Genos didn't answer, but brought Mufeng to the end of the factory, where a huge EVA wearing purple-green armor was quietly suspended in a pool of LCL solution.

And in its open abdomen, there is a bright red sphere.

Mu Feng's eyebrows twitched wildly, and he looked at Jinos, who only replied indifferently

"I said that this special energy body structure is too complicated, and I won't be able to completely crack it for a while—but according to the energy wavelength of the embryo you gave me, I can already imitate an S2 mechanism."

"It's just that he seems to be lacking a key, a 'trigger' that meets the conditions for its use. Those who meet the wavelength of this core energy must be the guy who has completed the complete apostleization relying on this embryo."

Mu Feng clenched his hands and smiled lightly.

"So, I sent you the trigger."


In fact, Mu Feng's original plan was just to hope that Dr. Genos would create a giant bio-robot similar to EVA, and then cooperate with the Monster Association to hold Saitama back.

Even if it can only hold him back for an hour.

Although it sounds disappointing, this is indeed the original plan.

No way, all the plans he made, including bringing out the Monster Association, the Dark Matter Pirates, the Nintendo Party and many other evil forces to wreak havoc on the world, and then let Saitama come out to clean up the most uncontrollable link in the script is Saitama himself.

After all, if he solved all the troubles quietly like before, then it would be meaningless to set up a stage for him.

In the original plan, he planned to extract a large number of cloned souls to make Philosopher's Stones through human body training, and then supply them to the biological weapons made by Dr. Genos as the trigger to drive EVA into action .

But judging from the current results, things have deviated from his original plan, but... they are moving in a better direction.

Dr. Genos quietly produced dozens of mass-produced hybrids without driving energy, and an EVA that can move and carry an artificial S2 mechanism.

Even the driver's problem has been solved by Mu Feng.

Kyosuke Takahata, and his sister Kirino Takasaka.

Kosaka Kirino, who died in the hands of the deep sea tribe, can be integrated into the artificial S2 mechanism, as the "soul" filling the body, which can not only ensure her "survival" in another form, but also make Takaban Kyousuke, the pair of apostles The guy who achieved the theoretically impossible perfect fusion of embryos acted as the driver of the only EVA.

After all, in theory, that EVA is capable of causing a 'shock'.

With the S2 mechanism, a fake fruit of life, and a large number of branches of the tree of fake life, although it is impossible to complete the world-wide completion like contacting the souls of Adam and Lilith, but open Gaff's Gate is feasible for relatively small-scale human completion.

After all, the essence of the impact of the so-called human completion is nothing more than reversing the AT stance possessed by the apostle, turning the originally released positive AT stance into an anti-AT stance, and allowing the biological body to "revert" to the "primordial soup".

In fact, Lilith is not necessarily needed in this process, because this is the 'shock of the apostle', just like the shock caused by the apostle's contact with Adam, it is just a simple large-scale restoration of life, and the final fusion is The driver's conscious control is required.

The plan of Genos and Mufeng is to gather a large amount of LCL solution through one impact, and use a completed EVA as a material to forcibly create a counterfeit version of 'Lilith' or 'Adam'.

As for rescuing Kosaka Kirino's soul, it's enough to separate the soul of this 'Lilith' after that. Just like nerv's production of the Ayanami Rei series, it is enough to create a cloned body that carries the soul. This method is safe and 100% resurrected Kosaka Kirino.

Of course, there is no doubt that many people will 'die' in the process.

But this happens to be the best way to hold back that bald head, expecting to use pure brute force to stop Saitama is a dead end in thinking, and using other methods to hold this One Punch Man is the correct approach.

"Then, two choices are in front of you, how to choose, decide."

Mu Feng looked at the silent Kyousuke in front of him, the golden light was jumping on the crown-like worm horns on his head, he was silent for a long time, and said in a hoarse voice

"The second method... Can you save my sister 100%?"

"There is no 100% possibility in this world." Dr. Genos pushed his glasses and said lightly

"And to be honest, I really don't agree with this stupid plan, make it up? Use the souls of a group of people to make up a so-called 'perfect creature'..."

"Can it save my sister?"

"Yes, and the theoretical success rate is higher than that of the first item." Dr. Genos frowned slightly and hummed lightly.

"If your sister's willpower and mental ability are strong enough, she can completely recover from the restored original soup state, which is the so-called personal completion. But from my point of view, the probability of this is really too small..."

"Then... I'll choose the second option!" Kyosuke raised his head, his scarlet compound eyes were filled with incomparable determination.

"Just to remind you in advance, those who are reduced to the 'primal soup' of body and soul by the anti-AT position are, in a way, a state of death."

Mu Feng looked at Jing Jie, and said word by word

"Although we can say that it is just another form of life, as long as they find themselves, they can return to human form... But in the end, it is another form of death."

Body and soul transformed into 'orange juice', how many people can still choose the reality full of barriers in the perfect spiritual world and come back?

Perhaps for people like Mu Feng and Genos who have a deep understanding of the nature of soul and body, this is just transforming life into another form, but for most people in this world, this is 'death'.

"...I just want to save Kirino." Kyosuke hugged his head and hissed in pain

"I can't care about other people anymore, and I don't want to care about other people anymore. I just want to save my sister, I just want to... just want to save everything."

Mu Feng and Genos looked at each other, nodded, and said softly

"Since you insist, from today onwards, you will be the number one qualified person for the first EVA machine. I won't regret it."

Kirino's face was as peaceful as if he had fallen asleep, and was gently lifted up by Kyosuke's invisible stand, and slowly put the red fruit in the chest cavity of the huge purple-green giant lying on the crimson cross.

The fake fruit of life was like a mass of blood-red liquid, with waves of ripples, gently and slowly accepting everything about this girl.

Kyosuke gently pressed against the icy shell, and could feel that this huge giant possessed his familiar aura, and his sister's soul and everything were quietly sleeping in it.

This time, he is no longer a hero, and even abandons all intolerance and innocence. Just to save my sister!

Mu Feng, who watched this scene from afar, shook his head slightly.

It is always because of my own intervention that the fate of countless people has undergone tremendous changes, whether it is bad or good... who can make sense?

After all, he still has to always remind himself of his position, neither to do good nor to do evil, just to change.

Change the world and change yourself.

———————————————————————————————————————————————————— —————————

ps: Ask for tickets every day, two two-in-one chapters ask for tickets! !

Chapter 208 49. The Association's Anxiety and Declaration of War

"Have you not found the whereabouts of the Venerable Vest yet?"

City A, the headquarters of the association, the cadre Xiqi just walked into the meeting room, with a head of hair that was obviously thinner than before, he asked Zelgkin who was sitting next to him with a sad face

He was approached by those people from the Vest Association just now, asking them to use the power of the Association to find the missing Venerable Vest no matter what.

But how can things be so simple?

Do you think they didn't use their own hands to find the whereabouts of the vested venerable? But I can't find it. Even if I mobilized all the surveillance cameras, I only saw the Venerable in the vest enter a small park in City A, and his whereabouts were unknown.

"No, and we don't know the whereabouts of the weaver."

Zelgkin shook his head. This cold-looking cadre with a pair of modified prosthetic eyes that can shoot lasers also seems to be dead from overwork.

"But it's better for him to hide like this. Trembling Tornado will come to me every day to ask about his whereabouts. If the question comes out, it will inevitably be another battle..."

As an S-class hero, Weaver is undoubtedly the least active one. In fact, except for the achievement of intercepting the meteorite in Z city, he has not carried out any heroic activities.

This also caused many heroes to think that this guy should be eliminated. Of course, the opinions of those heroes are not important, but the opinions of the association are important.

What really gave the Association a headache was a bunch of other things.

"This is the disaster report from the invasion of the deep sea tribe some time ago."

Zelgkin sighed, swiped his fingers on the virtual screen a few times, and sent the disaster report of the deep-sea tribe invasion that occurred in various places not long ago to Xiqi.

Just seeing the string of damage numbers, Xiqi felt his scalp go numb.

Not to mention the large number of casualties, especially in J City, where the invasion was the worst, the association forcibly mobilized unqualified C-level heroes to block the guns, and the S-level heroes were not in place in time. Unreliable, the whole impression left by the Heroes Association is extremely incompetent.

In the end, it was another weirdo who solved the ghost-level disaster...a monster who was originally a tiger-level monster on record.

Worm Knight, of course, is no longer called this name. There is still no definite assessment of his disaster level, and it is difficult to have a definite conclusion on his new name. In fact, whether he can continue to be classified as a weirdo is a big problem.

It is an indisputable fact that he appeared in front of the refuge to stop the King of the Deep Sea and protected the people. Even though he did not have a subjective idea, compared to the undocumented knight who was very 'incompetent' at the time, he is the real savior .

Not to mention his strange image later, he was worshiped as a "god" in a small religious group for a time, and the group of Fela believers who were doing whatever they could to trouble the number one made the association feel particularly headache .

This matter is enough to cause a headache. A weirdo is worshiped as a god, and he is a weirdo who has saved people. Then all the resettlement behaviors for him can be said to make people inside and outside the association, so they can only choose to deal with it coldly.

Compensation for damage, loss of reputation, correction of public opinion—the most terrifying thing is the notoriety they spread among low-level heroes.

Except for the undocumented knight, none of the C-level heroes sent by Xiqi to block the eye-catching came back alive, and the only survivor, the undocumented knight, insisted not to give a statement according to the association, but to complete what will happen Told all the C-rank and B-rank heroes.

This good old man is completely following his own ideas and consistent character, and will never bow to any evil forces, including the association.

Under the description of the undocumented knight, the bad things done by the association were basically turned upside down. Realizing that his existence was actually just cannon fodder for the S-level heroes to delay time and block the eye-catching, these low-level heroes immediately set off a wave of unrest. Small opposition.

And as their leader, the undocumented knights hope that the association will make the management open and transparent, and let heroes intervene in the management to maintain their interests-this righteous reckless man obviously won't have such a brain, and there must be someone behind him .

But after just a little investigation, they immediately withdrew their hands. Because the person behind the undocumented knight is probably the Fubuki group, and the person behind the undocumented knight is probably the younger sister of that tornado.

Good guy, now even if you want to kill someone, you can't do it.

"Undocumented knights too! It's so simple to be used as a gun!"

Xiqi slapped the table angrily. Normally, everyone respects the perseverance and philosophy of the undocumented knight, but in this situation where flexibility is required, this guy’s persistence will turn him into a stone in the latrine. Smelly and hard.

As for actually letting some heroes into management according to the undocumented knights-what are you kidding? When will Tools and Weapons tell you that you want to be your colleague, will you agree?

Not to mention the senior cadres here, there are more or less shadows of chaebols behind them, and it is impossible for those rich people who pay for the daily maintenance of the association to agree to such absurd things.

You must know that even if it is a sweetheart mask, it only cooperates with the association to do external publicity. The entire upper-level organization of the hero association does not have a single person who can represent a hero.

"If it doesn't work... let's greatly increase the salaries of low-level heroes."

At this moment, a cadre at the conference table proposed a plan

"Then instigate a few main heroes of the opposition and disintegrate them from the inside."

"That's the only way to go." Xiqi sighed and said helplessly

"The next about Hero Hunters."

Zelgokin waved his finger lightly, and a scarred image of a hungry wolf appeared on the edge of the light screen projected on the conference table

"He attacked and defeated the sexy prisoner during the last Deep Sea Clan invasion, and killed three weirdos in City J afterwards. He claims to be a human weirdo, and he's been keen on hunting heroes until now."

Zelgokin paused, frowned and said

"Until now, the hero hunters have hunted and severely injured nine high-level heroes, of which eight are A-level heroes and three are B-level heroes except for the sexy prisoner. But as far as I know, He is a disciple of Silver Fang, but he defected from the dojo a few months ago."

"What's Silver Fang's opinion?"

"He said follow us." Zelgkin adjusted his prosthetic eye and said lightly

"So the reward for Hungry Wolf has been released, according to the standard of S-level wanted criminals. His current location should be in City B, and a group of powerful heroes headed by Death Gatling are on their way to exterminate him .”

Having said that, Zelge King paused, narrowed his eyes and said

"Silver Fang said that he would join the hunt against hungry wolves. I personally think this is very undesirable. What do you guys think?"

"No! Absolutely not!"

"Hero Hunter used to be his disciple, God knows if he will show mercy?"

"And we can't rule out the possibility that the silver fangs are also involved!"

The cadres agreed that Silver Fang must not be involved in this matter, at least not before the hungry wolf was caught.

"Very good, it seems that everyone's opinions have reached an agreement. Recently, the cadres have tried to leave the headquarters as little as possible, and sent a few S-level heroes to protect our sponsors." Zelgokin nodded, stood up and said

"Let's end today's meeting like this, if there is anything else..."


The door of the meeting room was suddenly violently pushed open. An official of the association in uniform was holding a ball in his hand, which shocked all the cadres of the association.

Then, it was a human head, a head that belonged to the rich man Agni.

"Hi, everyone from the Heroes' Association."

A living eye, full of sarcasm and malice, emerges from the forehead

"My name is Big Jiongyan. On behalf of the Weird Monster Association, I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to everyone."


ps: ask for tickets every day!

Chapter 209 50. Prelude to Transformation and Declaration of War!

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