"That's Dormammu's dark magic power!" Mordo said in shock.

Unlike a 'young' mage like Casillas, he has been fortunate enough to see Dormammu's dark dimension after following the Venerable for many years, and he naturally understands this dangerous power.

Its own strength is secondary. The most important thing is that using Dormammu's dark magic means that the Lord of Darkness, who is always suffering from the greed of devouring the main plane, is approaching the world.

Some of them fell into being Dormammu's lackeys!

Now even Mo Du, who always prided himself on being calm and objective, couldn't hold back anymore.

He is still very clear about how many brushes he has. Once a big event like the invasion of the Dimensional Demon God happens, he will definitely go up to deliver food.

Fortunately, the defenses built by the three major sanctuaries are still very reliable. For powerful beings like Dormammu to come to the earth, they must go through complicated rituals.

Wakanda has a problem and they have to fix it!

"Gather the mystics from the New York Sanctuary! Let's go to Wakanda and solve the problem."

Modu gave the order simply, while also secretly guarding against other mages in the New York Sanctuary.

No matter what happens, never interfere with mortals' own wars!

Casillas looked at the busy Mordo, his head slowly lowered, revealing a cold smile that no one had ever seen.

"Mr. Norman, I have always felt that you are a very satisfactory collaborator, but your behavior... I am very sorry for the word friend."

Mu Feng looked at Norman, who had a very fluctuating expression in front of him, and smiled and threw the photo of the Thunder Agents completely wiped out to him.

This even includes a photo of one of Harry's clones being beaten to death.

He knew that Norman was doing something behind his back. This old guy secretly stole Mu Feng's technology and formed the Thunder Agent Team, in order to have his own power to counter Mu Feng.

But obviously, this very comic book villain-like behavior has no effect.

Even the current rebel king of Wakanda is one of his experiments. How many places in the world don't have his spies?

But Mu Feng is not angry, or in other words everything is reasonable. If Norman Osborn doesn't cause trouble, will he still be the Green Goblin? What's more, this is a Green Goblin who is cruel enough to treat his own son as a consumable.

To be honest, it's not necessarily the fault of Peter's parents that happened with Peter's parents. With Norman's character, few people who see through his true nature won't be afraid of him.

Of course, Mu Feng didn't care about this.

"Mr. Mu, I..."

"Okay, I don't care about the suicide squad you formed." Mu Feng waved his hand and said calmly.

"It's good that you want to have your own team, but you shouldn't be stupid enough to get involved in government tasks."

Hearing that he had not been held accountable, Norman breathed a sigh of relief and then asked softly

"Why do you say that?"

"Those couples were all sent out as sacrifices." Mu Feng said calmly, stroking the black cat in his arms.

"They are all sacrifices used to stimulate the complete awakening of an experimental link... Moreover, they are also a legitimate excuse for Wakanda to continue this war."

"I think even if there are no assassins, it will be a matter of time before a war breaks out between the King of Wakanda and our government." Norman raised his eyebrows.

"Yeah, but that way there would be no drama." Mu Feng said with a smile.

"A development with dramatic ups and downs is more suitable for the perfection of the situation. Norman, do you think our power is worthy of satisfaction now?"

"Of course not." Norman replied without hesitation.

Although no war broke out, the government promised a lot of benefits in order to appease and win over them. Now, 90% of the entire U.S. arms market has been divided up by them.

The previous Norman would have been very satisfied, but the current Norman is far from being satisfied with this.

"Then what kind of situation will allow our status in this country to reach the next level?" Mu Feng asked with a smile.

There is no doubt that the seats above their heads are vacant.

Those capital families are a small problem. The focus is on those complicated political families, the bloodlines of several families that have not changed since the founding of the United States. After all, if you look closely, you will find that even the most unlikely ones are Obama also has the blood of those political families.

It is too difficult to defeat them all at once, and it is also extremely difficult to rise to power while they still control political resources.

But the alternative method is very simple. If you can't go up by yourself, just support a puppet.

The problem is how to kill the people in the empty seats and find a suitable puppet.

"What do you think of Steve Rogers running for President of the United States?" Mu Feng said with a playful smile.

"He will have a huge advantage! It can even be said that the position of president belongs to him!"

Captain America, who has been crazily deified in the past few decades, has a natural sanctity and legitimacy for the people of this country. Those politicians used to promote Steve endlessly in order to sensationalize, and now that Steve has come back from the dead, these have become their negative assets.

The essence of a presidential election is exposure, and no matter how much money you spend, can you compare to a historical figure whose story and name you have memorized since elementary school?

The biggest reason why the government went crazy against the Avengers after Avengers 1 was because they were afraid that a "mythical figure" like Captain America would take over the stage and become president with a single wave of his hand.

But Steve obviously knew he wasn't that kind of guy, and he wasn't easily taken advantage of.

Because of this, Mu Feng's plan seemed very sound.

"I will find a way to put Steve in that position and become our most qualified partner - but before that, Norman, you have to atone for your sins."

Mu Feng threw the photo up, crossed his legs and said

"This is a picture of the current leader of the Democratic Party. You should know her. Find her, let her disappear without a trace, and then you replace her."

"No problem...but it seems that you have made up your mind that Captain America will participate in the campaign?"

Norman raised his eyebrows, put away the photo, and showed a playful smile.

"It seems that this flawless American saint is not as flawless as I imagined..."

"No, Captain America is still the perfect man of God." Mu Feng chuckled.

"But not Steve Rogers."

"He never was, is not, or will be in the future."

79. God on Earth

When the huge Chambro arrived over the Potomac River through the opened door, the attacking troops already had early warning measures.

Although the U.S. government has shown an extremely conciliatory appeasement policy in its war against Wakanda, perhaps because of this, the top executives who are extremely afraid of death have chosen to compromise, and have even chosen to absolutely establish their own safety. sex.

The destroyed Second Fleet forcibly transferred the military power of the Third Fleet and the Seventh Fleet, and with the government's compromise, a large number of resources were tilted towards the military, creating an extremely powerful air defense force.

And most importantly, under the coercive operation of the World Security Council and the hard instigation of insiders like Mu Feng, SHIELD's future base, the aerospace aircraft carrier, was forcibly requisitioned!

It is ridiculous to say that the most advanced and the only one in the United States that controls the aerospace aircraft carrier entity is actually a secret service department.

At the same time, the aerospace aircraft carrier Lemuria Star, which has mastered low-level anti-gravity systems, optical stealth technology, and turbine engines, is undoubtedly a weapon that is an era ahead of the U.S. military!

"Seagull 3, please answer! This is the command headquarters. Three huge enemy aerospace aircraft carriers have arrived above the Potomac River, requesting to disable all fire control systems!"

The huge aerospace aircraft carrier has lifted its optical camouflage. In the distant sky hundreds of thousands of meters away, there are three mobile fortress Chambro that are not huge compared to it!

It was not S.H.I.E.L.D. who accepted control of the aerospace carrier. When Nick Fury was forced to hand over command of the aerospace carrier, he completely withdrew S.H.I.E.L.D.'s personnel from here.

The person in charge here now is the commander of the U.S. Delta Force, and the reason why this seems to be a bit of a professional disagreement is because the officers who are professional counterparts are on Stryker's side.

Empty, empty, empty, empty~~~~

The huge Chambro extended the pair of vibration generators from both sides. At the same time, they began to lower their altitude and began to adjust the amplitude fluctuations as they approached the mantle.

The F35 fighter jet known as Seagull 3 took off from the deck, carrying miniature nuclear bombs and threw them at the three huge Chambros.

The performance of these mobile fortresses in South Africa is obvious to all. Faced with such terrifying weapons, they must also lift all false shackles.

However, before the several F35 fighter jets arrived at the scheduled release site, three huge energy particle cannons extending from the center of Chambros began to converge their energy.

Only this time, they were not emitting huge amounts of energy in one go, but the countless vibranium mirrors extending inside were scattering in the air in crazy deflections!

In an instant, the dazzling light lingering on the retina instantly enveloped the entire sky. The network weaved represented the death that filled the sky!

The F35 fell straight to the ground, and the moment of destruction did not even give the driver a chance to think.

The black hawk fell to the ground, and the miniature nuclear bomb exploded the moment it fell. The turbulent day enveloped the outside of Washington, D.C., and the citizens curiously and ignorantly pointed at the dazzling sun rising from the west.

At this moment, the Second Fleet, which finally arrived, aimed its guns at the huge Chambro. Humanity's most deadly weapon that symbolizes national strength so far aimed its huge naval guns at this place.

Carpet blow, no mercy!

The bombardment that had adjusted all the parameters made a roaring sound. Those huge armor-piercing shells hit the vibranium surface of Chambro, but they exploded directly on the surface armor coated with vibranium that was inhumane in the trench. The shells were like eggs hitting the steel plate.

Even the powerful impact became his ammunition.

The onslaught troops on the ground kept tilting their firepower towards Chambros. However, those kinetic energy weapons based on gunpowder were inherently only used as energy producers for vibration wave generators.

The vibration wave generators located on both sides of Shambro slowly unfolded, and within them, turbulent vibration waves were constantly brewing.

"No, stop!!!" Steve roared at the top of his lungs as he witnessed everything, but he could only watch blankly here.

This time was not the time of World War II where he could use his own hands and feet to organize the Red Skull to bomb New York.

This is a war, not a terrorist attack, and war is never so innocent that a few individuals can change the reality.

The completed vibration wave generator emitted a large number of vibration waves of a specific frequency toward the lower part of Washington. Immediately, the feedback earth's crust began to resonate at the same frequency, and the direct result was that the entire Washington area trembled!

The commander of the ground forces was at a loss, his eyes full of fear. The military education he had received and the classic cases he had read had never mentioned how to respond if the enemy launched an earthquake during the war.

But he only knew that the weapon was terrible, and that the weapon that destroyed several cities in South Africa in an instant must be stopped.

"Fire! Fire! Fire with full force!!!"

At this moment, both he, the commander of the ground forces, and the navy of the fleet were frantically ordering his men to direct all their firepower towards Chambro!

But their weapons still can't escape the basics of a gunpowder kinetic energy weapon.

The special structure of vibranium is destined that this kinetic energy weapon cannot destroy the molecular structure and turn it into a static product, and those tremors will only become a more powerful energy source for the vibration wave generator!

As expected, with their bombardment, the speed of the vibration wave generator suddenly increased, and the same-frequency resonance of the earth's crust suddenly accelerated!

The sky and the earth shattered, mountains and rocks shattered, and the whole of Washington trembled under the terrible natural disaster, and the earth trembled like a wail.

The powerful people hiding in the safe basement were trembling, but even the safe basement that could withstand nuclear bombs did not seem so safe amidst the turning of the earth.

I don’t know how many hard basements have turned into cricket cages for children to play with in the crazy trembling earth, screaming under the trembling of subversion and being buried under the earth and rocks.

The huge Capitol Hill collapsed during the collapse, and the statue of freedom collapsed with the destruction of the huge white palace. Under the wilderness that symbolized the world's most authoritarian power, the cracks spread and swallowed everything.

The people at the pinnacle of power in this country were ruined in this way.

The symbol of the country, the leader of the country, everything this country considers its mind can be turned upside down so easily.

Like a fragile building made of building blocks, it will fall down when pushed.

With his joints removed, Steve panted like a trapped animal and was buried under countless rocks. The injuries of suffocation and compression deprived him of his life.

What was even more deprived of him was the collapse of the country, which he regarded as the most important thing.

You provoked the war, so we ushered in the war. The Third World War is about to begin, and this time, everything you regard as solemn will be buried in history.

And you are just a soldier.

You used to be just a third-rate clown who wore tight clothes on stage to please the audience, and now you are still just a third-rate clown who pleases the audience.

What do you count? Super soldiers, made of flesh and blood, believe in justice and freedom, but are powerless to change everything.

Steve's breathing gradually stopped, and in his eyes, a scarlet color gradually replaced everything.

Tyranny, indifference, cruelty, that aloof look is not and should not be what Captain America should have.

Yeah, he's not Captain America either.

At this moment, at the moment when his heart almost died, something parasitic in Steve's heart usurped his mind and took over his will without hesitation.

The huge, heavy rubble that was weighing on him was easily lifted by him. The body under the Stars and Stripes uniform suddenly expanded, making the specialized battle suit from SHIELD become tight.

Captain America cannot save the country, and the innocent boy can only be the protagonist of an ideal fairy tale.

In this cruel and cold reality, only a despicable person like him can be the key to saving everything.

As if to reflect this change, his uniform suddenly changed.

The original Star-Spangled Banner-like posture was distorted, forming a huge U on the chest, a dark uniform, and a scarlet cloak flying behind it.

strength! Never-ending power! As the mighty power of the focused star's light converges in every cell of his body, the hidden and stored power is completely released at this moment!

Steve Rogers has always been a soldier fighting for America.

It's just that Captain America fights for true freedom, and he fights for his motherland.

He is not something as shallow as the captain of Hydra, and obviously as a native of Earth, he cannot call himself Superman, so if I have to say, the nickname he should be given is actually——

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