Thanos and his Dark Order are a terrifying evil force that spans the universe. The Dark Order's star-like legion is accompanied by the space pirates Chitauri who are at the forefront, and the terrifying Mad Titan.

Everywhere they go to a planet with life, they will wipe out half of the local life. The Mad Titan's behavior has no logic at all, or the only logic he follows is his almost nonsense 'balance theory'

This crazy and paranoid idea is the reason why countless people fear him, but the one who supports this fear is undoubtedly Thanos's terrifying army.

There are only a handful of cosmic forces in the universe that can compete with Thanos's legion. Even the few who can defeat him will never be willing to provoke this madman.

Countless people in the universe are afraid of Thanos, lest he and his dark cult come to their planet at the next moment to carry out this unreasonable massacre.

As the adopted daughter of Thanos, Gamora, who has fought alongside Thanos countless times, has no right to claim innocence.

"Right and wrong in this world cannot be cleared away by saying 'I was forced'. Even if she really turns against Thanos and Ronan, can her fault be forgiven?"

Sloth gave the still Gamora a strange smile, then laughed at Star-Lord and said

"Quil! Tell me what were you thinking when you rescued Gamora?"

Star-Lord didn't speak, but he didn't think silence could hide what he was thinking.

"Yes, you are just lustful." Lazy said maliciously

"You want to have sex with this green-skinned girl, right? You're still telling yourself in your heart that it's for profit and money, but both of them are bad enough, interstellar prodigal."

"What justice are you talking to me about! I was raised by predators!"

"Yes, you grew up with a group of space pirates. Of course you are not a righteous partner, but you can't do anything that has no limit." Lazy shrugged.

"You are a character walking in the gray area, but it is a pity that Gamora is pure black. It's not that you don't understand that you just pretend not to care. You use your lower body thinking and self-righteous love to destroy your little Moral values ​​suppressed.”

"Oh no, maybe I overestimated you. People like you are easily controlled by the hormones secreted in the brain - idiot, that's the only way to describe you."

"Hey, shut up!"

Star-Lord punched him in anger, but stopped strangely the moment he punched.

"Aren't you curious why you are the only one who can see me?" Lazy put his finger in front of Star-Lord's fist and smiled.

"Because you are special, Quill. You have the most unique bloodline in the world. You are a miracle of the universe!"

"Although your brain doesn't quite match this bloodline, well... your father has many children, but those children are just ordinary beings born after the mother's DNA has been disturbed and modified. Only you are the one who truly combines the universe. A product of the blood of gods and mortals.”

"I think the biggest reason for this is that humans are born from the corpses of the gods of the universe... Heh, the maggots on the corpses are of the same species as humans? It's quite interesting."

"What on earth do you want to say?" Star-Lord retracted his fist and growled.

"What do you know!"

"You can go back and ask your adoptive father why he wanted to capture you. A group of predators traveled thousands of miles to rob a child in the countryside of a remote solar system? Don't you think this kind of behavior really goes against the most basic principles of business? ?”

Sloth curled his fingers, and suddenly there was a flying Yakka Whistle Arrow in front of him. Star-Lord held his breath for a moment, because this was the 'fin' of his adoptive father Yondu.

"You will have a grand adventure, but before that you must escape from here. Do you really think that raccoon's plan will succeed?" Lazy raised his eyebrows playfully.

Of course - it's impossible to succeed.

Although Quill considers himself a guy who does things without thinking, it is obvious that the Rockets are even more brainless than him, or that his brain is completely crooked.

Rocket did make an escape plan. The specific content was to steal the armband, remove the battery, get a prosthetic leg, and then grab a spaceship to escape.

The plan is as simple as stuffing an elephant into a refrigerator.

To be honest, their success was due to the good luck of the protagonist. A group of short-circuited idiots completed the impossible escape. Apart from their personal strength, they were really lucky.

But if they do this this time, they will definitely not be able to escape.

"I guarantee you, if you really follow that raccoon's plan, you will not be able to escape - this prison is no longer the same, and some interesting guards were introduced to this prison a few days ago."

Lazy smiled and threw a pair of black glasses to Star-Lord.

"So if you really want to escape from prison, you can wear these glasses. I can guarantee that you can escape. Of course, you can throw him away, so that I can see if Egg's child is real. Have the gift of 'good luck'."

"Wait a moment!"

Star-Lord wanted to stop Lazy, but he only saw Gamora's strange eyes. Star-Lord said no more, but the glasses in his hand told him that this was not an illusion.

He really cared about Mu Feng's words, especially the two most crucial words. That word was unfamiliar to him, but he cared about it very much.


87.The nature of laziness

The Guardians of the Galaxy aren't really a superhero group.

Although this group of people are under the banner of interstellar superheroes, to be honest, no one in this team is a fuel-efficient lamp.

Needless to say, Gamora is the executioner of Ronan and Thanos. From how many people in Qiong High Prison want to kill her, it is not difficult to see how unclean her hands are.

Rocket Raccoon, this guy is an out-of-control and crazy robot who used genetic engineering to transform a pet raccoon in a lunatic asylum called "Half World". In his early years, he was an out-and-out thief when he traveled across the galaxy. He has committed many crimes. How many major cases.

Drax the Destroyer is very interesting in the comics, but in the movie, he is a veteran whose wife and children were killed by Ronan. His strength is average, but he was caught in Qian High Prison and it seems that this guy's hands are not very clean.

Star-Lord, needless to say, this is just like Nuonuo, who is a fool controlled by hormones secreted by his lower body and brain. He is the one who is comparable to mortals in the body of a god.

As for Groot... all you need to know is that on the planet where Groot was born, there were only creatures called Groot called the Flower God Colossus.

It can be said that these guys are a group of all villains, but the banner they use and the things they do are not compatible with superheroes.

This is a more suitable name for a group of bounty hunters who wander in the gray area.

As creative objects full of the decadent punk style and non-mainstream comedy style of the American era, these guys are also full of the off-line sense of American humor.

For example, now, they messed up the plan according to Rocket's plan to escape.

The Chini battery, which was supposed to be pulled down at the end to cut off the power, was pulled down by Groot in advance, and all the guards rushed in amidst the frantic sirens.

Gamora, the only reliable one, immediately went to find out the whereabouts of the armband, while Star-Lord had to get a useless mechanical prosthetic leg at this time.

The mentally ill Destroyer, the raccoon and Groot who picked up their weapons began to kill randomly. The specific situation was to go up and beat up whoever felt uncomfortable.

What kind of elite group is this? It's just a mob!

But maybe they really were lucky enough to carve out a bloody path for them like this.

Taking advantage of the chaos, they fought their way to the observation tower and were about to jump off the ship and run away. In an instant, the entire prison suddenly lost power.

"Damn it! Fuck the Xandarians of the Nova Corps!"

The furious Rocket kicked the motionless door in front of him crazily and roared. This was the only place for them to escape. If they waited a little longer, Xandar would come to arrest them.

But Star-Lord felt his heart sink suddenly.

He suddenly remembered what Sloth had said to him.

He touched the glasses in his arms, and after thinking about it again and again, he took them up.

There are no special changes.

Except that the perspective in front of him became blurry - this was simply because he wore glasses with different prescriptions on his healthy eyes.

Just when Star-Lord thought he was being teased, there were sudden bursts of screams from the other side of the prison.

The prison's backup power supply was suddenly activated, but the entire space was dyed an unsettling blood red.

The door to the observatory was still closed, and after the power was forcibly cut off and restarted, a new guard's armband was required before it could be reopened.

"Damn, it's really troublesome - fight back!"

Without saying a word, Rocket picked up his gun and prepared to fight back. Groot and Drax followed closely behind. Gamora glanced at Star-Lord and followed suit.

Only Star-Lord always carries a deep sense of unease in his heart. But he still gritted his teeth and followed.

When they returned to the prison, it was already a purgatory!

Star-Lord and his party, who returned to the prison, looked at the scene in front of them in shock. The prisoners and prison guards were screaming and shooting at the empty place. Then, they all died in various ways.

Tear to pieces, behead, poison, devour, crush, burn to death, drown...

The scene here is as miserable as a massacre of the century. Every prison guard and prisoner uses their lives to show how many ways life can die!

"This this……"

"This way you can escape smoothly, right?" Lazy smiled happily and lazily at Star-Lord.

"You did all this?!" Star-Lord turned his head and said loudly

"Why are you so angry? From the moment you broke out of prison, you no longer have the right to question me." Lazy shrugged and smiled playfully.

"You said one thing wrong. It was not me who killed them, but you."

As he spoke, he pointed at the parts of his glasses and smiled maliciously.

"What kind of glasses do you think they are? A mind controller? Or some high-tech prop? No, they are just ordinary glasses with different powers."

"This is a very boring containment object created by me. Its only function is to make the wearer unable to see clearly, and then to make a certain number of random people nearby have the same vision as the wearer."

"Yes, Quill, they just saw what you should see."

When Star-Lord heard this, he took off his glasses suddenly, but what he saw shocked him.

The monster like khaki concrete kept flashing in every corner of the prison and accurately broke the necks of those who blinked at him.

Doctors wearing crow masks and black costumes turn the dead into zombies one by one.

Disturbing clown shows are playing on the TV, with people watching them frantically attacking those around them with weapons.

And, there are many, many more...

There are noodle men with elongated bodies like shadows, giant monsters with siren-like heads, twisted and shapeless black objects that look like mud, and countless other creatures that seem to come out of a nightmare.

Suffering such a huge psychological impact, Star-Lord fell directly to the ground.

"Yes, these monsters exist, but they don't exist." Lazy said softly with the glasses in his other hands.

"Do you remember what I told you about the nature of my existence?"

"I am a meme, a message, an amorphous quantum ghost. I exist but do not exist. I am in an uncertain superposition of life and death. The only reason for my existence is that I can accurately observe my Own."

"You know what a meme is? Simply put, those TV shows you watch, those jokes you remember, those videos you spread — they are memes in disguise."

"It is the basic unit of information dissemination and a conductive thing that exists in the mind. It spreads to ten, ten to hundreds, and hundreds to thousands! It is the most terrifying virus in the world."

Lazy put the glasses on his face, pushed up the frames and smiled.

"But what's interesting is that my meme of self-observation of my own existence is a state of immortality but dying every moment! When I spread my own existence, they have different perceptions of me. They kill and resurrect me countless times every second! But my thinking will not change during this process, because I can constantly observe my existence from another angle!"

"As they get to know me, I can use the power of memes to interfere with reality - I don't need to go through the subspace, and I can't use that ability here. In this case, from the recognition of all things Just know how to do it."

"The hallucinations they saw were born from the understanding of 'cognition' by memes in their minds. As observers, once they start observing memes, these things can interfere in reality. Only It only takes a trivial inducement for them to observe me due to 'fear' or other emotions, and they will see those products that only exist in the void of fear."

"Quil, they saw the truth clearly, but they died in madness in the end!"

Star-Lord felt his hands and feet were extremely cold. He looked sharply at his friends, but they were safe and sound.

"Quil, this is a favor bought for you. I don't intend to kill your partner - no, I don't intend to kill anyone."

Lazy's smile is very enthusiastic, but at this moment, the enthusiastic smile can only make people feel a huge cold feeling spreading from the back.

"What killed them was their self-righteous knowledge... But you don't care about all this, do you? These people who died here, whether they are prisoners or prison guards, do you really care?"

"Fuck!!! I got the armband, run, run, run, run!!!"

The sharp-eyed Rocket was the first to find the intact armband among the pile of minced meat. The fearless Rocket Raccoon screamed and grabbed the armband and ran away. At this moment, Star-Lord didn't care what others thought. growled at laziness

"Whoever you are, stop following me!"

"It's not that I follow you, but that you always follow me." Lazy smiled.

"Didn't I say it? I don't have any real physical form, I am a meme generated by cognition. You can see me not only because you are 'special', but also because in your memory I existed."

"When and where have you seen me and heard my message? The cognition that exists in your memory cells and even your soul gives you the basis for observing me. Also, don't Yelling, this is... very rude."

Lazy clapped his hands, and the various monsters that seemed to come out of the deepest nightmare suddenly stopped moving and looked at Star-Lord with faint eyes.

"Quil, I need a representative in the material world." Sloth smiled.

"Although I can almost be said to be 'omnipotent' in a sense now, I still lack a reliable enough agent in the material world. You will be very suitable for this role to complete my purpose, after all... …I don’t want to be part of an endless civil war of eternal chaos.”

"why me?!"

"I told you, you are special."

Sloth smiled very kindly, and even his appearance turned into the face that Star-Lord is closest to but whose memory has been blurred.

"Your mother... is very charming, even able to make a newborn but aloof cosmic god fall in love with her. Although this also led to his death and your capture - but no matter what, Quill , you are a miracle in the universe."

What is completely different from the comics is that Star-Lord's father has become the living planet Ego, and Ego, who was originally just a scientist who fused planetary creations in the comics, has also become a nascent cosmic god group in the movie universe!

There is a huge difference between the two. The existence of the Cosmic God Group is much higher than that of a living planet. They are great beings who have truly come into contact with the secrets of the eternity and origin of the universe.

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