp teeth and tentacles made of more flesh and blood. Wu Mi has lost the ability to think, and his body is constantly rotating on the verge of collapse.

At the beginning, he was only injected with such a small tube of Bi'an flower juice by Zhu Shi, and he almost died on the spot. After fleeing back to the Infinite City in embarrassment, he spent a lot of effort to recover from the cocoon, and finally expelled the toxin in front of him.

But what he tasted now was the enhanced version of the original human-transforming potion. The little resistance he had cultivated was useless at all, and he didn't have time to cocoon to restore himself.

Not to mention Xiaosaki's continuous torture and destruction of him, his will has already sunk in the constant repair and collapse of his body.

But after all, he still has a sense of survival.

Countless flesh and blood gathered together to form a huge and ugly baby-like monster.

Screaming and crying like laughter, the baby pounced on the flesh-and-blood lizard knight in front of him, overwhelming him, and the huge force put Xiaosaki at a disadvantage all of a sudden.

"You big-headed giant baby... get away from my old lady!!!"

Xiaosaki screamed and twisted the handle of the belt, instantly releasing the limit of the belt to the maximum, more powerful force poured into the limbs along the heart, she instantly overwhelmed the ugly giant baby, the sharp arm blade on the arm Shaking and falling rapidly.

The giant baby's head and body were cut apart, and the exposed flesh and blood splashed all over the ground, but quickly gathered back to the core of the flesh and blood.

Xiaosaki panted slightly, she was trying her best to control the animal nature in her mind, so as not to fall into madness.

She should retreat now, and she must retreat. Her rationality told her to leave here quickly, but she... still wanted to stay here.

The tyrannical desire in her heart has nowhere to vent, she urgently needs to be released, let it out fiercely!

"You should leave." Mu Feng's indifferent voice sounded in her mind

"The guy sweeping the floor is about to come. If you continue to stay, you will end up being dragged to the operating table, or soaked in formalin for the rest of your life."


Xiaosaki's voice was incoherent, and the scarlet reptile vertical pupils under the mask stared at Wu Mi, as if looking at a plate of delicious food.

For some reason, a strong sense of resistance rose in her heart. If this is a Kamen Rider, then the first battle of her debut as the protagonist is very likely to be the last battle. Is it going to end so sloppily? ?

"You can't kill him, and you can't kill him." Mu Feng said lightly

"Even if I weaken Ghost Dance Tsuji Mumi like this, you can't kill him by beating the dog in the water with your ability. Let's go, it will be even worse for him to live."

Although Wu Mi is a joke, the joke is limited to his stupid and arrogant self-comparison. But according to common sense, his degree of trouble is still at the top level.

Even if Mu Feng weakens him so many times, Guiwu Tsuji's terrifying physical recovery ability is difficult to completely eliminate without using ultraviolet weapons, and most importantly - Mu Feng is not sure that Wu Mi here is The last misery.

This cockroach-like ghost king can live for a thousand years, which shows that his ability to survive is much more reliable than his ability to kill.

"Don't worry, even if Onimui Tsuji is gone, you will still be my capable subordinate... Believe me, you are still very useful."

Kosaki's breathing gradually became steady, gradually calming down.

Mu Feng is very clear about Xiaosaki's thoughts. Rather than saying that she has the heart of revenge against Gui Wu Tsuji Wu Mi, it is better to say that she is more afraid of her own future after Wu Mi is resolved.

She just needs a goal, a motivation to work hard for it, and her clinging personality problem has not shown any signs of improvement from the beginning to the end, and even because of Mu Feng's intervention... it has become more serious.

She was afraid of being abandoned, afraid of having no purpose, afraid of becoming 'useless'. These are the sources of her obsessive vengeance that diverts her attention from Wu Mi.

Being treated as a tool person is something to be hated, but for some people, the saddest thing is not even being a tool person.

"Then what should I do next...?"

Xiaosaki's voice was full of confusion, and she completed her 'revenge' so simply, what would she do in her next life, after becoming a monster?

"...Just follow me." Mu Feng said in a rare soft voice

"I will give you instructions and give you new goals... Rest assured, you are still very 'useful' to me."

An abnormal blush appeared on Xiaosaki's face under the armor, and then she fled away from the bloody slaughterhouse, leaving only Wu Mi who was lingering between life and death amidst the poison.

Almost as soon as she left, more than a dozen demons wearing Noh masks surrounded the school. They were wearing bluetooth headsets, and on the other end was their "King General"

The fierce ghosts reported the current situation to General Wang in detail. Almost all the teaching buildings on the first floor were covered with flesh and blood from the expansion of Wuyou's violent walk. It can be said that even if it was to be cleaned up, it would not be possible to leave no traces.

The king was silent for a moment, and said in a cold voice

"Clean it all up, and use the 'things' I gave you, the last part to bring back... This building, no, this school, destroy it for me!"

"Then release all the 'semi-finished products' that failed to be produced. After today, Wu Mi will still be alive, still running around the neon, remember?"

The leading fierce ghost nodded, and took out a jet-like thing from behind, aiming at the expanding flesh and blood, and the green misty liquid sprayed from the jet covered the entire floor.


The flesh and blood that Wuyou ran away wriggled even more violently, but after being exposed to the atomized human-changing potions, his genes collapsed quickly, and the flesh and blood that covered the entire floor quickly festered, and he didn't even have the ability to escape. .

"I want to live, live..."

Wu Mi's final consciousness disappeared under the final desire to survive, but no matter how strong the desire to survive, his essence originated from biological transformation of the "ghost king", and he does not have any ability to explode seeds.

In the end, Wu Mi's consciousness completely fell into darkness.

After ninety years, he 'died' again


ps: ask for tickets every day! ! !

Chapter 137 31. Yu Ye

Osaka Gokurakukan

This hidden bliss in the mountains is now burning with fire.

The flame was ignited half an hour ago, and now it has burned to the base of the castle tower, but in that high attic, there are still two people in it.

"Admiring the scene of the fire-burning cherry blossoms under the night is also a rare romance."

Chang Ji, who had regained his youthful appearance, leaned against the edge of the slowly burning window, watched the ten-mile cherry blossoms dance in the flames, and were blown up and fluttered by the fire wind in the night, and said with emotion

"Maybe in a few days, when the children of Jiuta and Rishi are enjoying the flowers, we can also come and do this. Heh, it's quite like Oda Nobunaga Honnoji Temple."

Tachibana Masamune, who was sitting, looked at Chang Ji who was opening his face like a romantic madman without saying a word, and said lightly

"It seems that your physical condition is very good..."

"Thanks to you, Mr. Herzog, my body is much more comfortable without the restraint of Wu Mi."

Chang Ji turned his head, looked at 'Tachibana Masamune' in front of him with a mocking and playful expression, and laughed more and more wildly under his gloomy expression.

He didn't know that the 'big head' of the Sheqi Ba Family had such an interesting past.

As the patriarch of the mixed race of Japan, he is not even a yellow race, but a German, who was captured by the Soviet Union, conducted human experiments in Siberia, and finally escaped from there... a former Nazi.

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