Surtur also reacted, waving a fire whip and smashing an Asgardian soldier into pieces, and then rushed there with a grin.

He wants to take back his eternal fire and the source of power of the Fire Giant!

Then, like a child crushing an ant, he will destroy Asgard with one sword!

The eternal golden road of glory leads to the center of Asgard, the palace of Odin, the father of the gods.

In the past, there were always two rows of tall golden guards here. Only true warriors could embark on the path full of glory and accept Odin's blessing.

But now there is chaos here. All the warriors guarding here have left the palace to meet the enemy, and even the Asgardians will know the chaos.

Loki, disguised as a guard, sneaked into this place in embarrassment. He wanted to leave, but when he thought about the consequences he had caused, he gave up the idea of ​​leaving!


With his superb skills and unwillingness to admit defeat, Loki finally sneaked into his mother's palace.

However, even in the face of the approaching enemy, Queen Frigga still maintained a charming and indifferent appearance. She was dressed in luxurious clothes. The noble Queen patted her son's panting back and whispered softly.

"Don't panic Loki, you are the son of Odin, you shouldn't let others see your miserable appearance."

Loki's expression was slightly suffocated, and at that moment he almost couldn't hold back his tear ducts that were gushing out.

"Mother...this is all Thor's fault!"

Of course, I was moved, but Loki is still the guy who doesn't take responsibility and likes to shirk his responsibilities.

"What a kind picture."

Accompanied by the sound of footsteps, Hela's mocking and malicious laughter came, and the goddess of death walked out slowly.

She aimed the sword in her hand at the Queen's neck, locking the dimension that Loki was trying to escape from. She looked at Frigga, the Queen who raised her with her own hands, and let out a soft breath.

"I didn't expect it, Frigga, I'm back from hell!"

"Wait? Are you my sister?" Loki was stunned for a moment and asked curiously

However, what greeted him was a sword of the night sky that suddenly penetrated his left shoulder. Loki fell to his knees and did not dare to move, while Hela did not even bother to cast a single glance.

"Did you do all this, Hela?"

Frigga's tone was very gentle even at this time, as if she was scolding her children not to play around.

"No, it's not, at least not now."

Hela slowly transformed into two giant barbs that matched each other, shot toward the dome between the throne rooms, and then suddenly pulled back!

The historic mural that was still preaching peace in a few minutes was turned into a pile of garbage under the power of Hela, leaving only the truth hidden behind it.

"Look at the history he concealed. He excluded me from this world and buried the loyal soldiers who followed me under his treasure house."

Hela played with the sword in her hand, but her tone did not relax at all.

"With this in mind, I can never exact revenge on him too much."

"So Hela, are you here to take revenge on me?" Frigga said softly.

"If my death can appease your anger, then do it, my dear, and use my life to appease your anger."

Loki looked at her anxiously, but the blade that penetrated his shoulder locked up all his strength and magic power.

"You always trust my cold father so much."

Hela looked at Frigga who accepted her death calmly, and shook her head helplessly.

"You have witnessed your own death, right? If I kill you here again, nothing will change..."

Hela's eyes glowed with a cold, deathly luster

"Odin must die, and Asgard must surrender at the feet of their true king! I won't kill you. I'm far less naive... and less stupid."

"If nothing else happens, has Odin awakened now and is waiting for those idiots in the treasure house? My dear father, there are always countless conspiracies."

Frigga fell into silence, while Loki on the side opened his eyes slightly. When Hela saw this, she immediately let out a sharp and shrill laugh.

"He is still so cold-blooded! He treats the entire Asgard and even his two useless sons as bait on the hook! You accuse me of being cruel and crazy, but the father of the gods is a hundred times better than me, isn't he? If I If he is the god of death, then he is the war that creates death!”

Hela knew her father very well, and because of this, she would never have any naive illusions about him.

After careful calculation, Odin should indeed perform Odin's Sleep in the recent period, but for him, there is nothing wrong with delaying it for a while.

But using this 'weakness' as a price, fishing out the lurking threats and killing them is definitely a profitable business!

But in this process, Odin will lose absolute control over Thor's situation, and will also put the civilians of Asgard and even his own queen on the balance of the gambling table.

But it doesn't matter, this is a business that will definitely make money, and this is enough for Odin. A huge profit, why not?

"Asgard will be mine, and now is not the time to declare war on my cruel father."

A magnificent and dangerous smile opened at the corner of Hela's mouth. She looked at the vague World Tree that reflected the Golden Palace in the distance, her long eyelashes covered her eyes, and then she said lightly

"Now, I'm just here to get back what I have."

"The ship that belongs to me and summons countless heroic souls."

31.Homeland and subjects

When the evil energy beam of the Galosi Slayer enveloped Thor's body, almost everyone's hearts were in their throats.


Jane Foster and Sif both made heart-rending screams, and even Nick Fury was worried.

If Thor died on Earth, it would be a serious diplomatic accident. As Mu Feng said, the sad and angry father of the gods would most likely vent his anger on the Earth.

However, as Mu Feng said, all this is just an education from the father of the gods.

At the moment Thor was about to be swallowed by the evil beam, Thor's hammer, which was thousands of meters away, instantly sensed the call and flew straight over. Its speed seemed to have transcended the barriers of infinite space, and it appeared out of thin air in Thor. On your body!

At the same time, the seal placed on Thor also collapsed in an instant, and the power of the runes that had been squeezed out for several months instantly turned into dazzling thunder on a sunny day and crashed down!

Holding Mjolnir, Thor, who had found the source of his power, roared and rushed towards the Garothi Slayer.

Thor and this tall evil machine suddenly fought together.

It has to be said that bloodline is indeed a wonderful and powerful force, and for the family of the Father of the Gods, bloodline not only maintains family ties, but also a more powerful force.

The strength shown by Thor who regained his strength is completely superior to the four warriors of Asgard!

Even though most of his power now comes from the Thor's Hammer in his hand, there is no doubt that he himself is a being who can contain the essence of the rune power in this artifact.

The Galosi Slayer, who was still killing people just now, was suppressed all of a sudden. The evil energy matrix that had just been erected was instantly shattered by the surging thunder, and the scarlet magic steel was also beaten by Thor's hammer. Cracked underneath!

Thor roared angrily, venting his months of anger and forbearance to the evil magic machine in front of him. The wild rune power was guided by his body and transformed into more violent thunder that bombarded wantonly.

With one hammer, thunder comes to the world!

Two hammers, Thunder Pillar Qingtian!

Volstagg and his party cheered, Thor's victory this time will be written into a poem and sung by bards for thousands of years, and will become one of the glories of his glorious resume just like in the past!

In fact, Thor was like this before. As the eldest son of Odin, wherever he went there was a lack of applause and flowers, and his stories were sung endlessly.

Under such flattery, Thor's recklessness can be said to be reasonable. It would be better to say that he is able to maintain his sanity despite being praised like this, which is already a great restraint.

Empty, empty, empty! ! ! ! !

The Galosi Slayer, who was suppressed and beaten crazily by Thor, made that drawn-out sound, and the sudden wave of evil energy knocked Thor back temporarily.

But the energy storm that was enough to melt Uru metal did not leave any scars on Thor's body. Thor, who had just been repelled, was eager to rush forward, but the behavior of the Galosi Slayer was somewhat beyond expectations.

I saw this dark machine without hesitation piercing its central core filled with evil fire, and what was taken out from the palm was a ball of liquid evil fire. .

That was his engine, the doomsday fire engine unique to the Garosi series of magic mechas.

The Slaughterer took out his own Doomsday Fire Engine, and the wailing souls that kept emerging on the engine revealed how blasphemous and terrifying this dark machine was. Countless souls were absorbed, entangled, burned and tortured, and used in vain. Endless pain gives this dark machine infinite power!

"What an evil creation! Loki would actually unite with such a terrifying demon..."

"Not Loki!" Thor interrupted Sif and said hoarsely.

"I know him! He is indeed a bastard...but he will not join forces with something so disgusting!"

Thor knew very well what kind of virtue his brother was. Thor liked to play with snakes when he was a child. Eight-year-old Loki once used magic to turn himself into a snake and asked his brother to catch him and play with him. Then he laughed and changed back and said that you were fooled, and then stabbed Thor.

But even so, Loki actually still has his own bottom line.

At best, he is just out of his mind.

Cunning, insidious, and in a sense cruel. But this kind of Loki also has a certain bottom line.

He may not care about mortal lives, but he will not play with mortal lives or even souls!

And the arrival of this thing is different from the arrival of the Four Warriors of Asgard riding the Rainbow Bridge. Look at the huge wormhole over there. That is not a trace of Asgard's technology.

It is an invader from outside the Nine Realms, so Asgard has definitely been undergoing a huge test since then!

Thinking of this, Thor became even more impatient, and he threw Thor's hammer in his hand! However, this time, the hammer did not break through the phase matrix in front of the Garosi Slayer.

Turbulent, blasphemous, and terrifying runes were engraved on it. With the infusion of consciousness and power, the power of this dark machine greatly increased.

"It's been a long time since we met, His Highness the Great Prince of Asgard."

The low and malicious voice of Fury was immediately recognized by Thor. His expression changed, and he recalled Mjolnir and stared at him.

"It's you! You're the one behind all this!"

"To be precise, the mastermind behind the scenes is your father, your brother, and then me." Fury smiled maliciously.

"It seems that you have really grown a lot, Thor Odinson, the future great King of Asgard..."

"What did you do to Asgard?!"

The furious monster smiled and projected a picture. In it, Asgard was being ravaged by fire giants and frost giants, and was being slaughtered by Deadpools running around!

"Great Asgard is so fragile without Odin."

"I am going to kill you!!!!"

The furious Thor charged forward, but the evil energy ray, which was ten times more powerful than before, instantly knocked Thor away.

"Don't be anxious, Thor." The corners of Fury's mouth turned up, smiling happily and playfully.

"Your father taught you how to think from the perspective of the weak to become a qualified king. Now, let me give you a test question."

The Garosi Slayer held up the Doomsday Fire Engine in his hand, and the dark machine that was completely separated from the engine lost power in an instant.

A burst of blue light enveloped the engine that looked like burning sparks, and in an instant, the size of the engine increased twenty times, reaching a height of ten meters!

The evil flames lingering on the engine burned the side, and even Thor and the others felt strong discomfort.

But what frightens them even more is the restless and crazy energy source that exists in this engine fire.

"This is a doomsday fire engine. After overloading and detonating, it can drag everything within a kilometer into a heat death hole of collapse and destruction."

Angry voices continue to be heard, full of malice

"And as I have recently achieved outstanding results in a certain technology, I have tried to modify this masterpiece of Jingaros."

Yes, what he injected into this engine was Pym particles.

To be precise, through the analysis of Pym particles, the coordinates of the cosmic dimension that can accommodate and release infinite mass were obtained, and then the link to that dimension was opened through the space gem.

The essence of Pym particles is not amplification or reduction, because even junior high school students understand that pressure can make the so-called amplification and reduction technology equivalent to self-destruction.

The essence of Pym particles is to open a channel to a quantum universe with a special structure. Pym particles themselves are equivalent to small channels. Using Pym particles is equivalent to guiding the characteristics of that dimension.

Shrinking means storing excess mass in that dimension, while enlarging means transferring part of the power in that dimension to the body, and then taking part of the excess interference into this dimension when it interferes with matter. middle.

Keeping the mass of the object constant but changing its properties is the source of why creatures amplified by the Ant-Man suit can possess such unscientific abilities.

Is the culmination of this technology the Ant-Man suit?

No, that is just the stupidest and most useless way to use it.

Hank Pym knew what a terrifying weapon he had invented. To put it bluntly, it was a power that far exceeded nuclear weapons and could easily destroy celestial bodies.

Therefore, he severely restricted the use of Pym particles. The power of the Ant-Man battle suit is actually its life-support device that changes life conditions and allows organisms to maintain normal survival even when they are enlarged or reduced.

What Fury is showing now is the uncontrolled, manic and crazy side of Pym Particles!

After the Pym particles were injected into the Doomsday Fire engine, the 'mass' of the thickly compressed evil energy was instantly replaced by quantum space and increased twenty-fold!

The volume, strength, quality, everything increased twenty times out of thin air - but the destructive power this brought was far more than twenty times as simple!

"Once the current Doomsday Fire Engine explodes, the resulting space collapse will cause this entire town to be wiped off the map. Not only that, the evil energy pollution it brings will also wipe out the entire town within a hundred kilometers. All areas were reduced to places even scarier than when Chernobyl exploded."

Furious, he held up the Doomsday Fire and smiled maliciously at Thor.

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