"My identity outside is Arasaka Saburo, the head of Arasaka Security. I heard that you call me Daddy Showa on the Internet or something?"

Then, she changed herself back into the skin of Saburo Arasaka, looking at An Yilunya's small eyes, she was like a 'national pill'.

In fact, it is indeed a pill. After all, when most of the upper class of a country are demons and ghosts, it is no different from a pill.

"If there is no accident, Ms. Xia Zhiqiu, you still have a week and a half to receive the special training of the devil, and Mr. An Yi, you have relatively more time, guaranteed for a month."

Mu Feng lightly pressed a button next to it, and not long after, a kind-hearted mixed-race uncle with a dark green beret and short white hair came in with a smile.

"His name is Sato, the captain of the Dead Squad." Mu Feng pointed at him and said calmly

"The two of you will listen to him from now on. Sato is a very 'experienced' ghoul. He will teach you a thing that cannot die... how to fight."

Mu Feng looked at Sato and said lightly

"Satou, I leave it to you. In a short time, you have to let them get used to the feeling of fighting. In short, don't make it too loose."

"No problem, boss." Sato looked at the two with a smile, and his smile was extraordinarily kind.

"I'll let them know how to play the game with infinite life..."


Arasaka Building, top floor

Mu Feng looked down at this city that had revived the economy of the golden age, but what he saw was the evil hidden in the shadows.

The prosperity of this city is just an illusion, and the current prosperous economy will come to naught in a few years, and this country will become a country where the gap between rich and poor becomes more extreme after the corpses of the chaebols are eaten up, just like "night City' same place.

After all, there are security guards in Arasaka, so how can we do without the entire cyberpunk city?

But to be honest, whether this group of people can live to that time is a question.

Jingle, jingle~

Mu Feng kept opening and closing the silver lighter in his hand, his eyes were deep, and his thoughts drifted far away.

The ghouls are just a small problem, what he is thinking about now is how to go further to 'change the world'

The Black Rubik's Cube is searching for a relevant world that suits him, but before that, Mu Feng must consider how to prepare for his further advancement in this world.

In fact, he has almost reached the limit of his personal status now.

The behind-the-scenes bosses of two multinational giant companies hold a large amount of super-age technology and arms. Not counting the special factors, his total output value and military strength can already be regarded as the top fifteen "groups" on this planet.

So what should we do next? How to further change the world?

There is not much room for improvement in the economy, and the further advancement of that person's status will undoubtedly involve politics.

He exhaled and smiled softly.

What are you kidding? Get involved in politics?

There is a natural barrier called seniority in the political arena of any country. Even in an emergency wartime, this natural barrier will isolate people under the age from the level of power.

And not to mention that it is basically hopeless to get involved in the political arena of a big country in his capacity, no matter which country it is.

To be honest, the status of a politician is useless. It is impossible for a big country to use supernatural power like Hexiu to turn a country into a single word.

"We can turn the world upside down at any time."

Arrogance whispered in his heart, this is Mu Feng's thoughts, this is also the desire in his heart

Among other things, just holding Mu Feng with Minovsky physics in his hand already has the conditions for a huge scientific and technological revolution for mankind.

As long as Minovsky physics is popularized, among other things, just a nuclear fusion furnace can usher in a huge change in human society that promotes the overall change of society!

After all, there is no need to boil water anymore, which is still a huge leap forward for technology.

But unfortunately, this kind of idea is very good, but the possibility of realizing it... is too difficult.

Even in the idealized world of the UC universe, it took Dr. Minovsky, who was funded and optimistic by Deggin, almost his whole life to promote Minovsky physics.

This is still based on the colonization of the universe before the UC universe, the drastic changes in production relations, and a state of semi-conflict and near-war.

The emergence of nuclear fusion is enough to make all the countries on the earth that rely on energy exports fall to hell. Unless the people in the Middle East can sell the sand, their status in the world will disappear after pure oil is only worth industrial materials. live.

Not to mention the emergence of nuclear fusion, which also represents the complete collapse of the OPEC system, which uses the US dollar as the world's settlement currency and is bound to oil.

What does that mean? That means that the bald eagle can no longer print money casually, and can no longer harvest the world by printing money arbitrarily, forcing people all over the world to trade with them.

The chain reaction brought about by this will make the more than 200 military bases of the Bald Eagle all over the world fall into a state of serious lack of money and paralysis, and the hegemony of the Bald Eagle will completely fall.

Is it a good thing? Maybe, but there's no need to wonder what a bald eagle does before it dies.

A country that has not fought a war in less than ten years since its founding will not wait to die.

World war, the emergence of nuclear fusion is very likely to be another world war. In a sense, this can be regarded as a huge change in the world, but... this is not what Mu Feng wants.

Collective crowds are stupid. The only lesson human beings have learned from history is that they can’t learn the lesson. If we expect human beings to march into a new world together as a single rope, that’s unless the Martians come in the next day!

"So, we need coercive power." Arrogant and irritated

"We don't want to waste time playing stupid political games with these idiots, zero-sum games, international politics, economic laws-I'm tired of it!"

Arrogance has inherited a part of Mu Feng's soul. This "clone" who is exactly like him, like Mu Feng, actually hates these political and economic issues.

No kidding, he really doesn't care about the company and he doesn't care about the money. Those data and pieces of paper are meaningless to him, and most of the things brought by the paper can't be seen by him.

If possible, he would rather exchange these two multinational companies for a bargaining chip that can further change the world.

However, the general public is too short-sighted, or countries and countries that are suspicious of each other, so that the whole called human beings is not qualified to accept the gift from Mufeng in a short period of time.

But there is no need, the company is just a tool for him to change the world, and as the price of the change, he has already obtained the "thing" that can be exchanged for the tool to change the world.

He slowly spread his five fingers forward, and on the empty floor, a huge blooming flower appeared.

And among the blooming flowers, there is a strange device quietly placed, which is a bit like the structure of the human brain, releasing electrodes and connecting with the 'flower'.

One, is a spiritual subordination machine, and the other is an... interesting creation called a STEM system.

Naturally, there is no need to say more about the spiritual slave machine, but the STEM system comes from the world of "The Evil Within", and is a technological creation created by the villain Ruvik himself.

STEM devices allow people to link and share consciousness through intubation in the back of the brain. He needs a host, and all consciousness is connected to the network of the host just like surfing the Internet, and wanders in the world of consciousness under the control of the host. .

Sounds like one of those stealth games? No, STEM systems are much scarier than that stuff...

This is a product that involves the essence of human beings. In the original work, as the host of the STEM system is Ruvik's brain that was taken out alive, and the character controlled by the player entered Ruvik's conscious world and was trapped in his Between the brain and the will, walk in the world woven by his will.

Ruvik was even able to put his soul into others through this device, and even captured the body of that poor fellow named Leslie, completing a theoretically impossible "grab"

The method of connecting the STEM device to the brain host is not just an intubation at the back of the head. In Vic's consciousness.

By playing harsh sounds corresponding to the high frequency of brain waves, people can be forcibly pulled into the host of the STEM system-this is very unscientific and very scary!

This is also the reason why STEM devices, in a world where the technological content of evil spirits may not be as good as the real world, are used as B+ grade exchange items.

Speaking of this, there is only one thing Mu Feng wants to do.

That is to drag everyone... into his 'nightmare'!

Use nightmares to link human consciousness, and then... master the world!


ps: ask for tickets every day!

263 11. Limitation of spirit

It seems very idealistic to achieve the goal of world domination through the STEM system, but it is indeed very feasible.

The first is the powerful high-frequency brain wave resonance technology of the STEM system, which is more terrifying and direct than most mind control methods.

With Mu Feng's current financial resources, it is absolutely possible to broadcast a certain frequency on most of the programs with the highest ratings, such as TVs, mobile phones, and computers, in all prime time periods in the northern and southern hemispheres. Moreover, he also has the system's built-in "live broadcast" device'.

He can drag people from most developed and underdeveloped regions of the former world into his dreams in an instant. As for underdeveloped regions such as the Middle East and Africa, it is not difficult to clean them up afterwards.

But the plan is just a plan, just because you want to overcome it-there are more difficulties.

First of all, it is pure delusion to stuff the thoughts of billions of people into one brain. The boss Luvik who is possessed by evil spirits can only accept the thinking links of no more than 20 people at the same time. The brain wave interception in the thinking world does not mean that his 'server' can accept so many data connections.

If the server receives excessive data access, it will directly crash. The simplest and straightforward DDOS attack is the least difficult hacker behavior, and it is also the most difficult hacker behavior to crack.

If this kind of behavior is changed to a link between the spirit and the brain, the result will naturally be the same.

Mu Feng has made some achievements in the field of psionic energy and spiritual power at present, but the more in-depth research, the more he understands the terrifying spiritual field that a thinking world that bears the thinking of billions of people needs.

To use an intuitive analogy, even if you drag a superman in the mental field like the trembling tornado, you can't bear such an excessive mental load. At least 20 or more are needed to barely meet the minimum operating requirements.

And what's terrible is that excessive thinking gathers together and blends with each other, which is extremely easy to cause a kind of consciousness pollution.

Part of the reason why Ruvik's brain world in The Evil Within is so eerie is because of the strong negative emotions that the mental patients who were once dragged into their brains by Ruvik burst out under his torment. , also because there were too many thoughts blending in his brain.

People's spirit and soul are changeable, and their churning thoughts and desires change all the time. It can be said that they themselves are equivalent to a piece of data code that constantly changes itself after entering the server.

A small amount of thinking can be regulated and organized, but excessive thinking is gathered together, and mutual interference is absolutely inevitable, and there is a high probability that the STEM host they are connected to will turn into a terrible appearance of extreme chaos.

Therefore, this is an unavoidable problem on the two hardware.

I can't find a qualified brain as the host to carry these souls, and I can't find a way to sort out the thinking of these uploaded people with a brain that is rational enough.

Therefore, Mu Feng chose a tricky way.

The spiritual slave machine is a device that transforms people into praying hands by implanting spiritual seeds and is then controlled by the main body. After Mu Feng's research and study of the information given to him by Sykes, he has been able to decipher the meaning of this Abyss relic. It's a secret.

He can now 'modify' this process.

He can extract the spiritual seed in advance, and then transfer the process of controlling the seed by the subject to the thinking of the spiritual seed to another spiritual seed.

And if these spiritual seeds are implanted into the brains embedded in the STEM hosts, Mufeng will be able to achieve a 'streaming server'.

To put it simply, it is to let the multiple brains transmit the 'consciousness' into each other through the spiritual seeds, let each other form a thing like a server in a large game area, and share the serious burden and pressure through the number.

From a certain point of view, this is a tricky way, but it is also Mu Feng's only way at present.

As for the issue of controlling the integrity and content interoperability of these mental hosts, it needs to be controlled by Mu Feng, who is the "subject" in the mental slave hosts.

He doesn't need to control everyone's minds, he only needs to shape and control the thinking world of those partitioned servers, and the daily debugging and maintenance work is left to the split body to do naturally.

By clever means, he has found a solution to two major problems in the hardware.

And yet, still that damn yet.

He couldn't find a sufficient number of brains to share these consciousness data. At least on the surface, most people in this world are still ordinary people. Using their brains as sub-servers, the total amount will add up to a terrifyingly large amount. Then he might as well show that chariots and horses can conquer the world directly.

And those extraordinary guys... To be honest, Mu Feng himself is not very willing to provoke them.

Not to mention that it is not enough to catch them, but they have to submit to Mu Feng's thinking and willingly become his sub-servers. This degree of difficulty is also great, not to mention, it is still unstable.

"Why do you still retain so much of a woman's benevolence?"

Arrogance mocked in his heart, as an extremely proud and self-centered side, he laughed at the pity in Mu Feng's heart

If Mu Feng is the undoubted Great Demon King under universal values, then the arrogance separated from him is a guy who is too cruel in the eyes of social Darwinism practitioners.

Yes, there is also a way to crack this method. Since he couldn't find so many qualified transcendents, he simply trained them himself.

The artificial man, the Philosopher's Stone, plunders a large number of souls to synthesize the Philosopher's Stone through the false truth gate in his body, and then uses these Philosopher's Stones to create artificial humans.

Mu Feng only needs to put in a little part of his soul, and doesn't need to cut off a part of his emotions like arrogance at all, and even these artificial people don't even need a human form.

They only need a brain, a brain placed in a culture tank, and after embedding part of Mu Feng's own soul body, these artificial humans made with a large number of souls will have extremely strong spiritual abilities, and can control and control The consciousness that goes into it.

Mu Feng even thought of how to control these soul fragments. He only needs to clear the memory in those fragments of souls, and then instill a thought—he is a system, a traveler, and a game world The creator is good.

This is how Hakoniwa World was created.

They will dance within the established framework, collect and control those consciousnesses in large quantities, and then go one step further and control all these consciousnesses when needed.

The method is theoretically feasible, but Mu Feng...doesn't want to do it.

"It doesn't matter if you have mercy or not." Mu Feng said lightly

"Not everyone can cut out so many pieces of their souls and use them as props at will. Do you think I'm Tom Riddle?"

"But it's always a way, otherwise we will have to find those sub-servers with harsh conditions." Arrogance said lightly

"Look for it for now, don't be in a hurry." Mu Feng said lightly

"Isn't there still a lot of work to be done here? There's no need to be in such a hurry to do this... The layout is done anyway. If it doesn't work, just look at the props that meet the requirements in the company. .”

"So how are you doing?"

"Spencer is already preparing to short our company's stock." Arrogantly sneered

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