But today, this PTSD-like mentality is finally coming to an end.

Crowe's breathing was a little rapid, and he gently stroked his head. With his current appearance, the people closest to him might not be able to recognize him.

His head, or rather his body, no longer had the rough feel of flesh and blood.

Instead, there was an extremely lubricating touch, as if caressing on metal, on a smooth steel surface.

He was no longer Crow Ulysses.

His official name should be - Tuning Fork.

This was his code name as a weirdo, and the reason Kingpin chose this name was because of his forked head that resembled a tuning fork.

The silvery smooth metal is a layer of vibranium covered with a coating. After using the weirdo cells, Jinpin mercilessly pushed Crow into a ball of liquefied vibranium and alloy mixture.

The function and production of weirdo cells will resonate with the surrounding situation to a certain extent. As a person who has been in contact with and studied vibranium for a long time, Crowe’s deep obsession and understanding of vibranium also influenced his transformation into a weirdo. As a result, with a little help from Mu Feng, Crowe, who had already studied vibranium beyond ordinary people, has now become an expert in the field of vibranium.

Thus, a new weirdo, the ‘tuning fork’, was born.

This is a weirdo who is difficult to measure using standard levels. According to Mufeng’s standards, he is a weirdo who may only be at the tiger level in the ordinary stage, but after meeting the conditions, he can even reach the dragon level...

After a while of shaking, the carriage stopped.

The car has now driven into the back entrance of Oxford University, right in the center of the famous Redcliffe Square.

Crowe has never been to Oxford University. He hates Britain, hates those pretentious British people, and even hates its leader, Oxford University.

However, hating is also a good thing.

At least this way, after releasing the crazy desire for destruction in his heart, he would no longer have any hesitation.

Destroying annoying things is the meaning and core of the existence of weirdos!

The door of the carriage was kicked open, and Crowe, who was covered in silver vibranium and had a head like a tuning fork, walked toward the center of the square with a grin.

What was there was a group of students after the afternoon class. Tuning Fork glanced over and easily found T'Challa's figure.

Precisely because he has been afraid of Wakanda his whole life, he clearly remembers the appearance of T'Chaka who carved the words for himself, and also remembers the appearance of his son.

No more fear and fear!

Him, Ulysses Crow! No more fear!

Faced with the unexpected weirdo, the top students from Oxford University pointed at it in surprise and thought it was performance art, and the tuning fork also took out its own weapon.

Two silver...tuning hammers.

T'Challa was stunned for a moment when he saw the silver monster, but the next moment, the bracelet on his right hand that detects physical conditions and hostile threats suddenly started beeping like crazy!

dangerous! ! !

Tuning Fork grinned ferociously, raised the tuning hammer and hit his chest hard. The next moment, his head released a huge sound wave impact! ! !

Less than half of the entire Radcliffe Square was destroyed by this roaring blow. The rocks and ground were flying, and there were more miserable and broken corpses involved. Screams instantly enveloped the entire place!

"Vibranium?!" T'Challa shouted in shock. How could he not recognize this kind of weapon even though he grew up in a pile of vibranium?

T'Challa didn't know who the other party was, but he only knew that now was not the time to show off!

T'Challa activated his necklace without hesitation, and Wakanda's advanced nanotechnology allowed the Black Panther suit to instantly cover his body!

"Little prince of Wakanda! Come with me!"

Almost instantly, the tuning fork was in front of T'Challa, and T'Challa, who had just put on his suit, immediately crossed his hands to resist the blow from the tuning fork.

Vibranium is a metal that can absorb all kinetic energy, so what will happen if you hit vibranium with vibranium?

Of course... they bounce off each other!

In the next moment, T'Challa and Tuning Fork bounced off each other instantly, smashing two statues before stopping, but neither of them suffered any damage.

"Hey hey hey, Wakanda's technology isn't that good either?"

The tuning fork walked towards T'Challa with a ferocious smile, hitting his body with the tuning hammer continuously as he walked.

T'Challa's eyes narrowed slightly. Although he didn't know where the guy in front of him appeared, he obviously understood how to use vibranium weapons.

Just like his suit, the vibranium suit can almost be regarded as a kind of 'charge' for impact. The more attacks it receives, the more energy the armor accumulates, and the more powerful the armor becomes.

Wakanda also has the technology to release stored energy, but few people in Wakanda, which advocates close combat, have developed this technology.

"Although I don't know who you are, you will soon tell the truth after I capture you."

T'Challa did not stretch out his claws, but decisively chose to take out two energy daggers

Not all Wakanda’s technology relies on vibranium!

T'Challa rushed forward like a vigorous black panther, swinging the dagger in his hand like the wind. Adhering to the country's traditional martial arts, he fought as if he was dancing the Karaboye dance.

Swift, beautiful, and deadly.

Tuning Fork's body, which was plated with a layer of vibranium, was clearly defenseless under the attacks of the two energy daggers. Those two weapons seem to be able to bypass vibranium's ability to absorb kinetic energy and directly destroy it itself!

Such technology is not surprising, but what is surprising is its stability, miniaturization, and...

"You have this technology, why don't you make a gun?" Tuning Fork complained.

"Hmph! How can you understand Wakanda's technology when you are still using backward gunpowder kinetic energy weapons!" the young Prince T'Challa said proudly and angrily.

"Steal Wakanda's prized possessions, thief, and you will pay!"

"Does all the vibranium in this world belong to you?" Crowe laughed mockingly.

"Because a meteorite fell into your land, does this vibranium belong to your family? If so, the Americans would have returned the land to the Indians long ago!"

"And one thing you said is right, little prince." Tuning Fork looked at the wound on his chest and suddenly showed a ferocious smile to T'Challa.

"You who are behind will not understand."

"Vibranium is an interesting substance. Its atomic energy coexists with cells and can be deeply combined and developed without triggering rejection at all. Using this technology to build flying discs and spears is really a waste."

"I think you must have laughed at Captain America's shield, right? But how good are you? Using such a perfect resource as vibranium to build that ridiculous anti-gravity engine, and using simple counter-evidence to achieve such a crude Anti-gravity environment - you have not grasped the essence of vibranium power at all!"

The next moment, Tuning Fork suddenly ignored the energy dagger T'Challa stabbed into his chest and hugged the black panther tightly.

T'Challa wanted to break away, but the moment he tried to use force to shake both sides apart, he found that they were 'sticky' together again!

Does this guy want to release the kinetic energy accumulated in his body?

ridiculous! That would not only have no effect on him, but would also make him suffer!

But T'Challa soon discovered that this was not the case, and that it was completely contrary to his suspicion.

The tuning fork is absorbing this kinetic energy.

To be precise, he relies on the kinetic energy he releases to continuously circulate between the Black Panther's armor and his body. Just like a ping pong ball bouncing between two walls, the force of the continuous rebound is getting bigger and bigger!

But that's not the most terrible thing. The most terrible thing is undoubtedly that the frequency between the two vibranium parts is highly 'resonant'!

The molecular activity of vibranium is relatively static, but it will vibrate at a certain frequency after receiving a kinetic energy impact. When two pieces of vibranium have the same frequency, they will stick together like magnets.

This is also one of the important means for Wakanda to create anti-gravity engines, and now that this technology has been applied to himself, T'Challa, who is completely unable to escape, can only keep using daggers to try to kill the monster in front of him!

"Techalla, I have a PhD in acoustic physics! And you only studied political economics! You nerd!"

Tuning Fork laughed maniacally, his mouth full of science students' disdain for liberal arts. T'Challa's eyes narrowed slightly, and he seemed to realize what the lunatic in front of him wanted to do!

The reverberating force is getting stronger and stronger, and the frequency of vibration is getting bigger and bigger. The two behaviors alternate and continue to increase. In less than a minute, this huge energy has already——

"Wait, stay—"

"Welcome to the modern world, tribe darling!"

The tuning fork laughed maniacally and unleashed this resonant power on the ground.

54. Prelude to War in Wakanda

The continental shelf oscillator is a strategic super weapon similar to nuclear bombs and celestial storms.

Its principle is very simple, which is to release vibrations of a specific frequency and enough energy to the earth's crust, so that the earth's crust resonates together, and finally causes a huge earthquake within a certain range.

But it's easier said than done. Among other things, how to store such a huge amount of energy and release it in a directed manner to the earth's crust is a huge problem!

For tuning forks, it is not difficult to implement this technology.

Vibranium meets this standard perfectly.

As a kinetic energy absorber, vibranium can accommodate far more kinetic energy than imagined, and its molecules are infinitely static, making its energy release almost completely non-scattering.

In other words, as long as the simple condition of vibration at a specific frequency is met, the function of the continental shelf oscillator can be completed.

As he said, Crowe has a PhD in sound wave physics. Mu Feng just helped him transform his body to be more adaptable to the properties of vibranium, and then helped him improve his brain's computing power.

As long as the resonant frequency required in a specific area is calculated, Crowe is now a walking continental shelf oscillator.

Therefore, Mu Feng believes that Crowe is a dragon level under certain conditions. As long as the activation conditions are met, his humanoid self-propelled continental shelf oscillator will be a walking weapon of national destruction.

T'Challa certainly understood this knowledge point. In fact, although he majored in political economics, the royal education he received in Wakanda made him quickly understand the terrifying use of this weapon.

Wakanda has had similar ideas, but like their long-range weapons, there is no motivation to develop them.

The reason is very simple. Wakanda has been at peace for too long, closed to the country, and the deformed system cannot match technology. It is not so much a group of high-tech hidden countries, but a group of primitive tribes that have picked up high technology.

Just because there is no such demand, the weapons developed by Wakanda are not developed in the direction of "killing all opponents the fastest and best" at all.

So even if T'Challa knew, he couldn't do anything to stop it.

He couldn't disarm the armor. When the resonance started, the control system built into his armor completely failed. The tuning fork only had to drag T'Challa to continuously resonate.

"Let go, what do you want?! Stop doing this!"

T'Challa roared in shock and rage. He watched the ground beneath his feet break. He watched the buildings in Radcliffe Square collapse. He watched the ground shake. He watched Oxford's Broad Library shatter like Lego blocks. , watching the historic Ashmolean Museum turn into a pile of rubbish!

The school he stayed in for two years turned into a big pile of garbage in less than three seconds, taking the students inside with it!

The motto of Oxford University is "The Lord is my light", so now they are afraid that they are going to see their own light.

The number of deaths is increasing exponentially!

Moreover, the frequency of vibration is getting higher and higher, spreading from the tuning fork and its original center of the circle, and it is amplifying exponentially!

Within minutes, it had spread to the entire bottom of the Thames Valley, causing countless casualties. The crazy earthquake disaster caused these British people in the foggy city to die suddenly in ignorance.

Tuning Fork smiled wildly and wantonly, but the earthquake spread slower and slower.

Quite simply, this exponential rise becomes more difficult the further it goes up, and most importantly, T'Challa's body can no longer accommodate such strong kinetic energy.

In the constant circulation and circulation of kinetic energy, the tuning fork as a weirdo may be able to withstand it, but T'Challa, even with the protection of the Black Panther armor, can no longer withstand the destruction of internal organs caused by this terrible kinetic energy.

Looking at the Wakanda prince who rolled his eyes and fainted, Tuning Fork spat disdainfully.

"What a pampered young master!"

Although it is okay to continue to resonate like this while holding T'Challa, it would not be good if he were killed.

Between the two options of making bigger news and being killed by the boss, Tuning Fork decisively chose to live.

Anyway, the scale is about the same now.

After dragging the entire foundation of Oxford down by more than twenty meters, he launched all the accumulated power towards the earth's crust.

This huge force is hundreds of millions of tons in terms of tonnage. This kind of mass is fatal to carbon-based life, but it is not so fatal to the earth's crust.

But if you add resonance with the same frequency, it will be different.

Just like the trembling caused by plucking the strings, Archimedes said that if he was given a lever, he could move the earth, so this lever moved the earth.

The earth's crust began to shake, and the tuning fork was aimed at two fault lines beneath London.

This is only known to those who study geography. In recent years, the fault lines discovered under London, the crust that separates the cracks are like two cracks on a cake. They are shallow and insignificant in themselves, but as long as force and vibration are applied.

It will make a bang and completely tear apart the plates in this area.

The whole of London screamed in the roaring shaking. The sudden huge earthquake instantly overturned countless buildings, especially those ancient buildings inherited from the Victorian era. The collapse was almost instantaneous.

The collapse of No. 10 Downing Street coincided with the tremor of Buckingham Palace. Such an earthquake is obviously a natural earthquake that exceeds human understanding. The multiple energy released by several continuous vibrations on the plate directly destroyed the structural measures of all modern earthquake-proof buildings. .

And the number of casualties that followed... does not need to be calculated.

"Oh, isn't that a little too much?"

Mufeng, who was staying in the British Royal Museum, touched his chin, looked at the trembling museum, then looked at the ancient relics from various countries in front of him, and shrugged.

"Forget it, it's nothing."

The main purpose is to capture the prince of Wakanda. As for destroying London, that is just incidental.

In the past, New York always fell; today it is London's turn.

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