The Soul Stone is actually the most useless of all the Infinity Stones, but unlike other gems, the Soul Stone is also the only gem that has self-awareness, or a soul.

It was a hungry and dangerous soul. Without seeing the arrogance and rage of the Red Skull here, it was certain that the Red Skull was most likely a mimic personality created by the Soul Gem.

The guy talking to Thanos from beginning to end is most likely the Soul Stone itself.

It blocks its location with probability clouds formed by countless superpositions of life and death, and these probability clouds can simply be understood as illusions composed of countless dead and reborn souls in the universe recorded by the soul gems.

Of course, the illusion is limited to the fact that you have solved the problem of this probability cloud. If you have not solved it, then this probability cloud is in the superposition state of life and death and is recognized as 'life', which is the side of material existence.

So even if you are on this planet, it will take a lot of effort to find it.

But for rage and arrogance, this probability cloud code composed of countless superposition states of life and death is not an unanswerable question.

The essence of arrogance has now become a flow, machinery and concept, a thinking life that is higher than AI, and the rage of parasitic life has analyzed and gained the power of this planetary life since it parasitized the body of Titan. .

Those probabilistic cloud codes pose no threat to them. In particular, the Soul Gem actually chose to use 'fear' and 'death' to try to make them recognize themselves as post-death in the probability cloud illusion.

If you can make a thinking body life and a preparation titan feel fear, that is also a skill.

After successively solving the probability cloud illusions of countless horror movies including Sadako, Kayako, Jason, Freddy, Nailhead, Chu Renmei, etc., the soul gem changed its direction to create probability cloud codes.

He changed from creating fear and death to conundrums posed by a large number of the best dead intelligent beings in this universe.

The soul gem, as a shortcut icon for connecting to the nature of death in this universe, naturally records the information of every deceased person in this universe.

What he did was just to 'resurrect' these dead people with their abilities, and use the wisest attitude in their lives to set up difficulties in the illusion of probability cloud by 'seeking knowledge'.

I have to say that they did a good job of blocking arrogance and anger.

There are many geniuses in this vast and dangerous Marvel universe. Their wisdom has developed beyond imagination in various fields. Sharing knowledge with them has made Mu Feng and his clones intoxicated.

Although I knew this was a trap to delay time, the bait was so fragrant that I couldn't help but swallow it.

However, Mu Feng is not in urgent need of soul gems for the time being, not to mention that even if he gets it, he is not prepared to keep more than two infinite gems in his hand.

This is actually an invisible curse. Anyone who holds more than two soul gems will suffer an inexplicable 'curse' and lose the gems or their lives.

This is by no means alarmist. In fact, many problems that occur with these six gems cannot be explained by so-called common sense.

But also thanks to the delay policy of the soul gem, Mu Feng... made something very interesting.

Thanks to the relationship with the Gate of Truth, Mu Feng has no problem with understanding any foreign knowledge. Even if this knowledge may seem backward, it can still ignite the spark of inspiration in his soul.

Such treasures are the most precious. Compared with using gems to make weapons to hit people, the granting of knowledge is the most precious product.

"Then let'Sloth' find those mice." Mu Feng, Arrogance, and Fury said in unison

Crossing the long river of time and space, they all made the same decision, belonging to the same essence of "one Qi transforming three pure states".

Send the youngest ‘brother’ to Earth.

It was not difficult to kill those rats. In fact, those 'reincarnations' were no longer on the same level as Mu Feng. No matter how powerful they seemed, they also had the most fatal shortcomings.

But it is also important to prevent the guys behind them from doing evil. Just think of it as an experiment, the third artificial human created and designed with bold thinking combined with the secret of the soul gem.

The newborn third Mu Feng, who had already completed a perfect performance on Xandar and put everything into the palm of his hand.


Africa is a region naturally isolated from civilization.

This continent is rich in resources and the climate is not bad. However, except for at most half of Egypt, no decent country or civilization has been born on this continent.

There are many essential reasons for this, including geographical constraints, resource distribution issues, and perhaps more importantly, the characteristics of the human race.

There is no doubt that judging the superiority and inferiority of a race based on skin color is a kind of narrow discrimination, but the inertia shown by black people as a whole, especially in the face of a land with rich resources, but until now has a half-dead virtue, can It can be seen that this is a group of things that cannot be supported by mud.

Bast chose Africa as the cornerstone of its expansion of believers' power. Part of the reason is because the people here are not enterprising enough.

Because they don't want to make progress, even if Bast secretly allows them to build a civilization that is far superior to their compatriots, they will not ask to go further.

Precisely because they do not want to make progress, they dare not step out of their homes even if they have the force to conquer the world.

Bastet did not limit the nature of the Wakandans. Their current appearance and status in the world are all due to their own choices.

As for the other limited countries in Africa, what is the reaction after knowing that they have such a high-tech neighbor?

They came shamelessly to ask for help.

They demand that Wakanda open its land to allow their compatriots to integrate, or simply, let Wakanda become a member of their family.

This is unacceptable to 90% of Wakandans.

Regardless of what these highly educated Wakandans say, it can be seen from the fact that their ancestors have witnessed the triangular trade for generations without taking a single step, that they do not think highly of their African compatriots, and even I'm afraid they feel that those white people are more like their compatriots.

To put it bluntly, skin color has never been a factor in whether you consider the other person to be your compatriot.

Although these Wakandans are also dark-skinned, they all claim to be a superior race. Other black people around the world say they are compatriots, but in their hearts they probably regard them as chimpanzees.

Although Eric said he wanted to liberate black people all over the world, he knew very well in his heart that the mud couldn't hold up the wall.

If the era of the Black Panther Party was the only time when black people outside the world had hope, then the black people now supported by the Black Lives Matter movement around the world are just a group of lazy parasites.

Eric shipped weapons to them purely to create trouble for countries like the United States.

At the same time, he is also testing the bottom line of these countries.

The results obtained are very satisfactory. Including the United States, these big country politicians who look awesome in the international community all look like cowards.

Even if history proves that the appeasement policy is a joke that deceives itself and everyone else, they are still willing to stage such a joke over and over again.

As a result, Eric no longer had any scruples.

He did not hesitate to attack his fellow Africans.

After these shameless African countries once again asked Wakanda to open the border barrier, the Wakandans really opened the energy shield on the border.

But before the group of black people with their families and their families were ready to go to Wakanda to live a life of "superhumanity", several steel behemoths drove out from Wakanda and began to wreak havoc and advance.

Three giant mobile fortresses AM-X7 Shambro, a giant war fortress developed based on the design of this giant mobile fortress for land warfare, has been innovated and strengthened several times with Wakanda technology.

The superconducting magnetic fluid underwater engine originally designed for underwater warfare has been transformed into a Hall anti-gravity thruster with a vibranium energy furnace as the main energy source. It can produce a propulsion effect of up to 50,000kW, enough to make thousands of tons of Heavy behemoths fly in the sky.

The original design of the superconducting magnetic fluid was rewritten. The original design concept of using a superconducting magnetic field to interact with seawater to generate electromagnetic force, and then converting it into a Lorentz force, was rewritten into using a superconducting magnetic field to bind the vibranium sound wave position. , in order to achieve the ability to perform short-term overspeed propulsion in the air.

Its weapons and equipment are fully loaded with Wakanda's energy reflection weapons. A large-caliber energy particle cannon is installed in the groove of the variable cover structure, and the shoulders are equipped with two high-power sound-absorbing steel vibration devices to achieve target control. Rewriting and destroying the surface environment.

Then, the most inhumane thing is that the entire outer skin of this super large M~A is plated with a layer of vibranium.

This means that even if this machine does not have an energy shield and looks heavy and heavy, it is still enough to become an unscrupulous war beast on the battlefield!

After inheriting the Wakanda royal family, Eric planned a future for weapons development that had stagnated for more than a hundred years.

That is to focus on high-precision weapons, focusing on the three high weapons products that are highly destructive, high-priced, and highly reliable.

This kind of war concept is perfect for Wakanda, which has a small population.

In fact, based on time, even if Wakanda's production capacity is high, it is impossible to build so many huge mobile fortresses out of thin air. All of this was shaped by Eric relying on Pandora's Box given to him by Mu Feng.

The nanobug material reconstruction system is the product of reverse deciphering from Moonlight Butterfly technology. These tiny nanobugs no longer erode civilization, but instead naturally build and create civilization's creations in the form of records.

A small Pandora's box is equivalent to the foundation for the reconstruction of civilization.

This thing has never been put to use after it was developed. Instead, it was used by Mu Feng as the ultimate reward for the group of gods and gods to play the RTS game layout. But there is no doubt that as long as there are enough materials, Pandora can be pulled by one person. Raise an army.

And in fact, even Wakanda's own technology is metaphysical enough - things like picometer-level process lithography machines are already incredible technologies that have entered the microscopic realm.

As the first target for surgery, Eric chose Ethiopia.

He launched a war on the pretext of sending spies to invade Wakanda. Only one Chambro was sent to fight, and the result was——

Within seven hours, the entire territory of Ethiopia fell—oh no, it should be said that the entire territory was destroyed.

The land guided by Shambulo was not deep enough. The thousand-ton behemoth carried out destructive interference on the earth's crust through two vibrating wave devices, wildly triggering huge earthquakes and completely destroying Ethiopian buildings and military facilities.

And Ethiopia's nearly insignificant military power was unable to break through Chambros' defenses, and their limited air fighters were unable to avoid the anchor point of the large-caliber energy particle cannon.

Within seven hours, this country with a heritage of three thousand years became history.

Wakanda once again shocked the world with its strength.

75.Hero, the blade of politics

"I want to get back on the battlefield."

Facing Nick Fury who came to see him again, Steve made a firm decision after thinking about it for a long time.

He will go to the battlefield to face those enemies who threaten the world, threaten the United States, and threaten the will of the free people.

He wants to fight the Wakandans, just like he wanted to fight Nazi Germany.

There's really no difference between this time and last time, right? Back then, he was a thin boy who held up a garbage cover as a shield. Today, the old antique who has been eliminated has returned to the battlefield, just to find his rightful position.

"Captain, there is no need for you to be so anxious! Besides... we are not at war with Wakanda!"

"But it's just a matter of time, isn't it?" Steve looked at Nick Fury and said softly

"I still remember when the Munich Agreement was signed. I was only thirteen years old at that time. At that time, Chamberlain's 'great achievements' were reported on TV, and he proudly said that he had brought peace to the world."

"But what was the result? Czechoslovakia was captured half a month later, then Poland, and then... it was World War II."

"The situation is different!" Nick Fury persuaded him earnestly.

"Times are changing, and we will not have such a result."

"Humanity keeps doing the same thing over and over again, and the only thing we've learned from history is that we don't learn any lessons."

Steve interrupted Nick Fury and said softly

"I am a ghost who should have slept in the ice sea seventy years ago. There is no reason for me to exist in this era...Give me a reason, Fury, and let me fight for the free world again."

That was his belief, his belief, defending America and the free people of that golden age, was Steve's only belief.

Even if he didn't go out to understand the current United States, even if he just browsed through the information a little, he already knew that the United States of the past was a thing of the past.

Provoking war, oil hegemony, global deployment of weapons...

Under the banner of peace, they are doing things that are no different from the Third Reich. The only difference is that America was influenced by Jews, while the Third Reich massacred Jews.

Steve actually didn't want to admit this, but he had to admit that everything he had fought for was in the past.

Now, he picked up the shield but could only look at everything blankly. The only thing he could find meaning and fight for was perhaps the freedom he defended on the battlefield.

"There is absolutely no need for you to be so pessimistic!"

Nick Fury said helplessly, and at the same time he wanted to arrest and beat the guy who was providing information about Captain America.

What does it mean to have not received a higher education? What does it mean to be a soldier who pays for patriotism!

Look at how quickly Steve learns after waking up! And his current ideological level - is that how a soldier who has been deceived by patriotism should behave?

Also, what makes Nick Fury not sure whether to be worried or happy is that the person Steve has been closest to recently is Natasha.

The reason is simple. They have all lost their homeland and their former beliefs.

At the same time, they are unwilling to admit that what has risen again on the corpse of their motherland is what they have fought for.

Nick Fury is not too worried that Captain America will be fooled by the Black Widow, but at this time, Steve, as a symbol of the American spirit, is a promotional card that cannot go wrong.

"Is my use value still on the stage rather than on the battlefield?"

Steve sighed, slowly lowered his head, a red light appeared in his eyes, and whispered in a voice that only he could hear.

"This time... it will be very different."

The massacre in Ethiopia once again shocked the world.

Not long after a month had passed since the Wakandas signed the peace agreement, they committed another crime against humanity, massacring tens of millions of people regardless of whether they were soldiers or civilians. Such behavior was already a hundred times worse than Mustache!

Then, how should politicians from various countries respond?

He verbally condemned it, then ordered all the media to suppress the matter, and at the same time dished out a lot of prepared celebrity gossip to increase the popularity.

For the government, these stars are used at times like this. If necessary, throwing a few out can often suppress big news directly.

But anyway, for people from other countries, Wakanda’s massacre of Ethiopia has little to do with them.

It’s just niggas killing niggas! Other countries may have to thank Wakanda for preventing the influx of refugee garbage and allowing them to live like human beings.

But then, Wakanda's series of military actions also made these calm white elites dare not remain calm.

Four days after the Ethiopian massacre, Wakanda brazenly invaded Eritrea and occupied the largest seaport in East Africa.

At the same time, two AM-X7 Chambro set off from the sea route and arrived at Port Natal, South Africa's largest seaport, occupying the place with bloody suppression.

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