"Congratulations on rescuing your Aunt Mei, then when you untie her, the toxins staying in Ms. Mei's body will begin to flow."

"You have an hour this time. Go to Flushing. There will be an antidote to save her. However, there is only one copy."

"You only have one hour, Spider-Man, it's very tight, right? Feel the passage of life and the feeling of death approaching step by step..."

The recording was cut off at this moment, and then the door to the laboratory was blocked by a crashing fall of alloy steel.

This is SHIELD's secret laboratory. Although SHIELD has many secret laboratories, none of them are allowed to be broken into.

"Peter, Parker!!!!"

The screen in the laboratory suddenly lit up, revealing Nick Fury's black face full of anger and disappointment.

Spider-Man was originally one of his favorites, and could have been absorbed into the Avengers - but now, everything is ruined!

This bastard almost killed one of their mutant agents!

Although he did not die due to physical reasons, he would have to lie in bed and be a vegetative state for the rest of his life.

No matter what the reason is, no matter who opened the fire first, SHIELD has reduced its staff, and there is no chance that this matter will go away.

What's more, he also invaded the Sanquyi Building. This is still a big problem that requires severe punishment regardless of the reason!

"Listen to my explanation, I have to leave here now! After I rescue Aunt Mei, I will come back and surrender!"

Peter explained anxiously, but Nick Fury's communication was cut off directly. The impatient Peter beat the alloy door frantically, but even with his strength of dozens of tons, he could not move the composite metal door.

Peter felt like he was going to collapse!

First, Aunt Mei was captured and he was forced to kill someone, but now, he had to watch Aunt Mei die.

He doesn't even know who he has offended?

Peter began to regret becoming a hero. When he abused his power, he killed Uncle Ben. When he wanted to be a hero, he killed Aunt May. What else was he going to do?

"Peter, Peter."

Aunt Mei seemed very peaceful. Even though she knew that she might die in less than an hour, she still comforted her nephew.

"It's okay, Peter, it's okay."

But the more she behaved like this, the more ashamed Peter felt. Pain, struggle, madness, countless emotions were intertwined, and in the darkness, it was as if the devil's whisper sounded.

"Poor kid, you could use a little help."

In the endless darkness, there seemed to be a scarlet light, and a demon whispered to Peter in the shadow.

"Don't pray to God, he can't help you. No god can help you. You should pray to me, to the great Mo..."

At this moment, the locked alloy door suddenly made a heart-wrenching twisting sound, and there was a whisper of displeasure in the darkness, and it dissipated like ice and snow under the warm sun.

The alloy door was twisted open, and the Night Demon, who was flapping his wings and shrouded in a shadow-woven cloak, looked at Peter coldly.

"follow me."

He only said this sentence

The battle in Flushing has completely turned into a mess. Ivan drove his giant steel cable to attack Tony like crazy, while the Black Wolf Ghost was fighting fiercely with Rhodes next to him. As for Harry, he came up to harass him from time to time. Ichiban.

There is no doubt that Tony's skills in the steel suit are superior to Ivan's. However, the synchronization interference of the Green Goblin and the black wolf ghost just now caused Tony to be trapped in the quagmire of the battle for a while.

"Rod, damn it! Can't you take your hand out?!"

"Right now - let me kill this puppy with my 'ex-wife'!"

Rhodes, who made an awesome declaration, slowly opened his shoulder armor, and from the rocket launcher, a miniature rocket flew out.

"Secondary cyclotrimethylene trinitrate RDX..."

Before Rhodes could finish his words, the ex-wife was slapped away by the black wolf ghost, fell into the water and turned off.


The black wolf ghost made a sneer, and then Harry and Ivan also sneered. Tony looked at his old friend and said speechlessly.

"...Hammer's weapon?"

"The fight you guys had was really lively. "

At this moment, a voice intervened, and a one-eyed and handsome driver knight wearing full body armor descended!

Harry narrowed his eyes slightly, knowing that it was time to act.

"Mr. Stark, it looks like you could use a little help."

The carrier's transformation module wears the skin of a driver knight, and Mu Feng lies politely and happily in front of Stark.

"...your friend?" Rhodes asked curiously

"Let's consider him one of our own." Tony said, then looked at the driver knight and frowned.

"How are things going in Flushing?"

"I can only say that the status quo is maintained. The monster doesn't seem to have any intention of killing anyone - not yet." Mu Feng shrugged.

"Why did you come to help me?"

"Why it's a good question, I can help you or I just want to teach someone a lesson - all of these are valid."

"Pretend to be a ghost!!!"

The black wolf ghost howled and flapped its bat wings and fired an ultrasonic cannon at the driver knight. However, the extremely compressed sound wave was shattered when the deformation module instantly deformed and formed a shield in front of Mu Feng.

The next moment, before Black Wolf Ghost could react, the deformation module instantly completed the split and turned into hundreds of flying metal blades to surround Black Wolf Ghost.

The swirling blade storm enveloped the ghost-level monster's body, cutting his body sharply and quickly. At this moment, a Green Goblin grenade was thrown directly over, instantly blasting a gap in the metal storm.

The black wolf ghost immediately seized the opportunity and flew out, and the driver knight seemed to have no intention of pursuing it. The split metal blade once again transformed into a deformed module in front of him.

"Leave him to me," Harry said in a low voice.

"You can't deal with him...that's my problem."

"Problem? You really have the nerve to say that, thief!" the driver knight sneered and mocked

"You are just a thief like the thieves who occupied the vibranium mines in Wakanda! Now you want to repay me by stealing my things?"

'Wakanda? Vibranium? thief? ’

Tony, who always raised his ear to the maximum, captured these keywords immediately and determined to search them carefully when he went back. But Ivan didn't intend to give him a long rest. He roared and charged forward with an electric whip.

The Black Wolf Ghost immediately rushed towards the soft persimmon Rhodes, leaving the battlefield to the Green Goblin and the Drive Knight.

This scene cannot end with a paddling.

This trade show in Flushing is not only an opportunity to showcase the company's technical strength, but also an opportunity to deter some ignorant flies from swooping down to seek death.

The next moment, a flash of emerald green flashed from the sky, and the next moment, the roaring light green particle beam fell from the sky like a divine sword cutting through the sky!

The roaring beam separated the Drive Knight and the Green Goblin, and then the giant thing descended from the sky, even Tony was stunned.

Twelve meters tall, with a military green body, imitating Prussian-style black and yellow patterns on his chest and wrists, he looks like a huge mecha Cyclops, and the four huge propulsion wings make him look like It's like a steel fortress!

Compared to his own steel suit, or even compared to Obadiah's Iron Overlord, such a thing is more in line with the meaning of a war machine!

Of course, building large robots requires a lot of trouble. None of them are qualified weapons manufacturers...

"I will defeat you with this Kshatriya!"

Harry jumped into the Kshatriya's cabin while saying the lines in the comics. In an instant, the pink woolen eye flashed brightly, and the cold muzzle of the gun was slowly raised.

"Stop being arrogant, you're just a fake thief!"

Mufeng also responded with a somewhat neutral answer very cooperatively, and then the deformation module in front of him covered his body, completing the structural reorganization in an instant.

Standing together with Kshatriya was the equally gigantic steel giant, but his whole body was silver-gray mixed with black, and his cap-like head glowed with a cold light, and the huge propulsion wings behind him showed something. The brilliance looks like a steel giant transformed from an ancient Roman statue.

Xin'anzhou·Rough Stone!

But this is not just a simple Xinanzhou, as the second car built by Mufeng - although it is more of a toy to him now, he still put a lot of technology on it.

The outer layer, in addition to the frame covering the psychic sensing elements, is the PS phase armor, which can achieve the ability to be immune to live ammunition attacks by consuming energy by dispersing and transferring the impact force.

Then outside the PS armor, there is a layer of anti-beam coating from the iron-blooded world. This special material black technology can reflect any energy attack through the surface layer and deflect it to other directions.

The energy used is the high-efficiency supply of dual GN solar furnaces and almost perpetual motion-like power, as well as anti-gravity propulsion, quantum jump, and quantum burst systems that can be achieved without propellant.

In addition to a Magnum sniper beam rifle, the weapon system also has two high-output lightsabers and twelve floating drones hidden under the inner armor. Its composition is based on the component disassembly and reconstruction technology of the Drive Knight and the nanoscale self-reorganization intelligence of Doctor Metal.

And the most important thing is——

It also carries a moonlight butterfly.

47. Destiny is like a thread

That's right, the Moonlight Butterfly, a historical black technology from Gundam, uses extremely tiny nanoworms to eat all unnatural substances under control and reproduce itself in large numbers. It destroys itself and releases huge amounts of heat energy to destroy the civilization of the planet circle.

The difficulty of copying this technology is not high, especially for Mu Feng who pointed out nanotechnology. With the reference of pre-production technology and follow-up technology, it is not difficult to create a replica.

Arrogance had already launched related technology a year ago, but currently this imitation can only cover one planet. But although the Moonlight Butterfly weapon sounds awesome--but to be honest, it is a kind of torture weapon.

A civilization that can be destroyed by the Moonlight Butterfly can be destroyed by Mu Feng himself. As for a slightly more advanced civilization that can counter or even destroy nanobugs, this thing will not be of much use.

Mufeng is not crazy enough to provoke Heavenly Father with this thing, but no matter what, he is indeed a very scary toy.

boom! ! !

Accompanied by the roaring tail flames of the Kshatriya jets and the light green GN particles ejected from the Xinanzhou rough stone, the two huge steel giants instantly flew over New York.

In an instant, dazzling beams of light and particles illuminated the entire sky, and now everyone in New York could see it clearly.

On the other side, Nick Fury, who was on the aerospace aircraft carrier preparing to rush to the Tri-wing Building, looked at the two aircraft that suddenly took off, and instantly felt like shit.

"Fuck Fuck! What is that? Stark's new toy!"

"No, Director, that seems to be the war machine of the Palm Company." Black Widow reported in a timely manner.

"If the information from Stark is correct, Mufeng is the driver knight, and the black machine is his machine."

Nick Fury was silent for a moment. He looked at the Xinanzhou and Kshatriya flying in the sky. The two machines, which were more than ten meters high, were as flexible in the air as birds with wings.

That's not a superhero, nor should it be.

Have you ever seen a superhero driving a big robot more than ten meters tall to fight? Iron Man's suit still looks like an individual weapon on the outside, but those two huge mechas...

It was obviously made for war.

The floating drones flying out from the two aircrafts flew in the sky, creating a network of dazzling light beams.

The battle between the two MSs was splendid and gorgeous, like a dance taking off in the sky.

Ordinary citizens saw beauty and the joy of two big robots fighting each other, but the military saw threats, fear, apprehension, and... greed.

Two of the few steel giants weighing hundreds of tons were flying and dancing above the clouds, making maneuvers in the sky at supersonic speeds that no fighter could do.

If such a weapon can be mass-produced, it will definitely be the overlord of the future air force!

New York's anti-aircraft missiles had locked onto the two aircraft flying in the sea of ​​clouds and shooting beams at each other. However, they soon discovered that all their radars had failed.

Not only radar, but even optical detection methods are unable to do so. As the Xinanzhou equipped with two GN solar furnaces spreads GN particles wildly, the result is that the use of guided weapons is completely cut off in this area. .

On the ground, Tony and Rhodes, who finally defeated Ivan and drove away the black wolf ghost, looked at the battle above them. Rhodes made fun of his best friend.

"It seems that the Pentagon will not buy your steel armor."

"My armor is not for sale..." Tony said with a complicated expression.

"That's not for war - and I advise you to put aside your thoughts on buying his stuff."

Tony knew how high the technical content of the two MSs above his head was. To put it bluntly, they were at a level that was at least fifty years ahead of the Earth as a whole!

Not only did Tony know this, Tony even knew the specific information about several technologies equipped on that machine body.

PS armor, GN solar furnace, anti-beam coating, particle field restraint...

However, these technologies are all on-site data, and there are no in-depth study of principle issues at all.

With Tony's ability, he could get these awesome things on his armor, but he wouldn't do it - because he knew it was a trap.

A deep trap dug on top of technology.

Any high-tech development must ultimately be built on the cornerstone of basic disciplines.

Mufeng's technology is like a person who gives you answers but doesn't tell you the questions.

Once such technology is used or even expanded, the result will be an insurmountable 'lock' on the current scientific path.

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