Nebula M78

Just by recording the first copy video, he can earn a lot of hits. Even if he died here, it would be a rebirth in line with the status of a great god!

Passing through the azure vortex, his consciousness seemed to fall into fragments for an instant.

When he woke up again, he was already in an ancient and dark ruined temple.

"here it is……"

Before he could react to where it was, a light screen appeared in front of him, and the characters on it indicated the mission this time.

"Participate in defeating and killing the demons in front of you, and get rewards based on performance (current progress: 0%)"

Several small fireballs flew over the wild boar Peggy's face, and he generally escaped these attacks. In the ruins in front of him, there were several imps holding stones and burning flames.

It seemed that that was the goal of the mission. Peggy the wild boar squeezed the knife in his hand excitedly, and jumped on it screaming.

Although the little ghosts moved very quickly and ran quickly after the birds and beasts dispersed, they were still caught up by the wild boar Peggy and took them all away with one knife.

The progress bar below has increased by 5%. Before he was happy, a huge figure rushed out of the black vortex in front of him.

With a sharp roar and bloody wind, the ax blade forged from the fel energy furnace slashed down fiercely, without even seeing clearly that the enemy's wild boar Peggy was directly chopped off the weapon in his hand by an axe, and the whole Everyone was blown out!

There is no blood bar in this game, but the slight pain from all over his body and the fact that he lost control in many places told him that he was seriously injured.

In front of him, the demon guard grinned and stepped forward to give him the final blow, while the wild boar Page could only despair at the last moment before he fell into a coma.

"Fuck, trash game..."

Before the consciousness was completely shattered, a blue vortex appeared behind the demon guard, and an undead knight holding this huge sword suddenly rushed out...

"Hey, it really depends on the cheaper one..."


Nebula M78

ps: ask for tickets every day! ! !

Chapter 72. Fallen Incarnation

"It seems to be still usable."

Listening to the voice of evaluation point income coming from the system in his mind, the corners of his mouth raised furiously, and he nodded slightly

It seems that even those players in the 'game' state can get direct evaluation points rewards if they are thrown into another world to do things.

But having said that, if they were to control the body of the cloned human beings to serve as pawns, the consumption would still be too high. For the purpose of saving costs, perhaps a relatively cheap project should be launched.

Although the 'reincarnation' into the clone of Orario is very cheap, considering that resources such as game settings are indeed relatively rare, they should not be wasted on this relatively cheap link.

In other is better to let those 'players' control the bodies of the monsters in the dungeon to do things.

Anyway, it was the dungeon that created the body of the dungeon monster, and it was Thanatos who performed the operation. This transaction can be said to be worthless. Of course it is possible to squeeze and erase the dungeon's magic essence.

However, that's not the point right now.

Fury shifted his gaze to the front, Rabbit, Tiger led, Raphne and Cassandra half-kneeled on the ground, behind a group of scarred heretics.

A total of forty heretics went to perform the mission, but less than twenty returned.

The damage is quite huge. After all, these dragon blood heretics have good strength. The most important thing is that they are loyal, obedient and intelligent. Such subordinates are precious resources.

Even if it is not too difficult to control their reincarnated heretics, it is still necessary to be careful and scarce these expensive human resources.

But... Although they lost a lot, they brought back treasures far exceeding the value of the damage.

"Master Lars, fortunately, he did not disgrace his life."

Rabbit half-knelt on the ground and offered a wooden table covered with red velvet cloth with both hands, on which was an emerald green gemstone.

This gemstone is about the size of a twelve or thirteen-year-old child's fist, but it is more like a transparent gemstone with a bright top shining than an emerald, with a miserable green color surging inside.

The miserable green brilliance is brewing in this gem. It is extremely concentrated and powerful evil energy. This energy full of chaos and destructive concepts surges in the gem, roaring at all times as if it wants to break free!

"The Eye of Sargeras..."

Fury picked up the miserable green treasure of the legion, and twirled it in front of his eyes. Looking at the tumbling and burning miserable green flames, he showed a satisfied smile on his face.

Although it is not one of the best treasures among the many treasures in Azeroth, it is definitely a treasure that Mu Feng would feel greedy for.

This gem is one of the treasures hoarded by the fallen titan Sargeras.

Of course, although it is called the Eye of Sargeras, it is obviously impossible for it to be the eye of the Fallen Titan. This is a precious fel gem treasured by the fallen titans. It contains a huge amount of fel energy. It was thrown by Sargeras on the body of the avatar he made as an energy supply.

It's just that because of his plan and the guardian Aegwynn, this gem didn't work and was taken away by Aegwynn. The Guardians were also afraid of the terrible fel energy in this gem, and placed it together with the Fallen Avatar in the Tomb of Sargeras.

This thing has no special function, it's just a pure fel energy container. But it contains so much evil energy that it can be called a strategic weapon.

In the plot of Warcraft 3, Illidan used this gem to bombard the Frozen Throne of Northrend under the instruction of Kil'jaeden. Even though the ceremony was interrupted and the entire endless sea was separated from most of the Northrend continent, this gem still cut off a piece of continent near the Icecrown Glacier.

If this thing is blasted out with all its strength, it may destroy the entire continent in one go.

Not to mention that the escaping evil energy can pollute the natural environment to the greatest extent, and it also has a corrupting effect on the spirit and body of creatures. The effect of destroying pollution is much more terrifying than nuclear radiation.

The size of the world of Azeroth is much larger than that of the earth. The size of Northrend alone is more than twice the size of Europe. If this thing is used well, it may be able to create a large-scale extinction.

good baby! But, not the best baby!

Of course, such treasures are obviously not used as simple weapons.

Fury put away the Eye of Sargeras and cast his gaze behind Cassandra.

It was a huge body, a titan bronze forged body exuding fel flames, a pair of huge sharp horns, and infinite fel energy and arcane radiating from the eyes!

This is, the embodiment of corruption.

The ultimate treasure of the copy of the Tomb of Sargeras, and one of the most precious treasures in Azeroth.

Although this thing is essentially just a fishing bait used by Sargeras to bypass Azeroth's defense net, it is still a terrifying container that can withstand Sargeras' power.

Moreover, although the Avatar of the Fallen looks like a simple statue with no technical content, it is still an autonomous machine life forged by Sargeras with mature and powerful Titan technology.

Just like the guardians of Ulduar or even exist at the same level, the only difference is that Sargeras did not place a thinking core inside, so the fallen avatar does not have the ability to think for itself.

But even so, it still has the ability to act autonomously.

It was a lucky coincidence that Cassandra and her party were able to get the Corrupted Avatar. Without Kil'jaeden and the over-corrupted guard maids, the Corrupted Avatar was not awakened to the self-discipline mechanism, otherwise none of this group of people would even want to come back alive!

"What a powerful body..."

Fury stepped down from the throne, put his hand on the body of the fallen incarnation, felt the extremely high temperature of the fel flames, and his eyes were filled with greed and longing.

This body is stronger than King Bai's, and more importantly, it doesn't have any self-thinking, so it's almost no difficulty to occupy him.

The unstoppable instinct in his furious heart yearned for a more powerful body, but he calmed down and swept this immature thinking deep into his brain.

Sooner or later he would swallow this incarnation of the titan, but not yet.

First of all, this White King's body is far from being fully digested, and it is very wasteful to replace the body before swallowing all its strength perfectly.

And even if the Fallen Avatar does not have a soul that can compete with itself for thinking ability, it is still a strange machine full of Titan technology and fel arcane inside.

It's not time to swallow it until I have fully studied fel energy and titan technology.

"For your hard work, this is your reward."

With a flick of his fingers, the golden white blood of the White King fell into the hands of every heretic. This drop of blood will help them further embark on the road of evolution and become stronger.

The Rabbits immediately resigned, but Cassandra and Daphne stayed.

"You two, stay in Azeroth for a while." Fury supported his head with one hand and smiled happily

"Protect Belle Cranney, his aptitude is better than I thought, hehe...the Mother of the Holy Light actually took a fancy to him."

"Also, since you are in the Broken Isles, you should stop by to find out about Ota's situation. I'm curious as to what that pigman has done."


"Accept your fate, child. The Legion of the Light is where you belong."

"The fate here is doomed, and you cannot change the doomed future of those people."

"Stormwind City will fall, it is destiny. If the world is to be saved, if the prophecy is to be fulfilled, this city must be destroyed!"

"Shut up!!!!"

Bell opened his eyes and roared, the burning anger that erupted from this cowardly boy at this moment made his face look a bit hideous

He half-kneeled in front of a cross, wearing a silver-white armor, and what he was holding beside him was no longer the usual dagger, but a heavy warhammer and holy deed.

The handsome boy turned into a handsome young man.

He is now a paladin.

During the year of living in Stormwind City, Bell almost forgot that he came from Orario. And he also underwent the baptism of Archbishop Fao half a year ago and became a glorious paladin.

In other words, he was actually a priest. Before Archbishop Fao was determined to train a warrior full of glory, Bell, who was baptized and awakened to the Holy Light, was just a priest wearing armor.

In fact, Bell himself does not have the qualifications to awaken the Holy Light.

Even in the human kingdom, the belief in the Holy Light is an out-and-out orthodox belief, but awakening as a priest still requires an extremely devout belief and an oath to serve the Holy Light Sect for life.

Bell didn't believe in the Holy Light, he wasn't even a believer, he shouldn't and couldn't awaken the Holy Light, but it turned out to be.

Bell always remembered that day, maybe it was just a joke, or maybe it was just that Lothar heard that Bell hadn't been baptized, so he invited his friend Archbishop Fao to baptize his adopted son.

However, during the baptism ceremony, Bell burst out with a talent for the Holy Light that no one could have imagined.

It was extremely pure, extremely sacred, a pure golden holy light that even Archbishop Faol had rarely seen.

Such Bell is undoubtedly eligible to be canonized as the Holy Son, but when Archbishop Fao proposed to take him to the Holy Light's Hope Chapel, Bell refused.

He has never forgotten his mission, and he has never forgotten where he came from.

He didn't want to watch Stormwind fall.

A year has passed, none of his 'teammates' came back, and even Bell almost forgot about them. But he always remembers the 'plot' that those people told him

Stormwind City will fall to the hands of orcs, Ryan will also die here, Lothar will take Varian and the people of Stormwind City to flee to Lordaeron, the ending of the first orc war will end in this way.

Bell tried his best to change this result, but sometimes even if you know the future, the iron general trend makes you powerless.

Moreover, since the awakening of the Holy Light, there is always a voice called Zela whispering to him in Bell's mind.

This self-proclaimed Mother of Light kept brainwashing Bell, telling him that he should accept his fate, that he should go to the Holy Light Legion, and that he should sit and watch the fall of Stormwind City.

Because only this is in line with the prophecy, in line with the ultimate "good ending"

Bale rarely hated a person or thing, but he swore he hated Zela more than anything else. Maybe she is the source of his own strength, but that dazzling golden brilliance makes her feel more and more filthy the more she looks at it.

"Bell! Father and Uncle Lothar are looking for you."

Some carefree voices sounded beside Bell, and a heroic young man patted Bell's shoulder armor, looking enviously at this peer who was slightly older than himself but had received the blessing of the Holy Light.

"I'll go right away, Your Highness Varian." Bell raised his head, a golden light passed through his eyes, and he said wearily

"As I said, just call me Varian, it looks like you can finally go to the battlefield to kill those disgusting green-skinned orcs!" Varian waved his fist

"'s exciting."


Nebula M78

ps: ask for tickets every day!

Chapter 73. Ota's Journey

Ota is a brave fighter.

He worships, respects, and serves the great goddess Freya. He swears to dedicate loyalty and courage to the god o and satisfy all her requests.

So when Ota appeared in this dangerous world and faced countless dangers, Ota resolutely chose to face the difficulties.

In order to dedicate the legendary ballad of otherworldly adventures to the most honorable goddess Freya, Otta abandoned all methods to spend the journey easily, and launched an impact towards the most dangerous challenge.

Therefore, the task that Mu Feng assigned to him was undoubtedly a great challenge, the ultimate challenge that few even the warriors of Azeroth could complete.

Collect the Pillars of Creation.

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