Last night, he directly received 1,500 evaluation points and entered the account. Counting the previous credits, he had a total of 2,300 evaluation points.

Last night's live video has almost spread to most of the video sites and has been pinned to the top. If there is no accident, the public opinion will really ferment to the top in another hour or so.

But there can be no doubt that word of what happened here has spread throughout the nearby International Brigades.

Mu Feng didn't intend to hide any information. He even advertised in a fair manner last night, and the news of the power armor has basically spread throughout the entire international column.

It is estimated that it will not be long before this group of guys will come to 'inspect' in the name of 'peacekeeping' and 'human rights'.

Mu Feng was not afraid of what those 'international columns' would do to him. The six gangsters had constant internal disputes, and it was impossible for them to unite and attack Mu Feng together.

Think about it, if the surrendering country wants to reach out and take away the power armor, will the crap that he has been dealing with all the time be watching? Maozi wants to make a move, but the bald eagle will ignore it? Even the two Chinese national brothers in this world will not sit back and watch their 'compatriots' grow.

And even if they attack them, they can't do anything. There are only twenty-five power armors here. It's amazing that Mu Fengquan activated the self-destruct program and immediately ran away with a bucket. Besides, technology is obviously more important than real objects.

I believe they will not do this kind of thing, but... this is limited to these 'international columns' fighting each other.

Captain Nabidi's troops will arrive in about an hour and a half. By then, the small town of Krajabar will theoretically belong to the Asian-American occupation zone, and the "International Column" will not be able to do whatever they want on it.

But Mu Feng never thinks highly of the bottom line of these countries, especially the bottom line of those white skins is that there is no bottom line. In Mufeng's world, kangaroo soldiers would torture and kill civilians, and bald eagles did countless things. It would be wishful thinking to expect those Anglo-Saxon bandits to have any reasoning ideas with you.

Therefore, he has actually prepared the worst countermeasures.

"There are about ten minutes left, then let's launch."

Mu Feng looked at his watch, squinted at the sky and said

"Arrange the insurance first, and then see what happens."


ps: ask for tickets every day!

ps: This volume will be finished in about a week, and it won't be long.

Chapter 150 44. The bottom line of the eagle is that there is no bottom line

As Mu Feng expected, from 8:30 in the morning, the world's public opinion quickly spread the matter.

Most of the netizens held an attitude of disbelief, after all, twenty-five surreal 'powered armor squads' raided a small town, defeated and beheaded them, and captured the opponent's entire armored brigade, even COD did it not come out.

But facts speak louder than words. After the president of Asia and the United States accepted an interview with the Arabian Al Jazeera TV station and officially announced that they had captured eleven senior military officers from the Serbian side, things exploded in an instant.

Even though the president of Asia and the United States tried his best to change the subject and try to transfer this "incredible victory" to their army during the interview, the "advertising video" that has spread all over the world's video networks all told everyone, It was a Chinese security company in Australia and Song Dynasty who made such a mythical move.

Countless people who knew that this incident was actually true felt a sense of unreality. When it was mentioned, they felt a little stupid. In addition to firepower coverage, the army with firepower coverage can be equipped with such high-tech equipment?

With power armor, are the Spartans still far away?

Palm World International Security Company and Palm World Technology Co., Ltd., the names of these two companies have achieved the achievement of "resounding all over the world" in one fell swoop.

But it is a pity that they did not find any information about these two companies, or there is only very one-sided information. They don't have an official website, and even the commercial cooperation on the table is only an employment contract with Yamei.

Unlike these netizens who basically don't understand the military or have half a bucket of water, the governments and military of various countries, especially Australia, Song, Hua and Bald Eagle, after confirming that the news is true, they immediately knew what kind of weapon it would be .

That will be a product that completely changes the form of land combat!

Think about it, the elite soldiers of any of their sides can be equipped with such equipment, be able to decapitate the enemy's high-level command troops, and be able to achieve the maximum benefit with the minimum investment!

Not to mention that the military experts saw all kinds of incredible new technologies on the RX-0 power armor at first glance. The brand-new synthetic metal that can ignore small-caliber bullets while ensuring light weight means that the material science Breakthrough, the energy reserve that can drive such a heavy humanoid weapon to carry out complex long-term combat means a change in energy science, a shock absorption system that allows the internal driver to restrain such a terrible G-force...

Check, check for me! ! !

The officials of Ausong and Huaguo called up the information of the two companies almost immediately. Ausong found out all the information about this man named Li Mingqing, but it was limited to this. In addition to the registered assets of Zhangshi Security International Company It doesn't even have an office area, it's just like a leather bag company.

On the other hand, Huaguo managed to find out the information about Zhangshi Technology Co., Ltd., the vest about Mufeng, the location of their factory, and found out that the CEO of this newly established company is a neon woman. It's called Katsura Manami.

The local industrial and commercial organization visited Manami at the first time. After a friendly exchange, Manami immediately sent samples and some materials of the high-energy lithium battery that Mufeng had prepared long ago.

Immediately, the small factory was tightly controlled and guarded, and those employees who had just been recruited by Manami were guarded by the authorities with a look of bewilderment.

Naturally, Manami couldn't escape, but she was only under house arrest within the scope of the magic capital. Manami's hands are shaking with excitement, if she can directly reach a cooperation with the official - that will be the real breakthrough!

And the side of the bald eagle... can be said to be the most intense.

Pentagon, Senior Council Room

Bald Eagle was in the defense department at the time, and more than a dozen important officials from the CIA intelligence department gathered together, and everyone was listening to Lockheed's experts' evaluation of this power armor weapon.

"From 3:21 local time when the raid started to 5:19 when the local chieftain Colonel Zertu confirmed that the Turkish side had fallen, the Rx-0 power armor took at least one hour and five It took seventeen minutes to cross a forest area in a local radar blind spot and several steep mountains with steep terrain. It was difficult for ground raid units to be captured by radar, let alone the kind of terrain that could not allow armored troops to march. They crossed They traveled more than 50 kilometers to reach their destination, and if their traveling time is calculated by half, their flat land speed is at least 67 kilometers or more.”

"This proves that the terrain has almost no effect on this power armor weapon. They are able to move forward in complex forest areas while maintaining high speed. Their power armor must be equipped with a fairly powerful automatic control system, which means The flexibility of these power armors is not only far beyond our imagination, but the electronic technology carried in them is also extremely advanced."

Everyone in the conference room looked very ugly. Even if you are not an expert in military weapons, you still know what it means to be an individual ground armor unit that is flexible, fast enough to explode tanks, and not weak in firepower.

"Are they electric?" a defense official asked.

"Undoubtedly, yes." The weapon expert pushed his gold-rimmed glasses frame with a solemn expression

"Because it is impossible for traditional fuel equipment to drive such weapons and equipment for long-term cross-country operations, the reason why they are said to be driven by electric power is because this is the energy drive method closest to our technology that we can understand..."

If it is said that such a ground armor weapon uses high-energy batteries, which is a near-sci-fi concept, they can understand and accept it. If it is said that they use a nuclear fusion furnace, I am afraid that everyone here will have to wonder if they are aliens.

A country that can come up with a miniaturized nuclear fusion furnace will mean absolute control of world hegemony. Like Prometheus who stole the fire of Zeus, holds the authority of the sun.

"So, I can draw the following conclusions. This is a special ground weapon with a perfect battery life of more than two hours and a maximum battery life of more than 15 hours. armed."

"To put it simply, when can we have similar weapons!"

The senior official of the Ministry of National Defense directly interrupted the weapon expert's next professional data speech, and said seriously

"This..." The expert hesitated for a moment, seemed to be weighing his words, pushed his glasses, and said

"At present, our most advanced powered exoskeleton armor can only support nearly an hour of battery life, and the perfect battery life is only 20 minutes. The calculation delay of our operating system is about five seconds, and the overall protection of soldiers is also seriously insufficient... "

All the words put together mean that we are completely behind.

The face of the senior official of the Ministry of National Defense was ugly, but there was a hint of joy in it. It is bad news for them that the enemy has an epoch-making weapon, but it is also good news for them to beg for money from the Lord of Congress.

"We can't find out the information about the actual person in charge of Palm World International. The identity background of the other party is too clean, so clean that we think this guy must be a fake identity."

The head of the CIA crossed his hands and said in a deep voice

"The information brought back by our undercover agent in the Australian Song Dynasty intelligence agency is also the same. The government knows that there is a problem with Li Mingqing's identity, but they don't seem to care."

Of course I don't care, if an unknown person with a false identity can bring an epoch-making weapon technology, anyone will turn a blind eye.

"Then the person in charge of technology..."

"We have a serious shortage of intelligence personnel in China." The head of the CIA said helplessly, spreading his hands

"Most of them are intellectuals who sent money from us to attack the government on the Internet, but what is certain is that the Huaguo government has already started to protect the factories of Palm World Technology."

"Can it be sabotaged? Or steal their technology?"

"I'm afraid it's impossible. Forced action may lead to the uprooting of all the people we planted there. Most importantly, the chance of success is no more than ten percent."

"So gentlemen, can you give me some good news?" The senior official of the Ministry of National Defense spread his hands and said helplessly

"The fact now is that the two Huaguo countries that we regard as future enemies are about to master the epoch-making army power armor technology, and our great America can only look at it like this?"

"There is good news that is not good news." The person in charge of the publicity department raised his hand and said

"We can confirm that Mu Feng, the actual person in charge of Palm World Technology Co., Ltd., is a double PhD in mechanical engineering and electronic engineering from MIT, but he has not been exposed to any internal projects of MIT."

"That's what the propaganda outlet said, the shameless Chinese spies stole MIT's top scientific research secrets." The senior official of the Ministry of National Defense nodded and finally decided on a useful piece of news.

Of course, it's another matter as to why you can't make it yourself after the secret is stolen. In short, it's just blown up and burned.

"But this doesn't solve the core problem. Gentlemen, we must get such advanced weapons. Even if we can't get the technology, we still have to get the samples—contact the person in charge of the world-handling international, can we buy it?"

"It's not very likely." The head of the CIA shook his head.

"Not to mention that the Australian Song Dynasty officials will not allow us to purchase the power armor that they have already regarded as their own. If he sells it on the spot, I am afraid that everyone in the International Column will be able to get one..."

Could the bald eagle allow this to happen? Impossible, it is a matter of course for him to shoot at other people's technology, and it is inhumane and inhumane for others to walk on the same level as him.

"Maybe we can use a more aggressive approach."

At this moment, a general in the Pentagon suddenly said

"Turkeys have three B-2 stealth bombers that we leased to them in their frontline bases in Syria, and we can use the excuse of 'killing anti-humanitarian terrorists' to have Turkey carry out an airstrike on Kelbajar Afterwards, we can blame it on the chickens and say it was a 'misunderstanding', and the pilot can be 'suicided' afterwards, just make sure to do it before the international column enters Kelbajar."

"Their equipment is only powered armor, and the local facilities in Kelbajar do not have radar equipment that can detect the movement of our stealth bombers. We can wash the ground for a round, and then let the chickens use the idea of ​​'rescuing the senior Aser officer' as an excuse." By taking away the wreckage of the power armor, as for the security company, we can charge him with killing prisoners afterwards."

This plan can't be said to be perfect, but it is full of the style of a bald eagle.

"The plan is feasible, but after the wreckage of the power armor is brought back, how likely is it that we can decipher it in reverse?"

"Half and half." The weapon expert said briefly

"For such high-tech equipment, there is a high probability that there is a self-destruct device inside, but even if there are only armor plates and structures left over, we can rely on it to analyze the structural formula of that special metal to break through our material science. If we are lucky If it is good enough, it can also analyze the opponent's weapon technology."

"Then do it!" The senior official of the Ministry of Defense waved

"What we can't have, no one wants!"


ps: ask for tickets every day!

Chapter 151 45. Ending the War

"Who are you? Are you the elite troops of the Australian Song Dynasty?"

Kelbajarne, Captain Nabidi, who led his demoralized troops into this small town, first looked incredulously at the Aser soldiers who surrendered in the square, and then at the guards guarding them. Those fighters in black power armor felt a huge sense of absurdity in their hearts.

So when he saw Mu Feng's first sentence, he asked this question.

"No, no, Master World International is really an international security company, we are just a security company." Mu Feng said with a smile

Captain Nabidi squinted at him like you're not kidding me, security company? What kind of awesome security company can independently develop such a super toy that even the big gangsters don't have.

Unless your company's developers are whisperers, you definitely have a big country behind you!

"Then Captain Nabidi, we handed over the eleven senior Aserian officers captured to Your Excellency. The task has been completed. Can we leave?"

Facing Mu Feng's question, Captain Nabidi narrowed his eyes, as if he knew something

"Of course you can leave, but my superior would like to meet with you and these brave fighters to thank you face to face, have dinner, and then talk about... cooperation."

"Cooperation? That would be great!" Mu Feng happily took Captain Nabidi to a warehouse of the Azerbaijani military, opened the iron door of the warehouse and laughed.

"I don't know if you can digest these things?"

Captain Nabidi opened his mouth slightly, looking in shock at the large pile of weapons listed behind the warehouse

Of course, there is no need to say more about conventional munitions, but let's see what he found!

White phosphorous bombs, napalm bombs, sarin gas, broadsword landmines—these weapons, which seriously violate international military law, are full of warehouses.

Looking at the other two warehouses, the warehouses are full of things that the gangsters dare not sell. He even found a few large-yield cloud bombs, and two...he couldn't tell what they were. .

"all these are……"

"These are all the weapons we seized in Asai's armory." Mu Feng interrupted the shocked Captain Nabidi and said bluntly

"It is written in our agreement that the ordnance and weapons that we defeated and seized will be handled by us. Therefore, we want to sell these weapons to the Asian and American side at a relatively low price. The asking price is not high, 150 million U.S. dollars .”

"It's impossible!" Captain Nabidi refused bluntly.

"These weapons are indeed difficult to obtain...but the problem is not worth so much money! Even if we get it, it will be difficult to change our current war situation."

What Captain Nabidi meant was that weapons are not worth so much money, but if the country behind you talks about it, let alone 150 million, they can get 1.5 billion.

This year alone, their expanded military spending against Aser is worth one billion U.S. dollars, twice that of last year. Although a large part of it was taken away by Ah San's inferior weapons, they still had money.

After all, if there is really no money, their president will not be ready to sign the treaty of humiliating the country with a compensation of 50 billion U.S. dollars.

But buying weapons is really useless. These weapons will be criticized by the international community if they are used on the battlefield. How can the gadgets obtained by one-off sales change the almost established war situation?

War is not a child's game, and there is no decisive weapon that the neon people imagined - even if such a thing exists, it is impossible for a small country like them to master it.

Moreover, the war between the two countries has long been no longer the affairs of the two countries themselves, but a dispute between the big countries that hide behind the scenes and control them as agents. Endless 'law and order war'

If Australia and Song can intervene to protect their Asia and the United States, then the 1.5 billion US dollars is nothing. But the possibility of this problem is too low. After all, Asia and the United States are too far away from Australia and Song Dynasty, half the world is so far away, and Australia and Song Dynasty will support them when they are full?

"Out of the 150 million miles, 120 million were bought for these two treasures."

With a strange smile, Mu Feng patted the two dark things behind him, and whispered in Captain Nabidi's ear

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