"But to be honest, I really don't know how to be a father." Uesugi sighed with a bitter face

The lesson of his father and himself is the first. Over the years, Uesugi Koshi has been telling himself that imperial blood is something that brings a curse, and leaving it to future generations is just leaving the curse to them. Thinking of the day when this thing will really come, he will be so nervous, just like his father waiting for the first cry outside the delivery room, he is eager to know what is born, wants to see them, but pregnant with fear.

Then he saw Yan Ye, the child was very similar to her mother, but Yan Ye was a mature child with a more mature boyfriend, and she grew up in a relatively healthy environment, so Uesugi Yue was not really worried about Yan Ye Case.

He knew it was his own fault, but it was like a crying child with candy. For a child in a relatively better situation, Uesugi Yue will feel less guilty.

But Minamoto and Erika are different, Uesugi sees his past self from them.

It's actually a bit shameless to say that, when he was young, he was not as neat and unrestrained as Yuan Zhisheng, like a real head of the Sheqi Bajia family. When he was young, he basically lived a licentious life, drinking drugged wine and sleeping with women every day.

The birth of Erika and Minamoto cannot actually be regarded as Uesugi Koshi's fault. He just donated a batch of his own sperm, who knows that such a fruit will be born in the end?

But even though he found all kinds of reasons in his heart, Uesugi Yue was actually afraid of facing his child face to face. He didn't know how to face them. He might die for these children, but he couldn't have a meal with them.

Father is such a strange profession, Uesugi Yue sighed in his heart.

"If you can all survive this time, you can come to Kassel with your daughter." Ange slowly drew out the two knives behind her back, and said lightly

On the horizon in the distance, a dark wave was rushing towards them. They saw a huge spiritual stone standing on the other side of the plain, standing like a pillar of heaven in the boundary where the sky and the earth meet.

The checkpoint to break the game is here, so there will naturally be monsters guarding the checkpoint.

"Do you want me and my daughter to be your hostages?" Uesugi gave Angers a sideways glance, pulled out the saber from his waist, and said calmly

"Sorry for my insensitivity! I'm flying to Hawaii as soon as I finish this ticket, and I'm going to be selling sunscreen on the beach for the rest of my life!"

"Hehe." Ange suddenly made a mocking voice.

"You're laughing!"

"I'm laughing that you are indeed father and son, and even your life ideals are the same... Heh, let's not talk nonsense, let's find a way to live through now."

Those who came rushing from a distance were a group of elite ghost troops!

These powerful hybrids obtained the power of the spirit stone here, and further purified their blood. The human part disappeared completely, replaced by a group of powerful ghost army with the characteristics of monsters!

These evil spirits wear golden masks, and their swollen muscular bodies are like giants made of granite. They only have burning gold in their eyes, and their endless desire for blood and flesh!

Under their crotches are war horses burning like nightmares with blue will-o'-the-wisps, and each of them is a terrifying and ferocious giant beast.

They are like the golden cavalry led by Genghis Khan after his resurrection, launching a promising charge towards Angers and Uesugi.

"Ten, twenty, thirty... Are there about fifty-four enemies that are equivalent to things under the ice cellar?"

Ange lowered his body, and the two famous knives he pulled out glowed brightly under the dark night

"Looks like we hit the first prize, can you do it? Can you deal with these guys?"

"I haven't done it for decades." Uesugi Yue sighed and raised the saber at his waist. He also brought a large travel bag, which was full of ancient famous knives looted from the family when he fled.

He took off the ramen chef's uniform and the ridiculous turban, and put on a night-like long windbreaker, with Japanese knives in the travel bag on the back. He was not very burly, but at this moment he looked like an emperor sitting on a high place, looking down at his courtiers who were kneeling on the ground, his eyes were as calm as water, but there was a huge storm hidden in the water.

No matter when, the emperor is always the emperor, even if he is just a puppet of the last generation, he still has his own pride and nobility.

"Come on, face the battle of armies!"


Hongjing, now the core of everything here.

The fierce ghosts made a road leading to the underground Chiguichuan in the area of ​​​​Tamagawa, and on top of the red well, they built a shrine that is not quaint.

It was just a small, dilapidated shrine, with torii gates in disrepair, dusty shrines, and an ancient well that had been dry for many years.

In many cases, the meaning of architecture is not for living. For some people, architecture may be more of a symbol, a flashing phantom in old memories.

And when Yuan Zhisheng stepped here, he undoubtedly entered this phantom of the past.

Yuan Zhisheng will never forget that evening, he came here following the orders of his family, and slashed that betrayal behind the boy who called him his brother who trusted him.

His body was thrown into the ancient well, and he left the shrine as if escaping, paralyzed himself with the work of the executive bureau, and buried his memories and past in the oldest pages.

But now, he's back here, once again facing the unforgettable memories of his life.

Yuan Zhisheng and Kazama Ruri walked slowly around the ancient well, as if this was a stage, and the actors were talking about the dialogue they had already written. Kazama Liuli moved around silently, the wind pulled his robe away, like a girl with a weak willow supporting the wind, and Yuan Zhisheng, who had been bloodied three times and was covered in skeletons, let out a veil of armor.

The heavy voice of a samurai. Ghosts and ghost-slaying warriors, everything is like a legend hundreds of years ago, just like the night shift ten years ago.

"I still remember that evening, that poor child was betrayed by his most trusted brother and thrown into the corpse well. But he didn't die, his resentment and death awakened me who was sleeping in that shrine."

Kazama Ruri's slender, white fingers gently slid across the ancient well, squinting her eyes and recalling

"What a coincidence, that day happened to be the day when my seal was released. The child's physical body is very suitable for me, so I gave him a choice. I want his physical body to help me do things, and I will Help him stand in front of his brother again."

Speaking of this, he looked at the expressionless Yuan Zhisheng with a half-smile, even if he inherited the child's memory, he would not make any comments on Yuan Zhisheng's behavior.

A man who is bound by responsibility and morality, family and rules, chooses to annihilate his family affection with righteousness. Such a person is not uncommon in the memory of his long life.

He has seen a lot, and it can even be said that he has seen too much. For a man overwhelmed by responsibilities, this kind of drama is no longer enough to make him express any emotions.

"Don't worry, Herzog...that is, Tachibana Masamune, the chief scientist of Black Swan Harbor, the mad scientist who used Uesugi Koshi's sperm to create the three of you is dead. But to be honest, you just changed to a worse one It’s just a tough boss.”

"Our contract is done here, son. It's time for me to go to my new body."

He said softly, and then a ball of golden light shot out from his sky cap, and disappeared into the sky in an instant.

The expression of 'Kazama Liuli' was in a daze, and after a few seconds, he raised his head to look at Yuan Zhisheng, and said in a low voice:

"elder brother……"

Senluo's evil ghost, the king of ghosts who practiced countless deaths, is now like a timid and cowardly child who is afraid of his brother's punishment.

Yuan Zhisheng was troubled in his heart, he was silent for a moment, and said in a low voice

"Where's Erika, baby girl?"

Yuanzhinv's timid expression froze on her face, and then she appeared ferocious and terrifying like the evil ghost Shura

"Ten years, not long after ten years, my brother! You saw me again and asked about her whereabouts?"

"You are always so sensitive, so I have been annoying you." Yuan Zhisheng said lightly

"Since we can't go back, why are we talking about the past?" Yuan Zhisheng stood still, but his eyes followed him all the time.

Yes, since we can't go back to the past, let's use blood to decide the joy and sorrow after the reunion!

"That's right, brother, you have already turned into a ghost in order to kill me, so how can I not face you seriously?" Yuanzhinv stretched out her white arms gently, and said softly

"Brother, do you really want to know my words? You have the 'royal power', so what do I have?" Yuan Zhinu laughed silently, "Of course I can tell you that there was no secret."

He sang softly, the ancient language that has been lost for a long time, with a completely unrecognizable grammatical structure, but with an unusual beauty of phonology. Usually, when the dragon text is chanted, it is as if a giant bell is rung, and the sound echoes repeatedly throughout the entire domain.

Yuan Zhisheng's spirit began to be in a trance, and he woke up suddenly, only to realize that he had returned to the mountain town again. The shrine named Shikatori stood under the dark night, and the clear stream ran through the town, and the whole town was asleep. In the continuous rain, the long grass underfoot blows in the wind.

Time seemed to go backwards, and he went back to when he was seventeen, before the town was deserted.

"Let's go back to the past, go back to that time and fight again."

"This time, will you make a different choice? Or...it's still the same."

"Let the dream world compete for an answer for us."


Nebula M78

ps: ask for tickets every day! There is one more today

Chapter 101. Men's Battlefield

Caesar's battlefield is not simple, it is extremely dangerous, like dancing on the tip of a knife, if he is not careful, he will die without burial.

But he is undoubtedly the purest and most straightforward battlefield.

There is no need to think about so many things. The only thing Caesar needs to think about is how to kill his opponent while ensuring that he is as intact as possible. There are not so many grievances and enmities. He only needs to perform his duties as a soldier. good.

The monster he faced guarding the node of this spirit stone was a sickle weasel.

One controls the wind and the blade in legends, and the source of the name of Caesar's word spirit is a complete and powerful monster.

With a slender body about nine meters long, this sickle weasel looked more like a long-legged snake than a ferret.

I have to say that Caesar's luck is really half and half. Fortunately, because of the relationship between the Miyamoto family and the advance troops of the Ryoma family, most of the monsters and wild souls in Tamagawa were attracted by Chu Zihang's battlefield, so the node here There are not many other monsters and ghosts.

But to make matters worse, his enemy is Kamaitachi, the monster who really masters and controls the wind. This also means that Caesar's speech can't play much role...

The irritable and crazy storm swept Caesar into the sky, and he struggled to control his speech spirit to regain control of his body in the air.

But he still landed in an awkward and terrible posture, the clothes all over his body were cut to pieces, and there were blood and scars everywhere.

"I'm afraid it won't last long."

Caesar wiped off the blood stains on his face, the taste of rust spread in his mouth, his physical strength and spirit have reached the lowest point of falling.

And his enemy, the weird sickle weasel, was still waiting in front of the huge spirit stone, his whole body was still smooth, and he couldn't see any scars.

The bullets couldn't pierce the gust of wind lingering around the monster, and Dick Tudor's blade would be repelled by him before he could get close, and the proud Yan Ling was even more aggressive in front of the monster itself.

This is really restrained in all directions.

Caesar let out a sigh of relief, and loaded the Philosopher's Stone bullet called Burning Blood into the Desert Eagle. It was time to use this weapon, but it was also his last powerful weapon.

He needs to create a one-hit kill environment. If he fails, he will die without being buried. If he succeeds... Who knows if he will succeed?

The sickle weasel let out a roar like a baby crying, and an invisible gust of wind densely covered the surroundings of the crater. The monster waiting here gave Caesar a final warning, leave or die!

"I don't know if you will become as ugly as him in the future..."

Caesar raised his stinging right arm, smiled and said to his guardian spirit on his shoulder, the small weasel barked softly, as if sensing Caesar's intentions, jumped onto Diktodo .

In an instant, light green radiance wrapped around this expensive alchemy hunting knife, embellishing it with golden and green radiance patterns, attaching a powerful force to it!

But all of this comes at a price, and Caesar can feel that his mental power is being consumed at a burning speed. I don't know what I will become after burning out, is it a vegetable?

Without thinking too much, he raised his hunting knife horizontally and rushed towards the weasel in the crater like a Macedonian cavalry sprinting forward. Seeing that Caesar was so ungrateful, the weasel no longer held back his hands.

The bursting wind formed countless sharp wind blades beside Caesar that could not be detected by the naked eye, but in Caesar's eyes today, he could see the 'trajectories' of those winds!

His eyes had never been burning like today, burning like gold that had been ignited. Like a shuttle phantom, countless invisible wind blades passed by, and those who couldn't escape were smashed with a knife, approaching the front of the crater!

He roared and leaped forward, his highly concentrated mental power was burning like fire, the gorgeous wind blade in his right hand, and the desert eagle filled with burning blood in his left hand aimed at their targets.

The latter aimed at the huge spirit stone, and the former aimed at Kamaitachi's forehead!

The bullet burning the bones of the Dragon King escaped, and under the impetus of the flames, it attacked the huge spirit stone. The weasel madly rushed forward to block the path, and Caesar seemed to have been prepared for a long time. Holding the hunting knife back fiercely, he pounced on him like a wolf.

The blade pierced the weasel's chest, and the roaring bullets pierced through its body, burning and bursting! ! !

What happened next, Caesar didn't know anything. He only saw the shattered crystals under the blazing fire, the souls that had dispersed like light.


The battle between Angers and Uesugi Koshi has also come to an end.

As the strongest combination, they should have encountered the strongest monsters. The charge of the golden ghost cavalry that was pulled up by Genghis Khan after his rebirth could even be terrifyingly unparalleled on any battlefield.

But powerful ghosts will only succumb to stronger ghosts.

Facing a powerful enemy, Angers unprecedentedly chose to enter the third bloody stance.

This is an extremely dangerous behavior that has not been done for decades. Angers, who had already reached the peak of his bloodline, had undoubtedly crossed the borderline after the third burst of blood.

His figure is ferocious, his body is covered with scales, and sharp bone spurs grow out of his body. He is closer to a dragon than any dead waiter.

To be honest, Angers didn't make sure that he could turn back into a human after becoming such a posture. But even if he can't change back, he still has a matching 'Jie Wrong' by his side.

Armed with two knives, Anger, who was wielding the 'two-day first-class' like a frenzied giant, kept swinging the knives in the bloody storm, with more scars and corpses piled up under his feet.

Time Zero's ability was used to the extreme, as if time had pressed the pause button in front of him. Dozens of powerful half-blood cavalry fell in front of him one after another.

With blood so violent, Angers actually couldn't tell his own consciousness clearly.

This is probably what it feels like to be Deadpool. The clear consciousness in the past seems to be covered with an impenetrable veil, and the thoughts instilled in the brain have become beast-like instincts.


It was Uesugi Koshi's merciless punch that awakened Anger like this, a punch with the idea of ​​killing this bastard, and Anger finally woke up.

He looked at the corpses all over the floor, and at Uesugi Koshi beside him, Ange touched his glasses subconsciously, and said in a low voice


"No, it's not far away..." Uesugi let out a soft breath, in front of him was a huge double-faced giant like an ancient sculpture!

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