This gorgeous light belt is entirely composed of countless nano-mechanical bugs. These nano-bugs are spreading towards the entire city in accordance with the orders and instructions of the collective's highest AI.

The first person to touch this strip of light is officially the ‘Iron Lady’ at Steve’s feet.

The moment the 324-meter-tall Eiffel Tower comes into contact with this light band, it becomes invisible in an instant, as if performing a disappearing magic trick.

Steve's body also had abnormalities when it came into contact with the light belt, but it was quickly 'skipped' by the densely packed nanobugs.

The entire Eiffel Tower disappeared in just the blink of an eye.

The gorgeous light strip gently stroked, like a painting that had been erased by an eraser, erasing the scene here from the screen.

Finally, someone discovered something was wrong. They pointed at the light strip in the sky and opened their mouths, watching the Montparnasse Tower melt into nothingness under the touch of the light strip.

Screaming out, chaos spread, but what followed was an 'erasure' of reality.

One after another, the man-made buildings disappeared instantly and became invisible after being touched by the light belt, as if there was an invisible beast in the void that opened its bloody mouth and swallowed them all.

The civilization that mankind has worked so hard to build is like a carefully completed picture facing an eraser under this light band. With tens of thousands of times of effort, just a tiny bit can be destroyed and made invisible.

"Nano Insect Disaster·Moonlight Butterfly."

Mu Feng whispered the name of the weapon

A weapon with the primary purpose of completely annihilating human civilization, the expanding and eroding nanoworm swarm will devour all man-made objects by itself, and then continue to divide, further expanding the territory of the ghouls.

However, after being rewritten by Mu Feng, the nanopest plague no longer has the ability to expand infinitely. The moonlight butterflies under the control of the group gestalt AI will self-regulate the number of divisions, which not only improves controllability, but also further increases its devastation.

After the devouring is completed, the nanopest plague that contains too much mass will start the self-destruction process.

In other words, the mass and energy in the body that obviously exceeds its own capacity are released in another form...

boom! ! ! ! !

The raging fire wave swept across the entire Paris like a light of divine punishment. The light belt wiped out all the buildings in Paris. Then the energy released by the self-destructing nanoworms formed a high-heat shock fire wave that turned all carbon-based life into ashes. .

"So, are you satisfied, Mr. President?" Mu Feng looked at Paris, which had turned into a white field, and smiled playfully at Steve.

"Don't worry, this weapon will be added to the Wakanda Convention soon. If you are interested, rush to Berlin now, and you may have a chance to appreciate the brilliance of the celestial storm~"

Steve didn't speak, just rolled up his cloak and flew away. Mu Feng saw that the ruins of the city had been completely wiped off the map, and slowly shook his head.

"If we fall behind... we will perish."

91. Plot twist and collapse

The plot of the Marvel Cinematic Universe has been completely destroyed by Mu Feng.

The plot of Avengers 1 that was supposed to take place after Iron Man 2 has completely disappeared. After all, the Cosmic Cube has been taken away by Mu Feng, and they have no way of opening the portal to send Loki and the Chitauri.

After that, all the plots that happened on the timeline collapsed.

Under the influence of Mu Feng, Killian and his pioneering technology became accomplices of the US regime, and the Extremis virus became a part of the US plan to transform soldiers. Under the coercion of the powerful people of the motherland, even if Killian wanted to attack Tony, he would not have the courage to offend a superman.

The plot of Iron Man 3 is broken from the ground up.

The plot of Captain America 2 is even more impossible to talk about.

Under Mu Feng's control, Captain America has been officially promoted to a citizen of the motherland. Steve, who has been transformed, alienated and subverted by the hybrid Kryptonian, has completely become the dictator of the United States.

Together with Stryker, Hydra completely surrendered to him, and the consortium also crawled at his feet, becoming a veritable dictatorial president, eliminating all possible voices of resistance in the system, and becoming an absolute ruler.

The plot of Ant-Man is even simpler. If even Pim Hank is officially recruited, how can there be a chance for Scott's standard American down-and-out protagonist to appear?

Guardians of the Galaxy, of course, needless to say, has been completely crooked since Ego was invaded by Sataras.

As for Doctor Strange, Strange did not encounter a car accident at all under Mu Feng's slight interference. With the Ancient One still trapped in the dream of the cycle with the gods, the Legend of the Supreme Mage will not be able to come out for a while. .

Then Black Panther's words are undoubtedly the biggest result of Mu Feng's rewriting.

Under the guidance of many parties, Wakanda is no longer the hidden small super technological country, but is now the veritable king of Africa.

Wakanda, which occupied all of Africa, opened a new era. Eric relied on the nanobug technology reconstruction device given to him by Mu Feng to start a massive military expansion operation.

Under the reconstruction of the nanobug technology device, a mine and resource collection device are spread across the vast African continent. These lazy black people wantonly sell mineral resources at cabbage prices, which are perfectly utilized by AI-controlled machines.

Countless machine hunters, weapons, and strategic weapons are continuously produced on the assembly line, and under the control of a large-scale AI, they compete with the Allied Powers led by the United States.

As the intensity of the war progresses, the technological levels set by Mu Feng on Pandora's Box are also constantly unlocked. After unlocking the conditions for heavy nuclear fusion, Wakanda has no shortage of resources.

As for the allies on the US side, under constant pressure from the battlefield and with Mu Feng's 'help', their technical level has also soared like a rocket.

To put it bluntly, the current technical level of both sides can beat themselves about twenty times at the same time.

War is indeed the first catalyst for technology.

Wakanda still controls all of Africa, but the war has destroyed almost all of the South African plateau in the Cape of Good Hope region. Hundreds of mountains were leveled, grasslands were burned, and animals that were expelled and killed under heavy industrial production died in large numbers.

Probably hundreds of species of creatures are becoming extinct in Africa every day.

The Allies occupied the forward base of Madagascar, but at the same time, the three capitals of Britain, France, and Germany that joined the Allies were once again attacked mercilessly by Eric.

The vacuum implosion bomb turned the rebuilt London into a pile of garbage, the celestial storm turned Berlin into a water city, and Paris was simply turned into a white field by the nano bug plague.

Of course, the above weapons were tacitly included in the Wakanda Treaty after being used once.

The United States' retaliation was also very fierce. Although the nuclear bombs were restricted, with the technical support provided by Mufeng, synchronous orbital space-based weapon technology, high-concentration magnesium incinerator, MS manufacturing technology, genetic weapons, etc., All of which allowed the United States to forcefully hold on in front of Wakanda's unreasonable pursuit of technological trees.

The tug-of-war between the two sides is still going on. Wakanda still controls Africa, but the United States relies on the Madagascar base and the Battle of the Cape of Good Hope to lock Wakanda's pace.

The war only lasted eleven months, and the damage caused was more than ten times the scale of World War II.

Under the control of Mu Feng and the connivance and manipulation of Hydra and the Motherland, several countries that joined the Allied Powers are now gradually dependent on the United States, and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization has become completely dependent on the United States.

But not all countries have joined NATO.

Asian countries, led by China and a large number of neighboring countries in East Asia, did not join NATO, but chose independence in this war.

After all, Mu Feng very 'coincidently' leaked some technological products to China and Russia, including but not limited to several SCV base vehicles with complete technological trees, heavy nuclear fusion production technology, and optimized adjuster technology. Even the Star Marine transformation surgery that removed some subspace technologies was modified, and these technologies were awarded simultaneously on the second day when the United States and Wakanda went to war.

Mu Feng didn't know what the Chinese regime in the Marvel world thought of it, but in fact he didn't need to worry so much about them. But there is no doubt that his approach made the already chaotic situation even more chaotic.

With the 'gifts' of these technologies, the Chinese regime quickly launched the 'Wenqu Transformation Project', which included scientific research and technical personnel to enhance biological transformation, to transform the 'Kuafu Project' to adapt to heavy biological armor, and was in the process of mastering heavy nuclear weapons. After fusion technology completely achieved energy freedom, it launched plans for alien colonization technology and artificial satellite construction. In the process, it provided Mufeng with considerable technological expansion samples.

The Russian side began to devote all its efforts to the production of the SCV in the base vehicle at all costs. Tesla energy factories were built one after another. The Russians absorbed seawater to refine tritium elements to complete the production. In response to the demand for energy supply, the SCV base controlled by the highest artificial intelligence 'Yuri' attached to the base vehicle finally produced a torrent of steel that far exceeded that of the past and swept across the Eurasian continent.

Relying on the rapid rise of super military strength and the sudden explosion of technological products, Russia quickly conquered or won over a large number of surrounding countries. Apocalypse tanks, magnetic blast infantry, radiation engineers, terrorist robots, magnetic blast tanks, and fearless battleships are like dumplings. Generally produced in automatic production lines, this country that has been silent for decades seems to have returned to the time fifty years ago.

Of course, in order to deal with the disobedient oligarchs and public intellectuals, Mu Feng gave a little help to the emperor who ruled Russia. It’s nothing, just using the STEM system to clean out the bugs and troubles inside the official website.

China has also relied on absolute energy freedom and high-quality talents produced like factory assembly lines to build a Eurasian alliance. It will not participate in the war between Wakanda and the United States and concentrate on space development projects.

Due to the alliance between China and Russia and their sudden burst of technological strength, even though NATO was dissatisfied and ready to take action, it could only choose to turn a blind eye.

Today's Earth is under the control of Mu Feng, a black hand. In less than a year, the overall technological level of the Earth in the Marvel Cinematic Universe has been improved.

Doesn't anyone know that he is doing all this secretly?

Of course, anyone who is not stupid knows who is behind all this.

The company has now perfectly replaced and even surpassed the peak of Stark Industries to become the world's largest arms dealer. To accept this favor, there is an endless stream of orders from both the Eurasian Union and the United States, and China's technology Those who ascended to the upper levels generally knew what was going on.

But for the United States, this is just a matter of the eldest brother not talking about the second brother. Most of their technological leaps came from Mu Feng.

With Tony Stark still unable to restrain his empathy, there is no way to compete with Mu Feng with the likes of Osborn and Killian.

Everyone knew that the technology given by Mufeng was a kind of poison that could quench thirst, but if they didn't swallow it, Wakanda would have to throw doomsday weapons over their heads the next day.

And standing behind Hydra is Mu Feng. Even Steve, a native of the motherland, clearly understands that once Mu Feng is separated, the failure of the United States is close at hand.

When they chose to use the advanced technology of this guy of unknown origin, this sweet speed changed along their bodies and entered their bone marrow. Taking away the toxins will also kill them.

The leader of Hydra is Steve, a native of the motherland, but the BOSS behind the scenes is Mu Feng and Zhangshi Technology. The Hydra snakeheads headed by Jin Bin are Mu Feng's undoubted die-hard supporters. And unless Mu Feng's body is assassinated, all this cycle will never end.

But this is obviously impossible, just as impossible as those stubborn plutocrats trying to assassinate Steve and seize power. It will only lead to the most brutal bloody purge.

Mu Feng once again won himself the title of the world's number one death merchant.

However, these are just farces for prologue fun.

Even the war that engulfed the world was nothing more than that, just preparations to open the real curtain.

“Only after I became a manager did I realize that it is true that you can do something but keep your mouth shut.”

Mufeng smiled and placed a chess piece on it, playing with the taste.

"It's time for the rats to come out too."

92. Struggle in reincarnation

"This crazy plot has mutated into Gundam and Red Alert!"

Qu Yan, who was holding a parasol, looked at Wakanda today and complained.

Today's Wakanda is completely inconsistent with the natural landscape of the past. The entire beautiful mountains and waters are almost completely covered by mechanization. Cold metal has replaced all the green vegetation that can be seen. There are cold machines everywhere.

The flat land was dug into deep pits one after another. Countless ore resources were intercepted from the almost hollowed out land by mechanically controlled ore trucks. Even the soil was not spared and transported to everywhere. resource allocation department.

Then there, the killing machines on the assembly line were automatically produced one after another, and then assigned to their own battlefields.

All this gives people a weird sci-fi feeling like "Blade Runner", and also gives people a dizzy feeling like the doomsday scene in the Terminator.

However, all of this happened right under the noses of the reincarnation members of the Tianyuan Team.

Although I understand that war promotes human evolution, in just one year, a group of high-tech barbarians turned into Skynet, which is as weird as it sounds.

Moreover, the development of the plot in the United States is only a colony of heaven. If the Wakanda humans are compared to the adjusters and the inhabitants of the universe, then it is a Gundam script!

Then China and Russia are completely following the red alert route. Qu Yan can guarantee that the mastermind behind all this must have played with these two things.

"Not only that, Captain America has become a native of the motherland, Tony Stark is almost on the Gundam, Thor is still missing, and judging from the fact that the Chitauri haven't invaded yet, the Space Stone has probably been taken away."

Lu Lin frowned and said

"However, our mission is still stuck in the first step..." Li Yiyao said quietly, huddled in the corner.

"Stop complaining. Captain needs to retreat for a certain period of time to adapt to the laws of heaven in the Marvel Universe. We also need time to make all preparations. This world is too dangerous, and we must be fully prepared!"

Song Yu pushed up his glasses and said seriously

"But if this continues, I'm afraid we won't be able to defeat these people!" Qu Yan complained.

"Vacuum implosion bombs, celestial storms, nano-pest plagues, space-based weapons, the war between these guys has risen to nearly an eight-star scale!"

Although they are a nine-star team, it does not mean that they are not willing to use eight-star weapons at all.

No matter how powerful a martial arts master is, he will die if he is shot in the head. The star rating of Samsara is not a game. It does not mean that after you go up a level, low-level ones will not be able to break through the defense.

Many times these things depend on the nature of the situation, and upgrading an enhancement to its peak may not necessarily make you an all-around strong person with no blind spots.

In the final analysis, reincarnations like them are just survivors who are struggling to survive under the urging of the Lord God. There are really too few people who pursue perfection.

"Then get ready to take action!"

At this moment, the aura soaring into the sky seemed to scatter the realm of Tianzang formed by Lu Lin's gold training. Linquan, dressed in green clothes, calmly blasted out of the void, his face full of domineering and indifferent

"What the heck is being timid! No matter life, no matter death, come from chaos and go from chaos!"

After that, Linquan punched open the Tianzang boundary that separated space and existence. In an instant, his figure crossed thousands of mountains and rivers and reached Eric!

Eric looked at the guy who suddenly came to kill him in astonishment, and then his expression became indifferent.

"So you are the ones here to kill me?"

Eric didn't make any struggle or resistance. He knew that he would not be the opponent of these people.

"These are your last words."

Linquan flicked his finger with an expressionless face, and the turbulent air waves seemed to collapse the space, causing ripples in the space, approaching Eric with the power to tear apart mountains and rivers.

However, the power that could easily destroy planets with a snap of a finger after reaching the realm of true martial arts 'disappeared' the moment it appeared.

"Hey, I've waited so long for you rats to take the bait."

Mufeng calmly stepped out of the illusory space, looked at Linquan and the reincarnations behind him, and smiled.

"Hey, how are you? Reincarnators from the main god's space? My poor colleagues."

These reincarnations are still very pitiful. They have managed to end up with such a superior. According to the standards that even temporary workers find harsh, they are completely used as cheap cannon fodder.

Although they were colleagues in theory, Mu Feng was more than one level above them in terms of salary and company status at the beginning.

Needless to say about his treatment, Mu Feng was exploited badly, but compared to any level of reincarnation, his treatment was quite satisfactory.

But what should I say? As for reincarnators... there is definitely no guilt in killing them.

Just as Mu Feng knew that he was a real villain, none of them who worked for the black-hearted company deserved death.

"Are you the mastermind behind all these changes?" Linquan looked at Mufeng proudly and coldly, and sneered.

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