Galakrond, the father of dragons, the king of the ancient ancestor dragons, and the ancestor of the later five-color dragon army.

To be honest, he is not as powerful as imagined.

In Azeroth, giant dragons are not native species, but transformed species that have been empowered by the guardians. Before being transformed, they were like the proto-dragons.

They are the most primitive dragons. Without the wisdom and power of the dragons, they are just ordinary beasts, degenerate descendants of the iron-banded proto-dragons created by the titan guardians in Uldurne.

They prey on other animals to feed themselves. But for some unexplained reason, some dragons have a certain amount of intelligence and can communicate in primitive languages, and these dragons are the original dragons.

Five-color Dragon King and a small number of their fellow clans, and according to later speculation, this may be some kind of influence of the ancient gods.

The Curse of Flesh turned the hard titan creations into weak flesh and blood, but it also endowed the tools of these titans with the possibility of civilization.

The Proto-Dragon, which is the source of Azeroth's biomass, also degenerated from the Man of Steel, and it is only natural for it to have wisdom and language after further degeneration.

Among these proto-dragons affected, Galakrond is undoubtedly the one most affected.

Unlike other proto-dragons, Galakrond has relatively high intelligence and strength, and his size is hundreds of times that of ordinary proto-dragons. Although his large mouth could swallow a full-grown protosaurus in one gulp, he still ate fish and other land creatures.

The other proto-dragons were only terrified of his size and strength, but got along just fine. But until one day, Galakrond's body was eroded by the power of the ancient gods, and he also began to devour his own kind in madness.

But he didn't devour his own kind to eat them. The Dragonfather swallowed those proto-dragons. Galakrond would vomit out all the proto-dragons that were eaten after a period of time.

Those proto-dragons began to move after being sucked out of all the life aura by Galakrond and spit out, becoming new dead dragons, or undead dragons. This group of undead dragons not only have a strong desire to attack other proto-dragons, but the proto-dragons bitten by them will also be dominated by this bloodthirsty desire, attacking other proto-dragons, and even eating other proto-dragons.

So in fact, the power interfering with Galakrond is not only the ancient gods, but also the power from the Shadow Realm.

Galakrond's strength has been improved by leaps and bounds, from a simple beast to a crazy monster.

So much so that in the subsequent war, Tyr, the king of order, led the later five-color dragon king to fight Galakrond. Tire himself was bitten off by a hand, and in the end, the father of the dragon was killed by Ma. Lygos choked to death on a stone thrown down his throat.

Yes, the way it died was extremely funny, making it look like a clown-but the problem is that a dead Galakrond is far more terrifying than a living one.

His body was corroded by the power of the void, so even after ten thousand years of death, he continued to grow power. And his soul was enriched by the anima of the Shadow Realm, so that ten thousand years of time made his soul stronger.

Most importantly, Galakrond is almost perfect for any form of power.

In the story of Hearthstone, which is different from Warcraft, "interpreted" from another angle, Galakrond awakened by the thief king Rafaam is the best example of the adaptability of the power of the ancestor dragon king.

'Covering the sky and the sun, the nightmare comes' Choose Galakrond, the shadow dragon father of shadow power

'The waves are raging and the rain is pouring' chose Galakrond, the father of elemental dragons with elemental power

'Unstoppable, Unbreakable' chose to make Iron and Gunpowder's Armored Dragonfather Galakrond

'Endless Legion, Hear My Command' chose Galakrond, the demon dragon father of fel power

‘You can’t imagine my existence, give in to madness’ Galakrond, the ancient dragon father who chose to surrender completely to the void

The Galakrond awakened by each different power can almost 100% adapt to its power and obtain unimaginable strengthening!

The perfect body of the ancestor dragon father is a rare and precious treasure even by the standards of the legion.

To wake him up in order to give the people of the earth a kind of 'vigilance' is a bit of a waste.

But that's why it's worth reassuring!

The power of Galakrond will bring trembling bells to the bald eagle and the whole world!

Tell them there are things in this world that their science cannot explain, tell them they are never alone on this earth!

"Wake up, Galakrond!!!"


ps: ask for tickets every day!

19. Dragon Wars

Dragonbone Wilderness, the birthplace and homeland of the giant dragon army, is located in the center of the Northrend continent, and is the area with the most dragons in and out of this world.

But now, the skies here are filled with fel light.

Burning fel fire covered the clouds that filled the sky, and demons that burst forth from the many corners of this endless frozen land brought great trouble to the dragonflight!

Fury chose a good time to attack the dragon army. You must know that these dragons are very capable of fighting in their own territory. It is definitely not wise to rashly awaken Galakrond.

The time point chosen by Fury was during the Second Orc War.

The Red Dragon Queen, Alexstrasza, was conspired by Deathwing, and was imprisoned and enslaved by the chief of the Dragonmaw Clan, Zuluhed, with the Demon Soul. It can be said that this period of time was the weakest time for the Red Dragon Army .

The most troublesome of the five-color dragon army is the red dragon army. Compared with the withered blue dragon, which is about to die, the black dragon who is also about to die, the bronze dragon who loves and kills with himself, and the obsessed dreams must be maintained most of the time. The green dragons and red dragons there are the only remaining main force of the dragon army at this stage.

Among other things, as a group of life-binders, the number of red dragons is really scary. In a sense, the total number of red dragons is even greater than that of all the remaining dragons. All together must be huge.

As long as most of the Red Dragon's power is restrained, and even the mainstay of the legion like Krasus spends time saving the Queen, the Dragon Legion is at its weakest.

At this time, Galakrond was revived, and they were powerless to stop it.

"Damn—why did demons come to Northrend at this point in time?!"

Pale golden dragon's breath spewed out from Chromie's mouth, instantly turning a destroyer in front of him into dust, and seeing the demon that came out of every crack, Chromie screamed in disbelief

Could it be that the Eternal Dragon is making trouble again?

But what a joke! No matter how crazy those eternal dragons are, it shouldn't be even more impossible to cooperate with the giant dragons!

Every Eternal Dragon is a crazy bronze dragon, and no matter what, the dragons are also dragons. The Eternal Dragons change history in order to protect Azeroth. They will never cooperate with demons!

The most outrageous thing the Eternal Dragon has ever done was to try to kill Medivh who opened the portal to Draenor - but that was also protecting Azeroth!

"Stop complaining there, we must find the real culprit behind all this."

The blue dragon Telegosa turned a group of screaming mephits into ashes with his powerful dragon breath, and the spell constructed by his hands was also completed in an instant. kill.

But it still didn't work, the demons still seemed endless!

This is the terrifying place of the Burning Legion, they are powerful, they are brutal, but more importantly, their numbers are endless!

Relying on the power of the death titan Argus, the death of these demons is nothing more than returning to Argus to be reborn. The power of the shadow world is completely unable to restrain the demons and the souls killed by the demons, just like the footman ran away after being hacked to death. Death cannot Cut their numbers!

"Damn it, haven't you found the coordinates of the portal yet?!"

"I'm looking for!"

Kalecgos' embarrassed answerer, he was almost whipped off by a succubus just now. He activated his perception magic to find the coordinates of the Burning Legion's portal.

This is the only way to fight against the legion. Only by cutting off the gates of these demons to this world can the tide of destruction be temporarily cut off.

"Found it!" the green dragon Isendre excitedly said, but then the dragon's face suddenly changed color.

"The teleportation point is in Dragonbone Wilderness—dammit, they're waking up Galakrond?!"

"It seems that those lizards seem to be aware of it."

Fury slowly opened his eyes, looked at the towering Wyrmrest Temple at the far end, and said with a sneer

"They won't have the energy to get involved here." Prince Makzaar said in a low voice

"Unless they don't care about their own temple or their holy land, but if that's the case... just leave it to me!"

"If necessary, I will summon Kazak." Fury said lightly

Prince Maczaar is a powerful demon, and among the eredar with a large number of legions, no one who can win the title of "prince" is by no means an easy person.

But in a place like Azeroth, you can never be too careful.

This is the place favored by fate, the place where the legion is destined to fall into the sand, where countless fates converge to lead to the legion's failure.

Even though Kil'jaeden had eliminated the spies within the Legion, Fury still felt that perhaps everything that was about to happen here was still leaked out...

"The corruption of the bones has been completed, and the next step is to reshape the flesh and blood."

Markzaar was very smart not to continue on this topic, but pointed to the corpse of Galakrond who was sleeping in the canyon to report the progress of the work.

Galakrond's bones were eroded and corrupted by the void, and even after tens of thousands of years, the power of the void immersed in the bones still did not dissipate. The corpse was bred by the void, and the continuous filling with evil energy was to change the void into evil energy.

As for the resurrection of his flesh and blood, it is even simpler. This is the Dragon Bone Wilderness, and the number of giant dragons and proto-dragons buried here for thousands of years is countless.

The flesh and blood of the same bloodline is suitable for reshaping Galakrond's former body.

"Fresh and tender flesh and blood, dedicated to the dragon lord!"

Fury made a joke that no one here is destined to understand.


"Gap demon! You violated our agreement!"

In an unremarkable Taoist temple in the inner city of Lin'an, the capital of Australia and Song Dynasty, the dark cracks full of eyeballs were pulled open here, like a vortex full of suction, and the person who was sucked into it was an old Taoist with white hair and childlike face.

His lower body was almost completely trapped in the crack, and even so he was still struggling, pinching with his left hand and sword fingering with his right, hundreds of golden sword energy covered the blond-haired monster sage in front of him

"Do you want to go to war, evildoer?! Then go to war!"

The furious old Taoist is obviously a person who hates monsters very much, especially such a monster who hastily tore up the peace agreement between them

When Gensokyo was first established, there was an agreement with most of the mysterious powerhouses who were reclusive among humans. They would not interfere with Yakumo Zi’s passive hidden behavior and would not interfere with Gensokyo. Similarly, the monsters there would also Don't take the initiative to provoke the world.

More than a thousand years have passed since the agreement so far, and the strong human beings who still existed and are alive from that era have long since disappeared.

Either the deadline has come, or he left this world before the "Jie Tian Di Tong" before the present world was completely cut off from other planes decades ago, and completely lost his whereabouts.

Speaking of it, this can be regarded as the background of Daoxiaomochang.

"I'm not interested in you, I just want to invite you to Gensokyo as guests." Yakumo Zi waved her folding fan, talking nonsense that she didn't even believe

"I don't touch any of your disciples, don't worry. I just want to invite you old people to take refuge with me temporarily-trust me, I am good to you."

"Pro, Bing, Dou, Zhe, All, Array, Row, In Front! Dawei Tianlong!!!"

Responding to Yakumo Zi was a golden roaring divine dragon attacking. Although the head of Lou Guan Dao was just a substitute for his daily promotion, he still had two brushes.

Even Zi Yakumo was a little timid in the face of this evil dragon, so he decisively took out the thing he borrowed from Yongeongting from the gap.

It was a shining precious jade, a dragon neck jade, attached to the moon princess's ability to control eternity and instant.

The shining precious jade instantly covered the golden evil dragon, and the unstoppable light that tore everything apart was infinitely slowed down by the power of time.

Although only a few moments, but enough.

On the contrary, the gap that swallowed the old Taoist suddenly accelerated the swallowing speed, with an unwilling roar and roar, the old Taoist was instantly swallowed by the gap.

And without the support of the caster, the evil dragon quickly dissipated, and after all this was done, Yakumo Zi still had a gloomy look on his face.

This is not dealing with the enemy, she just threw the old Taoist to Gensokyo.

Throwing an old Taoist who exorcises demons to Gensokyo full of monsters and anomalies—oh no, not just one, but many.

It is true that for big monsters like Yakumo Zi and the others, these strong human beings who are still in this world are basically no match for them-but they are not afraid, which does not mean that those little monsters are not afraid.

Although he has entrusted his shikigami Yakumo Lan to appease these guys, Yakumo Zi doesn't think it will be of much use if he compares his heart with his heart.

What's more, the other party was not hidden by Yakumo Zishen at all, and was not under the jurisdiction of Fuli's Great Barrier at all. I also knew that Gensokyo might be in trouble this time...

Maybe, after a long absence, a few monsters will really die.

But there is no way, Yakumo Zi can only choose the one with the less damage in the case of the lesser of two evils.

She sighed faintly, and only hoped that after this incident, the King of Man would really not bother them.

This era really does not belong to their forgotten things...

But it's not a bad thing at all. If the human king can do things well, maybe they monsters, gods and the like will have the chance to return to this side of life again.

That little sanctuary is beautiful, but if possible, who wouldn't want to live in the sun aboveboard?

"Hey, let's go find the next one."

20. Burn the world to rule the ashes

As the new head of the Bald Eagle, Sleepy Bridge is undoubtedly a standard Democratic politician compared to the previous Trump who loved and was good at messing around.

What is a Democratic politician? It means stabbing a knife in the back with a smiling face on the surface, allocating funds to foreign countries for peaceful evolution, talking nicely, but secretly attacking more ruthlessly than anyone else.

The Democrats are too good at dealing with Cold War situations.

Whether it's the famous Franklin Roosevelt, or Harry S. Truman, the President of the "Truman Doctrine" who established the foundation of the Bald Eagle's current global hegemony, they all came from the Democratic Party!

Well, in fact, the ultimate goal of the president of any party is the same, it is nothing more than a matter of formal principles.

As for the mushroom that bloomed in the capital of the baseball country, Sleepy Bridge's response was also very democratic.

While posting condolences, emphasizing that this is a humanitarian disaster, and expressing that they will help them get out of this predicament, Barabara, at the same time allocate money all over the world to pour dirty water on the opposite side. It's a fake product.

Of course, his way of coping is also much more ingenious than his predecessor's - if it were his predecessor, he would either clamor for 'hit and hit' or start playing the accordion.

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