And Maozi and Rabbit's response method is also very straightforward-they put out almost most of the nuclear weapons stockpile.

While determining the location of this Galakrond, they directly aimed the coordinates of the nuclear weapons drop at the major cities of the Bald Eagle.

If, if they really can't stop the destruction and raging of this monster, then Maozi and Rabbit will send the bald eagle to hell immediately!

Galakrond at most played a guiding role, and it was humans themselves who really pushed humans to the brink of destruction.

The blocking force was immediately organized, but when the East Asian countries asked for their combat experience about Galakrond, the other side had no intention of responding at all.

After all, all the guys who can respond have turned into molds, and those chaebols who have turned into mold people don't seem to want to help these yellow-skinned guys.

This further confirms the awareness that the East Asian Alliance will kill the bald eagle even if it dies.

The whereabouts of Galakrond suddenly disappeared at sea, and the search and blocking forces spent a day and a night without finding such a conspicuous monster on the Pacific Rim.

Just when everyone was at a loss, Galakrond suddenly visited Cangzhou, a seaport city in Australia and Song Dynasty.

Under the eyes of everyone, with the sudden opening of the portal, the entire coastal city was destroyed, and then flew away swaggeringly before the nuclear strike arrived.

At this moment, all countries are in a panic.

A monster that can only flap its wings to fly, and a monster that can open a portal are not the same concept-and it is obvious that everyone has thought of the possibility of aliens.

No wonder the bastards of the Bald Eagle had no intention of asking for help before! If informed of the possibility that they might be alien invaders, a worldwide mobilization might be able to nip the problem in the bud.

But now it's all over. After the Bald Eagle drove Galakrond out of the country, it simply blocked all flights and sea transportation. Close your eyes and cover your ears, as if nothing happened.

As long as you don't hear other people's objections, it means that no one objects! As long as you don't see other people protesting, it's Guotai Min'an!

Although they have already understood the brazenness of these Anglo-Saxon bandits, this behavior still makes people see their further lower limit.

Three days later, the portal opened again over London, the capital of the shit-stirring stick, and Galakrond once again turned the entire fog city into ruins.

Seven days later, the portal and the capital of the Surrendered Country opened up, and several consecutive waves of chaotic rain destroyed half of Paris. However, after the arrival of the nuclear strike, the surrendered country did not hurt Galakrond who was hiding behind the portal. Instead, he blew up his own capital.

Eight days later, Galakrond visited the Bangzi Peninsula and ravaged for an hour and a half in this country that had no nuclear weapons deployed, until the nuclear strike brought by Rabbit and Maozilian arrived and destroyed eight cities...

The whole world has completely fallen into panic. Doomsday prophecies and turmoil can be seen everywhere, which seems to be a scene of doomsday.

Under such an environment, countries finally could not just sit idly by. After many preparations, a meeting led by the Six Permanent Representatives and a total of 20 countries was secretly chosen to start in Tokyo.

Important people from all over the world attended this meeting, and Bald Eagle even invited the vice president Ah San to attend. In a sense, this is a United Nations General Assembly—a meeting that determines the survival of human beings.

Should we let go of our prejudices and fight against the enemy together, or continue this stupid infighting and let the monster destroy each of them. Under this meeting, everyone will see it.


"Master Zi, I can't do it! Those human beings can't stop!"

In the Lost House, Yakumolan, a nine-tailed demon fox covered in scorched black, crawled out of the gap and complained to her master.

"They are almost demolishing Monster Mountain now!!!"

Yakumolan's charming and charming face was full of bitterness. During this period of time, she could be said to have been spinning non-stop, just to get rid of the mess left by her master.

Those human beings who were hidden into Gensokyo by Yakumo Zishen were all strong human beings who stayed outside. Although they were somewhat different from their top monsters, there were indeed a lot of them.

Most importantly, the rules of Gensokyo cannot bind those humans.

One of the rules of Gensokyo is that this is a place of no common sense. Weapons and other things made according to the principles of the outside world will be greatly weakened after entering Gensokyo.

The second rule of Gensokyo is that the use of deadly force is not allowed. Except for administrators such as Fu Li Miko and Yakumo Zi, the battle between monsters and weirdos is not allowed to kill each other at all.

This is the case with the spell card rules extended from this basis. It looks like it is full of flowers and fancy, but in fact it can only hurt people, not kill them at all.

This is why Gensokyo has integrated demons and ghosts from so many places and can still maintain such a balance and relative peace.

But the trouble is that those humans don't have to abide by these two rules at all.

First of all, outside human cultivators are also existences that are contrary to 'common sense', so the first rule has no binding power for them.

And the second rule is useless to them. First of all, they are human beings, and secondly, they are not included in the management scope of Fu Li's Great Barrier. How can they be restrained if they don't accept management?

Ever since, this group of human cultivators have turned upside down in Gensokyo.

"I know, Blue, I know..."

Yakumo Zi sighed helplessly, of course she knew all of this, but she wasn't full enough to cause such a big trouble for herself!

Look at the picture presented by the water mirror in front of her, it is simply a group of demons dancing wildly. The scale of any mutation is not so terrible!

The time-stopping maid who was throwing the throwing knife was fighting with a fellow who was also time-stopping in a long white trench coat and hat. The Scarlet Devil Mansion was even invaded by several demon hunters. The pair of vampire sisters were forced to fight with these intruders. The lunatics fight.

The Tengu Kappa on the Monster Mountain even teamed up with a group of monsters to fight against several Onmyojis, Shinto witches, practitioners and warriors.

Oh, by the way, the old Taoist priest of Louguan Dao is fighting with Yuxiang Kazama in the sun flower field. Judging by the extent of the destruction of the flower field, even if this incident is over, Yuka Kazama will definitely come to Yakumo Zi for trouble !

Headache, in short, very headache!

But even if these human cultivators are troublesome, they are not 1% as scary as that lunatic—look at what he is doing in the outside world now. In order to play the role of savior, he did not hesitate to kill more than 100 million lives.

He didn't even waste the life of more than 100 million, but directly used the knowledge he got from Yakumo Zi to forcibly break through the door of Unicom to Huangquan.

Compared with this lunatic, this group of human beings raging in Gensokyo are as pure as little white rabbits.

"Master Zi, why are these humans so cruel meow!"

Yakumo Lan's shikigami, Maoyou Yakumo Orange lay on Yakumo Zi's lap, looking at the picture in the water mirror, meowing in dissatisfaction.

"...Cheng, our paradise is not necessarily the paradise of human beings."

Yakumo Zi was silent for a moment, touched the cat demon's head and sighed

Gensokyo is always Gensokyo for monsters, even if there is a world here, Yakumo Zi asks herself what the status of that world is in Gensokyo without asking too much.

It is true that the monsters in Gensokyo are restrained to the greatest extent by the monster sages, and basically there will be no problem of monsters eating people-but from another perspective, Yakumo Zi is still raising humans in captivity.

This is an absolutely unacceptable result for primates who are used to this arrogance, especially for the strong among humans.

Therefore, wars and killings are inevitable, let alone Yakumo Zi forcibly "invited" them. It's no wonder these guys don't make trouble!

Killing them was not a bad idea, but Yakumo Zi didn't want to break the rules without knowing the attitude of the king.

"For human beings, there should be no traces of monsters in their paradise. We exist in the human world, which is an unacceptable and intolerable bad situation for human beings."

"How could they be so bad!" Yakumo Orange exclaimed angrily

"Because we are all like this." Yakumo Zi smiled emotionally, stroking Cheng's little head and said

"You're still young, Cheng. You haven't figured out a lot of things yet. Go grow up a lot, and sooner or later you'll figure it all out."

Having said that, Yakumo Zi opened a gap with a wave of her hand, and said softly to Yakumo Lan

"Lan, I'll leave this to you for the time being. Tell Youxiang and the others that it doesn't matter how you want to do it, and you don't need to follow the rules for outsiders."

"I... go find the root of all these problems!"

38. Reiki recovery

Nevada, outside Las Vegas

The once magnificent gambling city is now a complete ruin and a dead place. The evil energy destroyed the city and the land, and only a group of things that are far from being human survived.

Mu Feng squatted down in front of the desolate and evil-infested land, grabbed a handful of soil that had completely lost its vitality, and watched it dissipate between his fingers.

This area has completely fallen victim to the fel disaster.

Just like the once vibrant Ashen Valley, but under the fel energy pollution caused by Mannoroth's death, it was completely reduced to a barren land full of mutated creatures. This land near Las Vegas has also become like this The presence.

Life is deprived here, only chaotic life succumbing to evil energy runs rampant here, and only creatures tending to endless madness exist here, carnivally depriving the lives of all living things within sight.

Mu Feng straightened up, he hooked his hands, and the lifeless withered soil in front of him was picked up as if by an invisible big hand, revealing the things buried deep below.

It was a series of pathetic green veins surging like blood vessels, which continued to spread and grow toward the deeper ground, but in less than seven days, they had already penetrated to the depth of tens of meters below the ground.

The more you dig down, the more shocking the scene is. The blood-vessel-like evil energy seems to converge into a river at a lower place. It seems that heartbeats and wailing can be heard in the gathered river of evil energy. sound.

The sleeping earth is being awakened. This area, which shouldn't exist, is activated by the power of evil energy and then awakens the elements. It's just that they are not normal earth elements, but terrible, distorted chaotic elements.

This is where fel contamination is at its worst. The evil energy that penetrates deep into the bone marrow of the earth, depriving this land of life is only the first step, followed by transforming this land into an area suitable for the growth of evil energy.

Creatures in this area are dying in large numbers, even bringing fel energy to the entire land as the pollution of the Mississippi River surrounds the entire United States.

The process of water circulation will not reduce the pollution of evil energy, because it is not a substance that may be degraded. Not only will evil energy not become lighter in the natural cycle, but it will spread and proliferate like a virus and pollute .

Its nature is far worse than nuclear pollution, because the evil energy itself will absorb life and strengthen itself. After entering the cycle, the evil energy pollution will only become bigger and bigger, and it is almost impossible to dispel it naturally.

If there is no accident, within a month, the residents of Bald Eagle will be pleasantly surprised to find that serious "infectious diseases" have appeared all over the country.

Those who contract the disease will first be weak, then have a high fever, and then their vitality will weaken further. With green lines all over the body, the body temperature rises rapidly, and in the end it will either die or 'evolve'

Look, doesn't this fit the opening background stories of those supernatural novels?

It's just that these 'supernatural beings' are destined not to be weak, and they will not have any inexplicable appeasement policies. They will just kill all the targets in front of them like a group of aggressive lunatics.

Mu Feng expressed his great honor to artificially push a country with a population of 300 million to the path of cruel natural selection.

Nevada, Utah, Illinois, the tri-state land of the Bald Eagle has become a source of radioactive evil energy pollution for a long time.

Either completely erase these three continents, or sit back and watch the bald eagle become a doomsday land where fel creatures dance wildly in less than three years.

Such a scene... is exciting.

However, there is a high probability that they won't be able to wait until then. Mu Feng pushed his glasses. As the savior, he hasn't made any plans to deal with the country yet.

"You still have the leisure to come here to enjoy the scenery? Or, are you here to inspect your 'record'?"

A familiar and charming chuckle sounded in the back of her head, and Yakumo Zi, who tore open the gap, stood behind Mu Feng with her usual laughter

"It took me a lot of work to clean up the mess you left behind. Those old and stubborn people are not easy to deal with at all."

"Did you feel it?"

Mu Feng didn't answer Yakumo Zi's words, but stood up with outstretched arms, looked at the sky and said faintly

"Feel... what?" Yakumo Zi was stunned for a moment, but quickly realized

The biggest difference between this place and other places in the world is that the energy is abnormally active and disordered. According to practitioners, it means the vitality of the heaven and earth is extremely active.

"When fishermen have a bucket of sardines, they put a catfish in there to make sure they don't drown until they get back to shore."

A flame was burning between Mu Feng's fingers, looking at the jumping sparks, he said lightly

"The pollution here is very bad, but it is also the most active place in the world with the most 'reiki'."

Evil energy is an extremely bad chaotic energy, but everything has two sides. The characteristic of evil energy is chaos. In other words, it is the force that can most disturb the energy in the environment

Although the parallel world No. 0013 is not a world of the Dharma-ending era, the energy environment here is indeed very inactive. This is the reason why cultivation is difficult and it is difficult to give birth to extraordinary creatures.

Active fel energy is equivalent to catfish in a sardine bucket, stirring up the environment while greatly promoting the activation of energy.

The stable energy and environment are highly active under the interference of evil energy, so the birth of extraordinary people will be greatly increased, and the difficulty of "cultivation" will be greatly reduced.

In short, this is a reiki recovery.

"No wonder you asked me to arrest those old Taoist priests..." Yakumo Zi showed a thoughtful expression.

Everything has two sides, and this kind of 'spiritual energy recovery' naturally does too. While bringing the advantage of increasing the number of extraordinary people, it will also interfere with the normal environment of the area.

The existence of the environment will become unstable, even extreme, and the corresponding ecological chain will also face a complete collapse. And this mutated environment will greatly screen out the weak and leave the strong behind.

"According to those cultivators, it's the so-called 'stealing the world', right?"

"There's nothing wrong with understanding this way." Mu Feng casually extinguished the flame, and said calmly

"While such behavior must lead to a lot of bad changes, there are also good changes, aren't there?"

The birth of a new environment will inevitably eliminate a number of organisms in the old environment. The evolution of life has never tended to be stronger, but tended to be more suitable for the environment.

A world suitable for the birth of extraordinary life, its existence environment, social environment, will eventually tend to change the world environment.

Many people will definitely die in this process, and the final result may not be good, but this is change.

The original intention of change is neither good nor bad, but just to break away from the immutable present. The fundamental purpose of the company is to change, and the transformation of the status quo is what the company desires.

It was also what Mu Feng longed for.

Being selected by the company shows that he is such a person himself. And it is true now, Freya said that his soul is a mass of constantly changing colors, tending to a constantly changing soul.

"I really don't understand why you would do this."

Yakumo Zi sighed in confusion, in the view of the monster sage, the series of changes promoted by Mu Feng are not beneficial to him at all.

Even though the earth's energy environment tends to be inert, it doesn't make any difference for him to mobilize energy. Transforming a world suitable for extraordinary creatures would do more harm than good to humans.

The dragons who used to be active in the energy environment and the monsters who ruled the world in the past and the monsters who made waves among humans are enough to prove this point. Humans are still more suitable for the stage where their wisdom can shine.

"You don't understand, and you don't need to understand." Mu Feng looked at the sky and said lightly

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