"I'm here to seek cooperation, Your Majesty Hela." Furious looked at the fighting goddess in front of him, shook his head and said

"I am not an Asgardian, let alone a Midgardian, and I will not be controlled by any Asgardian laws in terms of legal principles—so, Your Majesty Hela, I think we need to put down our barriers and speak openly and honestly." Let's talk."

Hela hesitated for a moment. Although Hela, who hadn't fought for thousands of years, was eager to have a hearty fight, she was even more eager to get out of this prison.

Heim's Underworld is the prison where Odin exiled her, and no one can enter or leave here for thousands of years-except the dead.

The reason is that, since someone can come in, it means that there must be a door to go out.

But even so, Hella still proudly declared

"But I am still the supreme queen of the Nine Realms."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Fury bowed slightly helplessly, and Hela nodded, barely accepting his informal etiquette.

"So, what do you want to talk about?"

Hela waved slightly, and there was a throne of dark green spar behind Fury, and Hela sat back on her bone throne, raising her head and looking proudly at Fury

"After a while, it will be the time for Odin's sleep."

furious softly

"He's old!" Hela said disdainfully.

The father of the gods is also mortal, and the Asgardians are new gods born from the corpses of ancient gods, but even so, they do not have eternal life.

Eternal life in this universe is a rare blessing, because of the existence of 'death', any life that wants to obtain immortality often has to pay a huge price.

And Odin can't escape such a fate. With a lifespan of nearly ten thousand years, although Odin's own strength has reached its peak due to the characteristics of Asgardians after he gets old, his body functions will inevitably follow. Entering the trough, coupled with the hidden wounds accumulated over the years of fighting, he must perform "Odin's Sleep" every once in a while to prolong his life and stabilize his strength.

"That will be the weakest moment in Asgard." Fury smiled happily and maliciously

"Perhaps we can take this opportunity to return the real crown prince of Asgard..."

2. Runes and deities

Looking at the plot of Thor One, it can be said that all the developments in the plot are within the plans and expectations of the King of Gods.

Using the incident of the frost giant to demote Thor to Midgard, let this arrogant and warlike crown prince learn what humility is and what patience is.

Odin, who threw Mjolnir down, ensured that his child would never die. This trial is even very likely to be the crown prince training plan after the father of the gods connected the supreme mage in series.

At the same time, he was probably testing Loki in this way. If he is obedient and obedient, it means that Loki will become Thor's best assistant in the future if he obeys his will. If he brews a conspiracy, then Odin can use himself to "personally educate" him.

His only miscalculation was probably to let Loki discover that he was actually a frost giant in this situation, and such a mistake also caused him to be almost killed by Laufey after entering Odin's sleep.

But maybe that's also a plan concocted by the king of the gods, after all, you can never underestimate how deep the city of the king of the Nine Realms has been for thousands of years.

But there is no doubt that the plot of Thor 1 can be said that Odin has completed half of the goals while completely letting the other side completely lose control.

Loki never wanted to fall off the Rainbow Bridge, let alone fall into the hands of the Mad Titan. There were such big flaws in the original crown prince training plan, and the king of gods might have spent a lot of effort secretly to make up for these problems.

Just because Odin had to quell the rebellion of the Nine Kingdoms after the Rainbow Bridge was destroyed, Odin, who was originally short-lived, probably shortened his life even more in this series of accidents.

Therefore, the result of Odin's final plan is still half successful and half failed-the Ragnarok he has been trying to prevent is still being opened, but Thor and the others rescued half of the Asgardians, leaving behind the Asgardians to re-emerge. A ray of hope.

As for Hela? The earliest crown prince of Asgard, Odin's eldest daughter and comrade-in-arms, was naturally used by the ruthless god as a touchstone for his son.

It can't be said that it is cruel or not, Odin's nature is like this. Before he was a father or a husband, he existed as a king.

"I can feel Odin's flame of life dying."

Hela tapped the edge of the Throne of Skeletons lightly with her fingers, but she seemed a little careless in the face of the reward that could get her out of trouble

"He can't keep me stuck for long."

"But how long will this be? One hundred years, one thousand years?" Furious laughed in a low voice

"As far as I know, Odin has given Thor, the God of Thunder, the official crown prince of Mjolnir and Asgard. If there is no accident, he has already started to train him..."


Hela unconsciously crushed the edge of the throne of bones, her gloomy eyes narrowed slightly, and the murderous intent in it ran around without any concealment!

Mjölnir is her weapon, her proof of her past as Odin's executioner. Although she had discarded it long ago, it was still hers. The crown prince of Asgard also belongs to her! But now, it will be taken away by a younger brother who didn't know where he came from!

Although Hela understands, and Hela is also confident that once Odin dies, she will be able to fight out of Heim's Underworld and take everything she has—but no matter what, she is unwilling to endure this matter!

"Your Majesty Hela, we can cooperate at a deeper level." Looking at Hela's expression furiously, he knew that this matter was basically done!

"We will provide you with a method to temporarily bypass the Odin Rune and leave Helm's Underworld. When the time is right, we will pick you up to the Golden Palace in Asgard."

whispered furiously

"During Odin's Sleep, you will get everything you deserve, a chance to re-dominate everything."

"Then what do you want?" Hela waved her hand, looking extraordinarily generous

Although brutal and bloodthirsty, Hela is indeed a more suitable role as the king of Asgard than Thor and Loki. At least she understands that there is no such thing as a free lunch in this world, and don't think about the kindness of other people's free help.

Only free is the most expensive thing in this world.

"If I say that your behavior is what I want... you will not feel at ease."

Furious smiled lightly, playing with taste

"Then how about I ask you for the secret of the rune? I want it, the source of Asgard's power."

The magic system in the Marvel world is quite interesting. In most cases, the magic of the Marvel mages does not rely on any magical elements free from the atmosphere, but on "borrowing"

Whether it is a supreme mage or an ordinary mage, they sign a contract with those extra-dimensional demon gods in exchange for power, and the price they pay for using too much magic is often physical trauma.

For example, a certain horse-faced supreme mage, who often made himself into a stomach perforation and was forced to be sent to the hospital because of excessive casting of spells, was based on the fact that he was a supreme mage and Weishandi gave him preferential treatment, so he also put his own His body was riddled with holes. .

And there are not many dimensional demon gods in the Marvel world. The Trinity Visandi, Selatok who is in charge of the Crimson Dimension, Dormammu, the Lord of the Dark Dimension, and Mephisto, the most extensive Hell Dimension and the current controller. .

Mortals without special powers borrow power from these beings, and then release magic in their own way, which is the nature of most spellcasters in this world.

Only a very small number of talented spellcasters can get rid of this loan system to gain power, and the rune technology of the Asgardians can be said to exist between the two.

The runes of Asgard are the source of their power as the new gods, and only when they understand the power of the runes can they be regarded as the real "new gods"

Odin hung himself upside down on the Fountain of Wisdom and sacrificed an eye in exchange for the powerful power he has today. This is his "sacrifice", in exchange for power and knowledge at the cost of an eyeball.

And like Thor, without the blessing of runes, he is at most a strong Asgardian. The so-called God of Thunder is nothing more than relying on the power of the runes that come with Mjolnir forged by the dwarves.

So, where does the power of runes come from?

That is naturally the world tree Yuktra Hill that traverses the Nine Realms, hangs the Nine Worlds on it, and supports the entire Nine Realms system.

In a sense, the world tree Uktra Hill is equivalent to an alternative demon god. It accepts sacrifices in exchange, but almost never asks for sacrifices, and for the creatures of the Nine Realms that rely on it, it has no scruples about the lives of the Nine Realms borrowing the power of the World Tree.

The first to discover the power of this rune was the Waner Protoss, but it was later learned by the Asa Protoss. They went from the Awakening Rune that hit the big luck to the level where they can learn and master the rune.

Just like Hella, her runes are 'death' and 'rebirth', so as long as she reaches the territory of the Nine Realms, she will hardly be killed, and after Thor awakens the rune of 'Thunder', her body Intensity and power also instantly soar.

But the biggest problem with this system is that once the power of runes leaves the Nine Realms, it will be greatly weakened.

As a special dimensional demon god, World Tree is extremely Buddhist, but because of this Buddhist system, his power can only radiate within the Nine Realms.

This is why Thor in the third Avengers almost killed Thanos with an axe, and then he was so hip when he was sent to Titan to fight Thanos.

This power is extremely limited, but it is undeniable that he is definitely the best choice to analyze the spellcasting ability of the Marvel world.

Mu Feng hated being in debt, so instead of taking advantage of other dimensional demon gods, it would be better to learn a thing or two from an extreme Buddhist guy like World Tree.

"Did you ask for the core secret treasure of our Asa Protoss as soon as you came up?" Hela taunted with a slight tap on the corner of her mouth

"Your request is too great, and the bodies of Midgardians cannot bear the power of the World Tree."

"Hey, it's up to you if you don't listen to the explanation." Furious sighed, and didn't want to get entangled anymore

"If you want this power, come and be my executioner."

Hela casually summoned a pitch-black battle axe, threw it in front of Furious, proudly said

"Every great king will have his executioner by his side. I used to be Odin's executioner, and now you are my executioner. Seize the opportunity to gain this supreme glory and authority!"

"...In the end you will still want me to surrender." Furious sighed

He finally understood why Odin left such a daughter who could fight and let the two sons who were on the street take the throne.

It's just Hela's self-respecting character, arrogant and defiant, plus she has no taboo about life. Such a person became the leader of Asgard, and I am afraid that the entire Golden Palace will be taken to hell.

Fury didn't pick up the axe, but just crossed his arms and said indifferently

"Your Majesty Hela, we are partners rather than subordinates. We all long for Odin's death, and this is the only place that can link us."

"I'm not interested in the power and status of Asgard. What's more, you haven't defeated and conquered me yet."

"Then do you want to try?" Hela showed a cruel smile, a dark night sky sword emerged in her hand, and stepped off the throne

"I really want to, but... my time is up."

Fury took out the Black Rubik's Cube, bowed slightly towards Hela, and said with a light smile

"We will see you at the Golden Palace in Asgard someday, Queen of Bones."

A channel that tore through time and space and emitted a violent sound enveloped his body, and the furious figure disappeared in the Heim Underworld in an instant in the burst of energy flow. Hela squinted her eyes, because she sensed from the energy burst. To the familiar energy fluctuations.

"The Cosmic Rubik's Cube... no, is it a space gem? This is really... interesting."

3. The Mystery of Gems

Jotunheim, The Eternal Frozen Mountain

Arrogant was turning the Leviathan ax in his hand in boredom, the entire frozen world was now dead silent, only the sound of cold wind blowing continuously.

A sonic boom that tore through the barriers of the world opened up beside him. He turned his head arrogantly and saw that it really was the fury playing with the Black Rubik's Cube.

"Is it done?" Arrogant asked with great interest

"That Her Lady Queen should be very difficult to talk to."

"After a fight, she will calmly talk to people, but she didn't use the power of the rune, and I didn't use the power of the Titan body." Furious shrugged

"In general, if we open a rift for her when we do it, then she will be happy to go to Asgard. But this is not cooperation, we basically have no possibility of cooperation with her."

"No matter how much this daughter hates her father, she is still Odin's heir, and she still regards herself as the king of destiny in Asgard." He laughed arrogantly

"Except for things like Wanyan Gou, which king would allow his future land to be destroyed in other hands? Would he be willing to be someone else's pawn?"

"But it doesn't matter! Whether Asgard is destroyed or survived in the plan we made, it will be very in line with our wishes-now, it depends on the problem of the main body."

"I'm afraid we won't be able to go to Earth in a short time." He smacked his lips angrily, and in his other hand was holding a cube shining with azure light.

The Cosmic Rubik's Cube, the container carrying the space gems, and the supreme treasure in the universe.

This can be said to be the easiest Infinity Gem to get in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The rest of them—the Eye of Agamotto are in the hands of the Supreme Mage. Mu Feng didn't feel that he should provoke her for what Bailie could do with the Time Stone.

The Cosmic Spirit Orb is stored on Planet Morag. The problem is that Ronan probably doesn't know the coordinates there, so there is no way to find them.

The Mind Stone is currently in the hands of Thanos. The army of the Dark Order will be much stronger than the mentally retarded army in the movie. Instead, it is better to wait for him to give the Soul Stone to Loki, and then directly from the hand of that little deer. take away.

The whereabouts of the ether may only be known to Odin who personally hid it. In Thor 2, it was purely because of the weakening effect brought by the Nine Stars Lianzhu that Jane Foster was sent there by the teleporter by accident.

As for the whereabouts of the Soul Gem—the coordinates of Star Vormir are a secret, and they can only be obtained from Odin or the dwarf king Nidaville. As for how to obtain it, there is no difficulty.

To sum up, the Rubik's Cube held by S.H.I.E.L.D. and the U.S. government can be said to be the easiest thing to get.

"Those members of S.H.I.E.L.D. are all idiots with high eyesight and low abilities." Furious sneered

"Ontology's job is the easiest, and now we're going to challenge some difficult ones."

"There is no me or me. They are all one. Even if we lose our main body, we can be resurrected, but if something happens to our main body, we will be gone." Arrogance glanced at him, and said slowly

"And without solving the problem of Ancient One, do you think we can go to Earth?"

Of course it is—impossible.

As the supreme mage who guards the main material plane, Gu Yi spends most of his time in high-intensity line-up with invasions from other dimensions, which also includes the element of alien invasions.

You must know that Midgard is theoretically a vassal state of Asgard, but the people on earth never know the existence of Asgard—it is because the ancient one ensured the independence of the earth under Odin's soldiers. sex.

They submit to the rule of Asgard legally, but they do not accept any substantive interference.

It doesn't matter if you steal the Rubik's Cube from the universe, anyway, put a replacement thing there, and the group of mentally handicapped people in S.H.I.E.L.D. can't find any problems. But the problem is that Gu Yi, using the cosmic Rubik's Cube to come to Earth, that bald man will never sit idly by.

You must know that Gu Yi has been maintaining the stability of the three holy temples intensively in the plot of Avengers 1. As for those Chitauri spicy chickens, she doesn’t care whether they are free or they are those spicy chickens. Threats, not to mention that it was something Loki made, and Asgard was responsible for it.

But the real 'invaders' like rage and arrogance are another matter. If Gu Yi really sees the truth about their outer-dimensional invaders, it might not be the eyes of Agamotto.

"Okay, stop complaining. With the Cosmic Rubik's Cube in hand, such a good experimental product is rare." Arrogance showed an expectant expression

Don't get me wrong, what they are interested in is not the space gem inside. The principle of this cosmic sacred object is far from being able to be analyzed by them. What they are interested in is the cosmic cube itself.

Whether it is cosmic magic or cosmic spirit ball, this special container that can carry or even restrain the huge power of infinite gems is a precious product worthy of research.

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