Loki said no more, but clenched his fists slightly.

They always have been, they have always been.

Asgard is a country that advocates force, especially after Odin conquered the Nine Realms. This worship of personal martial prowess has made Asgard's overall atmosphere very...direct.

Just like these four warriors of Asgard, Volstagg, Fandral, Hogan, and Sif.

As the leaders of Asgard's younger generation, the Four Warriors of Asgard are like the epitome of Asgard's mainstream values ​​today.

They worship bravery and the so-called upright warriors, so they follow Thor willingly because he is a product that perfectly conforms to these values.

Their eyes had never seen the worse side of their stupid brother.

And what’s even more funny is that the so-called Four Warriors of Asgard are actually all Vanaheimers.

They never follow themselves like they follow Thor, because they think Loki, who plays with magical illusions and schemes, is a villain and a loser who cannot ascend to the throne.

Just like he appears here now, because of recklessness, stupidity, and naivety - they don't even know that those frost giants were put in by Loki.

Just as Loki thought, his stupid brother came to Jotunheim because of such a ridiculous provocation. Maybe Loki could prove to his father how unfit to be the king of Asgard. !

Everything goes according to plan! Loki thought proudly.

But when he came to Jotunheim with this stupid orangutan, Loki felt a little regretful.

No matter how reckless he is, Thor won't really attack the frost giants on their territory, right?

That can no longer be regarded as reckless, such behavior can be said that even the undead who ate their own brains would not be able to do such a stupid thing...

"Son of Odin."

A bone-chilling voice spread across the frosty ice field, and a figure draped in black robes appeared in front of a group of uninvited guests from Asgard.

"Are you Laufei? Very good! Explain why you..."

"Are you questioning me?" The man in black robe interrupted Thor without hesitation. His eyes under the black robe were glowing with ice, and he stared indifferently at the young Thor in front of him.

"In your capacity, are you questioning me? Thor Odinson."

"I'm not questioning! I'm ordering!" Thor's roaring voice was like thunder.

"Lauffy, you have defiled the sacred hall of Asgard! You have insulted my father's honor!"

"So, you want war?" The man in black robe spread his arms, and countless frost giants crawled out of the eternal frozen soil, their eyes radiating an extremely cold light, like stars in the night sky

"You brought these people to Jotunheim and challenged me as Asgard. So can I think that you want a war?"

When Thor was about to speak, Loki hurriedly stopped his impulsive brother.

"Thor, calm down and think carefully. This is Jotunheim! We are outnumbered..."

"Know your position, brother!" Thor interrupted Loki impatiently. He hated being taught what to do.

"You are like a group of children who don't know what they are called." The man in black robe looked at all of them, with ridicule and malice evident in his words.

"You foolishly and ignorantly come here with your weapons to accuse, and then go back in despair. Little prince, is this your style? Is this your battlefield?"

"Damn it." Loki immediately knew something was wrong.

The next moment, the provoked and angry Thor decisively threw Mjolnir in his hand! However, the hammer penetrated the black-robed man as if it had penetrated a phantom.

This hammer seemed to have sounded the alarm for a duel. In an instant, countless frost giants ran and attacked the immortal warriors!

Loki never thought that his stupid brother would actually choose to go to war.

However, they obviously have no time to complain.

Thor controlled Mjolnir to fly in the air, crushing the frost-like bodies of the frost giants. Fandral wielded his own meteor hammer, Sif killed with sword and shield, Volstagg wielded his battle ax, and Hogan pulled out Take out the long bow and shoot the arrow.

Their weapons are all made of precious Uru metal, which comes from the core of dying stars, and Thor's Thor's hammer is made of Uru metal from the interior of a white dwarf star!

So even though they seem primitive, the Asgardians' technology far exceeds that of humans. Their powerful magical properties combined with the Asgardians' strong physical fitness have created warriors who can fight one against a thousand on the battlefield.

"Can't there be something challenging?"

Thor was wielding Mjolnir to cut the grass wantonly while roaring at the man in black robe in the distance.

"Coward, face me! Fear me! Just like you fear my father!"

"Stupid little prince." The man in black robe just waved his hand gently and commented indifferently.

More and more Frost Giants are swarming up like ants, their number seems to be endless, and each one of them shows extreme fearlessness of death!

And their broken bodies would even return to their broken bodies on the ground. Loki saw with his own eyes a frost giant whose lower body was smashed by a hammer and continued to crawl towards them unyieldingly!

Something's wrong! This is not right!

According to Loki's knowledge, frost giants are not such evil things! Although they have unparalleled recovery ability and vitality, they are definitely not so evil!

He quickly picked up the arm of a frost giant and chanted a spell quickly. The bursts of black energy emanating from the arm made Loki's expression change drastically.

"Thor, there's something wrong with these frost giants!" Loki yelled at Thor.

"What's wrong with you? Do you want us to put down our weapons again? Be brave, Loki!"

"Idiot! Didn't you realize that these frost giants can't be killed at all?" Loki used the spear made by illusion magic to penetrate a rushing frost giant, and roared at Thor in embarrassment.

"These are not frost giants! These are undead!"

"So what? They're all just a bunch of ice shards that will break into pieces when touched!" Vostagg said nonchalantly.

Loki was almost speechless. Asgardian warriors...are they all idiots who treat their brains like fat and train them away?

But there is always someone with a little bit of brains.

"That person, he is not Laufei!" Sif pointed her sword at the man in black robe watching the show in the distance and shouted.

If all the frost giants in Jotunheim are dead, then the master who rules this place cannot be the king of the frost giants. So, who is he?

The man in black robe did not respond, but let out bursts of deep laughter. He took out a sword from the black robe, carved with sheep bones and blasphemous runes, exuding an unsettling chill and death.

Sword of Dominance Frostmourne

He inserted the commanding rune sword forged from the Shadow Realm into the ice, and the power of death spread along the runes to the entire ice. In an instant, the bones of countless frost giants buried deep in the ice were Awakened!

Not only that, there are the skeletons of dead giant beasts lurking under the ice, beasts that died in the war between Asgard and Jotunheim, giant snakes hundreds of meters tall, and even waving snakes that have lost their bodies and only have skeletons left. Frost dragon!

die! Endless death!

The undead swarmed forward, and there was no need for tactical considerations for them who had unlimited numbers and infinite resurrections. Battle losses are never within the scope of thinking. The only purpose is to tear the opponent and those lives into pieces.


Thor roared and raised the Thor's Hammer in his hand. The runes engraved on it summoned the magic power from the World Tree. The huge and roaring pillar of thunder fell from the sky, turning the densely packed frost giant undead within a kilometer range into ashes.

However, they still have many enemies, and their number still seems endless...

"Heimdall, take us away quickly!!!"

At this point, Loki's only hope was Heimdall, but the Rainbow Bridge did not respond to their call. The cold and twinkling stars in the sky were like Heimdall's ruthless eyes.

Countless undead surrounded Thor and his party on the edge of the cliff, but the man in black robes parted from the sea of ​​undead and slowly approached, saying leisurely

"You have never known the truth of the past, little prince of Asgard. You think your father is weak, you just have never seen his cruelty and madness - have you ever seen him blasted to pieces with the light of the Rainbow Bridge? The capital of Alfheim? Have you ever seen him order his executioners regardless of gender, age, or gender? Your

Sister Hela killed all the captured dark elves? Have you ever seen him take away the Ice Box of Jotunheim and the eternal fire of Belheim, the muse? "

He looked at Loki next to him and sneered in an endless mocking voice.

"No, you don't know anything. You don't even know the real history hidden above your father's throne. Asgard prides itself on being gods, but in fact, you are just maggots bred from corpses. Little prince, you There is not even this false nobility.”

"Shut up! The dignity of Asgard cannot be insulted!!!"

The furious Thor threw Mjolnir at the opponent without saying a word, but this time he hit the opponent - his hammer was directly held in the opponent's hand, unable to move!

"This is impossible?!" Thor wanted to recall his hammer in disbelief, but in the palm of others, the proof of his royal power did not move at all!

"Ah, the execution tool that belonged to Odin's executioner has now become the weapon of the crown prince. Odin's bad taste is really great."

The man in black robes smiled maliciously, and his power continued to suppress the magic placed by Odin in Thor's hammer.

Why can only qualified people lift Thor's hammer? It's just the rune magic imposed by Odin. If you want to lift it forcibly, you don't need to have the power to lift a white dwarf star, as long as you can continue to suppress Odin Just the runes engraved on it will be fine.

In the past, Asgard had many gods who rivaled or even surpassed the Father of the Gods in terms of magic - but most of them have disappeared in the long history.

Because those gods are from the Vanir clan, most of the gods who are good at magic come from Vanaheim, the hometown of God Queen Frigga. Sure enough, suppressing internal forces to maintain system stability is the same everywhere.

"Little prince, I'll give you a chance to escape from here." The man in black robe let go of his hand and let Thor's hammer fly back to Thor's hand. He looked at the frightened Hammer God and smiled maliciously.

"Let's have a duel. If you win, I will allow you to escape from here."

Thor calmed his breathing, nodded heavily, picked up the hammer and walked out of his comrades, pointing the hammer at the man in black robes from a distance.

"Don't get me wrong, your opponent is not me." The man in black robe shrugged.

"Actually, I am not the owner here. I am just a passerby. The person you are going to fight...is the real owner here."

The next moment, he dissipated on the spot like light smoke, and among the endless undead souls like an ocean, a figure suddenly emerged.

Thor held his breath for a moment.

In the endless cold wind, the god stands here. His flames evaporate the ice and shape the sky into a storm, and then turn countless raindrops into white mist. The white mist is blown away by the wind and then condenses again. The flames of the gods faded in and out of the white mist, like breathing.

His horse has eight legs and is covered in golden scales. Thunder rolls in its throat, and lightning shoots out of its nostrils when it breathes.

He himself wears dark golden armor, a blue wind cloak, and holds a spear like a dead branch, which is exactly the decoration of the god in the mural. But his body was tightly wrapped in a shroud, and the surface of the shroud was covered with blood-red spells, making him look like a ghost.

He wore a golden mask on his face, the eye holes and mouth holes of the mask were gushing lava-colored light, and the single eye was emitting a strange golden light.

The supremeness of the gods and the darkness of the ghosts merged into his body. Even though he had not announced his name, as long as he saw him, he would be reminded of that god.

War, Grimnir, the Raider, the Third God, the One-Eyed God, the Father of the Gods, Truth, Grimnir, the Cloaked God, the Almighty Father, the God of Wands!

He has countless names, just like the wind has countless names, and there are countless ways to die!

he is--

Odin! ! !

21. Odin’s family education

"This is blasphemy!!!"

Thor's face instantly turned red with extreme anger. There is no humiliation more extreme than this! His father, the King of the Gods, had been so egregiously and mockingly imitated!

But Thor's hand holding Mjolnir was shaking unconsciously. He had never noticed it, or was unwilling to admit it. In his mind, the 'monster' in front of him was more like the tyrant in the legend of the Nine Realms. The feared father of the gods!

Hela is right. Thor has never seen his father's true appearance. He has never seen the ruthless attitude of the father of the gods, who kills wantonly in order to consolidate his authority and the supreme rule of Asgard. He had never seen his father betray his father without hesitation and pull his brother from the throne for the sake of power.

Odin is not great, or his greatness is far less than his coldness and ruthlessness. .

But this is no reason for them to blaspheme and insult their father!

Thor raised his war hammer high and swung it, and surging thunder spears shot out from the hammer and rushed towards the undead-like 'Odin'

But Odin just raised his hand and touched it gently, and an invisible barrier blocked the raging thunder wave. You could even clearly see the thunder summoned by magic analyzing and shattering in the barrier.

The dark crows suddenly swept in like a wave of black clouds

The pale and sharp claws condensed in the darkness and swept towards Thor. Thor once again summoned the roaring thunder, but the thunderstorm he was bathed in was half the size of the last time.

Even though the power of his command of thunder comes from the Thor's Hammer in his hand, there is still a price to pay for activating the runes on it to borrow power from the World Tree.

The frosty snow formed two huge giant wolves and rushed towards Thor. The pale-faced Thor came up with his war hammer. He tried his best to avoid the sharp claws, but the two giant wolves were cunning and powerful. Only one attack was contained, and the claws left deep scars on Thor's sturdy armor.


Thor roared and beat these giant frost wolves with the hammer in his hand. His attacks were always effective, but these giant wolves in the frost could recover in the blink of an eye.

Loki looked at all this in horror, or at that 'Odin' in horror. The one eye glowing with golden light did not even look at Thor, but kept looking at the void in front of him, where there was only Empty and indifferent.

From the beginning to the end, that 'Odin' never really took action against Thor. He just released his crows and wolves to deal with Thor as if he were hunting prey.

That thing didn't use the power it should have at all. At least he didn't use the 'gallows' on his crotch or the 'lightning' in his hand.

Loki didn't think that thing would look good on display.

Although the gun in the hand of the fake was not as gorgeous as the one in his father's hand, it was more like a branch randomly cut off from an ancient tree, and then equipped with an extremely simple gun head, which was more like a spear used by primitive people to hunt buffalo. It wasn't much better, but there was some kind of terrifying golden light glowing on it. The light rose and fell and rose slowly like breathing.

Loki could sense that this gun was definitely something different!

If his father's golden Gungnir is the scepter of the King of Gods, then this Gungnir is like the living God of Death, the scythe used by Death to harvest life.

Looking at Thor who was struggling hard, Loki bit his lips slightly and immediately created an illusion of himself. Then he became invisible and lurked in the direction of the fake Odin!

It is better to rely on oneself than to rely on others. Although it is not a bad thing for him that the brainless muscular idiot dies, but if he dies, it will be his turn to reach the next level of 80!

However, as soon as Loki entered the illusion dimension, he was instantly ejected as if he had been punched hard!

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