"Did you win?"

Kalecgos on the side shouted so excitedly, but a scene that made them desperate happened.

Kazak roared and raised the Dragon King's Battle Blade, and the power of the five-color dragon attached to it took effect instantly.

The roaring ground attached to his body, providing him with a powerful response. Time slows down the bombardment of the Focusing Iris, dreams turn reality into falsehood, magic interferes with the magic of the Focusing Iris, and the power of life makes Kazak stronger.

After doing all this, Kazak flew up directly against the essence of the Focusing Rainbow that was bombarded, and bathed in the huge magic power, but he acted as if he was taking a bath.

"Fragility! Stupid! Ignorant lizard!"

Kazak laughed wildly and grabbed Sapphiron's neck. During the struggle and roar of General Blue Dragon, the green magic fire ignited in his palm instantly covered Sapphiron's whole body.

In the stern roar, the huge blue dragon turned into a large pile of fel ashes in an instant, and the power of the dragon overflowing from Sapphiron made the dragon king's blade in Kazak's hand become become stronger.

The grief and indignation of the death of their companions made these young dragons more cautious, and they finally understood that they were definitely not Kazak's opponents.

"Not enough, not enough! You lizards are mine!"

Kazak laughed wildly and rushed forward brandishing his war blade, while Chromie, who had been working hard to crack the Sands of Time, was suddenly stunned.

In that split second, she observed a future, a strange... future.

The future that is seen doesn't necessarily come true, but observations of fate always play a role. Especially... this kind of moment.

"it's time!"

After summoning Kazak to bind all the dragons, Fury is ready for the last process!

Galakrond's body has been awakened, but his spirit is still lingering, and he needs to be injected with new energy to awaken his life.

Furious raised the Sargeras scepter in his hand, and directly exploded the entire Draenor artifact in Ner'zhul's hands, emitting dazzling evil light!

Fury directly reached into his body, using the Eye of Sargeras that had absorbed more than half of the evil energy as a source of energy.

"No, stop!!!" Pay attention to the green dragon Isoldere roaring angrily

"It's too late, he's about to reappear in the world!"

Laughing furiously, he threw the Eye of Sargeras at the corpse emitting the radiance of fel energy, and then raised the scepter of Sargeras, a green ray of fel energy hit the Eye of Sargeras directly!

Under the bombardment of the Scepter of Sargeras, the gem wrapped in pure fel energy began to release extremely pure fel energy to Galakrond. In an instant, the burst caused by the rich fel energy instantly filled the entire Dragonbone Wilderness!

Under the catalysis of evil energy, Galakrond's body began to complete its rebirth quickly, and the soul of the father of the dragon roared and got into this fel gem—and just as the resurrection was about to be completed, everything around The time and space in the world suddenly froze.

The invisible and colorless sands of time enveloped the entire Dragonbone Wilderness, allowing this piece of earth, which was corrupted by evil energy, to stay forever at the moment before its destruction.


Furious raised his head, the next visitor was an unexpected and reasonable guy

The golden body is surrounded by the gravel of time, and the eyes under the crown-like dragon horns imply the profound meaning of time.

Nozdormu, Lord of Time

The bronze dragon king unexpectedly temporarily got rid of himself who had been killing each other with him at the end of time, and arrived here to stop the rage.

"No one can overturn the established destiny."

Nozdormu's voice is ethereal and reverberating. The Lord of Time who is fighting with the eternal dragons at every time node is the most transparent existence in Azeroth.

Granted the power of time by Aman'Thul, the great lord of the gods, he sees into the future of Azeroth. He even saw Deathwing's betrayal and the fall of Dragon Soul, but he... didn't change anything.

Many people think that the craziest of the Aspects is Deathwing, who chooses the side of corruption and the void, but in fact, it is the Lord of Time who seems to be the wisest and calmest.

Because I have seen the end of all things, I don't care about any existence around me. The same family, the same kind, everything is good, but it is part of the flow of the long river of time.

"Really? But how can you stop me alone, Observer."

Laughing furiously and mockingly, the Bronze Dragon claimed to be the defender of time, but the embarrassing thing was that they were actually not that powerful.

The ability of bronze dragons to travel through the timeline comes from the gift of Aman'Thul, and only those who become time guardians can have the ability to travel through the timeline—and once they try to go against the past, they will degenerate into crazy eternal dragons, Then engage in a never-ending carnage with yourself.

Therefore, the ability of the bronze dragons to maintain the timeline can only be carried out from the present, and they can't do anything to go back to the past and kill a young person to obliterate him now.

Moreover, the most special history of Azeroth will not be rewritten. There are no established parallel universes in the world of host star souls. Those universes are just possibilities that can be observed. Only the future can be changed, and the past is There is no way to change it.

They can't even change the past of Outland, they can only use the artifact time to travel to Draenor in the parallel world to complete a self-deceiving rewriting of history.

"A bastard who colludes with the devil and is willing to degenerate!!!"

A maddened voice sounded in the back of Fury's head amidst the anger, he turned his head, and it was an old and huge blue dragon soaring in the sky

Spellweaver Malygos

And as the door to the Emerald Dream was opened, the beautiful green dragon spread its wings and soared high. Needless to say, its identity was Ysera, Queen of Dreams.

"There are still two people missing, isn't it?" Furious was not nervous at all, but laughed loudly

"Oh, by the way, Her Majesty the Queen will definitely not be able to come. After all, her terrible situation is a fate that must be endured, Lord Time. Then, the fourth one should also be here, right?"

Furious turned around, passed through the barrier of the Sands of Time, and walked into it was a handsome, mature and elegant middle-aged nobleman in a black dress.

"Earl Prestor, or should I call you..."

"Deathwing, Neltharion"

22. King of four-color dragons

"It's been a long time, my brothers and sisters."

Neltharion, incarnate as Earl Prestor, looked at the three guardian dragons flying in the sky gracefully and happily, his smile could not conceal the madness in those eyes

"I'll deal with you when I deal with the lackeys of this legion!"

Malygos stared at Neltharion, roaring with suppressed hatred and madness

They, these giant guardian dragons shouldn't have appeared here, and they shouldn't have the possibility of 'unity' in the first place.

Nozdormu should be trapped in the end of time where he and himself are fighting each other, Ysera should be trapped in the depths of the dream corrupted by N'Zoth, Malygos should be brewing in the Nexus to destroy Aize Lars Magic's crazy plan, and Neltharion should be busy calculating Alexstrasza at this time.

But now, they are all here, except for a red dragon queen who can't escape because of the extremely important node of the 'plot', the guardian dragons are gathered together.

Such an action is undoubtedly an act that seriously undermines the course of Azeroth's history, but Nozdormu did it anyway because he had to.

Not only does he want to maintain the history of Azeroth, but many forces hidden under the sea are also unwilling to see an extremely major change in the history of Azeroth.

So a ray of light helped Nozdormu hold back the maddened Mzdorno in the end of time, and the icy death that spread in the rift leading to the Shadowlands on the Frozen Throne freed Ysera from the clutches of N'Zoth Suddenly freed, Malygos was directly pulled out of the magic hub by the guardian Thorim.

As for Neltharion, it was the Bronze Dragon King who came to find him in person—there was no doubt that such behavior would lead to a huge chaotic change that would change everything in the future.

But, that's better than a more terrible result.

"Outsider, you are not a member of the Legion!" Nozdormu stared at the fury below, questioning with a voice that seemed ethereal at all times

"You shouldn't be part of such a fate!"

"Really? Lord of Time, the fate you said is to sit back and watch the blue dragon family nearly become extinct, the spellweaver dies at the hands of the Life-Binder, the dream queen degenerates into the nightmare queen and dies in Val'sharah, and all guardians Is it a happy fate for the dragons to collectively lose their power?"

Furious and mocking, he spoke about the bad fate of several giant guardian dragons.

"Oh, by the way, did you also see the plot of the warden Zovar? Did you also see the sword of Sargeras? You saw everything, right, in order to make a better future come true, in order to prevent In the hour of twilight, you decide to sacrifice all of them?"

Hearing about their own 'death', both Ysera and Malygos couldn't help looking at their youngest brother, but Nozdormu's expression never changed, and the bronze dragon king wrapped in the sands of time could only look indifference.

"You know so much." Nelthario showed a pleasant smile, looking at the furious eyes with extra interest

"I'm getting more and more interested in you, 'Human', but I don't think you're a member of the Burning Legion..."

"Nesarion, don't forget your duty!"

Nozdormu reminded Deathwing with a cold voice that even in this fallen age, he was still the guardian of Azeroth.

"Don't be so impatient, Nozdormu. Even Malygos is patient, you see."

Neltharion smiled gracefully with mocking malice, and the Spellweaver almost ran away after being provoked. If it wasn't for Ysera's persuasion and his only rationality, he would have killed the bastard immediately !

"Ah, the great Aspect, who doesn't even care about his life in order to fulfill his duty."

Fury let go of his hand, allowing the scepter of Sargeras to continue to awaken the bones of Galakrond, with a malicious smile

"Lord of Time, you are not afraid of me telling the 'future' of the Dark Titan. Because you believe that the Legion will fail, and I, as the only character in the long river of time who will not be counted in it, my presence will lead to 'beautiful 'A change in the ending, is it?"

"Your Excellency Deathwing, I think you should know the future after you are completely insane? C'Thun, Yogg-Saron, N'Zoth, they are bound to fail, and your fate will only be buried in the maelstrom ..."

"That group of trash has never been able to control my destiny!" Neltharion sneered

"My will is at my command!"

The World Destroyer is different from all other individuals in Azeroth who have been corrupted by the power of the void. He never believed in any ancient gods, and even N'Zoth, who corrupted him himself, was never the "master" of Neltharion

At best they were partners, Neltharion was never a servant of the old gods, he was true to his madness, the void and the nature of the world.

"Yeah, the moment you accepted Tyr's blessing, you predicted your current fate." Furious sighed

Upon defeating Galakrond and receiving Tyr's blessing, the young Neltharion knew his fate. The madness and destruction he felt under the endless land, as well as the countless pains that eroded his body all the time.

In the novel "Twilight of the Dragon King", Neltharion briefly transferred the authority as the guardian of the earth to Thrall, but at that moment, the pain felt by the world connected to the earth made him almost crazy.

Neltharion succumbed to the void, and he has also seen thousands of different endings after observing everything in the world presented by the lord of the void. Just like the essence of Void, they don't care about all of this. In a sense, Void is the least important force leading to the historical process.

So what if all the ancient gods died? Those are just the 'seeds' they put into Azeroth. There are as many such things as there are. The essence of the void is the darkness where nothing exists. They are the inevitable focus. Expansion is an instinct, but it is not necessary .

But even so, Neltharion still stood here, choosing to stop the fury. Maybe the World Destroyer wants to finally fulfill his duties as the guardian of the earth, maybe... he wants to usher in his splendid end in an acceptable way.

The mental state of this group of winged lizards is furious and I don't want to speculate, but thinking about it...he has a more interesting idea.

"The titan bestowed power on the guardian, and you took over the power of the titan from Tyr. Ultimately, you are just a group of temporary workers for the titan."

Furious sneered and took off the robe, and the disguised human body instantly revealed its true colors.

The bronze body is covered with cracks, and from the traces is the burning entropy fire, and the eyes are burning with the chaotic essence of evil energy like raging burning gems!

Demonic horns grew from the top of the head, and the inextinguishable crown was suspended in it. Just looking at its existence, chaotic whispers sounded in the ear.

His body grew suddenly, and in an instant he turned into a figure that was a hundred meters high, holding a burning ancient giant sword in his hand. Although far from being a titan, it looks like a shrunken Sargeras!

He is less like a demon than any of the demons of the Burning Legion, but he has a huge power that is far beyond those demons!

"What qualifications do you have to challenge me and your master, lizards raised by Titan slaves!!!"

The furious roar shook the air of the earth, and the Queen of Dreams couldn't help but feel the fear gushing from the bottom of her heart.

"It's pointless to delay time." Nozdormu said indifferently

"The space here has been covered by the sand of time bestowed by Lord Aman'Thul. The time here has been frozen. Your attempt to revive Galakrond is doomed to fail."

"Really?" Smiled furiously

"But you are also very clear that you are destined not to be my opponent except the World Destroyer. And the World Destroyer without the Demon Soul can't defeat me. This battle will be based on my failure and your defeat. And end—and you, Lord of Time, will make this moment of failure eternal, until some group of 'adventurers' who can break the deadlock appear and drive me out of this world, like poor Archimonde and Kil'jaeden?"

The fallen incarnation empowered by Sargeras himself, and half of the Eye of Sargeras digested, it is blunt to say that his power is completely comparable to the two giants of the Legion!

Even the Destroyer is not capable of defeating him. In fact, in a sense, even if Galakrond is awakened, he is not as powerful as he is now.

But this is Azeroth, and the barriers that the titans set up here before they left will continue to weaken the invaders. And when Rage revealed the fel power from Sargeras, the barriers of Azeroth would frantically repel him.

The result may be as he said, he will simply be made a "duplicate" by the King of Time, until the distant future, or after a not-too-distant period of time, he will be repelled and expelled by a group of "adventurers" .

Or he just ran away and fell short, and the group of guardian dragons directly achieved their goals.

"Why so much nonsense?"

With a sneer, Neltharion transformed into his real dragon body, a black dragon wearing thick source material armor, molten fire flowing out from cracks in the armor, and a dragon that is not far behind the ancient gods. Void breath!

Neltharion, who has swallowed part of the power of the dragon soul, is even stronger than the three guardian dragons combined!

Deathwing didn't care if he was used or not, Neltharion actually had no purpose in the first place.

From being driven mad by N'Zoth and the ancient gods to when he formally contacted the void, the guardian of the earth has been reduced to a complete lunatic.

Unlike the doomsday future that the servants of the ancient gods longed for, that was never Deathwing's goal.

From urging his companions to gather strength to shape the Dragon Soul, to suddenly killing Malygos's kin to seize the power of the Dragon Soul, and later incarnated as Earl Prestor, doing things in Outland, and finally crashed The Pillar of the Earth in Deep Rock Continent caused a cataclysm, and all his actions had no purpose at all.

Just because I think, I do it, just because my madness will cause disaster, just longing for a mighty destruction and finally ending my own life, so I committed countless unimaginable evil deeds, and finally directly after achieving my goal. Suicide and Wyrmrest Temple.

This is the essence of Neltharion, a mad dragon Aspect, guardian of the earth driven mad by the essence of the void!

In his opinion, it would be nice if he could die in the hands of another great demon created by Sargeras. The crazy dragon never regards anything as his 'companion', children, brothers, compatriots, all A piece of cake!

"Meet your destruction! Welcome Taeshalach's—"

Facing the encirclement of the four guardian dragons, he laughed furiously and raised the ancient flaming sword, and then——

He suddenly threw out what was hidden in the other hand.

Even in extremely high-level battles, some behaviors that look like children fighting can sometimes have a miraculous effect.

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