Especially after matching what he is doing now, it looks even more terrifying.


In that inhuman-like angry roar, the blood-red giant waved a heavy fist like a storm, and instantly landed on all parts of the ugly commander's body.

In an instant, this tough dragon-level cadre was shot out of the building in an instant, and shot into the building on the other side like a missile, and his brain was stunned.

"Skull Sacrificial Clothes Seat, Blood Sacrifice Vest!!!"

The blood-red giant rushed over with a growl that was more like a crab cult slogan, and the ugly commander who realized that he had been attacked and beaten up by someone was also angry.

"How dare you sneak attack me?!"

The fat body of the Ugly Grand Commander suddenly elongated, from an obese half-giant to a slender but still ugly and disgusting weird giant.

His speed also suddenly increased to a higher level. Among the figures that pierced the air and set off a sonic boom, he stood side by side with that scarlet figure!

The aftermath of their battle easily shattered a small building several stories high, and the scarlet figure howled and grabbed a small building and threw it to the ugly commander in the air.

This battle is a good example of what a superhuman fight is. The aftermath of the battle is enough to tear the people watching the battle to pieces.

The vegetarian in the vest dragged his seriously injured body to the edge of the shattered building and watched the battle that destroyed a city at one time, and opened his mouth slightly.

"Vegetarian in the vest, isn't that... His Holiness?"

The bruised and swollen doctor in the vest dragged his broken right arm and walked over. He also felt the familiar but endless anger just now.

"It should be..." the vegetarian in the vest said in an uncertain tone

Although the appearance and figure are quite different, and even the 'vest' has been changed, he can still feel the clear and powerful will of the vest.

"What's going on with this guy..."

After the aftermath of the battle almost razed the entire city to the ground, the voice of the ugly Grand Commander who was slowly recovering from his injuries was clearly flinching and fearful

This guy in front of him is more like a monster than him.

It's like a wild beast that was born in anger and burns with endless and inextinguishable anger all the time.

Crazy, bloodthirsty, extreme, if a passer-by were to choose who was more like a monster, most people would probably choose the vested venerable who looked like this.


Accompanied by howls that were not human-like, the two hybrids were directly torn into pieces by the pair of iron fists, and the LCL solution spilled from the collapsed figure splashed on the scarlet armor, invisible as if A bloody ghost rose up.

Under the eight-foot-heavy helmet appeared extremely frightening eyes, and the ugly commander, who was terrified in his heart, completely chose to retreat at this moment.

He has no reason to continue fighting with this guy who is more like a monster than him.

The idea was executed almost immediately, the ugly commander turned around and wanted to run away, but the scarlet figure stopped in front of him at a faster speed than before.

In his hand, he didn't know when there was a roaring chain saw axe. Howling crazily, he rushed towards the ugly commander.

The miserable screams resounded through the burning city again, but this time, the target of the miserable screams was no longer human beings, but powerful weirdos.

The exchange of strong and weak always happens abruptly, and only when they are bullied and slaughtered by the strong will these things that oppress others understand what it means to be sad.

When the vegetarians in vests rushed over with their arms, what they saw made their breathing quicken.

Among the ruins of the building, there were scarlet blood, shattered internal organs, and an extremely ugly, terrified head that could not rest in peace.

On the top of the ruins, the person who stepped on this ugly head had already taken off his eight-foot-heavy helmet, revealing a shiny bald head with some scars, and the bright moonlight shone on this slaughter-like man. The field-like scene seemed to be dyed red by the brilliance of the moon.

The vegetarians in the vests didn't speak, they could feel the restlessness in the vests as soon as they stepped into the side of this familiar man.

The power given to them by the vest this time is no longer the warm faith, but a power that is as cold as a thousand years of ice, as sharp as a soldier who has fought a hundred battles, and as hot as hot magma.

It's hatred, it's anger, it's the endless murderous intent towards the enemies in the back, it's the unclean hatred towards those weirdos.

That man, their former boss, will also be the future permanent boss of their Vest Association. Putting on the helmet again, he raised his right arm that was wrapped in bloody clothes and chains high.

There is no need for words of encouragement, no need for long speeches, at this moment, a battle cry is enough to replace everything.

"Skull Sacrificial Clothes Seat, Blood Sacrifice Vest!!!"

The men of the Vest Society joined the man with fists raised, roaring with furious frenzy


ps: ask for tickets every day!

Chapter 228 69. Towards the Weird

Hungry wolf is actually a very picky person about food.

Doesn't it mean that he is an 'upper class' who doesn't eat anything but high-quality ingredients and high-end food? His pickiness is limited to the word clean. He would never touch unclean food, and if a restaurant dared to serve him unclean food, he would beat up both the chef and the shop owner.

But now, he seems to have broken this principle of his own.

Lying in a pool of strange man's blood, Hungry Wolf panted heavily and half lowered his body, an invisible force flowed through his body along with the beating of his heart.

Uncleaned pieces of meat were still hanging from the hungry wolf's mouth, and the food belonged to the strange people in front of him.

The weirdo's meat tastes very bad, sour and smelly, and it's even more unclean. It can be said that it is completely contrary to the diet of the hungry wolf.

But not only did he eat freaks, he ate lots and lots of…

It's really hard to describe, the feeling of eating monsters and making one's body grow like being thrown into Chai Xin's bonfire.

But this is not eccentric, Hungry Wolf is still a human being in front of him, and he has not taken that irreversible step towards the road of truly not being human.

The hungry wolf's claws, lying on its stomach with its body lowered, scratched ten deep claw marks on the stony ground. From the sharp canine teeth like blades, the heavy panting turned into hot white mist and flowed out.

Not enough, not far enough...

The battle with Banggu and Bangpu seriously injured Hungry Wolf's body, but it also stimulated him further and made him take a step towards a stronger road.

Now Hungry Wolf can already do the Whirlwind Slashing Iron Fist with his left hand and the Flowing Water Breaking Rock Fist with his right hand, combining the two into one, he can use the Jiaoyalong Killing Fist.

The limiter of his body is being broken step by step, but the direction of this road is completely different from that of Saitama.

Every time he breaks through his own limiter, he is farther away from the 'human'.

Maybe it's because of his pursuit of strength, the reason for his pursuit of strength, is to become a 'weird'.

Thought determines the path of pursuing power, and also determines the form of power.

The hungry wolf slowly got up, wiped away the blood stains from the corner of his mouth, his eyes glowed with a red light that was not as frightened as a human being.

Not enough, he has to hunt stronger heroes and devour stronger monsters.

He can feel that after devouring enough and strong enough monsters, the power in his body will accumulate to a critical point, and this time the limiter breakthrough will allow him to take a really important step towards absolute evil.

In short, let's start with that half-baked weirdo association first!

Sikes had a very bad presentiment.

Hiding at the bottom of the Monster Association, she paced the room a little restlessly. This bad premonition made her depressed, and the anger lingering over her emotions made her feel depressed.

As a superpower user, of course she has to believe in her premonition, a bad premonition will almost certainly bring bad results.

The current situation should be great for her. When those heroes stepped into the magic pot of City Z, their hometown had already been stolen by the monsters.

Counting the time, now City A should be razed to the ground by Hei Qingzi and the others, and there are heroes wandering outside to support at any time.

It should be impossible for any accident to happen.

No, there are many unstable factors, such as the secret bald head of the association, the trembling tornado, the secret weapon of the Evolution House, and that little ghost with a mysterious origin.

The Phoenix man who was sent out to monitor and catch the hungry wolf didn't come back, and he didn't even send any communication back.

Sykes, who was pacing back and forth restlessly, did not forget to manipulate the puppet clone with big embarrassing eyes above the operator, listened to the report of his subordinates, and arranged the assigned manpower.

Although the hero led a group of powerful weirdos out to make trouble, there are still quite a few powerful weirdos in the Weird Association.

"Boxing Demon, Xieyan, Vampire, Senior Centipede, and some ghost-level monsters, go to the first floor to meet our enemies."

"Take pochi to the main road and he'll know what to do. And natural water and gums, move them all closer to the main road."

"The hostages are ready to take action, but they can still be used as waste. Go ahead and meet those heroes!"

With bloodthirsty ecstasy and howls, the monsters disappeared at the end of the long passage, leaving only the big snake and the silent big embarrassing eyes.

Not only did the bad premonition not disappear, but...intensified.


On the other side, the troops assembled by the heroes have arrived in the "Ghost City" in the uninhabited area of ​​World Z.

What greeted them was naturally a mighty army of weirdos.

But this time, there are not so many bells and whistles, and it took several chapters to describe the chapters of heroes fighting monsters.

Because those low-level weirdos were all wiped out immediately.

Flying over an entire formation of bombers from the sky, this group of advanced bombers equipped with anti-gravity engines greeted all the boundaries of the entire ghost city in the most intuitive and threatening way-saturation firepower strikes.

A small half of the city, including Saitama's home, was completely reduced to ruins under the saturated firepower.

And those bombs dropped were all super-destructive diffusion thermobaric bombs, which dealt a devastating blow to the monsters below from the direct destructive power and the high-temperature, high-pressure, oxygen-free environment created after the explosion.

The conventional firepower coverage of modern weapons is enough to completely wipe out monsters below the dragon level, except for a few overly strong ghosts. If one round of saturated firepower cannot kill them, another round will come.

It can be said that Metal Knight didn't even plan to act this time, and directly threw one of his trump cards.

A robot and a bomber formation represent completely different meanings. In the former, you may only be technically over the top, while in the latter, it means that you have an unimaginable complete military strike capability.

Metal Knight's mechanical weapon production factories are located in major cities, and the robots produced keep the factories running while producing more machines and weapons.

The scale of his ammunition has long exceeded the scope of personal digestion capacity, and the large amount of ammunition hoarded can be called large-scale ordnance in modern times.

It's just that he has been pretending to be a hero before, and he has no chance to digest the large amount of ammunition at hand. After all, there is very little chance to use saturated firepower bombing with a scale of kilometers to eliminate monsters.

But now that those rich people are finished, Metal Knight knows that the world will become more direct and pure in the future, and in this case, he simply doesn't pretend.

It can be said that labor and management have the strength to say that one person is one country! Don't provoke me, or you will bear the consequences!

The bomber formation that wiped out the ghost city flaunted a circle and then returned, but Metal Knight also told everyone his attitude in the most direct and violent way.

It may not seem too exaggerated, but since he can load thermobaric bombs on it, he can also load some more terrifying things...

"Is that Metal Knight's trump card?"

Zelgokin looked at the returning bomber formation, clicked his tongue, and said solemnly

"Sure enough, you can't underestimate that man..."

"Don't think too much, the metal knight has opened a smooth passage for us, at least we don't have to worry about any ambushes."

Tongdi put on a glasses-shaped vital body scanner, carefully scanned the saturated battlefield, and said with a frown

"There are still a few weirdos who survived, and it seems that their strength is not weak..."

"Leave it to other heroes." Xi Qiqiang replied

"Everyone at the S level, please recharge your batteries and hand over the battlefield to other heroes..."

The heroes they brought are all powerful, and it is no problem to deal with the few surviving ghosts. Anyway, if they are exhausted, there will still be S-level raids. It is good to eliminate and select a group of the most capable ones here.

Just looking at this battlefield, Xi Qi, who was unable to contact the headquarters again, had a very bad premonition.

———————————————————————————————————————————————————— ————————

ps: ask for tickets every day!

Chapter 229 70. Complete the opening!

City A, which was completely in ruins within a few hours, has now recovered a little bit from the most chaotic state.

But it has only recovered a little bit, and the essence here is still extremely chaotic.

The eccentrics and hybrids who are rampant everywhere have been dealt a devastating blow by one group, the rampant and enraged Vest Venerable and his Vest Guild.

Under the extreme strengthening of the power of fanaticism, the overall strength of the Vest Association has almost risen by several levels. Under the leadership of the Venerable Vest, it mercilessly slaughters all weirdos and hybrids within sight.

If they couldn't kill the hybrid, they made it difficult for these monsters to heal themselves, and they had no mercy for the weirdos.

Whether kneeling down to beg for mercy or telling how pitiful they are, the only response of the berserk Vest Association is to beat them into a pulp.

How could this be the Vest Association, and how could this be the harmonious organization of the club before?

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