"Actually, the old man is also very surprised. It will be a young man like you who will walk with the old man's unscrupulous disciple Hungry Wolf."

Bang Gu spoke words that made Mu Feng's hair stand on end in an extremely flat tone

"The old man has heard about you from the mouth of the bitter insect. Putting aside those embellishments, the old man is curious, what did you and the hungry wolf talk about?"

At that time, I just wanted to go to the gym - so Mu Feng swallowed the lie that Zhangkou came, Silver Fang is a very shrewd old man, if he said this, he would personally let him experience the "flowing water and broken rock fist" What should I do by myself?

Even Mu Feng didn't want to be dragged to learn Flowing Water Breaking Rock Fist, he didn't have so much time to waste. Poros' dark matter pirates have probably arrived near the earth, and he is about to prepare for the last chance to make a move.

He still has to go to Metal Knight's weapon factory to cooperate in the development of his own weapons, and Dr. Genos to complete the whole process of apostolic transformation. These things piled up are troublesome enough.

Although Flowing Water Breaking Rock Fist is powerful and cool, Mu Feng was very moved and refused.

"Mr. Hungry Wolf... he longs for enough power." Mu Feng pondered for a moment, then calmly replied

"He hopes to gain power from the House of Evolution, but we don't seem to be able to satisfy him. So he has found a new direction, and is ready to use actual combat to improve his ability."

"Is that so? Has Hungry Wolf really become like this?" Bang Gu said half with emotion, half with helplessness

Undoubtedly, Hungry Wolf is the best disciple of Banggu. His talent and strength can be said to be the top of the Liushui Dojo. Banggu also thinks that his talent when he was young is far inferior to Hungry Wolf.

But Banggu never thought about inheriting the dojo to Hungry Wolf.

From the first day he joined his sect, Banggu felt the restless mind of the hungry wolf and the desire to fight forcibly pressed down. Banggu didn't care at first, and thought it was a good thing instead.

The essence of martial arts is to fight. What is a warrior without the desire to fight? Gymnastics performer?

But Banggu is really not very good at seeing people, or in other words, not very good at teaching good enough disciples.

"Once I became an S-class hero and became famous, many people want to join my Liushui dojo." Banggu sat cross-legged, looking at the white plate, as if recalling the past

"This old man has always wanted to revitalize the family dojo. Maybe it's because of this. The old man who took care of hero activities and educated other students at the same time ignored the education and guidance of the hungry wolf, and finally made him like this..."

He shook his head with a wry smile, since the incident of the Hungry Wolf passing through the Flowing Water Dojo, he might not have fallen behind.

There is no way, there may not be one out of ten people who have the perseverance and ability to withstand the boring martial arts training, so many students who finally waved up, were all chased away by the hungry wolf.

Now there is only Cha Lanzi who has no talent left in the entire dojo. That child has no talent, but he still has perseverance. The most important thing is... he has a good heart.

After the incident of Hungry Wolf, Banggu also understood that it is very important to educate his disciples' moral character.

Seeing Bang Gu's sentimental look, Mu Feng heaved a sigh of relief, temporarily fooling the matter.

The hungry wolf has not yet started its own activities, so Banggu can still tolerate the hungry wolf's behavior. He wasn't too harsh on the hungry wolf until he started hunting heroes for it.

After Hungry Wolf officially launched its activities, Mu Feng had to avoid this old man.

"Are you Dr. Genos's deputy? The second in command of the House of Evolution?" Just after dealing with Bangu's side, Genos on the other side asked

"Looking at you, it seems that you still have something to do with Metal Knight Beaufoy?"

Genos's tone was obviously interrogative, quite unfriendly, Mu Feng raised his eyebrows, and said after a moment of deliberation

"Mr. Genos... Your body was modified by Dr. Kusno, so you must know that the three doctors were friends before, but they parted ways for some reason."

"I don't want to argue that Dr. Genos is a good person or a bad person, but it is true that the House of Evolution is now destroyed. You also let Dr. Genos go, right? As for Dr. Pofoy, I just reached a point with him It's just a technical exchange."

The protagonist group of One Punch Man, including Saitama Genos and others, is actually not a moral model who pursues absolute justice.

No matter how much you can justify and kill Dr. Genos, there is no problem with killing him, but Genos and Saitama are not only too lazy to kill him, they are too lazy to catch him and throw him to the Heroes Association.

Saitama saved the entire city of Z with his fists, but he didn't really care much about the aftermath. Hungry Wolf attacked so many heroes, Saitama still let him go because he thought he was just playing a 'weird game'.

This group of people can't be said to be both good and evil, but they definitely do whatever they want, and their moral values ​​and codes of conduct tend to be neutral.

"...I'll keep an eye on you all the time."

Genos warned earnestly, Kyosuke scratched his face, and carefully picked up the chopsticks. Although the current insectoid form has shrunk a little, it is still a bit difficult to hold the chopsticks.

"The hot pot is ready, let's eat."

Mu Feng stepped back half a body silently, and in the next second, the ignorant Kyosuke was knocked down in front of the aftermath of countless chopstick shadows and the hot pot that was about to explode.


ps: ask for tickets every day! ! !

Chapter 193 34. New S and Evangelion

Everything that happened in City Z was captured by satellites in the sky.

However, because Saitama is so inconspicuous, and the special effects of the attack are indeed unpretentious, the association only saw him on the scene, but did not see his transcendent blow.

And Mu Feng and Genos, who have strong special effects and excellent ability to steal the spotlight, are undoubtedly the champions.

"...So, what are you going to do?"

In the headquarters of the Heroes Association, the cadre Xiqi paused the screen, staying at the scene where countless meteorite fragments were captured by the sea of ​​threads that densely covered the entire Z city.

It can be said that it is quite spectacular. Even the well-informed cadres of the association can only see such a big scene when they see the trembling tornado.

"First of all, the devil transforms people. As the main force in crushing meteorites, he should receive further awards from the association." Zelgkin crossed his hands and said calmly

"There is also Silver Fang Banggu, as the only S-level hero who responded to our call, it was they who stepped forward to save this city Z. Therefore, commendations and material rewards must not be left behind, and considering the issue of appeasement, material rewards must be doubled."

"I heard that Silver Fang's ashram is temporarily useless for some reason. We can buy the adjacent land and give it to Silver Fang as a reward."

A cadre of the association raised his hand and proposed

In fact, such extra rewards are not in line with the association's rules of treating people equally, but who made them S-class heroes? If the other heroes work for the association, then the S-class heroes are the partners of the association.

"Yes, but I'm afraid it won't be easy to accept someone with silver fangs. In short, an attitude must be shown."

"Then... what about raising the rank of Mu Feng, the 388th C-level hero?"

Cadre Maria raised her hand and asked the most difficult question

"His achievements...cannot be ignored." Xi Qi said with a painful face

"But it's only been a few days since he attacked the officials of the association and fought with other heroes in the street. The most important thing is - to raise his hero ranking rashly like this will cause the vest association to be dissatisfied."

However, having said that, merit cannot be erased. Not to mention whether Mu Feng, who is the party involved, will cause trouble, such a big scene, they can't cover it up even if they want to.

Mu Feng has good looks and powerful abilities. It can be said that he is a hero with a face that is quite rare in the association. If it wasn't for the idiot Sisy Daki, he should be the top face of the association with Sweetheart Mask now.

In fact, in less than a day and a half, Mu Feng, who has never done any publicity work, has a large fan base on the hero network, and the association has no way to ignore it just from the perspective of public opinion.

"The disaster level of the meteorite in Z City has been confirmed as a dragon-level disaster."

A cadre on the side frowned and said

"Even if this credit is divided into two halves, and he alone solves the ghost-level problem, he is also qualified to make an exception and be promoted to an S-level hero."

Defeating ghost-level disasters alone is the only condition for making an exception to become an S-level hero. If such a person who minimizes the aftermath of dragon-level disasters is promoted to A-level, it will chill the hearts of many heroes.

Xi Qi and the cadres had a headache on their faces. This matter is really too difficult to solve.

Not to mention the legacy of this guy's black history, it's just the matter of confronting the Vest Association head-on - the Venerable Vest is a good person, but his younger brothers are really noisy.

And there is also the hidden bomb of the tornado, if it explodes like this, and the two S-rank heroes fight head-on, the negative effects of this will explode in an instant.

"How about asking Mr. Sweetheart Mask?" Zelgkin said

"Explain the whole story to Mr. Sweetheart Mask. I believe he is a sensible person. He will not tell Trembling Tornado about this matter, nor will he gossip around..."

"As long as there is the support of Mr. Sweetheart Mask, those people in the Vest Association will have to weigh it even if they want to make a fuss. Moreover, the Venerable Vest is not an unreasonable person. It should be no problem to explain the matter clearly."

On the other side, at the backstage of the largest performance venue in C City, Sweetheart Mask, who was preparing to go on stage for a concert, received a call from the association.

He signaled to the makeup artist who was doing his touch-ups to listen, connected the phone and listened to Xi Qi's description on the other side.

"Then let him become an S-class hero." Sweetheart Mask said lightly

"Since he has this strength and ability, he naturally wants to become an S-class hero. As for the Vest Association, I have been unhappy with those guys who pretend to be tigers for a long time."

"But that being said, what if the Venerable Vest conflicts with him?" Xi Qi worried

"Then let Venerable Vest find me." Sweetheart Mask said lightly

"I don't care what kind of person he is. It's his responsibility if he can't control his little brother. I have to be reasonable. I don't mind if he can't be an S-class hero."

On the other end of the phone, Xiqi's expression froze, and Sweetheart pretended to be quite dissatisfied with the current status of S-class heroes.

Before he became the first level-A checkpointer, there were quite a few S-level heroes, and apart from those recognized by Sweetheart Mask such as Blasting Tornado, he had a strong understanding of sexy prisoners, metal bats and super heroes. Alloy black light has been dissatisfied for a long time.

Although these people also became S-class heroes by relying on their real strength, in the eyes of Sweetheart Mask, it is not enough, far from enough.

Leaving aside whether he has the strength to defeat these people, if Sweetheart Mask makes a move, then the huge fan base behind him may stand on his side regardless of reason, and maybe the association will split because of this.

"Don't worry, we will settle the problem of the Vest Association."

Xi Qi hurriedly said that no matter what, as a cadre of the association, he couldn't just sit back and watch such a bad thing happen!

"Okay, I'll hang up if it's okay, there is still a concert and charity performance to do."

Sweetheart Mask hung up the phone, squinted his eyes and looked at the video uploaded by the phone, and muttered to himself in a voice only he could hear

"As long as hope can be ignited in despair, even if it was not clean...you can be called a hero."


Underground branch of House of Evolution in City A

Dr. Genos immersed himself in the work in front of him, far busier and more desperate than before. It seemed that only this kind of hard work could make him forget the man who broke his worldview.

Moreover, the project he is focusing on now really fascinates him.

"The perfect creature... is simply the end point of human evolution."

Genos looked fascinated at the slowly growing embryo in the culture tank in front of him, this is the apostle embryo he cloned and cultivated

Different from Mufeng's original version, Genos has combined these with the cloned apostle embryos according to complex and unconstrained operations such as the combination and re-editing of human genes, successfully giving birth to a more powerful and more suitable version than the original version. Apostle embryo.

Genos named these embryos 'Adam', the first human being created by God.

More perfect, stronger, and more intelligent, this is indeed a more perfect species than humans.

Even so, Dr. Genos no longer harbors the arrogant idea of ​​'replacing humans with more perfect creatures'.

After seeing such a man, such a fist, who can almost call himself a god in the world - the theory of perfect biology fundamentally no longer applies.

But Mu Feng was right, that man was extremely powerful, but he was still a long way from being great.

There is still a long way to go before the god in the world in his mind.

Few people know that besides studying biology, Genos also has a hobby of reading comics. And he himself is a loyal fan of the god on earth in the ancient hero comics before the World War.

If you want to set a benchmark for a hero, there is no existence that is more suitable as a template for this hero than Superman.

In Genos' view, Saitama possesses most of the elements of Superman. Incomparably powerful, enough to interfere with everything, as a hero—but he still lacks something.

He doesn't have the great love that carries the world on his shoulders like a god on earth, or in other words, those ignorant people don't know his existence at all, and without the pressure of expectations, this man doesn't bother to shoulder the responsibility.

This is not acceptable, Genos cannot tolerate a man who can become a god on earth so lazy. Therefore, he agreed to Mu Feng's plan, and carried out the current work in full swing.

weaponization of apostolic embryos,

These cloned embryos cannot grow up. According to Mu Feng, their complete version has an energy core that supplies a huge body with unlimited operation, called the "heart" of the S2 organ. And as immature embryos, they don't have such a core.

However, through the reverse engineering of the apostle embryo, Dr. Kinos has been able to turn the apostle embryo into a "weapon" attached to the human body in another way

According to him... the name of the thing seems to be Nebuchadnezzar's key

Through this tricky detour, Dr. Genos has actually analyzed the way to make the so-called "artificial S2 mechanism".

However, it is impossible to install the artificial S2 mechanism produced by copying on the body of the only mature individual such as Takaba Kyosuke.

Because the size of the artificial S2 mechanism produced by the replica is too large, it seems that the reverse analysis of the apostle embryo itself is a giant creature.

In order to complete the weaponization of the apostle embryo, Dr. Genos must not only prepare to manufacture the artificial S2 mechanism, but also adapt to create a "body" that can accommodate the operation of the huge S2 mechanism

In other words, the experiment of gigantic organisms.

The research and development of this technology, Dr. Genos, has actually had some signs, but because the practicality is too low, he abandoned it early. Even if it is to be picked up again, I am afraid it will not be developed in a short time.

Enormization of creatures is not as simple as inflating a balloon. Even if the same biological amplification is only several times, even if there is a problem with bones, muscle density, blood flow rate and other aspects, you will only get a corpse.

So Dr. Genos originally planned to settle for the next best thing, and planned to cooperate with Beaufoy or Kusno, and use enough resources to directly manufacture a mechanical body suitable for the operation of the S2 mechanism.

Although the effect will be greatly reduced, it is better than nothing. But persuading these two people to help him is the most difficult thing.

And at this moment, Dr. Genos received a "surprise surprise"

"Doctor, Ning Yao's modified version of 'Super Steroid' has already established a basic response..."

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