As if he noticed this fragmented dreamland, and in the invisible sky, the flow of huge heart energy converged to form a big hand that slowly stretched out.


Without hesitation, Mu Feng gave up the last third of the dream that had not been split, took out the sataras that had been 'eaten', opened the Black Rubik's Cube, and ran away!

Now is not the time to fight the Shadow Realm, and he can't put himself in danger just to get a little more unexpected reward!

Part of the 'body' was torn apart, and the Emerald Dream wailed in pain. At this moment, countless creatures in Azeroth heard the cry of pain from the planet.

"Hey, poor Elune..."

In the dream, the quiet voice of the Winter Queen spread throughout the Emerald Dream.

26. Shave, then revive JK

When the ancient greatsword in Wrath's hand pierced Malygos' chest and decapitated the old dragon amidst the screams of the Spellweaver, he was finally sure.

History has been completely rewritten by him.

He threw the corpse of Malygos to Deathwing at will. Although the corpse of the dragon guardian is a good material, he does not lack these things now, and he has no interest in this property.

He was more interested in the Focusing Iris that Malygos stored in the Eye of Eternity.

"Oh, poor Malygos, my poor brother, to die here."

Although he was severely injured by the source plasm armor that was stripped of most of his body by the fury, Deathwing still seemed to be very calm, and he could even have a strange ambiguity with the fury.

"It seems that my sister's weak dream failed to trap you in it, um...haha, does that idiot N'Zoth still have today?"

Neltharion's voice was full of ridicule and jokes. Obviously, even if they were in the same camp, Neltharion had no affection for N'Zoth at all.

"Maybe my next target can be in Ulduar or Ny'alotha."

Fury stretched out his hand to smooth the restless flame on the sword, the huge body of the titan suddenly retracted to its original appearance, and said very easily

"So you gave up?"

Neltharion said with great interest that he had no idea of ​​continuing to fight, and the crazy Deathwing suddenly had a new idea when N'Zoth was hit hard.

"Give up? It doesn't matter anymore." Fury said indifferently

"If the Lord of Time has the ability to stop all this, let him do it. The benefits this time are enough. Even if the main goal is not achieved, it's nothing..."

Originally, the purpose of resurrecting Galakrond was just to allow the father of the dragon to give a surprise 'visit' to the earth. There are many alternatives for this goal. If it doesn't work, Mu Feng can ask the system for some information and make a Gods himself. pull out.

But the unexpected joy this time is to get a part of the Emerald Dream! This special plane between the subspace of thinking and the physical world has unimaginably huge value!

The original goal of resuscitating Galakrond pales in comparison. Even the sunk costs thrown out become irrelevant compared to the benefits this time.

The low, earth-shaking dragon's roar, as if to wake up the eternal ghost, suddenly came from the crack in the canyon!

The smile on the furious face became even more joyful, this wave, this wave was a big success!

"It seems that the time king failed to prevent his dear 'father' from being resurrected."

Accompanied by the furious and mocking laughter, the ground in Dragonbone Wilderness suddenly cracked open! Nozdormu, who was covered in wounds and all the wounds were shining with fel light, flew out dying!

After all, he still failed to tear apart the power of the Eye of Aman'Thul. The same source also came from the mighty power of the father of the gods. It cannot be replaced by a severely weakened 'agent'.

And what flew out of the endless ice was raging flames of evil energy!

In an instant, following the roar that shook the entire Northrend, all the struggling dragons cast their gazes in this direction at the same time!

They began to tremble, deep in their genes, their ancient and primitive memories that had been masked and modified were moaning.

The owner of that voice is their ancestor, their common father, their demon, an ancient legend!

The wings burning with raging evil fire easily tore through the 10,000-meter ice-covered ground, and a twisted and gigantic proto-dragon came back from death with a roar!

He spread his wings, and those wings burning with evil fire easily covered the sun. Deformed limbs and dozens of eyes grew out of his huge body, and the mammoth and terrifying evil energy filled its body inside and out!

Neltharion narrowed his eyes, of course he still remembered Galakrond, he was his 'father' in a sense. At the beginning, he and Malygos bravely faced this disaster together, and finally wiped it out on this Dragonbone Wilderness.

"Old Dragon Father, revive from forgotten history!"

Fury held up the scepter of Sargeras, and the guided evil allowed him to easily access Galakrond's mind.

It was chaotic, dazed, crazy, thoughts full of cruelty and tyranny!

Returning from death and rebirth from destruction, the father of the dragon's thoughts are not at a loss, but is the madness to destroy everything!

The fel that replaced death and the void didn't affect Galakrond too much, because his essence before that was the same crazy part by comparison!

"Come on, do whatever you want!!!"

Laughing furiously, he connected to the Black Rubik's Cube on the other side, and the arrogance that was ready to go instantly connected the door of the two worlds!

A huge door like a dark green vortex opened in front of Galakrond, and the crazy Father Dragon plunged into the vortex without the slightest hesitation.

The furious laughter echoed for a long time, and it seemed like he was crazily saying jokes that only he himself could understand.

"Today, I shaved and picked up JK!"


"Damn it, is that news true or false!"

Being stuck on the congested Nevada highway, Zhou Shen punched the steering wheel bitterly, muttering in dissatisfaction

It's been two hours since they got the embassy's evacuation request and left, and they can't even be sure if it's fake news or not.

Bald Eagle officials have been denying that any serious biological disaster has occurred with Nevada, and the countries of the East Asian Alliance have not made any statement on this.

But no matter what, the retreat has already begun. Nevada is full of Chinese who want to leave here. The congestion here reminds Zhou Shen of his days in the imperial capital.

"Look over there, it seems to be a reporter from the BBC."

Han Dang pointed to a female reporter in black who was interviewing a family of three not far away and said,

"What's so strange, this group of guys must jump on such a big news like vultures seeing carrion."

Zhou Shen curled his lips and said, the vehicle finally moved forward for a short distance, and the voice of the female reporter also reached his ears

"So you accepted the embassy's request and chose to evacuate Nevada?"

"Yes, the embassy asked us to leave the disaster area as soon as possible..."

"John, write down this paragraph! The Huaguo government fabricated lies to force its citizens to leave..."

"As expected, it's the BBC." Qingcheng Yiye sighed

"Damn, I really want to kill this bastard!" Zhou Shen said bitterly.

However, it is impossible to say that he has no complaints against his own government. After all, it has been so long, and there is no news at all?

And just behind the female reporter who was about to continue the 'interview', an explosion-like roar in the sky attracted everyone's attention.

It was the sonic boom of fighter jets flying at supersonic speed and tearing the air. The harsh environmental pollution in Las Vegas made it impossible for them to see the fighter jets flying in the sky.

But such behavior undoubtedly cast a layer of gloom on the hearts of people like Zhou Shen.

Maybe something really big is going to happen...

"Rambo 3 called the main console and has arrived at the airspace of the mission target."

In the dark night sky of Nevada, the pilot of the F22 Raptor fighter jet reported the mission progress to the console

Not long ago, satellites sensed a huge energy surge at a former nuclear test site in Nevada.

But soon, the satellite was unable to take pictures of that area, and it seemed that something was disturbing the surrounding magnetic field.

So the Air Force released them to find out what happened in Nevada.

"Maybe it's a monster attacking." A teammate of the same company said jokingly

"You should watch less movies." The raptor driver scolded with a smile

The F22 skimming at low altitude quickly arrived at the location of the mission target, but what happened there made all the pilots who were talking and laughing just now shut up.

"Then, what is that?"

He stared in astonishment at the miserable green light that almost covered the airspace one kilometer ahead, turning like a vortex of light, and just looking directly at it felt like his eyes were burning.

"The console is calling the Lambo III, what happened?"

"An unknown halo appeared in the airspace ahead...Suspected radioactive substances." The pilot hesitated for a moment, and only responded in a way he could understand

"Radioactive material? What exactly is it?"

"Like a green vortex, like a..."

"Like a portal."

Yes, that miserable green vortex that rotates quietly, no matter how you look at it, has the taste of a portal in a fantasy MMORPG, as if a large army of monsters emerges from it at the next moment, it will not violate the harmony at all.

"Portal? We got it, *\u0026\u0026*\u0026...%!!!"

The radio communication next to the driver's ear was suddenly silenced by a piercing sharp sound, and he was startled and quickly noticed the abnormality of the dial in front of him.

Just like a chaotic clock that is constantly turned by a child, the values ​​of various indicators have completely fallen into a state of loss of control, and the pilot has also lost control of the aircraft!

"Damn it! Rambo III is out of control! Rambo III is out of control!"

The driver roared and pressed the emergency escape device, but fortunately the thing did not lose control.

The door of the plane was opened, and the seat and the pilot were ejected together. After a moment of brain hypoxic coma, he quickly recovered.

He saw with his own eyes that the cars of himself and his comrades flew straight into the green vortex staggeringly, as if it was just as he had speculated, it was a 'door' that could only be entered.

"What the hell is this..."

The pilot cursed in shock, but what he saw immediately made him lose his voice for an instant.

The flaming wings, the entangled evil fire, the huge monster that seemed to cover this layer of sky roared and tore open the portal to enter.


The behemoth that flew out of the miserable green vortex spread its wings, and the giant dragon wrapped in the inextinguishable demonic fire showed a deterrent enough to shake people's hearts just because of its existing size.

It spread its wings, as if it didn't see the pilots—in fact, it didn't see them. When the giant dragon soars nine days, how can it care about the ants under its feet?

Countless burning green fires of fel energy fell with Galakrond's flight like meteors falling from the sky. The unscrupulous chaotic power burned and destroyed everything under the wings. The deserted land was covered with a layer of fel wounds, causing chaos and disorder The domains began to leave their first imprints on the earth.

The despair that was darker than the deep sea filled the pilot's heart. At this moment, all he could think of was praying to the god that he didn't usually believe in.

A final, desperate prayer. That giant dragon may be the grace of the gods, blowing the horn to destroy the world.

His body was hit by an evil fire, and before he could even utter a scream, his whole body became a mass of burnt torches.

Galakrond, on the other hand, spread his wings and flew towards the place where the most distant beings gathered.

27. Beast of Scourge

Humans are a species that never learns well.

If you don't know the pain, you won't make progress, if you don't see the crisis, you will stop moving forward. Even if there are countless vivid examples in history, you will never learn any experience.

Perhaps this is also a common problem of intelligent life. Desire and emotion are the aids that promote life to multiply and grow, but they are also the root of their dullness and depravity.

Weakness and ignorance are not the biggest obstacles to survival, arrogance is.

When the fighter jet formation that went to investigate lost contact, the Bald Eagle seemed to finally realize that the problem was serious.

Because that ghastly green figure is so huge that it can be seen with the naked eye in the starry sky.

Surrounded by the miserable green sea of ​​clouds polluted by evil energy, Galakrond flew towards Las Vegas arrogantly like some cosmic monster.

There is no concealment, no scruples, and I am afraid that in its eyes, there is no existence of the city of Las Vegas at all.

It was pure without any malice and pertinence, but it was like a storm passing through the country, just walking, causing countless casualties of ants.

The response of the bald eagle attacking force was much faster than expected.

After all, not long ago, such a good scene of "monster invasion" happened in the sky above the neon, but it was an arrogant genius who stole a whole country to stop him at that time.

It doesn't make sense that a company can do it, but their bald eagles can't!

So, a whole formation composed of F22 main supersonic fighter jets took off, armed with sophisticated weapons of bald eagles, and launched an attack on that reckless and stupid big monster!


The failure of an entire fighter formation is nothing more than a blink of an eye.

In fact, this group of fighter formations didn't even really see Galakrond, they just got close to the miserable green clouds around him, and the entire army was wiped out.

Because what lingers around Galakrond is the extremely pure fel energy from the Eye of Sargeras.

It is a representative of entropy increase of pure chaos and disorder, and its nature is not only to pollute life and transform it into a fel creature, but also has the ability to interfere with all orderly matter around.

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