In a few breaths, Bell crossed the formation of hundreds of meters. In the ever-shrinking distance, he raised his silver hand and threw it heavily!

The Titan Artifact mixed with Arcane Thunder and the power of the Holy Light was like a heavy shell, bombarding heavily in the artillery line.

With the bang and the explosive sound that made everything pale, the stubborn front was torn open. The rows of shield arrays were instantly torn apart!

Bell took the reins and jumped high, fell into the enemy formation, instantly pulled up the silver hand on the ground, and then began the glorious slaughter!

"The Holy Light is with us!"

Baer wielded a war hammer like a thunderstorm, tearing up these servants of the God of War, and his glorious posture was like that of the God of War!

"And the Son of Light is with us!"

The lightforges who went into battle waved the weapons wrapped in holy light in their hands with a more fanatical attitude, and the shining golden brilliance was exactly the same as the holy light on Bell.

This fanatical belief is the body and soul they reshaped in the light casting ceremony, and finally even their thinking is biased towards the proof of Bell Cranney!

In their minds, the existence of Bell Clowney has surpassed the gods they once believed in. Become a higher, more able to win the object of their fanatical worship.

And perhaps because of this, they often gain stronger strength and belief when fighting with Bell. The closer you are to the holy light of the idol, the more power you can exert!

Bell didn't say anything, he acquiesced to all this. After being cast by the light, Bell changed a lot.

Sometimes, they often do some unscrupulous things to achieve their goals. It's not impossible to make a bad process for a good result...

There are many forms of justice, but only victorious justice is true justice. Winners and losers, losers have no justice at all!

"Bell? Clooney!!!"

At this moment, among the two groups of monsters fighting fiercely, a scarlet and crazy warrior came out howling.

Kahn Crozo, the champion of Ares!

Compared with the last meeting, this crazy warrior has changed a lot. He grew larger and wore another suit of armor, carved of brass forged from the Wailing Hound.

Casting flames and spraying blood, the chain saw ax in his hand was also replaced with a terrifying long sword. The alien-like blade is covered with all kinds of mourning faces, and as he swings, there will be piercing howls in the air!

Bell took advantage of the situation to fight against Kahn, and the silver hand of the roaring thunder and the more powerful holy light collided with the alien sword in Kahn's hand, bursting out dazzling brilliance!

Kahn is stronger than last time we met, and Bale even more so!

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The light casting ritual changed his fragile and soft human body, allowing the power closer to the essence of the holy light to reshape his body.

Although it is still the posture of a human being, it can no longer be described by human standards. He is the moving light, the walking miracle!

"I want to hunt your skull!!!"

Kahn's crazy and sharp howls have not changed in any way compared to before, and the threatening words of the God of War believers are always so stereotyped.

"I will purify your skull with holy light and hang it on the city gate of Orario!"

Bell's threats are also very simple. The only unusual thing is that when he said the threatening words, he still looked calm and calm.

The warhammer and the long sword collided thousands of times in an instant, and the molten fire, the holy light, and the scattered thunder tore apart the 100-meter-long battlefield!

Behind Kahn, Aljana, who was leading the Scarlet Valkyrie to hunt, swooped down suddenly, and the point of the cursed lady's spear pointed at Bell's chest!

Belcroni's skull is the most valuable, even the only valuable thing on this battlefield! Even if she is also favored by the God of War, Aljana will win this honor for Kali!

Just when Aljana attacked like a swooping night owl, those Lightcasters instantly rushed up to her without fear of death.

"Don't try to disturb the battle of the Son of Light!!!"

The fanatical lightcasters brandished their holy light weapons, summoning the holy light to instantly surround Aljana, and the blood god's bride was also entangled and unable to escape, so they could only fight with these fanatical lightcasters in an angry roar. Those who fight together.

The battle between Kahn and Bell is extremely exciting, and they are heroes and gods in the camp. Their terrifying battle seems to be tearing up the earth and reshaping the ancient myth!

"A believer in a false god! A cowardly anointed one! A raised lamb! Let me bring you the truth, the truth of this world!!!" Kahn frantically swung his sword, howling like blowing through the abyss and canyon the squall.

"The future of mankind will never be a manic lunatic like you."

Bell said softly, but suddenly raised his left hand

In pure hand-to-hand combat against an enemy as powerful as Kahn, it is not rational to suddenly let go of a hand holding a weapon. But that's what he did, without warning, out of the blue.

And at the moment when he made such an abrupt behavior, the clouds in the sky just dispersed, and a ray of holy light shot towards the scorching sun in the sky, mixed with a ray of sunlight shining down, and suddenly shot into Kahn's eyes!

The dazzling light at that moment was so strong that even Kahn squinted his eyes in the dazzling moment. But it was this moment of negligence that Bell seized the opportunity!

The war hammer with raging holy light and flashing thunder was fiercely imprinted on Kahn's chest, the solid armor on his chest suddenly shattered, and he himself was beaten dozens of meters away like a dead dog. Fell to death in the pothole.

"It's definitely not what you look like, our future."


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ps: Ask for tickets every day, this volume will end tomorrow

Chapter 118. The Final Moment

Dungeon, Level 99, Blackest Abyss

This is a level that no one has ever reached. It is the deepest secret of the dungeon that even the Zeus and Hera families who have explored the deepest have never known.

There will not be any monsters produced here. If the dungeon is compared to a huge living body, then this extremely black abyss is the 'stomach bag'

Countless civilizations and everything on the earth are swallowed by the bloody mouth of the underground city, and then enter here, where life and soul are decomposed into magic essence, and finally discharged to every corner of the world.

That's how it should be.

But the existence of God O broke the healthy positive cycle of the dungeon, and this duty was supposed to decompose the extremely black abyss that emits magic essence, so its function has been changed.

Now, here is the 'brood nest'

This is the focus of the reincarnation of all monsters in the dungeon—every dead monster, their remaining magic essence and soul will return here, and after reincarnation, they will be thrown into the upper layer of the dungeon and reincarnated as new monsters.

In a sense, this place is the 'root of all evil' in this world

Furious, walking in this absolutely dark abyss at this moment.

As the name suggests, there is no light, no sound, no front, back, left, and right, only absolute silence and darkness.

Stay here for a while, and you will soon lose your five senses, then your sense of time, then, you will collapse, and finally, you will commit suicide.

There is no need for any monsters and terrifying traps, this absolute darkness will make everyone who steps here fall into a state of despair.'s not absolutely 'quiet' here

When Fury closes his eyes, closes his five senses, and 'listens' with his soul, he will hear the faint, imperceptible, beating sound of his heart.

once, twice, once, twice

Calm and rhythmic, as if the heart of this dungeon is beating somewhere, calm and rhythmic...

"This damn place makes me feel terrible!" Thanatos complained dissatisfied

"I thought you, as the god of death, would like this kind of 'quiet' place very much." Fury looked at the god of death with great interest, and smiled maliciously

"My job is to guide death, but it doesn't mean I like this kind of place!"

"Then, how does His Majesty the God of Death feel about spying on the secrets of the dungeon?"

"Feelings?" Thanatos pondered for a moment, shook his head and said

"How do I feel? The secret here is nothing, why should I care about him?"

That's right, for the gods who are fighting each other in the heavenly realm and wielding their powerful divine power all the time, the secret of the dungeon is really nothing.

If it is a god who is interested in the lower realm and is full of love for the children of the lower realm, he may be shocked and guilty of the fact that they indirectly caused the disaster in the lower realm.

But these gods definitely did not include Thanatos. The original god of death was only interested in dead souls, and he didn't care whether the lower world was destroyed or not in their game.

That's why Fury brought him down—this out-and-out, bastard, evil Reaper will detonate the final bomb with his own hands.

"Come, Your Majesty Thanatos, pour your divine power into the abyss, and return to the sky!"

Looking at Thanatos expectantly

"Why should I agree to you? Agreeing to this request is of no benefit to me—and will cause me to be deported back to the heavens?" Thanatos crossed his arms and said with great interest.

"Because it will cause a lot of people to die." Furious and joyful smile

"The 'moment of appointment' of the dungeon is right in front of us, but if a little stimulation is applied to it, then this last time will also be taken away—the dungeon will open the final moment of extinction."

"This may not be a bad thing for the creatures in the lower realms, because as long as they can get through the difficulties safely, they will be safe forever—of course, if they can't get through, it's nothing more than a matter of restarting the game."

"But no matter what, under the crown of Thanatos, you will have the opportunity to harvest a large number of souls, whitewash countless dead, and appreciate their pure white moments!"

"You can really talk." Thanatos' amethyst-like eyes were full of joy

Just like what Fury said, he has fun regardless of success or failure in this matter-at least death starting with tens of millions is enough for him to spend a long, long time in the heaven...

Reaper reaps souls, but Reaper also creates death. Grim Reaper is the God of Death, not a manager. God of death, do whatever you want!

Thanatos slowly opened his hands, and in an instant, he untied the shackles of Uranus that existed on his body.

A turbulent and desperate death aura spread over his body, and a scythe made of dry bones instantly appeared in his hand, filled with the breath of black death.

"Then, let's start the riot."

When the shackles of Uranus were about to bounce him back to the sky, Thanatos laughed wildly, and swung his knife heavily at the dark abyss below!

A large number of magic essence and souls that started reincarnation here were cut off, and the authority of the god of death obliterated every soul waiting to be reincarnated in this extremely black abyss.

Fury could hear it, the sound of the heartbeat slowed down for an instant, and then... it began to jump like a drum!

soul! Countless souls! Squeezed in this abyss of despair, countless years, the souls of countless years began to riot!

The dungeon is angry, and the existence of the god o can no longer be tolerated—at this moment, either the dungeon will return to nothing, or the god o will get out of here!

Not only the Tower of Babel, the sea of ​​trees, the Dragon Valley, but also the countless hidden and unopened 'entrances' that exist on this ground will completely fall into riots.

Unprecedented waves of monsters that are countless times stronger than the disaster a thousand years ago are about to sweep across the earth, completing the work of the ultimate scavenger given by the world consciousness.

Laughing furiously and opening his arms, the world is about to undergo a reshuffle of death, and he will witness all this from the closest audience.

This will bring him countless inspirations, a lot of joy, the dance of death, the moments when lives wither are as dazzling as their births!

Now, the world is shaking.


"Blunt losers are worthless, Kahn, you're worthless."

When Kahn was smashed into the breastplate by Bell's war hammer containing thunder and holy light, and fell like a prodigal dog in the huge crater, an arrogant and cold voice came from his mind.

And just as Arrogance said, Kahn suddenly felt the calmness of his brain. The voice that kept roaring in his head all the time...disappeared.

Arrogance shut the butcher's nails in his head, and he could no longer feel that constant rage, never to be caught in that rage forever.

He... can rest in peace.

"No! No!!! No, I can still fight!!!"

Kahn screamed and growled, panicking like a child who has lost something he loves.

He once hated the anger in his head and cursed the torment of this endless battle, but when he lost the source of endless anger, he felt great panic and emptiness.

He was a warrior who chose anger and hatred. This is not only his comfort zone, but also the dependence and longing of his soul.

Endless anger, endless fighting, when he got used to all these, he couldn't do without...

"Very well, then, you have one last chance."

The arrogant and cold voice came to an end, followed by a teleportation gate with jumping arcs and thunder that opened beside Kahn!

On the other side of the door, is connected to the thinking world of Ares, which is full of blood and death, like a mixture of bad things in the world.

The scarlet blessing landed on Kahn.

That is the blessing of Ares! But it is not pure divine power. The source of the blessing is undoubtedly the divine power scattered in the world of consciousness by Ares, but what refracts and converts it is the arrogance holding the Stone of Reality.

On the other hand, the scarlet demon army who was fighting with those demonized legions, and those summoned fantasy demons and monsters all disappeared like bubbles in summer.

Under the rules of Uranus, the power that each god is allowed to project into the world is limited-even if it is a tricky way, the gods are not allowed to interfere excessively.

Kahn roared in pain, his flesh and blood were melted and destroyed under this blessing, and what was reshaped was a distorted demon that relied on reality instead of reality!

The scarlet and huge body stood tall, and the scarlet dragon wings extended from behind him, covered with skulls and swords.

His face is a twisted and painful dog face, but with huge twisted horns! In his left hand he holds a magnified sword in Karn's hand, while in his right he holds a flaming whip.

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