"Superpower...you can't learn it the day after tomorrow. From my point of view, you don't have that talent."

"I don't want to learn telekinetic power, I just want to learn how to efficiently and perfectly control my mental power." Mu Feng said softly

"Of course, as an exchange of knowledge, I may also have something you are interested in..."

Mu Feng temporarily opened the spiritual realm of this praying hand, and the 'door' that was identified by the system as existing in the illusory soul realm was opened for Sykes.

"this is……"

Sykes's spiritual tentacles penetrated into the door of false truth, and soon her expression changed from indifference to horror.

The taboo knowledge that poured into my mind with the deepening of the spiritual tentacles is second, what is important is the 'door' itself, a door of truth shaped by incomprehensible knowledge that involves the realm of the soul!

Just when Sykes was intoxicated with the essence of this soul crystal, Mu Feng suddenly broke the link, and smiled at Sykes who couldn't stop

"How about it, is this tuition enough?"

"Nice stuff...but I'm more curious about where you got it from?"

Sykes narrowed his beautiful eyes. The miraculous creation of spiritual power cannot be produced casually. Such a mature creation system cannot be produced by a half-hearted guy.

"However, it doesn't matter. I can give you some knowledge and experience in the use of spiritual power, but to be honest, I am not good at these."

"I am a superpower, but unlike those two sisters, I am not a pure telekinetic power user. I am... a master in controlling gravity, so what I can teach you is only the control and control of the mind over abilities. There is shaping."

"I call this technique 'psychic technique'. You seem to have some strange abilities in your body, which is quite a coincidence. As for the more detailed aspects of mental control, it will be up to you to work hard."

Sykes raised his right hand, and at the tip of that white and slender index finger, a light blue light shone.

Without any hesitation, Mu Feng took a step forward and let Sykes' fingers lightly touch his forehead.

In an instant, Sykes' spiritual power was injected into the spiritual seed of this praying hand, and the door of truth in Mu Feng's body was invaded from afar!

This strong feeling of being invaded by a strange power was very bad, but Mu Feng suppressed this nausea and discomfort, and fully accepted the huge spiritual message brought by Sykes!

He needs this knowledge, to use the power of the spirit to control his own abilities, to control his own soul...

"Your mental abilities are far stronger than normal humans, and your soul is... ever-changing."

Sykes, who had invaded Mu Feng's consciousness, let out a sincere exclamation. Even with her experience of reading tens of millions of souls, she had rarely seen such a changeable soul like Mu Feng.

Like a flame with various chemicals added, the fuel burns out in the fire, but it brings various color changes to the flame!

"Are you really not planning to become a weirdo?" Sykes initiated the invitation while 'copying' the message about the Gate of Truth

"If it's you, you don't need weirdo cells, and you can become a more advanced species with me."

A weirdo transformed from a weirdo cell is always an inferior method, and a weirdo who is born with power and transforms has a higher upper limit.

Are weirdos bad? Not necessarily, even if the power of transformation makes most of them react hostilely to humans after becoming weirdos, not every weirdo is a lunatic who treats human beings like ants.

For a weirdo like Phoenix Man, the cross-dressing weirdo transformed into a puppet costume that can't be taken off not only has a more advanced life form, but also has strong self-control.

Sykes is also a weirdo. Although her appearance has not changed in any way, her cognition, the "eyes" in her body have been opened, allowing her to observe the whole world more intuitively and purely.

Mu Feng had to admit that he was moved.

He didn't have much rejection of being a human being, and transforming into a new and more powerful species was also a choice on the evolutionary path.

"Let's talk." Mu Feng didn't refuse, but he didn't agree to Sykes either.

With this identity, it is still necessary to maintain the human form. And before he got all the final answers, he would not choose this path rashly.

"Hmph." Sykes snorted softly, retracted his fingers, and the praying hand in front of her fell in front of her like a puppet with broken strings

"Leave this praying hand here and use it for communication."

Mu Feng's voice came out from the mouth of the out-of-control prayer hand

There was a touch of pain and embarrassment in his voice, a large amount of information poured into his mind, and now he needs time to digest these precious knowledge...

"Use it as a hostage? Yes, I accept it."

Sykes hooked his hand, the ground trembled, and a huge tentacle like a poisonous snake appeared from the ground, swallowed the praying hand and brought it into the ground.

"Hurry up, time... waits for no one."


On the other side, the underground of city A, the branch of Evolution House

Mu Feng sat paralyzed in the mental subordinate machine, his whole body was in good condition, but he let out bursts of painful low humming sounds.

A large amount of spiritual information circulated in his mind, engraving the experience of skills on his soul in the most profound and direct way.

This amount of information is not huge, but it means another set of 'techniques' with a new system and system that is different from what Mu Feng understands

If we force ourselves to directly understand these messages, it will undoubtedly lead to the complete reshaping and damage of Mu Feng's three views.

Because the understanding of all things and situations has an essential conflict, when the knowledge you recognize as reason conflicts with the new 'reason' injected into your body, forceful interpretation may lead to the collapse of reason.

The spirit and soul are not so weak, but they are not much stronger. A rock-solid soul also means complete defeat after ignorance of flexibility and change.

I have to say that the technique of instilling this knowledge is too rough and direct compared to the system.

In the pain of his soul being stabbed by a carving knife, Mu Feng gritted his teeth and persisted for several hours, until the engraving of the last message stopped in his mind.

He was panting, his clothes were almost soaked in sweat, and it took a long time before he climbed out of the mental slave machine with hands and feet.

"Congratulations! You have taken the most difficult first step in the new field of spiritual ascension."

The system that popped out suddenly congratulated him with a somewhat yin and yang voice

"Next, maybe I should recommend you to do some psychic strengthening? For example, are you interested in becoming a psychic?"

"Shut up." Mu Feng said lazily with his eyes closed.

"This ability... I still need time to digest and sort it out."

He gently stretched out a finger and pointed forward. A ballpoint pen on the table flew to his finger as if being pulled by an invisible hand, floating at a distance of three millimeters from the finger, motionless.

In terms of results, Sykes did not deceive him. This tutorial on "psychic skills" did allow him to master the skills of controlling his own abilities with his own mental abilities.

The fruit ability development in the world of One Piece is probably largely dependent on the control of the will and spirit over the ability itself. The awakening of the fruit is probably the essence of getting in touch with the ability.

"My strength has been further refined and strengthened, but... it is still far from what I imagined."

Mu Feng looked at the ballpoint pen floating between his fingers, and muttered to himself

The strengthening of his mental power came from an unsuccessful transformation operation, which made him an incomplete new human being, so his mental ability is actually not that strong.

However, even if it is a complete new human being, without the help of a telepathic skeleton, it is impossible to achieve some metaphysical abilities of the spirit.

Completing the spiritual ability is to strengthen one's control over the ability on the one hand, and it is also a protective measure to one's spiritual side on the other hand.

Although it may be better than nothing, at least he has a preliminary understanding of the realm of spirit and soul...

He doesn't expect himself to become an extremely powerful superpower like Tornado or Sykes in this world, that's impossible in itself - the power of these two people, even including the power of Hell Fubuki, doesn't come from spiritual ability development, but from their natural abilities.

Mental power is only their trigger, and innate ability is the key gunpowder and steel core.

So things like talent... are really fucked up.

"The three most important gains in this world... have now been completed by one-third."

Mu Feng, who was almost resting, straightened up, controlled the pen and a piece of paper, and wrote three items in the air

Spiritual Development Ability (√) Mechanical Weapon Development Technology (X) Biological Transformation Engineering (X)

The first project is just a little bit, and it is too dangerous to go too deep in a field that you don't understand at all. The focus of the second project is naturally the leader of the scientific side of One Punch Man, Tong Di and the S-level hero Dr. Metal, whose voice is exactly the same as a certain god of death.

It is unlikely to expect to gain knowledge from Emperor Tong. Although he is a child, he is too precocious and vigilant. Even if he approaches rashly for the purpose of exchanging technology, it may be difficult to get the technology he wants, and he said To be honest, his skills are worth learning, but he is not a suitable person for cooperation.

Then, it is necessary to get in touch with the metal knight, and he also has the relationship with Dr. Genos. The most important thing is-with the help of Dr. Metal, he may try to make what he wants in this world. 'something'

One Piece World I was rewarded to take away all my things in this world after completing the greatest transformation. If I reproduce such achievements in this world, then maybe...

The last item, regarding this point, has actually reached the final stage. Whether it is the sample information of the apostle embryo or the transformation technology of the Evolution House, he has already started, but now he has to refer to the situation of the experimental specimens before deciding whether to attack himself.

The three indicators are all used to strengthen one's own plan, to make oneself stronger as much as possible before practicing one's final means.

He let out a sigh of relief, his eyes gradually became serious.

You can't always shrink your head and tail like this. You have to meet that person sooner or later. Instead of being unfamiliar with the relationship and risking your death by the other party unintentionally, it's better to go to the door now.

It's time, it's time to visit Saitama.


ps: ask for tickets every day! ! !

Chapter 190 31. The first meeting with Saitama

In every sense, the world is indeed full of disasters.

Not only are the disasters of strange people raging, the earth, sky and sea are full of monsters who want to exterminate human beings, there are also pirates flying in the universe, and even meteorites are very unhappy with this planet.

In about an hour and a half, a giant meteorite will visit City Z.

The orbit of the meteorite should have been aimed at the coast of D city, but due to various reasons, the orbit deviated and began to fly in the direction of Z city.

In order to solve the crisis of this meteorite, the association originally summoned a large number of S-level heroes to go to D City. Because of this reason, all preparations were made in vain.

The association can only urgently recruit the heroes who are currently closest to City Z, and there are undoubtedly only two who responded to the call.

The devil transforms Genos, and Bangu with silver fangs.

The two had already gone to the headquarters of the Z Mayor Association, which was already empty, and were preparing to meet the meteorite falling from the sky there.

The size of that meteorite was enough to easily destroy the entire city of Z, and create a huge earthquake that affected several big cities.

It can be said that it is very unsafe for Mu Feng to rush to Z City under such a dangerous situation.

But he did it anyway, after all, he was more afraid of that bald fist than the meteorite...

Ding dong!

The door bell rang, and Mu Feng took a deep breath with anxiety in his heart, and took the gift in his hand.

It's not something expensive, it's just something to eat, and with Saitama's character and behavior, it's just right to meet with such a gift for the first time.

"Are we really going to meet that person..."

Kyosuke, who had turned into an apostle, stood anxiously in front of the door, holding a pack of high-grade yokan. Although he was let go by Saitama, and he didn't dislike this man's behavior - but his instinct as a creature was still afraid of this Scary bald.

"Now that we get to know each other face to face, at least we can guarantee that he won't involve us in certain battles."

Mu Feng exhaled and said softly

He believes in Saitama's character, but he understands that this is a man who doesn't care much about other people's evaluation. It's like killing the giant brother with a single punch and incidentally affecting the entire city B, Mu Feng didn't want to be the one affected.

But he didn't intend to lie in front of the bald man, after all, God knows if the bald man's extremely sensitive intuition would detect his lies...

"Jenos? Didn't you say you don't come today... who are you?"

Saitama opened the door with a dissatisfied voice, staring at the two people outside the door for a moment

"I'm Mu Feng, the 388th rank C-level hero, and I came to thank you today on behalf of my friend."

Mu Feng handed over the gift in his hand, and said with a polite smile

"Your brother?" Saitama poked his head out and glanced at the nervous Kyosuke, thought for a moment, then lightly hammered his palm with his right hand into a fist.

"Oh, I remembered, it's the high school student who can turn into a bugman."

"To be precise, it's from a worm to a human...Can I go in and talk?"

"Ah, please come in, please come in." Saitama moved out of the way, the expression on his face still the same meaningless.

"My friends and I are actually from the House of Evolution."

As soon as he sat down, Mu Feng revealed his wealth to Saitama who poured tea for him and Kyosuke

"It's just that we haven't killed anyone, and we haven't done anything harmful to nature. Dr. Genos is my teacher, and my friend Kyousuke has become what he is now because he accidentally drank my potion of."

Mu Feng didn't lie. From his debut to now, he has never "killed" himself.

"Thank you for showing mercy to Kyosuke."

"No thanks, I just don't think he should be an evil guy." Saitama sat down cross-legged, glanced at the condolences with some expectation, with an ordinary and kind attitude

"In the next period of time, Kyousuke may temporarily move to live next door to your house, and I hope you can take care of Kyousuke."

Mu Feng lowered his head slightly and said, and although Jing Jie was full of reluctance, he still lowered his head honestly

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