Crowe's face turned pale. Was the last invitation more than unfriendly? In order to get in touch with the largest arms dealer who replaced Stark, he even planned to use strong force for the last time...

Of course, the result was that he appeared on this ship as soon as he closed his eyes and opened them. Needless to say, his men and the people sent there must have died miserably.

The person who can make the largest underworld emperor in the United States and even the world call you "Your Excellency" is definitely not someone he can mess with!

"Sir, that was a misunderstanding..."

"I don't care about your stupid and self-righteous offense." Mu Feng interrupted him and said calmly.

"Ulysses Crow, you are a very capable person. Your family is also very well-connected, but to be honest, it is really difficult to get to your level."

The Ulysses family has a long history in this world. Their family has been engaged in the business of smuggling vibranium since the time of Grandfather Crow.

They rely on the vibranium obtained from Wakanda to do business with others. Captain America's shield comes from them, and the vibranium used to make the armor in Iron Man's hand also comes from them - otherwise Steel How can the suit have such strong anti-fall ability?

His family also has a lot of connections with Hydra, and it can be said that both black and white take all. The business done by his grandfather and father can only be said to be of average size, but in the hands of this guy, it is not as bold as usual.

He sneaked directly into Wakanda and stole a total of 250 kilograms of vibranium. Although he was caught on the spot, he detonated a bomb and killed all his pursuers, and then ran away alone.

By doing business with Tony, he accumulated a large amount of funds, and now he is a smuggling giant at the Salva Giant Wharf in Africa.

Of course, none of this is important, the bottom line is that he is an officially certified thief in Wakanda.

A thief who needs to be hunted down, who should be killed, and who Wakanda officially believes must die.

He would be a great prop.

"Mr. Crow, most people in this world think that Africa is a barbaric land. The black people in Africa are lazy, lazy, unmotivated, and stupid. Well, I don't think I can use some racist language here. Does anyone have any objections?"

Mu Feng looked at the two top racists opposite him and said with a mocking and malicious smile.

"But this kind of prejudice is just like your race looking down on us Chinese. It is an arrogant prejudice. Africa also has its own civilization, for example... Wakanda."

Crowe's face was slapped hard several times. From the moment the name Wakanda was said, he knew that he had no chips at all.

"A country built on vibranium veins, a country with unique technology and civilization but insists on choosing to close itself off. A country that, um... obviously realizes partial socialism for its people, but chooses to insist on defrauding United Nations relief funds every year?"

Mu Feng smiled mockingly

What he said are all facts. It doesn't matter if Wakanda has mines, and it doesn't matter if Wakanda chooses to shut down the country if it has technology. After all, it is their own choice. But still insisting on defrauding the United Nations relief funds until now... it is really shameless.

Wakanda did reject United Nations relief funds, but only during the period when T'Chaka was preparing to bring Wakanda into being. The money was naturally insignificant to them, it was just a disguise.

Although Wakanda made such a choice out of disguising itself, cheating insurance is cheating insurance, and these guys insisted on not paying attention to the triangular trade happening under their noses. Mu Feng felt that this was very bad - so He should help other African brothers get justice.

"You want vibranium?" Crow asked tentatively.

"No, no, no, that's indeed a good thing, but I don't have much need." Mu Feng shook his finger and chuckled.

Vibranium is undoubtedly a good thing. This kind of sound-absorbing steel has a relatively static molecular structure, which makes it almost non-conductive in heat and kinetic energy. This characteristic allows it to absorb heat, energy and kinetic energy.

Armor made with such things can be said to be truly indestructible to a large extent, but at a certain level, vibranium's protective capabilities become insufficient.

Mu Feng had the technology to disintegrate positional weapons, and vibranium was ineffective against weapons that directly dissociated at the molecular level. For those who play with magic, there is no need to say more.

The real usefulness of vibranium lies in its ability to store kinetic energy. With a little use and research, like Crow in front of him, he can create a devastating weapon called a continental shelf oscillator.

Vibranium is indeed a good material, but Mu Feng doesn't like it if it doesn't have a certain amount. But now, he wanted Crow to do something more meaningful.

"You should know him."

Mu Feng threw a photo on the table. Crowe picked it up and took a look, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"T'Challa, the heir to the crown prince of Wakanda, is currently studying at Oxford University, um... political economics."

Mufeng raised his wine glass and slowly revealed the identity of this prince.

"He is accompanied by three elite members of the Wakanda Royal Guard. He himself is Wakanda's several-time duel champion. He also has a lot of vibranium equipment in his hand. So, Mr. Crowe, you Are you confident you can take him down?"

"No!" Crow said decisively

How could he not have known for so many years that T'Chaka, who had carvings on his face, had approved a vest to enter the United Nations as a poor African country? Including his son, Crowe investigated everything clearly.

But he really didn't dare to provoke the Black Panther. The other party's epoch-making technology couldn't be solved by manpower.

What's more, is he crazy? Go to Oxford University to attack a foreign student who is the crown prince of a country? Just carve words, it’s better than seeking death!

"But what if I say, you must catch him?" Mu Feng patted Crow on the shoulder, his tone becoming increasingly dangerous.

"You have to do this. I will give you some help so that you can infiltrate the technology of the Wakandans and their vibranium. But you must capture T'Challa, don't kill him, and take him with you. Can you go to New York?"

Crow's face looked as ugly as if he was crying in mourning, but he could only nodded. Between dying in the future and dying now, he chose later!

"Very well, then Mr. Crow, the next issue is between you and Fisk."

Mu Feng smiled and snapped his fingers, and the crowded space took him away, leaving only the stunned Crow and the grinning Jin Bin.

"Come, Ulysses, we will have a long time to spend together."

Sokovia, Strucker's secret laboratory.

Baron Strucker has been studying here for two years since he obtained the sample of weirdo cells.

His research on weirdo cells has reached a breakthrough stage.

Baron Strucker has been able to control the manufacturing variables of the Monster Cells.

First of all, the changes and strengthening of the human body by weird cells are conditional.

The weirdo cells in Mufeng's hands are the result of copying and rewriting the cells of the weirdo king Orochi, so it is impossible for extremely specialized weirdos like the Wandering Emperor or Black Aoko to appear.

The appearance of most of those weirdos has some kind of metaphysical factor, so the rewriting range of the weirdo cells in Mu Feng's hands always has to take into account the quality of the experimental subjects.

And weirdo cells are not 100% able to turn people into weirdos. If they cannot withstand the first stage of gene rewriting, or if emotions such as excessive fear appear during the rewriting stage, the person who takes the cells will become an irrational pure person. monster.

There are many types of enhanced monsters. The first type is a monster that is purely combined with the form of a certain creature or object. It has special abilities, and its strength is relatively ranging from tiger to ghost level. It has average controllability, but it is completely unable to transform back into human form. , can only be used as a pure weapon.

The second type is the so-called "ugly", which is similar to the ugly president, who turns into an extremely ugly and twisted weirdo due to some inner desire. It is relatively powerful, but almost impossible to control, and difficult to use for anything other than combat.

The last type is a rare item that can transform from a weirdo back to a human like Kingpin and Matt, but such an experiment is too difficult to achieve, and those who achieve such an experiment will choose to escape from prison when their thinking and emotions are massively distorted. .

After losing most of the experimental products and failing to achieve the goal of mass-producing an army as expected, Baron Strucker chose to attack from another angle.

Baron Strucker chose a trick.

He first selected some outstanding experimental subjects and injected them with Centipede Serum, a specialty of Hydra. This serum is also one of the experimental products imitating Captain America, and it is extremely defective and is likely to cause the death of the experimental subject.

But this kind of death is the result of genetic collapse after the body has been strengthened to a certain stage, so Struck took this opportunity to simultaneously inject the serum of the weirdo cells that he had partially cracked, and then when the phases merged to a certain extent, , feeding the weird cell body directly to the experimental subject.

The monsters strengthened in this way have extremely strong physical fitness, but their strength cannot exceed tiger level and they have almost no special abilities. The winning factor is that he can maintain his human form and can be controlled in a state of mental breakdown similar to that of the Winter Soldier.

Such warriors were named Hydra Warriors by Strucker, and he proudly declared that this would be the future of Hydra's rule!

But Baron Strucker will obviously not be satisfied with this, and more in-depth research on the weird cells is proceeding in an orderly manner.

In terms of relationship, Strack became closer to Jin Bin, and therefore, Mu Feng also knew the coordinates of his laboratory.

There is nothing he particularly wants here, or what he wants is not here yet.

He came here today to meet a friend.

"Do you Midgardians think that biological experiments would be particularly good if placed underground in the dark?"

In the dim laboratory, under the pale green light in the culture tank, Odin, wearing a white suit, strolled here and complained to Mu Feng who came over.

After leaving Asgard, Odin seemed to be a completely different person, or in other words, he just changed back to his original self.

"After all, these are things that cannot be seen in the light." Mu Feng knocked on the culture jar in front of him and said with a smile.

Banner would be shocked and angry if he were here, because what is in the jar is his girlfriend Betty Ross!

"How is Mr. Green's situation?" Mu Feng asked curiously.

"Very good, Vodis' condition is very stable." Odin said calmly.

"I took him around the whole world and took him to visit the gods who were still on the earth. I told him the real history and everything that was about to happen."

"What was his reaction?" Mu Feng asked.

"He wants to tear you into pieces!" Odin glanced sideways at Mu Feng and sneered.

"This is too much." Mu Feng held his heart with a hurt expression on his face

"Aren't we both bad guys to each other? Why does Dr. Banner hate me but not you?"

"Because I am qualified to ask for everything from humans." Odin said coldly, and the wind from nowhere blew his pale beard.

"I once declared war on those cosmic parasites for this world! But in the end, we didn't get everything I deserved?"

52. The God of the Universe and the Great Demonic Shadow

Odin is a cunning, cruel, and tyrannical king, but humans are the only ones in the nine realms who cannot refute and accuse Odin.

In the long past, when the earth gave birth to gods due to the fighting of the ancient gods, and when all things were born due to the death of an ancient god, the ancient gods began to develop and grow in a realm where time is difficult to observe.

And perhaps in the face of the bad fate that was bound to come, the gods traveling through time formed an alliance.

An alliance of heavenly fathers.

The bad future they predicted was far more terrifying than Ragnarok, and even the God-Slayer who was wandering among the stars was only one ten thousandth as terrifying as that bad visitor.

The earth once faced a crisis of real destruction.

Invasion of a cosmic god.

In the eternal universe, even the naturally immortal cosmic gods will die. It was a disease in the universe, and the cosmic god who was infected with an incurable disease came to the earth that had not yet given birth to real life.

He died in the soil of the earth, and on the corpse of the god of the universe, his blood flow brought the earth's ecology, his tears became the ocean, his flesh and blood became the earth, and his body The microorganisms in it have become the life of all things on earth.

Does this myth look familiar?

Pangu, Ymir, Tiamat, the nation that recorded this myth all participated in this ancient war in the past before life was formed. In the end, the beginning of the birth of life on earth was rewritten into the myth of two races.

But the enemy in this final battle is not the dead god, but another cosmic god who comes looking for the god.

His name was Zagreb, and he was the companion of the dead cosmic god. He saw with his own eyes the tragic death of his lover, the millions of maggots that ate the corpse of the god, and the world born of maggot filth made him crazy.

The crazy Zagreb became the Dark Gods, a collection of negative energy after the energy body formed since the birth of the universe fell into madness. He wants to destroy the earth and sweep the universe with madness.

The one who stopped him was the Ancient Avenger.

Odin, who traveled through time, was guided by Agamotto, Iron Fist, the successor of the power of the Dragon Nest, the Phoenix Girl who mastered the power of the ancient phoenix, and the ancient gods, such as Zeus, members of the Heavenly Father's Council.

This time-spanning defense battle begins.

"I will never forget that battle until my death." Odin narrowed his one eye, as if recalling the past.

"Stars fall, stars are extinguished, Agamotto makes time continue to reverse and stagnate. The iron fist that captures the power of the dragon pulls down the meteors as weapons, the Phoenix woman burns into existence, and I mobilize the power of the nine realms to face Zagre with the other gods. Boo’s madness.”

"In the end we defeated him, banished him and killed him at the end of time. I will always remember that moment when Zagreb's corpse was stepped into the earth, and Agamotto sealed it forever. But even so , we still recruited the God Group."

"But that's a good group of gods." Mu Feng said softly

"Oh, how can they be good or bad?" Odin sneered and shook his head disdainfully.

"They just came to investigate the cause of the death of their compatriots. They also transformed the life on earth according to their own wishes - damn bastards, if it weren't for them, where would the Eternals be? Where would the Titans be? That Mad Titan on the Star!”

Odin has always been thinking, maybe he saw the moment Thanos killed Loki from time, and the race of the Mad Titan is the Eternals who moved to the stars, which are the cousins ​​of humans.

Mu Feng did not make any further comments, and if he went by his memory, the killed Universe God would eventually trigger a major event that would lead to the collective fall of the Universe Gods.

But... that was too far away from him, so there was no need to consider this issue for the time being.

"And after you returned, you launched a war of conquest across the nine realms." Mu Feng said with a smile.

"And after returning to the original time, you were defeated by the heir of Agamotto in Midgard. Time has now formed a closed loop, and you understand that fate cannot be violated."

"It didn't work in the past, but it works now!" Odin's one eye flashed.

"The faith of Midgard is of no benefit to us, but it allows me to live here forever! Mortals should worship me, this is what they owe me!"

Of course mortals owe them. Without the battles of these ancient Avengers, where would the earth be today?

From a certain perspective, what Agamotto did was indeed very unauthentic. He gathered the power of the gods to kill the gods of the universe, but finally chose to kick them all away.

But from a human perspective, Agamotto is undoubtedly the greatest hero. Without him, it would be impossible for mankind to have its current independent status.

"I have no intention of intervening in your struggle." Mu Feng said with a smile.

"I just hope that your presence can help me contain other troubles."

"Will the guardian of time come to correct your existence when you are worried?" Odin suddenly showed a malicious smile, as if he had been worried before.

Yes, Odin also worried about this problem when he traveled to the past to stop the Celestials. The Time Guardian will not see whether what you do is good or bad, but if it disrupts the flow of time, he may make you disappear on the spot.

Even the Heavenly Father cannot defy the majestic time. In the long river that rolls forward, those who try to go upstream or change the direction of the flow will eventually pay the price in blood.

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