However, no matter how he summons the Hulk! No matter how angry he was, he just couldn't summon the power of the Hulk in front of them!

"Sit down, Wardis, and be polite."

"Politeness? Two people who don't know what they are are discussing things that started a war and massacre in front of me, and I still need to be polite?" Banner snapped.

"He is the apostle you chose?" Zeus looked at the angry Banner, smiled and shook his head

"Apart from strength, the rest is not that great."

"My children always make me worried, which is almost the same as you." Wednesday said lazily, crossing his fingers.

"But my children will definitely learn to grow, and Vodis can also learn - for example, what we will discuss next, patience. Only patience can allow you to understand the full picture of the situation."

"So you're here to persuade me to join your war?" Zeus raised his eyebrows and said jokingly

"Am I crazy? Risking provoking a retiring Mage Supreme to conquer this boring human world?"

"Our real purpose is not to cause death or war." Wednesday crossed his fingers and said with great grace.

"Our real purpose is to regain our faith."

"Faith? Listen to a group of ants chattering in your ears and taste the cake full of poison?" Zeus smiled contemptuously.

The power of faith? This kind of power is not only dispensable to Zeus, it is simply garbage that will poison himself if he eats it.

They are not gods because they are worshiped; they are gods because they are born.

"I'm not asking you to become their God of Thunder, their God of the Sky, their God of War, and their God of Fertility." Wednesday stood up and put his old hand on Zeus's shoulder.

"I mean, let's get our faith more up to date."

Zeus narrowed his eyes, and Wednesday looked at him like this and said happily

"It is true that we do not need the power of faith. But with this faith, our position in the atrium will be more stable. The most important thing is that no matter what the situation is, we will have room for change."

"Moreover, haven't you already obtained your modern faith and your new god identity? The 'Excalibur' named after you."

Banner was stunned for a moment, but he quickly understood Wednesday's hint.

The most famous weapon in the world bearing the name of Zeus is undoubtedly the Zeus-class battleship series! Those ships equipped with the Aegis combat system.

Gods rely on faith to obtain power, and the death trampled in the name of faith is undoubtedly a lamb sacrifice to God!

Even if the mortals at the time of naming had no knowledge of it, giving it a name itself relied on the power of mythological allusions and was a noble sacrifice in itself.

"You draw modern faith and strength through the slaughter of those ships, the praise of those sailors."

Wednesday smiles happily and confidently

"You are very happy eating these dirty poisonous burgers. Although the power of the essence reflected on you is very weak, but... its potential is endless, isn't it? What is important is not the destruction caused by these things, but the creation brought about by these things .”

"We are destined to be unable to reach the end of our power. If this is the case, we must prepare more back-ups."

"We really don't need these powers, but the rise of Midgard is unstoppable. We need to find each other's new position in this world..."

"The season that belongs to the old gods and belongs to us is coming to an end. The new era belongs to the new gods who can adapt to these new concepts and sacrifices. We don't need the power of these beliefs, but we need the restraint and positioning of these beliefs on us!"

Facing Wednesday's impassioned speech, Zeus was silent for a long time, narrowed his eyes and said

"What you said is very good but... you are not someone to work with."

"I longed to conquer Midgard, and still do now," said Wednesday proudly.

"The Ancient One and her Kama Taj made me choose to accept only the nominal surrender of the land under my feet, but you and I know that all these are just appearances. What hinders us from doing whatever we want is a deeper and more powerful force... Zeus, our destiny has changed. .”

"What we want to do is not to conquer the world, what we want to do is to make this world inseparable from us! The fate of Asgard has been changed, even if the road ahead is unclear, but Zeus, this may be the reason for our escape This is the only chance for divine destiny.”

"You are a cunning, cruel, cold and betrayal person."

Zeus looked at Wednesday and chuckled

"But it's okay, me too."

Wednesday also showed the same smile, yes, they are all the same kind of 'people', they are all the masters of the same god system, an absolutely qualified, but also absolutely ruthless god king.

They both know what they want and what they are wary of. What they do next will subvert the established history and try to find a completely different road on their own.

But maybe that is also a one-way street leading to the bottomless abyss, but they are already on the gambling table. No matter Wednesday or Zeus, this covenant that will not be recorded in the books has been made.

As beings who are born holy, they will receive part of their 'responsibilities' in Midgard.

From the immortal and powerful old god, crown the weak new god. Trading their responsibilities for a fate bound to Midgard also tied the stakes behind them to the center of the Nine Realms.

"Then what are you going to do?"

"The people who instigated a change in destiny are preparing for a great crisis, but before that happens - I think you and my friends have some things to settle."

Wednesday patted the dumbfounded Banner and smiled happily.

"Come on, Vodis! Come and settle your account with this bastard!"

Banner opened his mouth slightly, took a step forward to meet Zeus's interested gaze, was silent for a moment, looked into Zeus's eyes and said in a deep voice.

"Why did you destroy that plane?"

"Plane..." Zeus was stunned for a moment, glanced at Wednesday, and said with interest

"The reason, there is no reason. It was just a normal natural phenomenon. Maybe it was because I looked at it one more time, and the plane crashed."

The reason for Zeus is that there is no reason.

This is Greece, the closest place to Olympus on earth. The authority and power of Zeus here is like Hela in Asgard.

The Greek gods are different from the Æsir in that their power does not come from runes but more from the blood they inherited from the ancient God Eater and Gaia.

They are not the incarnation of all things in nature, but they can control all things in nature. They drive the will of nature, and any thoughts and emotions will bring about huge fluctuations in nature and the world.

Zeus really didn't mean to destroy the plane and kill all the passengers on it.

He just glanced at it.

Banner didn't feel angry, all he felt now was deep powerlessness. What are mortals to the gods? What is the greatest mercy of gods to mortals?

If secular beliefs have no meaning to these beings who are born as gods, then mortals have no meaning to gods. The greatest mercy between gods and mortals is to prevent humans from knowing the existence of gods.

Banner was silent for a moment, and then he chose to get up and leave.

No matter what these ‘gods’ do, it actually has nothing to do with him. He has no obligation to stop anything or follow anything, and has no reason to stop or do anything.

Walking with Wednesday these days has been like a weird and gorgeous dream, but since it is a dream, just let it go.

Just before Banner was about to step out of the door frame, Wednesday suddenly said:

"Wardis, don't you want to resurrect your Betty?"

Banner's footsteps stopped instantly.

42.The story of the fish tank

"Friends are always unreliable, aren't they?"

On the top floor of Stark Tower, Mu Feng smiled and looked at Stark who was smearing the bruises on his body, and smiled maliciously with a teasing tone.

"Colonel James Rhodes is really not a friend enough. He actually snatched your steel suit and gave it to Hammer and the military..."

"That's enough! That's what I gave to Rhodes!"

Stark said impatiently. Just now, Rhodes, who was wearing Mark 2, had a fight with him. Although it was to stop his impulsiveness and stupidity, and he had already planned to give Mark 2 to Rhodes - but no matter what, , this incident was still a bit of a blow to him.

"We have to admit something, Tony. You are weak, and you cannot control others and your destiny."

Mu Feng crossed his arms and smiled.

"Your armor can't protect anyone from the Asgardian soldiers, and your wisdom doesn't seem to be able to fight against the Green Hulk?"

Mu Feng moved his fingers, and with the help of Jarvis's projection on the virtual screen, the Green Hulk battle scene shot by Eddie Brock made Tony silent.

Mu Feng was right, the power he had now was simply not enough to achieve his wish.

He didn't even have the ability to tidy up the Hell's Kitchen not far away.

The secret project obtained by the military, the so-called "weird cells" strengthened Kingpin's power far exceeds the ability of the suit in Stark's hand, and the increasingly dangerous weirdos gathered under him...

Kingpin is very quiet, and Kingpin is also accumulating strength. Anyone can see what kind of crazy ambition this underworld emperor has. But those short-sighted politicians still chose to cooperate with him on the appeasement policy for the sake of stability and the weird cells in Kingpin's hands.

The aliens in Asgard are also so powerful, especially when Mu Feng showed Tony the scene of the Rainbow Bridge destroying the muse Belheim——

Tony is a very unreasonable person. As Thanos said, he is cursed by knowledge and will worry about problems that should not be borne by him at all. Thanos is worried about the insufficient resources of the universe, while Stark is worried about the bad future of the earth and all mankind.

But unfortunately, he can't do it, he can't do anything.

There is no doubt that the steel suit is excellent and powerful, but it is far from enough to deal with these monsters!

In fact, many of Stark's development talents are concentrated in the field of weapons. The weapons he developed are no longer even in the state of drawings, but the problem of energy sources still hinders his steps.

But he actually had a better choice, but he... was still too anxious to accept it.

"You are not even willing to accept your father's kindness."

Mufeng spread his hands with a meaningless look on his face

Not long ago, Mu Feng sold Stark another favor. He told Stark the secret hidden in the video his father left him - about the synthesis method of the isotopes of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube.

This technology can almost be regarded as comparable to super black technologies such as Minovsky particles. If the energy emission of the initial version of the palladium reactor is 3 billion joules per second, then the Ark reactor made of Rubik's Cube isotopes has The energy emission reaches eight gigajoules per second.

It can be said that all subsequent versions of Tony's armor development and weapons and equipment rely on the terrifying energy radiation of Rubik's Cube isotopes.

And just such a small Ark reactor has an energy reserve that exceeds that of most mobile suits in the Gundam world, and more importantly, its ability to be used down to personal size.

Moreover, the Rubik's Cube isotope also provides a special kind of protection for Tony himself. Whether it is GN particles, Minovsky particles or even Loki's mind control, the reason why he does not work is because of the protection of the Rubik's Cube isotope.

Mu Feng never felt that he could hold Tony back in terms of energy. His accumulated inheritance was too unique, but Mu Feng didn't need to snatch anything away. The information on the Rubik's Cube isotopes was just at his fingertips, and he could just sell it to Tony as a favor.

"...What on earth is your relationship with my parents?" Tony couldn't help complaining.

"I am Uncle Mu from your next door neighbor."

"Fuck you!" Tony rolled his eyes.

"I have no neighbors!"

"In short, this is the inheritance left to you by your father, and it is also the key to unlocking further possibilities for you. Whether you accept it or not is your question." Mu Feng stood up and said with a smile.

"Also, you seem to have no intention of studying the two gifts I gave you...Why, are you afraid?"

Tony fell into silence again. Mufeng had given him two gifts before, but he only studied them briefly before locking them in the deepest safe.

What Mufeng sent was nothing more than a tube of Odin's blood and a small fragment of Gangnir with runes engraved on it.

"People in the past liked to call guests from outside the universe gods, but people now like to call de facto gods aliens." Mu Feng looked at the silent Tony and smiled maliciously.

"The former is due to ignorance, and the latter is due to arrogance. What's actually scary? There is actually no difference between calling a huge thing that cannot be influenced by humans and controls and processes the science of the universe a god or a machine. "

The reason Tony didn't dare to study these things was that he was afraid that his worldview would be shattered.

Tony is a follower of standard dialectical materialism. The true unity of the world lies in materiality. Material is the first nature, and consciousness is the second nature. Consciousness is only the function of the human brain that is born of matter, and it is only the objective material world that exists in the human brain. reaction in.

But Mu Feng told him that the world was not as simple as he thought.

In another dimension, on another planet, maybe even three blocks away from when he went out for a cheeseburger, there were guys who could influence matter with their minds.

Interfering with the first nature through the second nature, representing the objective laws of matter and even modifying them at will, so that one plus one is less than two. Their existence is simply a representation of dialectical idealism.

Atheism cannot defeat such beings, because they do conform to the interpretation of the word "god" in human vocabulary.

In the movie, Stark's "reassurance" towards the Asgardians is based on the "weakness" shown by the Asgardians. Odin, who is truly a god, has never made a move in front of him, even with one eye. Torna is also a later event.

But the battle that broke out in the town allowed Stark to truly see the power that a being who could be called a god could display. As Thor's father and the father of the gods, Odin's power was even greater. It can no longer be guessed.

"Let me tell you a story." Mu Feng poured a glass of divine wine, watched the clear wine swirling in the glass, and said softly

"There was a man who kept a tank of fish, and he took good care of them. He changed the water regularly, used a heating rod, and had good feed. The fish lived well and without any worries - until one day, this man His tears fell into the fish tank."

"The fish who drank these tears awakened their wisdom, and then they suddenly discovered the existence of the fish tank and discovered the terrifying reality."

"They were surprised to find themselves in a perfect ecological environment with many coincidences. They could not survive any deviation of all ecological conditions, and they found that the wall of the fish tank was a thing that protected them, which gave the fish The basic guarantee of survival. But outside the protective cover, it is very scary, and the exposed fish cannot survive even a few minutes."

"And in this fish tank, they have everything they want. There is a perfect water circulation and filtration system. The water they depend on for survival is always attracted by an inexplicable black hole. After the backflow, there is clear water without bacteria and terrible impurities. And The temperature adjusts with time, oxygen is continuously supplied, and even food seems to be endless."

"The heating rod in the fish tank is a technology that is incomprehensible even to the smartest fish. It always releases heat to ensure the temperature of the fish tank. Its energy is so great that the fish cannot even understand the process of its formation. As a result, some fish He began to worship the heating rod, calling it a god - even giving him the name 'The Sun'."

"You want to say that humans are fish, the earth is a fish tank, and the sun is artificial?"

"You can understand it that way." Mu Feng said with a smile.

It was very rare that Tony did not make any rebuttal. In the past, if someone had said such nonsense in front of him, he would have hit back fiercely to make the other party unable to defend himself.

But Mu Feng can't, because he is always right, and it is difficult for you to make a habit of refuting a person who can always talk.

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