With the improvement of Mu Feng's mental ability, he can now feel the feeling and 'principle' of using the slave machine more intuitively and clearly.

The spirit slave machine briefly pulled out his spirit, or is it his soul? Turning into an aggressive force, entering the 'mind' of others, leaving a seed of interference in the unknown 'room' containing the soul and spirit.

Then, his soul will affect and control these soul seeds remotely, as if emitting Wifi signals, and then affect and control the implanter's consciousness.

Knowing the principle, the next step is to master the skills of implanting soul seeds and diverging soul control, but it is easy to say, and you have to find a thing or two for knowledge in this area.

The buds opened slowly, and two clones of Dr. Genos came out, looking at this humble Abyss relic in surprise, and exclaimed

"Interesting, is it a machine that interferes with the mind and consciousness... Really want to study it."

There was a clear sigh in his voice. Normally, he would be eager to start a new research topic, but not now.

The next mission of these two clones is to serve as emissaries of the Association of Emissaries, and the chances of them coming back alive and sound are really slim.

In this case, there is no need to waste time with two dying bodies working on the project, it is more time-saving to let other clones do the work.

At this moment, the lights in the laboratory were dimmed, and rapid alarms sounded continuously inside and outside the House of Evolution.

Mu Feng raised his head, squinted his eyes, and ran decisively towards the escape passage at the bottom of the House of Evolution.

The bald head is coming!


The reason why justice is justice is because they are the winners.

Only victors are qualified to write history, only victors are qualified to define good and evil, and only victors can call themselves righteous.

"You're human, you still look like a high school student."

Kyosuke looked at the bald head with a simple style of painting in front of him sweating, and in front of him was the AT stand that was smashed by a punch.

Just half an hour ago, he followed the Iron Orangutan to the downstairs of the target. The Iron Orangutan was responsible for dealing with the robot, and he was responsible for dealing with the bald head.

Kyosuke didn't want to kill people, so he didn't use his weird body, but chose decisively to take the form of a half-apostle, intending to control the bald head.


The strange monsters he brought to support were all killed in one encounter, and the AT position he set up with the apostle's soul was instantly shattered like glass falling from a tall building.

The bald man just threw a punch, without arrogance or killing intent, it felt like a punch for fun.

"Well, even though you're a minor, you can't just forget about smashing the ceiling of my house."

Saitama squatted in front of Kyosuke, poked the AT stand in front of him with his finger, and said in distress

"What is your family's phone number? Although I really want to say that, but I don't have a mobile phone, and you smashed the phone..."

Kyosuke was really speechless, the appearance of this bald head was too different from the invincible hero he imagined. Obviously a bald head, just a bald head!

"Are you thinking something very rude?"

Saitama glared at Kyosuke in displeasure, flicked his finger on his forehead, and the AT positions that had been secretly gathered immediately shattered like glass.

"Forget it, forget it, you'd better go home, this matter has to be settled with the person who ordered you to destroy my house."

Saitama scratched his head, stood up, and Kyosuke looked at him blankly, as if...he really planned to let himself go.

"It can't be that simple, Saitama-sensei."

At this moment, a cold voice came from the side, and Janos, the reformed man carrying the unconscious steel gorilla with its broken limbs, threw the orangutan aside casually, looked down at Kyosuke, and his electronic eyes quickly scanning him

"Although the appearance has changed, this is indeed the tiger-level monster recorded by the Heroes Association, the bug knight, and the monster marked as extremely dangerous."

"Huh? Are you a weirdo?" Saitama asked curiously

Kyousuke didn't speak, but just canceled the apostolic transformation, and his body changed back to the appearance of the catalpa-shaped insect monster, his mouth parts squirmed, and he laughed with a self-deprecating voice

"Would you believe me if I said no?"

Genos' cauterizing cannon was already aimed at him, Kyosuke seemed to smell his own death and asked

"Confess that the mastermind behind your scenes has a purpose, or you will die here."

Genos asked coldly, Kyosuke's hands trembled slightly, but he still closed his eyes and mouth, not going to say anything.

It's so easy to betray others in a blink of an eye, Kyousuke can't do it. Dr. Genos and Mu Feng are not necessarily good people, but they did help him.

"Have you ever killed someone?" Saitama asked curiously

"...No." Kyosuke shook his head and said hoarsely

"I became a weirdo to save my sister. Believe it or not, I only hurt people to save people."

"Oh, I see." Saitama nodded with a clear look

He didn't know if Kyosuke had lied, but he felt he hadn't. He felt that he was not a weirdo, at least not a monster whose addiction to killing was harmful to society.

He was a hero of interest, and made no oath to any public, nor promised anything. He felt that there was no need to kill him, and that was fine.

And he thinks this young man is not bad, at least he doesn't have to explain his past with long nonsense - a summary within 20 words is very good.

No one can accuse him of his behavior, and no one is qualified to point fingers at him. Saving the world is just an interest, his strength is his unquestionable justice.

Kyosuke was a little dazed, after all, the existence of this bald head escaped his understanding from his strength and his appearance.

But at the next moment, a message from Dr. Genos suddenly came from Kyosuke's ears. He was stunned for a moment, stopped, turned and left Saitama and Genos.

"Wait, I can take you to the House of Evolution."

The House of Evolution fell into chaos.

The remodeled monster troops who were expelled and invited Saitama to the Evolution House were all wiped out. Including the half-mutilated steel gorilla and the captured Kyosuke, the remodeled monster combat troops of the Evolution House can be said to have been completely wiped out.

Under such circumstances, Dr. Genos still invited Saitama and Genos.

Go to the House of Evolution and put an end to everything.

However, Dr. Genos is not completely unprepared. Although the traps originally set are basically meaningless, he is still the last resort to prepare the House of Evolution.

In the dark underground, the deepest part of the House of Evolution.

Here is the strongest and most perfect creation of the House of Evolution so far, and it is also the most uncontrollable, and the craziest among all the "failures" of Dr. Genos.

In the pitch-black underground, there was continuous sound of gunfire, and the countless howling bullets hit the thickest part of the darkness, but were bounced off in an instant.

The figure slowly walked towards the clone of Genos holding a submachine gun. The shadow, which was darker than this, slowly raised its hand with an extremely heavy killing intent.

"Don't, don't!!!!"

Ginoth's clone pulled the trigger all the way in screaming desperation, but it didn't do anything.

In just a split second, before the fist arrived, the wind of the fist tore apart the entire clone of Genos, and the scattered plasma and pieces of meat were splashed everywhere.

The shadow stretched its own body, as if savoring the thrill of the killing, but it wasn't enough, it wasn't enough.

The endless anger and murderous intent lingering on this monster can no longer be relieved by killing two clones.

"This is... the final work of the House of Evolution."

Mu Feng, who came here following the real body of Dr. Genos, looked at the dark shadow with admiration, and his instinct told him that it was an existence that he could not match.

"Asura Unicorn, number zero...he is the most perfect one among all my experimental bodies, the one with the strongest theory, and the one that failed the most."

Dr. Genos's tone was a little nervous. Even he was afraid of the monster he created.

Because this is not the new human in his mind, this is just a lunatic, a crazy monster, created by himself, a bloodthirsty and brutal monster.

The reason why it is the most successful and also the most failed is because even though Ashura Unicorn Immortal is extremely powerful, his spiritual side is almost completely weird.

Brutal and bloodthirsty, in any case, the new human beings should not be such a thing.

"Doctor, why waste such a combat power?" Mu Feng looked at the black shadow and sighed.

Asura Unicorn is very strong. In the radio drama, he easily defeated Genos 60 times in the simulated battle, defeated Snake with the snake biting fist in three seconds, defeated the metal bat in three minutes, and lasted a whole week with Zombie Man. The battle of time and the unilateral slaughter throughout the whole process ended up losing due to exhaustion of physical strength, and held on for 15 minutes with the super alloy black light.

In terms of strength alone, they can already reach the level of senior cadres of the Weird Association. Even if they are not as good as Hei Qingzi's out-of-standard existence, there is no problem in surpassing Phoenix Man's uglier President and his party.

However, such useful combat power was wasted here, and was beaten to death by that bald head.

Dr. Genos didn't speak. Mu Feng looked at his expression and sighed. After all, he is a researcher and he is very confident in his work.

It can also be said that no tears will be shed without seeing the coffin. For Dr. Genos, this blow may also be a good thing.

Knowing that there are mountains beyond mountains and sky beyond mountains, the most important thing is - he can truly understand the plan that Mu Feng wants to implement.

"If you want to liberate him, go ahead, but I have to go first."

Mu Feng resolutely left the House of Evolution with the Kinos clones that had become his two praying hands. No matter what the reason was, he instinctively refused to appear on the same screen with that bald head.

After all, he is still a little self-aware, he is not a good guy, and the fundamental thing to do is to plot against that invincible bald head.

At the end of leaving, he glanced back at the incomparably thick darkness, feeling the strong aura of the dragon-level existence emanating from it.

There is no end to the calculations that rely solely on ingenuity and tactics. He needs power, something he can grasp, and even stronger...power!


"Oh, so to speak, you are quite wronged."

Saitama, who grabbed Kyosuke and rushed all the way to the direction of the Evolution House, nodded after listening to Kyosuke's story on the road, and said curiously

"Haven't you thought of going over and explaining this?"

"No one will listen..." Kyosuke shook his head and smiled mockingly

"They will even attack my family and friends for this, just because I have become a monster of virtue..."

In fact, even if Kyosuke didn't hurt anyone that time, his fate might not be much better.

The fundamental reason why the public can accept 'inhuman' heroes is because those who want to be inhuman heroes can transform back into human beings.

The zombie man looks more like a weirdo than a weirdo when he fights, but he is usually an ordinary person with pale skin. Similarly, other heroes who don't look like human beings are also like people when they get along with people.

And Kyosuke can't change back, his eccentric transformation process is irreversible, unless he himself reaches a higher dragon level - but at that level, whether he can maintain the current three views is a matter of opinion.

"...that Heroes' Association doesn't sound like a good organization."

Saitama thought for a moment after listening, then nodded seriously

"But maybe I have to register, otherwise, if this goes on, I won't be able to afford food."

"It's okay, Master! I will pay the tuition and support you!"

Janos on the side immediately said that he is actually quite rich. After all, his parents died, leaving him a lot of assets.

"I told you I'm not your master..."

Between the noise and noise, they came to the location of the House of Evolution.

Unexpectedly, there was already a person standing at the door of the eight-story building of the House of Evolution.

Genos immediately stopped in his tracks, and stopped Saitama beside him, looking at the man very vigilantly, and said in a deep voice

"Mad scientist Dr. Genos... you are the man behind the house of evolution!"

"Looking at your appearance, it should be Kusno's work." Dr. Genos smiled, pushed his glasses and said lightly

"It seems that Kusino is doing well. Although he said he doesn't intend to get involved too much, it seems that he still can't help but use his mechanical transformation skills."

Genos was very vigilant, because his reinvented benefactor, Dr. Kusno, mentioned at the end about Dr. Genos, a dangerous guy.

A colleague who used to work together was a man of genius, but he was too proud and extreme, so that he finally parted ways with Dr. Cusno. Looking at this evil house of evolution, it seems that he has never given up on his goal.

"I'm not looking for you, the person I'm looking for...is him."

Dr. Genos's glasses reflected the cold light, he stared at Saitama in front of him, his eager eyes made the bald man feel uncomfortable

"You have the future of mankind! Your power, your existence symbolizes the endless power of human beings. How on earth did you unlock your own limiter? With such power, are you really human? Or What other source of power do you have? And what is it...."

"Wait, wait, wait." Saitama quickly waved his hand to stop the fanatical Dr. Genos from continuing, and said directly

"You broke the ceiling of my house, so you lose money!"

"...Aren't you willing to reveal your powerful secret?"

Dr. Genos sighed, shook his head and said

"But this is also human nature... I can satisfy all your requirements, but before that, you have to fight my final creation."

"My Asura Unicorn Immortal, my strongest yet most failed work! If you can defeat him, it means that you are the true ultimate form of human beings! If you can do it, I will retire and never do it again These things that transform people."

"What are you talking about..."

Saitama looked at the man in glasses with a speechless face, he just came to ask for money from the ceiling

"Come here." Dr. Genos moved half of his body away, and the underground door leading to the real passage from the House of Evolution slowly opened

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