Gu Yi smiled bitterly and shook his head. He was still relaxed. When he rashly stepped into this dimension fragment, he had already lost.

The guy who plotted against him clearly knew the true power of the Eye of Agamotto, and even more clearly knew how to reverse the flow of time. However, this time gem, which was supposed to be a game-breaker, instead became the largest prison that imprisoned the Ancient One.

Whether she wants to admit it or not, that 'dreamer' has already won her a game.

"Now, we have solved the biggest problem." Mu Feng opened his eyes, laughed and raised his glass.

"This round is my victory!"

12.The price of gems

Each Infinity Stone is powerful, they contain the truth of the birth of this universe, and each one possesses the terrifying power to connect to the origin of the universe.

They are not important in themselves, what is important is the connection behind the material embodiment of 'gem', the source of power of the universe.

But no Infinity Stone can exert its full effectiveness when fighting alone.

It is as if this universe is constructed out of countless physical laws and complex and ever-changing orders. A single gem cannot form a powerful force. It can even be said that each single infinite gem has huge flaws.

The seemingly omnipotent reality gem requires the user to continuously supply energy to truly change reality. If the understanding and conception of matter are insufficient, this gem will only drain the user himself, and other gems will be drained. Grants power, while only the Reality Stone draws power.

The mind gem that plays with the spirit wantonly, the powerful gem that can control the thoughts of living things, can control almost everything with thinking. The premise of controllability must also be based on the strength of your mind. If the mind is not strong enough, then the behavior of control will be There is no guarantee, and there may even be a terrible backlash.

The extremely powerful power gem can give life the power to shatter the stars, but such a simple and crude gem puts great demands on the user. Users who are not strong enough will only be eroded by its power while urging the power gem. Even crushed.

The soul gem that can play with life and death, the soul that can be controlled at will and even created out of nothing, the infinite gem with a pocket universe is extremely precious. But the gem that plays with the soul has a hungry soul within itself, and the abuser will only end up being devoured by the gem itself.

The ubiquitous space gem gives humans the ability to travel to every corner of the universe and has endless energy. But any user will broadcast his or her existence to the stars like a dark torch, and the never-ending energy will only eventually run amok under the ever-increasing demands.

And what about the time gem that can travel to the past and future?

The pit on this thing is the biggest.

The Time Stone allows the holder to control past, present, and future time, time travel, accelerated time, reverse time, time confusion, and even infinite loops of time.

But the time stone cannot truly change the past. The seemingly changed reality will ultimately lead you to failure and a tragic future driven by the law of cause and effect.

Just like if you use the Time Stone to change the tragedy of the past, then the law of cause and effect will inevitably produce a paradox that will cause you to encounter some kind of causal attack. In the end, the result of abusing the Time Stone will often fall into the torture of unimaginable time, and continue to create The perfect moment to escape in an eternal loop.

The flaw of the Time Stone is so huge, so no matter how tragic the ending of the Avengers is, Strange cannot use this stone to go back to the past. He can't even use the stone to change the fact that his hands are disabled. The established sacredness The time stream cannot be rewritten at will.

Those who try to change the present through the past will only end up in the worst possible outcome.

For the Supreme Mages, the Eye of Agamotto is their most powerful secret weapon, and it is also the 'abnormal object' they are most wary of and most helpless against.

Anyone who attempts to use the Eye of Agamotto to achieve their own goals will pay a heavy price. In other words, the price and gain are equal.

"Strange used the Time Stone to trap Dormammu and him in a loop. Countless 'deaths' were the price he paid, and the reward was to defeat the Lord of the Dark Dimension."

Mu Feng played with the shining Universe Rubik's Cube in his hand and said happily

"The same goes for Ancient One this time. In order to stop Ego, she trapped herself and Ego in an endless cycle in the fragments of the Emerald Dream. But the difference is that it was Ego's dream, so he was The one who has forgotten countless cycles, and the Ancient One is the one who has experienced endless torture."

"The initiative is now in our hands. The price and gain. Sure enough, the original power of the universe is not so easy to get."

Trapping Gu Yi in Yi Ge's dream is the most important puzzle piece of Mu Feng's plan. After all, if he doesn't subdue the defender of the world, there will be no trouble at all.

But Mu Feng didn't think that Gu Yi would be trapped in that time loop forever.

Never underestimate the wisdom of the Supreme Mage, not to mention that there is still someone behind Gu Yi.

Although it has only been mentioned once in the movie universe through Star-Lord's mouth, it is probably an established fact that the Marvel Cinematic Universe has "eternity".

But it's enough. Before Gu Yi escapes from trouble, Mu Feng will complete all the planned distribution - and ensure that Gu Yi will not cause trouble to him again after he escapes from trouble.

"Does it look like you're full?"

Feeling the charming laughter of Sataras echoing in his mind, Mu Feng said lightly

"Thanks to you, I am really lucky to have met such an 'interesting' planet soul."

There was a joy and laziness in Sataras's voice that could not be concealed.

"But it will take me a lot of effort to control that weird human being. I'm afraid I won't be able to digest it for a while..."

"However, my dear, you are really the most suitable one for me among all the holders I have met. Perhaps you should consider forming a deeper contract with me?"

"Don't make any mistakes, creation of the void." Mu Feng said coldly.

"You and I are not cooperating, but using. Everything you have now comes from my gift. You can take it back. You'd better not have any stupid and lucky ideas!"

"Hmph, you're so boring."

Sataras hummed softly, then canceled his voice and fell into silence.

As Mu Feng said, Satalas is his tool rather than a partner. Although maintaining a good cooperative relationship is more conducive to Mu Feng's plan, he does not want to do this.

No matter how special she is, Sataras is essentially a creature of the void, and her self-destructive tendencies are clear and clear. It would be fine in other places, but it would be extremely serious to seek death in such a dangerous area like Marvel.

A few more strikes will save this guy from plotting things he shouldn't!

"Okay, the biggest problem has been solved." Mu Feng twisted his neck, stretched his stiff body, and smiled happily and maliciously.

"It's time to buy Stark Industries."

"Fisk, this is different from what we promised!"

In Stark Industries, Obadiah grabbed a mobile phone with his veiny left hand, his eyes widened and he roared at the other end.

"You agreed to deal with him!!!"

"We never promised anything, Obadiah Stanely." Kingpin's cold voice came from the other end of the phone.

"We are not professional killers you hired. If you want him to die so much, just spend money to find the gang at the Continental Hotel."

Then, Kingpin unceremoniously hung up the phone with the current head of Stark Industries.

"Damn fat rat!"

Obadiah grabbed the phone and roared, trying to smash it against the wall, but he still held back and quickly found the number marked 'hotel' in the address book.

But when his fingers hovered over the option to call out, Obadiah hesitated.

He wanted Mu Feng to die, there was no doubt about it.

This bastard was aggressively shorting Stark Industries some time ago. After Tony was plotted against him, his assets could be said to have skyrocketed exponentially.

However, he obviously did not keep the money to depreciate and become moldy in the bank, but quickly launched a sniper attack on Stark Industries.

The entire Stark Group and its many subsidiaries were subjected to a comprehensive sniper attack in the financial market by the other party within one day.

Under that huge cash flow offensive, the Stark Group, which was originally as strong as steel, was instantly killed in the stock market and was completely disarmed.

The most important reason for this is Tony's disappearance.

Although Obadiah's twisted self-esteem makes him reluctant to admit it, the Starks have always been the soul and backbone of the Stark Group.

When Howard died unexpectedly, the once prosperous Stark Group reached the brink of crisis. But when Tony showed off his genius weapons designer and proved that he was better than Howard, the Stark Group regained its strength. Capital market recognition.

The Stark family is not only the source of countless powerful technologies of Stark Industries, but also their signature.

More importantly, Tony did not leave any heirs before his disappearance this time, which means that once Tony's death is confirmed, the Stark family's huge property will have no heirs.

Of course, it can be expected that if Tony really dies, countless guys claiming to be his sons, daughters, distant relatives, etc. will come out and demand a share of the inheritance.

But no matter what, Stark's genocide will completely destroy Stark Industries. Obadiah knows this all too well.

He originally wanted to short-sell himself and then repurchase the stocks on the market so that he could take the initiative in Stark Industries and finally stage a "turning the tide", but now... he is afraid that he will have to make a wedding dress for others.

Mu Feng, a bastard, paid almost 30% more than Obadiah's premium to buy goods on the market at any cost. He had already obtained 11% of the controlling stake in Stark Industries - which was completely superior to him, a hundred-year-old. fifth of the second largest shareholder.

If he continues to buy goods, I am afraid that in the end he will control at least 24% of the shares of Stark Group - in many large companies, this is almost equivalent to holding a controlling stake.

Obadiah will never allow his years of hard work to fall into the hands of a stranger!

Regardless of whether he has the ability to bring Stark Industries back to life, Obadiah, who has still worked as a cowboy for Stark and his son for a lifetime, does not want to continue to be a laborer.

Obadiah squinted his eyes, looked at the Continental Hotel phone in his hand, and finally put his hand down.

It's not that he is a coward, it's just that he is more sensible.

As an upstream supplier who has secretly provided heavy firepower to the gangs in Hell's Kitchen many times, Obadiah knows very well what kind of character Kingpin is.

Just by looking at the name he gave himself, Kingpin, you can tell how egotistical and domineering this guy who calls himself the underworld emperor is.

Even if he did not talk about the transaction of his own interests, Kingpin could not simply give up the promised mission. However, this time... he took the risk of offending Obadiah and backed out of the assassination.

There is only one possibility - in this assassination, Mu Feng showed a power that Kingpin was afraid of, and showed an ability or power that was even more feared than Obadiah Stein.

So what made Kingpin afraid of him? power? money? strength?

Obadiah couldn't figure it out, but he knew he shouldn't risk it. He quit the Continental Hotel's phone address book, and now he hires a killer to kill him. That's called a fight to the death!

Thinking of this, he dialed his secretary's phone number and gave a brief order.

"Arrange a dinner for me and Mr. Mufeng."

Since both of us are businessmen, we should return to the business table and talk slowly.

13. Divide Stark

The clean white restaurant hall, with its dome decorated with gold powder, depicts the 'Ascension of Washington' to the sky with 100% restoration. The long and slender dining table imitates the style of European aristocrats. The candles in the silver candlesticks are placed from one end to the other, giving the room without lights an elegant and luxurious feel.

Looking out of the restaurant from the chair, you can see the towering ancient building complex, which consists of four townhouses and is filled with a large number of elegant 18th-century Piedmont antiques, paintings and artifacts. Barbetta Restaurant, with its outdoor garden and courtyard, is one of the oldest and most expensive restaurants in New York. It has the highest three-star rating among the many Michelin stars in New York.

But to be honest, real dignitaries rarely come to this kind of place.

Any good restaurant will quickly change from a niche noble brand to a vulgar restaurant for the masses after being praised by the media, especially the media that advocates luxury and class.

Many middle class and small capitalists who are eager to get rich overnight, long for opportunities, or simply come to 'Versailles' are flooded with this Barbetta restaurant. The Italian boss here has done a very successful promotion, but the result is that there is almost no place here. There will be a real big shot coming.

However, tonight, Obadiah invited Mu Feng to dine here, and looking at the meal he ordered - the huge king crab seemed out of place in this atmosphere.

This guy's nouveau riche attributes are clearly evident.

As we all know, the United States is a country without nobility, but even so, this land still has its own 'nobles'

The 'old money', that is, the old capitalists, are the out-and-out aristocrats of this country.

The chain of discrimination is something you never get tired of playing. In this country, the old money despises the emerging bourgeoisie, and the new assets will despise the nouveau riche. The nouveau riche despise the middle class, and the middle class despises the proletariat. This is the chain of contempt. formed.

In fact, strictly speaking, even the Stark family has barely entered the threshold of 'old money'. The wealth accumulation of three generations of capitalists is obviously not enough. After all, looking at Tony's virtue, you can tell that he has not received much seriousness from Howard. educate.

Obadiah is the lower echelon of this contempt chain, an out-and-out nouveau riche, an upstart who barely made it into the upper class by working with the genius Howard.

However, this is often the case for people who always overestimate their abilities and think that they have amazing talents, think that their talents are underappreciated, and then they act self-righteously.

But in fact, incompetent waste is always waste!

This stupid old man is not as useful as Justin Hammer. At least the latter's Hammer Industries was built from scratch. Look at Obadiah again, tsk tsk tsk...

The dinner lasted for more than an hour. Obadiah tried his best to pretend to be elegant and calm. However, every time he tried to stir up a topic, he was silently despised by Mu Feng with a smile because of his ignorance.

So in the end, Obadiah didn't even speak, and just concentrated on dealing with the king crab in front of him.

This idiot may now think that I am the heir of some big family, Mu Feng thought in his mind.

This is not a bad thing. Mu Feng is not afraid of trouble, but he is too lazy to deal with those who are not. Now what he does must be on SHIELD's list. If he wants to continue playing, he still has to take his time.

"After three drinks, Mr. Obadiah, I think we should get into today's topic."

Mufeng put down the wine glass in his hand, looked at Obadiah who was wiping the oil stains from the corners of his mouth, and smiled.

"You invited me to dinner today, probably to discuss matters related to Stark Industries, right?"

"Mr. Mu, there is no need for you to target our Stark Industries like this." Obadiah still looked like a good uncle who spoke sincerely.

"Tony's whereabouts are still unknown. He will come back sooner or later. You have made a lot of money by shorting our company. It's time to stop."

"Are you threatening me? As the largest arms dealer in the United States? Mr. Obadiah Stein?"

Mu Feng crossed his fingers and smiled brighter.

" a traitor to the Stark group who betrayed his nephew?"

Obadiah's eyes narrowed slightly, but his strong psychological quality still allowed him to lock all the horror in his heart

"I don't understand what you are saying at all."

"What I mean is that we are all the same." Mu Feng spread his hands and shrugged.

"You see, we are all shorting Tony's company, diluting his equity, and we are all eating the Stark family's inheritance. In his eyes, we are all vultures devouring his parents' assets. So, we are the same kind. ah."

Obadiah secretly breathed a sigh of relief, as long as the boy opposite him was not sure about his relationship with Tony's disappearance.

Even if the whole world knows that you did some things, as long as there is no evidence, then the matter has nothing to do with you!

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